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What is AJAX?
- AJAX stands for 'Asynchronous JavaScript And Xml'.
- It is a technique of exchanging data between client and server,
asynchronously (in background).

When AJAX was born?

- In 2006

What is the user-experience with AJAX:

- If AJAX is used in the page, browser internally in background send an
'asynchronous request' to the server and get response asynchronously.
- User will not feel that the page is refreshing / re-loading

What is the advantage of AJAX?

- User experience will be improved a lot.
- Less burden on the internet connections, server and client, as we exchange
light-weight data (the data which needs to be sent or received only will be

What is jQuery AJAX?

- jQuery (a popular java script library) has necessary methods (functions) to
implement AJAX in the page.
- To work with this, you need to just import "jquery core script file" (Ex:
jquery-1.9.1.min.js"). No extra files required.


Syntax of jQuery AJAX:

url: "server url here",
type: "GET/POST", //type of request
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", //content type
sent to server
dataType: "json", //Expected data format from server
success: ServiceSucceeded, //On Success
error: ServiceFailed // On exception

function ServiceSucceeded (response)

//do something with response here

function ServiceFailed(xhr)

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