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LONGSUFFERING PRAYER THANKSGIVING REJOICING ANGER RESENTMENT IMPATIENCE STRIFE RETALIATION FRUSTRATION WRATH INDIGNATION RESTLESSNESS VIOLENCE ‘ACCUSATION INTOLERANCE PATIENCE 23 —— CHAPTER TWO: LONG-SUFFERING Long-suffering Defined The Greek word translated “long-suffering” in the King James version can also be translated as “patience”, “perseverance”, or “endurance” in other versions. “Endurance” is probably the best word to convey the true meaning, _, _Long-suffering is bearing injuries or provocation for a long period. It is being patient with others, and not easily provoked by their actions or inactivity. The Purpose of Long-suffering A facet of long-suffering often overlooked is the glory it gives unto the Lord. In Exodus 34:6, God declares to Moses that long-suffering is one of His attributes which reveals His glory. Whenever we allow the attributes of God to be revealed in our lives, we are gi God the glory due His name. — The scriptures also reveal that long-suffering is necessary for us to inherit God’s promises and fulfill His purpose and destiny for our lives. I know many of us have suffered the agony of defeat in obtaining God's promises as we were unable to win in the war against long-suffering. In my own personal life I find there is still a tendency to yield to irritation or impatience in situations that provoke me, and when I do, I am robbed of God’s blessings. In order to focus on the purpose and need of long-suffering in our lives I am going to expand on a truth stated in the author's preface. In the Bible we find some things are given to us as a result of our spiritual birth and some things must be developed. For example, we are given a new heart, nature, and spirit. However, we must develop a clean heart, godly character, and a quiet and gentle spirit. One of the means God uses in helping us to grow and develop spiritually is conflict, This can be seen in God bringing Israel out of Egypt into Canaan, ‘The scriptures reveal that God’s purpose for Israel was for them to possess Canaan and become a holy nation and a royal priesthood. He desired to show His glory to all the nations through them, When He brought Israel out of Egypt, He led them into the wildemess for two years of testing. During this time they discovered that the exodus from Egypt was the beginning of a process for developing their character. rrr i ith is the beginning of our exodus from is f our salvation. The new birth is the rc the worl ‘Eayp) into our promised land (Jesus). Its the beginning of the process of being conformed into the image of Christ. In the wilderness, Israel experienced several conflicts, such as no water or meat. These were means God used for proving their true character. ering. Although | responded to each test demonstrated a truth worth rememt the peop had Rerdar of enoise ey Gd not have freedom of consequence. i it i into Canaan. At the This truth was made evident when it came time for them to enter in end of two years, Israel was gathered at Kadesh-Bamea, ready to go forward. However, a decision was made to send twelve spies into the land to see and report the conditions they would be facing. Upon the return of the twelve spies, ten of them not only reported the conditions but also their doubt and unbelief about possessing the land. Two spies, Joshua and Caleb, aj With their report on the conditions but disagreed with their doubt and unbelief. They urged rael to go forward because God had promised them the land, but after much debate the people agreed with the ten spies that they could not possess Canaan, The consequence of their choice was devastating. They wandered in the wildemess for thirty-eight years until all of that generation, except Joshua and Caleb, had died. Then their children went in and possessed Canaan, In this story, we see that conflict was used to develop their character. However, when they violated spiritual principles they suffered the consequences of their decisions, _The adults in Israel needed the ability to endure during those years in the wildemess, and if they had persevered they would have inherited Canaan. Because they lost in this Uarfare the land never became their possession, and they did not experience what was legally irs, The experience of Israel demonstrates the truth that long-suffering is necessary for us to inherit God's promises, to fulfill His desires for us, and to experience what is legally ours. Developing Long-suffering Those of us who are acutely aware of the need to develop patience and who have Prayed, “O Lord, give me patience and give it to me right now,” soon discovered God had wee answered our prayer. It was not that He did not desire for us to be patient, but rather drat ioe Sear. give us a thing called patience, In Exodus 34:6, God proclaims that He is paves JiSt as God is love, God is patient, Therefore, if Jesus is in our heart, patience is stant toe The problem is not how to get patience, but how to grow and develop into the maturity in Tecmpatience rules our emotions and passions rather than anger, resentment, impatience acd the other enemies which war against long-suffering. As i, have discussed, God allows conflict to come into our lives that we may see the need for patience, and learn how to use patience to live a victorious life. ¥ 10 ‘What does the testing of our faith produce? (Romans 5:3) a! 2. What do tests and trials (tribulations) produce? (James 1:3) ee 3, What does patience produce? (Romans 5:4) 4. What does experience produce?(Romans 5:4) ' 5. Whatis the result of hope? (Romans 5:5) ny ‘ .__ From these scriptures we see that tests and trials are used to develop patience. It is God's way of allowing our experiences to produce a character of which we will not be ashame for one, will be glad when I am able to handle each conflict in such pway that ‘afterwards I will not be ashamed. Patience is the means for this to become a reality, 6. What should our attitude be toward various trials? (James 1:24) 8. What does God desire for us? (Colossians 1:9-12) wae we A. (v8.9) o —_—_ i coal _ B. (vs. 10) _— Cm ‘ , DT — Ben te we F. (vs. 11) 2 ———— Go pl u HL (vs. 12)_ a wo See ee! 9. Whatare we destined to become? (Romans 8:29) —— Have you ever wondered just how you are going to be conformed into the image of Jesus? From iny experiences, I have come to realize tha it is primarily through tests and trials that we are molded into His image. In volume one, we found that Jesus also had His tests and trials and never lost a battle, ‘One of the results for Jesus, according to Hebrews 5:7-8, was that He leamed obedience through His suffering. As it was with Jesus, so it will be with us. Another truth we leamed in volume one was that joy has been given to us as a powerful spiritual force which is released through praise and worship. In the above scriptures we see the importance of having a proper attitude in the midst of tests and trials. We are to use our Weapon of joy to help us endure and obtain victory over the enemy. In James chapter 1, we are told to count it all joy when faced with tests and trials. Can ‘you imagine the shock it would produce if you called your friends and asked them over to a joy Party? They would want to know what you meant. Then you would tell them that you are going through a real test and to celebrate your trials you are having a joy party. They might think you had just gone off the deep end. That is not the usual way to handle tests and trials. Usually we grit our teeth and try to hang in there without telling anyone except a close friend. If someone asks, “How are you?,” we put on a big smile and reply, “everything is great.” Long-suffering does not mean we put on a look of suffering nor does joy mean we pretend everything is great when it is not. Long-suffering is the ability to endure and obtain God's promises. Joy keeps us from falling into the snare of murmuring and complaining as it lifts our emotions above the circumstance. The Results of Long-suffering We have already looked at several of the blessings patience brings to us. Perhaps the ‘most important is the promise that we will be whole and complete, lacking in nothing. While this truth is one of the most important, there are some other benefits of patience worth studying. Our personal salvation is one of them, 10. Why is God long-suffering? (2 Peter 3:9) ae >t a + — as — 11. Why do people reject salvation? (Romans 2:4-11) ry ae ems 12 _Itstartled me when the Holy Spirit told me that the first result of long-suffering was my salvation. I had never stopped to think about how God endured all of my provocations for many years. Nor had I considered that during those rebellious years I was despising the riches of his goodness and patience toward me. 2 oe Like the scriptures in Romans state, I thought that I could just go on sinning and somehow, someplace, at some time, God would take me to heaven. I never stopped to think that although it is not God's will that any perish, many do. The devil had deceived me into thinking that God's long-suffering was acceptance of me even though I was a sinner, ‘Those who never come to repentance demonstrate the truth that although the Lord desires for everyone to repent, many never do. They have overlooked an obvious fact of life — man can successfully resist God. In my case, I resisted God for twenty-five years before I came to my senses and asked God to forgive me for the way I had offended Him, Now as I look back over the years I am amazed that God endured all of my provocations. Of course I now realize that it was because He did not want me to perish, but to come to repentance, _____ Perhaps you have been resisting God's goodness and patience. Now would be a good time to ask yourself this question: Why? There is no sane, logical reason to resist God, the one who created you, died for you, and endured your provocations all these years, the one who wants only the best for you. If you would like to stop resisting God's love and start experiencing it, you can do so right now. It is really quite simple. Just take a moment and tell Him. You could pray the following prayer or one similar to it: Father, I ask you to forgive me for resisting and despising your love and goodness. Instead of resisting you I now want to obey and serve you. Thank you for being patient with ‘me and enduring ali of my provocations over the years. Thank you for forgiving me of all of ‘my sins. I now ask you, Lord Jesus, to take control of my life and make me the kind of person ‘you desire me to be. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen. ‘Now thank Him for His love, patience, forgiveness, and salvation. So the first result of long-suffering is salvation. Now, let’s continue looking at some more practical aspects of long-suffering. 12. ‘What 4 we possess in our patience? (Luke 21:19) L ue Isn't that a wonderful revelation? The very thing we need to bring into subjection, our soul, is accomplished through patience. We all know what our soul is: it is where we have the faculties of our mind, emotions, and will, It is here that spiritual battles are won and lost. As wwe leam to pray, rejoice, and give thanks in all things, we are in reality possessing our soul rather than it possessing us. In so doing, we obtain victory instead of defeat. 13, What crownis received through endurance? (James 1:12) = 13 14, What will God do as a result of patience? (Psalms 40:1; Galatians 6:9; Hebrews 10:36) ‘A. (Psalms 40:1) pee ee B, (Psalms 40:1) 7? +2 ge C. (Galatians 6:9) _\ ! a D. (Hebrews 10:36) _7 pe ‘There are alot of promises in the Bible. Etemal life is just one of over 8,000 pre mises. Eternal life is a different promise than James is speaking of in regards to a crown Of life. The eae of life is for here and now. Itis what we receive when we have been patient and won the war in a particular battle. Eternal life is given to us through receiving Christ into our hearts. In the midst of our tests and trials it is important to remember that God listens to us and hears our cries. He cares about us. He is for us and not against us. Although we may have to endure for a season, He has assured us that we will reap in due season. ‘Another result of long-suffering is that of being fruitful. No one can be happy if he is ‘unfulfilled. To be fulfilled one must be experiencing some degree of fruitfulness in the calling and purposes of God for one’s life. 15. What is required to be fruitful? (Luke 8:15) Aas — ~ By ie ee —r. . 16. What does a farmer need in order to receive fruit from the earth? (James 5:7) ee eee Let me show you a natural example of the relationship between tests and trials, patience, and fruitfulness. Before a child is born, the patience of both the mother and child are Tested. The baby kicks, shifts, and tums. As he grows he becomes heavier and heavier. Soon. the mother’s life revolves around the baby in her womb. If the baby is at all overdue, she becomes doubly tired and anxious. As the day of completion draws near, she is in greater need of patience as she wonders, “Will it ever be born?” In like manner, I find that when the Holy Spirit wants to form a new truth in us, or lead us in a new direction, the “pregnancy” can be a real tril. At times we find ourselves shifting, tuming, and perhaps even kicking. We have a need for patience to endure unto fruitfulness. remember in my own life that two years after the Lord had sovereignly placed me in evangelism, He decided to change my ministry. In telling me of His decision, the Lord spoke to me about His yoke and burden. In evangelism His yoke had been preaching a salvation message, and the burden was for people to be born again. In the new ministry the yoke would be to leam of Him, and the burden would be for others to know Him rather than know about Him. Next, He told me that in the same manner His yoke had been easy and his burden light for the call of evangelism, so it would be in my new ministry. 14 This was exciting, and I was more than willing for my ministry to be changed. However, when the Lord revealed that His condition for obtaining this promise was for me to stop preaching, get my house in order, and lear how to be a husband and a father, I found myself kicking, shifting, and tuming. ‘Then the Lord spoke this truth to me: “If you cannot make it work at home, you cannot make it work elsewhere.” __One of the problems I faced in readily accepting these conditions was the reality of knowing others whose lives and homes were in worse shape than mine. Furthermore, they | were still preaching and seeing results. Another factor was the realization that it was easier to preach to others than to be prophet, priest, and king of my house. 1 did submit, however, to His command, and for a season did not preach. During this time I leamed many lessons and my character was changed more into His image. As I look bback over the years (this happened in 1974) and see the fruit of the Holy Spirit’s work to date, Tam thankful. Although the pruning was sometimes painful, the resulting fruitfulness makes it worthwhile. This hindsight also makes it easier to endure the pruning that still takes place in my life as the Lord continues the process of developing godly character. One of the results of my new ministry is being able to minister to others the joy of getting to know God rather than knowing about him. Ihave seen countless numbers blessed and changed through learning how to be intimate with the Lord, and how to minister unto Him, Another totally unexpected fruit has been seen in nation after nation: old and young began to tell me I was a father image to them. I realize that they are saying that they can now see the Father's heart in me. This is not to say that the work is finished or that I am all that I am supposed to be, but that I am thankful that I am not what I used to be. Furthermore, the scriptures declare and demonstrate that patience is also required for ministry. 17, Whatis the first evidence of apostolic ministry? (I Corinthians 12:12) & 18, What is required of pastors? (II Timothy 2:24) A i 19. Whatare prophets to be an example of ? (James 5:10) i A. es Boe ae 9 1 20, — What do you count those who endure? (James 5:11) 15 In the writings of the apostle Paul we find that he learned the need of patience and endurance. He wrote about those who forsook him and the ministry and went back into the world, Then there was a time when he had to endure standing alone after his ministry was attacked, Furthermore, we find that when he was in prison, most of his co-workers eventually left him, yet Paul never gave up. In his last letter to Timothy he wrote, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” Not only do the apostles and prophets need patience, pastors also find the need for endurance as they labor day in and day out with the people of their flock. Many times in the face of tests and trials they are tempted to quit, tempted to go back to what they perceived as an easier, secular job. Without patience, they may yield to that temptation and never fulfill God's call and purpose for their lives, However, with patience we can, like Paul and others, go through our tests and trials and be victorious. For, as we have seen, the end result of patience is the lack of nothing. How to Overcome Tests and Trials Here is a reality of the Christian life that must be faced: There are basically two types of Christians. One gives himself up with his whole heart to seek and serve God. The other is content with being delivered from the world and settles down in sloth without enduring and obtaining full possession of God's promises to us. ‘The Hebrew letter is a good example of this truth. They had received the gospel with joy and even bore reproaches for their belief. 21. What were some of the conflicts of suffering they endured? (Hebrews 10:32-34) 22. What were they told not to do? (Hebrews 10:35) ro y when ———- 23, Why? (Hebrews 10:35) “ 4 “0 24. What would they need to receive the promise? (Hebrews 10:36) We are in a race (not a sprint, but a long race) which will require endurance to finish. To begin profits us nothing unless we run to the end and reach our goal. In order to do this we need more than faith. For as the days go by and you face various circumstances and situations, faith can begin to relax its grasp on the promise you are hoping in. That is why you must not throw away your confidence and must allow endurance (patience) to come and strengthen the soul when the promise tarries. In so doing you will receive the promise. 25. What was the Hebrews’ problem with enduring? (Hebrews 5:11) v _ _— —— 16 Here is an obvious truth: to continue growing and developing spiritually we must allow the Holy Spirit to open up the word to our understanding and to reveal deeper truths. ‘The next essential step is to take what the Holy Spirit reveals and put it into practice. Remember, faith without works is dead. I read a good illustration to help us understand faith and works. A young man went fishing with an old man who fished from a row boat. He noticed the old man had written on one oar “faith” and on the other oar he had written “ works”. The young man asked the old man why he had written those words on the oars. The old man replied, “To remind me that faith and works go together. If I paddle with only one of the oars, the boat will go in circles. However, if I paddle with both oars I can go to my eae 27. How are we to run the race? (Hebrews 12:1) Ae Bogen veo 28. What are we commanded to do in Hebrews 6:12? + { for A . or . . ee Be i ec poe ‘Now let's look at the example of Abraham, as one who overcame tests and trials, ran the race with patience, and obtained the promise. 29, What was Abraham promised? (Genesis 12:2-3) al ‘ aA Boot am = —_ G. 03 au 17 GG vw ‘When Abraham's faith grasped these promises, he was inspired to fulfill God’s call and purposes for his life. He soon discovered that obtaining the promises was not quick or easy. Abraham went through various tests and trials and had to endure hardship before experiencing the promises. 30. What conditions were given to Abraham for receiving the promises? (Genesis 12:1) A. BR! c we ee Pp ‘The essential factor in obtaining God's promises is the purpose of the heart. By this T mean that it must be decided in the heart to forsake all and rely only upon God, ‘This was God’s challenge to Abraham and itis His challenge to us. ‘The decision to forsake all may require separating from loved ones, relatives, friends, and the place where you live, Another essential ingredient to obtaining God’s promise is endurance. This requires a decision inthe heart that, regardless of the tess, tials, or circumstances, you will not give up or quit. As we shall see, Abraham had to endure various tests and trials before he obtained the promises. Continuing on in Genesis chapter 12 we find Abraham's first test is a famine in the land. (Verse 10.) In like manner, you may discover dryness when you make a decision to press on into the promises of God. For instance, it may become dry at work. Friends may not Understand oe like your commitment to trust and rely on Jesus, Abraham's next test was a strife between his herds i s (Lot's sbraban's net men and his nephew's (Lot's) 31. What was the result of this strife? (Genesis 13:9-11) a ees J 18 aa ‘You might also experience relatives, loved ones, or friends separating from you and going their way. Its during these times that you must not throw away your confidence, but father set your heart to endure and obtain the promise. Later, Abraham was promised a son and, in the natural, this promise was impossible because Abraiam and his wile were too od for child bearing. pes 32. How did Abraham respond to the wait for a son? (Romans 4:18-20) A. (verse 18) 4 elt ed => Ts B. (verse 19) om C. (verse 20) _S + 1 we D. (verse 20) "= —_—— ee E, (verse 20, __ - F (verse any ") ——ooo8 sn For twenty years Abraham continually put his hope in God against the lack of hope in his natural senses. Abraham endured because his heart was set on giving God glory. He knew God would receive reproach rather than glory if he quit. Therefore, he did not let unbelief rob him of the opportunity of giving God glory. As he resisted, he actually became stronger in faith rather than weaker. In the same manner, we must also be totally convinced that not only is God able but He loves us so much He will fulfill all of His promises to us, even ones which appear impossible. Tris as we are fully persuaded that God is for us and not gait stat we ae able To] Tesist the temptation of believing that our & trials are going to keep us from inheriting | jod’s promises. . - ‘Abraham believed God rather titan his doubt! He waitea panently fr ewenty years, and by then things were worse than when he started (in regard to his and Sarah's bodies.) Yet out of the deadness of Sarah’s womb came forth a son whom they named Isaac: a name that means “laughter.” So shall we be able to laugh when we have endured. As James wrote, “We ‘count them happy who endure.” The Warfare Against Long-suffering ‘The chart on page 23 illustrates the weapons that are used to keep us from developing patience,and in the following studies we will look at some practical means of successfully ‘Waging war against these attacks of our adversary. 19 QUESTIONS TO STIMULATE THOUGHT AND REVELATION FROM THE LORD 33. Whatis long-suffering? fi Ts . 34. Whats the first step in developing long-suffering? ee 35. — Explain the difference between the following: A. Conflict and Consequence: b= ~ Ca B. Destiny and Purpo a ‘ C. Given and Developed: eae’ a vou - _ a eo 36. What do tests and trials produce in us? ‘ pa ee i reason for God being long-suffering. x a Ih a 3.

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