In The City 1

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Presentation Phase:


Objective: Introduce and explain prepositions of place and city-related vocabulary.

● Introduction (10 minutes):

● Warm-Up: Show images or a short video of a cityscape and ask
students to describe what they see (I see a library, a museum, etc.)
● Presentation of Vocabulary (10 minutes):
● Introduce new vocabulary related to places in a city (e.g., bank, library,
park, hospital, supermarket)

Activity 1. Students read the conversation and highlight or identify all the places that they

Sarah: Hi Max! How are you? Have you been exploring the city lately?
Max: Hi Sarah! Yeah, I’ve been checking out some cool spots around here. Do you have a
favorite place in Vancouver?

Sarah: Yes, I love the library! It’s a great place to relax and read a good book. What about
Max: Oh yeah, the library is awesome. But my favorite place is the art museum. I really like
the cool pictures they have there.
Sarah: That sounds interesting! We should go together sometime. I also love a small
restaurant near the park. They have the best sushi in town.
Max: Yum, that sounds delicious! What’s the restaurant called?
Sarah: It’s called "Sakura Sushi". You should try it, you’ll love it! Also, have you found a good
café around here?
Max: Yeah, there’s a cozy café on the corner. It’s called "Steamy Mugs". They have the best
lattes I’ve ever tasted.
Sarah: That sounds comforting! I’ll definitely check it out. Hey, have you ever been to
Stanley Park?
Max: Yes! It’s one of my favorite places to hang out on weekends. Do you have a special
spot in the park?
Sarah: I love sitting by the pond and just enjoying the peace. It’s a perfect place to relax.
Max: That sounds amazing! We should definitely explore more of these places together.
Sarah: Totally! There are so many cool spots to discover in this beautiful city.

Activity 2. Ask students to write in two columns: Places they would like to vist and
places they love in Vancouver.
Prepositions of place

Present the following prepositions of place. Then review pronunciation with


Review the vocabulary using an object and placing in differently and asking them to tell you
where is it.

2. Practice Phase:

Ejercicios de Vocabulario:
Ejercicio 1: Completar frases con el vocabulario adecuado.
Rellena los espacios en blanco con las palabras correctas:

​ "I love to read books at the __________."

​ "The art _________ has beautiful paintings."
​ "Let's have lunch at the __________ near the park."
​ "They serve amazing coffee at the local __________."
​ "We enjoy picnics in __________ Park on Sundays."


​ library
​ museum
​ restaurant
​ café
​ Stanley

Ejercicio 2: Asociar palabras con imágenes.

Asocia cada palabra de vocabulario con la imagen correcta:

● Palabras:
● Library
● Museum
● Restaurant
● Café
● Park
● Imágenes:
● [Imagen de una biblioteca]
● [Imagen de un museo]
● [Imagen de un restaurante]
● [Imagen de una taza de café]
● [Imagen de un parque]

Ejercicios de Preposiciones de Lugar:

Ejercicio 3: Identificar preposiciones en frases.
Encuentra las preposiciones de lugar en las siguientes oraciones:

​ "The bookstore is next to the library."

​ "The museum is across from the park."
​ "I'll meet you at the café on Main Street."
​ "The school is between the bank and the supermarket."
​ "She's sitting in front of the restaurant."

​ Respuestas:
​ next to
​ across from
​ at, on
​ between
​ in front of
Ejercicio 4: Completar oraciones con preposiciones correctas.

Completa las oraciones con las preposiciones adecuadas:

​ "The park is _____ the museum."

​ "Let's meet _____ the café."
​ "The library is _____ Main Street."
​ "The restaurant is _____ the supermarket."
​ "My house is _____ the bank and the school."


​ behind
​ at
​ on
​ next to
​ between

Ejercicio 5: Dibujar direcciones en un mapa.

Dibuja en un mapa una serie de direcciones utilizando preposiciones de lugar, por

ejemplo: "Draw a line from the library to the café. Put the museum across from the

Estos ejercicios ayudarán a los estudiantes a familiarizarse con el vocabulario

relacionado con lugares en la ciudad y a practicar el uso de preposiciones de lugar
en diferentes contextos.

3. Production

Pídele a tus alumnos que identifiquen los siguientes lugares en Vancouver en Google maps
y digan dónde están.

Example: the vancouver library is in front of…

​ Parque Stanley (Stanley Park)

​ Granville Island
​ Capilano Suspension Bridge Park
​ Museo de Antropología de la UBC (MOA)
​ Gastown
​ Acuario de Vancouver (Vancouver Aquarium)
​ Science World at Telus World of Science
​ Puente Colgante Lynn Canyon (Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge)
​ Queen Elizabeth Park
​ Canada Place

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