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Hunger Games Dystopian Elements Essay Overview:

This assignment is a five-paragraph essay explaining which Dystopian elements define life in
Panem, the fictional country in The Hunger Games.

 Paragraph 1 (Introduction): The introduction paragraph will define life in Panem. It

should explain what life is like in Panem and provide a contrast between the Capitol and
the districts.
The final sentence of the introduction paragraph will be a three-point thesis that previews your
body paragraphs and how you plan to prove your point.
 Example: The fear created by Panem’s rulers is why life in Panem is defined by
oppressive control of society, consequences for defying authority, and large divisions in
social class.

Paragraphs 2-4 (Body Paragraphs): These paragraphs will show how the dystopian elements in
your thesis exist in Panem.
 Each body paragraph must begin with a topic sentence that previews/outlines how you
will prove that the dystopian element defines life in Panem.
o Example: The government's oppressive control over every aspect of life in

Panem is evident through strict regulations and surveillance.

 Before incorporating direct quotations from the novel that illustrate this element,
the topic sentence should be followed by at least another sentence of context.
 Quote selections for your body paragraphs should come from all three parts of
the novel.
 Quotes should be properly cited with the page number and briefly analyzed to
connect to the dystopian element being discussed.
Paragraph 5 (Conclusion): Besides restating critical ideas from the thesis and the body
paragraphs, the conclusion should show how life in Panem should serve as a warning for
our society.

 Think about the dangers of unchecked government power, a lack of equitable

resources, and the social inequality in Panem.

 While there should be no new points in the conclusion, this paragraph should
have a topic sentence to help answer the question: “What do I want the reader to
think about after reading this?”

Key Things to Remember:

 Because we will be working on this in pieces, students will be required to meet at
least two different check-in points for a grade.
 Please monitor the assignment page for deadlines, as they could adjust as we
move through the brainstorming, editing, and finalizing of your work.
 Word Count: Given the thoroughness required in an essay, this will be at least
800 words but will likely end up around 1,000.
 Due Date: The final version of this essay will be due in class on April 8.

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