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#TEACH Portfolio Lesson Plan

Jeannie Neurohr
Science, 8th Grade
Wake Forest Middle School / Wake County Public School System

Instructional Standards:
 NC Clarifying Objective: 8.P.1.2 Explain how the physical properties of elements and their reactivity have been used to produce the current model of the periodic table
of elements.

Objective the Lesson:

Students will be able to define what an atom.
Students can identify the parts of the atomic structure.
Students will be able to build their own atomic model.

Anchor Text/Instructional Resources:

 Adams Family TV show Theme song clip
 Karaoke version of the “Atoms Family”
 Construction Paper 5 ½ sheets in various colors (green, red, blue, yellow, white) and Scissors/Glue for every partner group
 Chart Paper to develop a classroom atom
#TEACH Portfolio Lesson Plan

Jeannie Neurohr
Science, 8th Grade
Wake Forest Middle School / Wake County Public School System
Performance Tasks:
 Sing Atoms Family Song
 The Atoms of Matterville reading/ descriptors search / Compare the parts with a Venn Diagram
 Building your own Atomic Model

Assessment(s) and Data Review:
 Periodic Table Pre-Assessment

ELL Support:
 Songs should be slowed down and subtitles on for everything
 Release the notes and slides to student in advance and make sure they are on a version that can be translated for students at their
request (Canvas: Immersive Reader)
 Hand on building of the atomic structure
 Word Bank Cards for Matterville reading
 Key Concepts/ Vocabulary Underlined or highlighted in Matterville
 Chunked version of Matterville story for students
 Group reading / Read Aloud in class
 Copy of notes as indicated on IEP
#TEACH Portfolio Lesson Plan

Jeannie Neurohr
Science, 8th Grade
Wake Forest Middle School / Wake County Public School System
 Study Buddy (Table Partners)
 Computer or paper notes and building of atomic structure
Stakeholder Engagement/Support:
 Group Reading/ Read Aloud
 Hands on Cutting Experiment
 Atomic Structure Building (Hands On & Creative)
 Singing Atoms Family Song (class sing / group singing contest)
 Students are able to use computer or take notes on paper
#TEACH Portfolio Lesson Plan

Jeannie Neurohr
Science, 8th Grade
Wake Forest Middle School / Wake County Public School System
Daily Instructional Plan:

Opening (Do Now): Bell Ringer in Science Notebook

 Venn Diagram for Elements/Compounds/Mixtures

 Periodic Table Pre-Assessment

Guided Practice:

 Adams/ Atoms Family songs and group singing (displayed on promethean board & posted in Canvas) *Paper copy / email copy of song so students can

sing this to their siblings and parents*

 Group Reading the Atoms of Matterville (popcorn reading in class)

 In 3 groups students will reread the descriptions of the members of Matterville/ underline all descriptive words and compare these with other

members of Matterville Atoms. Each group assigned a member of Matterville to teach the class about**

 Try Making a a cut as small as an atom!!

 Identify Parts of the atom / What’s the charge? / Where do the parts reside in the atom?

Independent Practice:

 Atomic Structure building (look over your notes/reading/slides) and build your own Atom….materials provide. Must include the charge.

 Plasma Games: Global Sci-Ops w/ Discovering the Atoms Slides

 Pull students for small group as needed to check in or assist with assignments.
#TEACH Portfolio Lesson Plan

Jeannie Neurohr
Science, 8th Grade
Wake Forest Middle School / Wake County Public School System

Closing (Exit Ticket/Success Criteria):

 Class closes with Everyone singing the Atoms Family again!!

 Emotion Check: Are you a Proton, Neutron, or Electron today!


 Complete any work that you did not finish in class or revisit things that you are unsure about.
 Make a list of questions you want me to revisit in class tomorrow about the atom

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