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As warm-season crops that are vulnerable to high humidity and rain, tomatoes are

a seasonal crop that needs special care. Recent changes in climatic patterns, including

patterns of air temperature, timing and amount of rainfall, and the related extreme events,

have harmed and disrupted life.

Distance to the nearest market, access to extension services, access to price

information, trust commitment, transaction-specific investment, desires for

diversification, farm size, transactional uncertainty, and access to producer's cooperatives

are all important factors in Bangladesh. Assimilation of governance indicators by

established traders is being tested. According to the report, all stakeholders' coordination

mechanisms should be strengthened, and smallholder farmers need to be well organized.

Sharma, et al., 2022).

Additionally, tomatoes are susceptible to a number of insects and diseases in the

Philippines, which poses production challenges similar to those faced by most

Solanaceous crops. Ants, army worms, nematodes, bacterial wilt, viruses, and other

persistent pests are some of its more prevalent problems (Desiree M. Hautea & George

W. Norton, 2012).

Vegetable producers in Marilog area, on the other hand, typically only have modest land

holdings. It is challenging for smallholder farmers to fulfill the high volume requirements

set by institutional purchasers and wholesalers due to this as well as an apparent lack of

financial capacity. Smallholder farmers are at a severe disadvantage when it comes to

organizing transportation and selling because of the low volume and wide variety in

quality of their crops (Lamban et al., 2020).

The limitations of the tomato have previously been the subject of numerous

investigations. However, there aren't many studies that use a phenomenological method

with a qualitative research design. So I feel compelled to carry out this survey to close the

gap in the literature and learn the true feelings of tomato farmers.

Purpose of the study

The study aims to identify the constraints of tomato farmers. These main

objectives lead to the hypothesis of the study which can be formulated. The confirmation

of this hypothesis should be done through research and investigation.

Research Questions

The phenomenological analysis aims to analyze and comprehend the constraints

of tomato farmers.

In particular, it will attempt to answer the following:

What are the challenges faced by the tomato farmers?

How the obstacle were overcome?


Theoretical Lens

This study was anchored to the Understanding the Theory of Constraints Boogaard,

(2022). It is a methodology for locating the most significant constraint (i.e., limiting

factor) that prevents the accomplishment of a goal and for gradually removing that

constraint from the equation. All farmers ultimately want to turn a profit, but since every

process has limitations, the quickest way to boost profitability is to concentrate on and

identify any shortcomings.

Significance of the study

The study is intended to be of practical value to insurance providers and other

interested parties, particularly tomato farmers, who are concerned about enhancing the

socioeconomic well-being of both men and women. This study may also serve as a wake-

up call for tomato farmers, motivating them to look for better methods not just for

themselves now, but also for farmers in the future. This might serve as motivation for

those students to work harder in school, especially in agriculture, in order to become

successful agriculturalists and extensionists. Additionally, this would enable government

agencies and non-governmental organizations to assist farmers with assistance and

intervention for barriers, such as financial or free educational support.

Limitation and Delimitation of the Study


This study focused on the constraints of tomato farmers that planted one thousand

plants and above at Gambodes, Arakan, Cotabato. This includes the content from

authorized people to be able to maintain good relationship between the researcher and the


Operational Definition of terms

The following words are operationally defined operationally and how the words are used

in the study:

Constraints = the main technical problem of a farmer faced by the farmers.

Tomato farmer = a farmer who grows and cultivates tomato.

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