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 The most relevant session for me is the first topic about human right issues with a special focus on the right
privacy and freedom of expression on digital age because the lecture is easy to understand for newly elected.
 Legislative drafting and advocacy.
 7th session: Local Taxation Matters. This session is the most relevant because I know that taxation is very vital
and confusing. It will give me the new ideas and deep matters taxation.
 1. Public Private Partnership: Law-New law.
2. Local taxation matters: I am the chairperson of the committee of ways and means. It helps us explain to our
constituents the importance of local taxation.
 1. Public-Private Partnership: It involves a lot of lessons and matters that I can use and apply in our LGU.
2. Local Taxation Matters: It is a complex topic to me, now everything is clear.
 As a first-time legislator and is the spoke person of youth, the most important/relevant session for me is the
Human Right Issue with special focus on right to privacy and freedom of expression in the digital age. Since this
topic clarify on how to deal the youth on this modern age where social media use was rampant on expressing
freedom of speech and for expression.
 Sanggunian is the backbone of every local government. The most relevant session for me is the “seminar on
legislative drafting and advocacy part I and part II. Because it enhance and strengthens our capacity as a young
legislators and to help us develop and understanding of our duties, responsibilities and accountabilities,
especially in the crafting and drafting of ordinances and resolutions for the welfare of our constituents. With
that, I am motivated to make a platform for a chance, a better change address particularly to the young
 The Private Partnership by Atty. Agra, now a days our LGU has no enough fund. Our LGU can propose to
investors for the benefit of our constituents. We need to think for the best of our municipality (for the people)
 For me, the most relevant session to me is the Public-Private Partnership Law for Local Legislators. As a legislator
to the improvement of our municipality particularly in economics.
 Each topic has a significant importance and added knowledge to my job as a local legislator. However, the most
relevant topic/session to me was the local government law for the local legislators for it tackled most of the
topics which are timely relevant to our municipality this day.
 The most relevant session for me is the session about human rights because they are an important means of
protection for us all, especially those who may face abuse, neglect and isolation. Most importantly, these rights
give us power and enable us to speak up and to challenge poor treatment from public authority.
 The administrative law for local legislators since it is concerned with the distribution and the exercise of power.
It also includes in making legal rules and the accountability of those charged with enacting, applying and
enforcing the laws.
 Second and third session that discussed the administrative law and local government law. It is relevant for me
because it reminded and refreshed me with the principles and learned during law school.
 All session were of equal relevance but the one I could benefit the most right now was the session on legislative
drafting in advocacy since its something that we, legislators encounter every week or can be considered a basic
knowledge that we can always improve on.
 The most relevant session was that of atty. Agra pertaining to local government since the learnings therein will
really be helpful in our legislative work. It reminds us of the power and functions of the sanggunian and the local
government in which we belong.
 The local government law for local legislators. Because this is basically the bible of us legislators.
 Legislators drafting and advocacy. I was able to say that it was most interesting and most usefull for me as a
 I can’t rate of what is the most relevant because all of the sessions in this special course contributes a lot for me
as a legislator.
 Personally, I found the session on local government law to be the most valuable and interesting for me.
Relatively, I am a very young legislator at 19 years old and I’m eager to learn about the specifics of local
governance. Reading the entire local government code is the time-consuming so I highly appreciate that there is
a session dedicated to it. Legislative drafting was also an interesting topic for me because legal writing is
something I want to excel on. It was an amazing experience to hear an attorney speak about the intricacies of
making and writing laws.
 Administrative law and PPP law: as a comportment city, these two session will equip the Sangguniang
panlungsod in strengthening all our legislators appropriate for our city and its people. Very informative since our
city is leaning forward in having a community hospital and hemodialysis center for PPP.
 The most relevant session for local legislators concerning local government law in relation to anti-graft and
corrupt practices administrative infraction is one that focuses on the enforcement mechanisms and preventive
measures at the local level. Understanding the legal framework surrounding anti-corruption law is crucial for
local legislators to effectively combat corruption within their jurisdictions. This session should delve into the
specific provisions of anti-graft laws, administrative instructions, and best practices for promoting transparency,
accountability, and ethical conduct in local governance. Moreover, discussing on the challenges faced by local
government in implementing anti-corruption measures and strategies to overcome them would be invaluable
for legislators looking to strengthen their anti-corruption efforts and uphold the public trust. Building
partnerships and fostering a culture of integrity and compliance within local government institutions are
essential for combating corruption at the grassroots level. By equipping local legislator with the knowledge and
tools necessary to address local concerns regarding anti-graft and corrupt practices, this session can empower
them to enact meaningful reforms and promote good governance in their communities.
 Local government law for local legislators it cities examples and own experiences as to which he tenured us on
how we are limited on to which powers we have a convenor. He also cities the relationships of each. * a to the
undaring of the agencies.
 There one two relevant session that I enjoyed and learned a lot from session 2: Administrative law for local
legislators and session 4 seminar on legislative draftly and advocacy 1 & 2. These are relevant and important in
our day to day work.
 Seminar on Legislative drafting and advocacy because it is very applicable with my live of worth as a legislator.
 The most relevant session for me is the admin law of atty. Agra for the reason for that is I was able to have
further understanding about AA.
 I find the topic on legislative drafting and advocacy on interesting session as it really relates to function as a
legislator. The techniques and style shared and presented by the speaker has been beneficial in improving my
writing skills specially crafting a relevant and responsive legislator.
 Atty, Agra’s discussion on Administrative and local gov’t law felt most relevant for answering most of the FAQ’s
and topics that are discussed. at our Sangguniang, not only was the session a great fit for my situation but also
presented such a drawn out topic on a different light.
 The session 2 and session 3. Because its new for me.
 Local gov’t law for local legislation. Because it is important to local legislators to know its functions and
 Given that my tenure of having a government position is not the longest, the important of addressing local
concerns regarding anti-graft and corruption becomes even more pronounced. Recognizing the significance of
tackling corruption at the grassroots level is a pivotal in fostering trusts among constituents ensuring the
efficiency of governance, and catalyzing community development. Despite my relatively shorter experience,
being the current liga ng mga barangay president provides a unique opportunity to influence positive change,
set an example to others and actively engage in combatting corruption within our localities.
 The seminar on legislative drafting and advocacy, I gained a deeper understanding of the intricate process
involved in crafting effective laws and policies. The lecture highlighted the importance of clarify, precision and
foresight in drafting legislation to address complex societal issues.
 The topic of Atty, Agra regarding administrative law because it gave me a refresher and clear understanding
about regulating administrative agencies within the bounder of laws and policies.
 Human Rights issues with a special focus on the right privacy and freedom of expression in digital age.
 Local Government law for local legislators.
 Local Government law for local legislators
 Legislative drafting and advocacy for proper guidance on the process of crafting of ordinances and resolutions
especially on the afferent clauses and sections as content of legislative measures.
 Human rights. For it is not being practice in our municipality. We all know about political boundaries. But after
election, we have to get together for service. But in my case, I have to pay on my own registration because the
executive did not give me the permission to do so. I have learned that we are (as a legislators) the one who gives
the power to executive but on our part it is the executive into prevails. Thought the legislators are the one who
set the policy but we are not powerful because my co legislators has given the power to executive and what can
I do? Nothing because I am the minority, very wrong but thanks for the tittle learning on human rights, very
effective. Thanks
 Local concerns regarding laws on anti-graft and corrupt practices is the most relevant session for me, however I
have some question for clarification but unfortunately due to time constraints I was not given the opportunity to
 Regarding laws on anti-graft and corrupt. Practices, commonly happened in all LGU’s
 For me it is all helpful and meaningful for those all like me as a first timer or beginner attendees in this very
important event and topics. But for me, one topics that makes me interested is “the human rights” most of us
are not familiar or aware of this, that’s why there’s more innocent people who abused their rights that’s why
other government official take advantage cause of their lack of knowledge or ideas to fight their rights.
 Legislative drafting and advocacy.
 As a first-timer young legislator, I take all the sessions as relevant and as important with each other as the topics
presented co-relate with one another. This is because all the topics are essential and be engraved in the minds
and hearts of us legislators.
 Legislative drafting is the most relevant session for me, because in my own opinion and analysis, as young
legislators, it will help me to improve crafting or drafting ordinance that will benefit to my fellow constituents.
But at the end of all the session tackled, it will enhance our capability to become a trusted and for the people
public servant.
 The most relevant session for me is the “Legislative Drafting and advocacy” discussed by Atty. Eugenio Villareal.
Since I am in my first term, it has been a huge help for me to have like this to do better in drafting resolution and
ordinance for our form.
 Administrative law and local government law for local legislators and the two most relevant session for me as
am appointed councilor the duties and responsibilities of a public servants caught me off guard because of the
sudden death of my father. I have very little backgrounds in politics, but the lecture in administrative law and
government law feels like added two years, worth of knowledge in me and a deeper insight in local government
 Taxation is the most relevant because I think the any background on taxes. And also it give a knowledge on
comm. Taxe, home tax, real property tax and so on.
 Administrative law. It is crucial for me as a legislator because it navigates the legal framework of government
actions and regulations.
 Local taxation is the most relevant session for me because my municipality need it. To improve, increase the
collection of tax. It helps me to understand referring local taxation.
 The most relevant for me would likely session on legislative drafting and advocacy. This session is particularly
important because it directly relates to the core responsibilities of a legislator in crafting effective laws and
advocating for their passage empowering me to fulfill my duties more effectively in my legislative work.
 The most relevant session that has discussed is about the public-private partnership wherein the speaker give a
lot of learning to us that will being on our municipality. He also said that we are legislators but also the
approving body. We learned about the principles forward and best practices growing PPP’s. In addition he give
understanding to effectively assess, negotiate and implement PPP’s for legislative development and service
delivery in our communities.
 Legislative Development and Advocacy: as a Neophyte on this career, it is of great help to be more
comprehensive and effective in terms of enacting ordinances and resolutions in our municipality.
 The most relevant for me is about the taxation because I know that the Sangguniang Bayan has the capacity to
adjust the fees collecting by the LGU’s.
 I believe all sessions were relevant especially for us young legislators for us to be more effective and equipped
and I hope all our learnings in this program will be applied in our respective LGU. But my favorite session was
the administrative and local governance law session since our speaker explained everything well and I feel that I
learned a lot from this topics.
 Out of all topics, seminar on legislative drafting and advocacy was the most relevant session for me since I am
beginner and only have limited background on how to draft resolution, ordinances and other legal documents so
this session gave me ideas on how to properly draft legal docs.
 As a young legislator, all session are relevant and interesting, because this topic will help us to build strongly our
responsibility as public servant and deliver a smooth service to our constituents.
 Everything! Because these session gave me a lot of knowledge that will help me to serve my Sangguniang
Kabataan better.
 I have been in the government service as local legislator from barangay council, city council to the provincial
board. Ordinances and resolution have been passed and reviewed on that but the most relevant and new at
present is our cyber space. We are now on our digital age and almost all people rely on internet and the social
media and be responsible on the use thereof. There were some violating the rights of others with use of the
social media and our local legislator I want to propose an ordinance related there to.
 The most relevant session for me is to regular session as marked of the local government code and the
constitution, this requires a forum. Without this there can be no regain session on the same cannot commence.
It is a particular procedure where legislator propose ordinance, discuss relevant issues. Correctly there
constituents and all other topics related to information of direct program, project and activities of a local
government unit.
 Local government law for local legislators presented by Atty. Agra.
 The most relevant session for me is the discussion about the RA 6713. Where in it helps me to refresh my
knowledge when it comes to rules the don’t and do’s that every public official most remember.
 Public-Private Partnership law for local legislators and local taxation matters. Because I authored an ordinance
on joint venture code last year and I am very much interested on information regarding the new PPP code and
updates so I can propose a revise or new PPP ordinance in our municipality. At to the local taxation it is most
relevant for me because I want our LGU to generate more revenue for sustainability.
 PPP is more interesting, can be introduced in all the topics our city are useful.
 The most relevant session to me was the local government law for legislators, because same at the legislators
are not aware to their function and responsibilities, so it is good that local government law for legislators is
included in this congress.
 The administrative law for local legislators, because I’ve learned a lot from the speaker Atty. Agra. He discussed
the topic very well and even though its an unholy hour I didn’t feel sleepy.
 PPP law for local legislators. As a council member of a third class municipality, using the expertise and resources
of the private sector to improve services, and boost economic growth in areas like ours, with limited funds, it is
crucial that I learn more about on how to officially make it into an ordinance.
 Local government law for legislators. It gave us a great understanding of the power and process involved in
relation to legislators.
 As a legislators, of course the legislative drafting and advocacy because it helps me to be better in performing
my function as a legislator, of course I’d like the most the discussion of Atty. Agra regarding gov’t law and
administration law.
 PPP law for local legislators is what I appreciate most. The session gave me insights and learning on the new law.
It also explains the steps and procedures for future reference of the local government unit.
 Most relevant session is local government law with Atty. Agra he clearly discuss the system and defines the
responsibilities of elected government officials. It also empowers local government to exact ta, the powers
transferred to them and their delegated power.

 The realization and key take always of the topic discussed is that processing projects, papers, etc. Have proper
step by step procedures or checklist before approving.
 As Legislators, we should be knowledgeable enough on the basic laws and rules especially on LGU.
 It gives me the intensive exposure to every topics that were discussed to us, it really helps especially there are
new laws on the updated ones.
 1. LGU’s are given aways or ideas for development. Local legislators are given important roles in the
implementation of projects. The principle of check and balance applies. 2. New ideas is the collection of taxes
and implementation of fees to deliver basic social services.
 Public service is multi-dimensional and very complex, it involve different disciplines and matters.
 Being a legislator means a lot to society where we live in. we really play a big role in the society wherein we
need to work not just for ourselves but for the betterment of the community. We the legislators are one of the
pillar of development of our community.
 The realizations and key takeaways on the topics discussed is, as we explore more areas. As a young legislators.
In governance, it is not only for curbing Corruption; It is all about empowering our constituents, It is all abour
improving our services beyond legislation, improving quality of public administration and rebuilding trust in
 As legislator, most of the topics discussed isa relevant specifically PPP’s and taxation.
 My realization and key takeaways are being a legislator is a continuous learning and learning from other’s
experiences is very important. It may save you from repeating the same mistakes the other have done.
 We need to raise advocacy on political literacy as a legislator and as a citizen.
 As a young legislator there are still lots of scope of legislation that I needed to know and has to be discussed
clearly in order to be applied based on its legality according to law. The topics which are tackled are needed for
effective local legislation.
 Human Rights are universal rights of all human beings, regardless of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political
or other opinion. National or social origin, property, birth or other status. In short, human can never be taken
away from an individual whereby the enjoyment of one right should not be infringe the enjoyment of other.
They must all be respected and maintained.
 That a public official should practice good governance and respect the rule of law and recognizes that public
office is a public trust, to be exercise in the public interest, not for political and personal interests.
 My realization is that the young legislators have a significant role in policy-making and continuing legal
education is necessary to improve ourselves to contribute legislation in our communities.
 I realized that there is always room for improvement. These are still a lot of things to learn and this seminar
pases the way to a more inspiring and active way of life as a legislator. I also felt like these is more to life then
being your usual politician. Improving as a public servant shall not hinder what I also can improve as a citizen or
 Some of my realizations are the following: 1. That public office is really a public trust and in order to protect and
preserve this constitutional principle, one has t know the intricacies of the law in order to avoid offending the
law. 2. That little knowledge is a dangerous thing. This kind pf seminar is needed to satisfy the never-ending
thirst for knowledge.
 All the topics was well chosen and well thought of. It is very relevant in my position as a legislator. This special
course is also very memorable as we get to have a deeper understanding of our position thus, contributing to
my growth as a local legislator.
 Each and every topic has its on takeaways base on the needs of my people and municipality. As a legislayor each
topic has added to my knowledge to be able a better legislator.
 I realise that I need to do more research legally to perform as a legislator much better and deliver what our
locality needs.
 A portion of the course that stood out to me are the relationship between administrative agencies and the
implications of such relationships. I am now educated on what us, as a sanggunian, are able to do and not able
to do.
 1. No need for meda board’s approval for our proposed PPP projects. 2. We can localized our own ppp code.
 The importance of understanding the legal framework that governs administrative actions at the local level, the
significant of procedural fairness and accountability in decision making process, and the need for local legislators
to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations to uphold the public interest and maintain the rule of
law in their communities. Effective oversight, transparency, and adherence to legal principles are essentials for
promoting good governance and fostering public trust in local government institutions.
 We as legislator have limited and also limitless power which have every opportunity imagination to craft
ordinance but limited by the constitution and/or the local government code.
 1. Role of the state in human rights, to put a function framework for the public. 2. Balance the interest of the
society in drafting resolution and ordinance. 3. Police power- regulation and rights. 4. In creating laws its not
only about effectiveness, it is about reasonableness.
 That’s the law in the Philippines are to way to master, and with help of legal experts like lawyers term stems, the
laws are digested and simplified for us to consume.
 There is still a lot to be learned.
 There is indeed so much more to learn in local governance especially in legislations. It is very important that you
need to be updated of the existing laws and policies as this may impact your work/job, upskilling yourself with
the necessary technical writing session would help a lot in fulfilling the mandate.
 Being on the practical and political side of the government, this seminar showed me the importance on the
study of the ever-changing and evolving law.
 The realizations is have knowledge for the law as a public officer. Even though I graduated with the degree of
BSBA and have a subject of law 1 and law 2 all the discussions have more knowledge to me.
 Limitations of the sanggunian.
 My key realizations extend across all the topics, recognizing their practical application in real life, understanding
the implications of human rights issues in the digital age, particularly the right to privacy and freedom of
expression, alongside local concerns like anti-graph measures and value of local taxation, allows me to
appreciate the multifaceted challenges forced by my constituents. These insight empower me to identify
concrete areas for improvement enhance transparency, and craft effective legislation that addresses the divers
needs of the community serve.
 It underscored the significance of advocacy in influencing policymakers and fostering meaningful change. Overall
the seminar reinforced the crucial role of meticulous drafting and strategic advocacy in shaping the legal
landscape and advancing social progress.
 GOCC and GICP, Subordinate legislation, Quasi-Judicial, law us rule.
 To be more determine in proposing quality legislative measures that will benefit the citizens of our community.
 Very much ang learning ko sa human rights. Next is the draft for ordinance, that as a legislator, we just need to
draft our ordinance just like that, it has to be none with a heart, scrutinized or detailed for we are doing a law
that will be used for time after time. So we have to be aware of that, that every word must be detailed.
 As legislators, our duties and functions revolve not only as legislative body, quasi-judicial body but also as
approving body on clearly stipulated in the proposal PPP code.
 These topics are very important and really makes me aware to those law you’ve discussed, and t help more to
every municipality and especially to our contituent for their awareness for those law and rights in a way of
conducting seminars for this every helpful and satisfying topics.
 Legislative drafting and making a legislative road mad.
 I realized that the power of the legislators are not confirmed only in law-making but also hold adjudication
power with regards to elected barangay officials and legislators are the approving hand in giving the executive
branch the authority to enter into contract.
 This special executive course for young legislators is very helpful to all of us, especially to our people because for
me as young public servant who doesn’t have any experience in actual drafting and making ordinance that will
benefit the people.
 All the topics that has been tackled plays a great part in legislating. All of these topics.
 Human rights issues gives me a new definition to human rights, like its dependent on the people in power. The
discussion about police power. Administrative and local government law for local legislators gives me deeper
understanding about administrative agencies and about GOCC and GICP. Legislative drafting- there’s only little
information about drafting an ordinance available on the internet so the lecture about making an ordinance
gave me the DO’s and DON’TS on what should an ordinance have particularly the whereas part.
 I malered that the topics are relevant to us job learn as a legislator we need updates esp. the PPP topic which is
new to us. Because this special course we had new ideas and knowledge for the topics discussed.
 Takeaway include understanding due process, procedural fairness and the impact of administrative decisions.
 Education and learning is the best way of better output. We cannot simply sign and approve ordinance and
resolution with research and education you confidently decide. Because I realize life never stop learning.
 This discussion have deepened my understandingof key legislative issues and underscored the critical role of
legislators in promotion good governance, protecting rights, and advancing the interests of our constituents. As
a legislators I am committed to applying these insights in my work to contribute positively to the welfare and
development of our constituents and society as a whole.
 Special legal course for young legislator focus on legislative process, effective strategies for constituents
engagement, government principle and leadership development. On the topics discussed, we live in not perfect
and we not do everything for our constituents. The strategies to fulfill the role effectively and to contribute to
the development and wel being of our community.
 Every measure that comes with our care should have a sense of consideration to the general welfare of our
 I realized that as a young legislator you need to think how can you collect the tax in order to have additional
income in to your particular LGU. And what can I do for that.
 My takeaway from this course was the different learnings and scenarios/cases I learned. This course also boosts
my confidence as a legislators by gaining more knowledge.
 As a first termer, I have seen that politics isn’t just about waving your hands out to the public but it is more than
that. That we, legislators are policy/rule makes that’s why we should be accountable/responsible with our
actions. We must be mindful with our decisions since we are now accountable with every step along the way.
 As a young legislator a lot of topics and discussions on this course the will make my service as a public servant,
smooth and responsive to our constituents specially in resolution and ordinance making to contribute and to
resolve current problems and needs of our municipality.
 I realized that, I still don’t have enough knowledge un these types of things especially crafting the law.
 1. A leader with exudes and respects dignity of their constituents pave the way for a culture of trust, fostering
good readerships and encountering collaboration with them. 2. Having gained more knowledge of our laws
protecting human rights in this digital age.
 The topic discussed given insight on the importance of administrative bodies local legislation, different statues
related to local government units of law or statues in the Philippines and more. Take these topics is that
legislator, whether national or local need to have a keen understanding not only the needs of their constituents,
implementing different programs, projects and activities. The reason for this is that, legislation is a constitutional
body which has the authority to law or statue. If a legislator has no to little knowledge of parliamentary
procedure. He can not be said to be effective in his duties and responsibilities despite his eagerness to help our
 As legislator we must legislate appropriate law to your geographical jurisdiction.
 All the topics that been discussed are very important and useful for me as a public servant especially being new
in this kind of politics. Its gives me more knowledge and insights that I need as a youth and servant at the same
 As a legislator, I realized that I have a to know and learn to become a better legislator and I have to improve
myself to be able to serve my constituents well. MY KEY TAKEAWAY: 1. We are here to serve the state. 2. We are
here to serve the people.
 1. A very useful guide for energy legislators. 2. Sample scenarios given by each speaker are realistics based on
experience; it can be applied in real life situation. 3. Awareness on hoe to craft grad and quality ordinance. 4.
Political naturality and political responsiveness and to be considered in the life of politician.
 I’ve realize that be a legislator acquires great and big responsibility especially in PPP because as a legislator in a
municipal where in PPP is not that highly courage or practice.
 All the topics discussed by the speaker one all beneficial to me as a ypung legislators especially for me that I am
a first termer.
 The importance of properly drafting on ordinance, the resolution concept of the PPP law and the topics on
corrupt and human rights.
 It is important for legislator to know the law as it is vital to our duty as law and policy makes in the law.
 Of course I have so much key takeaway x realization the topics being discussed like on hoe to be careful on the
matters we approved in the sanggunian.
 It strengten my idealism and commitment to good governance in performing my task as legislator.
 Liberalization mindset wherein the general welfare of the people is the utmost priority.

 This special course contribute in my life as a legislator by learning the rules the do’s and don’t so that we will
know what to do in processing papers.
 It provides me with additional knowledge that can help and guide me in my duties and responsibilities as a
legislator. It helps boost any morale, confidence in the performance of my duty.
 It will enable us to improve our knowledge and a effective and reasonable legislator.
 Do more innovate more work harder, share new ideas to fellow legislators.
 As a young and new legislator, this special course will absolutely widen the wallet of my brain and it will be a
guide in my life as a legislator.
 This special course will be an open eye for me to work harder for the people. That we are here to represent
them so we need to act and work for them.
 The special course will help us, perform our respective duties and responsibilities. Of course I believe in
everything we do, in dispensing our functions and delivering services beyond legislation, we should always
anchor it on title 1, chapter 1, section 16 of the local government code. We always go back to the welfare of the
 The course is very helpful and I am very thankful I’ve learned a lot things and additional knowledge to me.
 This special course contribute a lot to my life as a legislator, after this special course I realized that being a
legislator is not an easy job. It is not as simple as making a resolution and ordinance but you have to consider a
lot of factors. You have to be very careful because sometimes you will look at it as an easy task but may cause
your whole concern.
 This course is a good tools for me as a legislator.
 As for me being a young legislator this course will have a big contribution for my everyday work in serving my
constituents and providing them an effective local legislation.
 As a legislator, my human rights are protected by law.
 That an elected official should not be onion skinned and promote the general welfare.
 The expert led discussion will empower us with the necessary legal knowledge and skills to navigate our role
young legislators.
 This special course introduced new ways for me to learn due to the expertise of the lecturers. I think it already
made me a better legislator just by listening to the lecturers. It was empowering and I'm grateful to be part of it.
 The learning in this special course will help us to be more productive legislators. By learning the intricacies of the
law, we have known what to observe and avoid what is prohibited by law. Through this, our legislative output
will be legally-sound, efficient, and truly effective to respond to the needs of our people.
 Thank you very much NMYL for this wonderful opportunity to learn.
 This special course plays a vital role as a legislator. Because I will be able to protect the ordinance. which I will be
drafting in the near future base on the needs of my municipality
 This special course equip me a lot more knowledge legally to perform effectivelyas a legislator and become a
productive legislator in our locality.
 This is my first legislation course as a newly-elected ex-officio member of the sanggunian. It marles a field of
work. Years later, I can look back at this course and see how far I’ve come and how useful the topic discussed
here are in the duration of my legislative term.
 It has equipped more on what I have already learned in NCPAG. Especially with our city to be involved in more
 Taking a special legal course for legislators can greatly contribute to my work as a legislators by enhancing my
understanding of complex issues, improving my ability to draft effective legislators and providing me with the
knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the legal framework within which 1 operate. This course can help me
make informed decisions, communicate effectively with legal experts and ultimately improve my effectiveness
as a legislators.
 The course expounded my learning specially with the different relationships of each agencies to the president
etc. also the limitation of the power of the national government to the local government and vice versa.
 This special course guided me and gave clarity in some of the questions I have in mind as a newbie municipal
councilor. The course offered are enough to equip us to understand and be more productive a local legislator.
Fellowship will other YL’s is helpful also by sharing the best practices in each locality.
 It can help me by improving my skills as a legislator and provided additional knowledge that I can store with mu
 This special course contribute in my life as a legislator, now I have a better understanding about the LGU and
other Government industries together with our function, limitation and jurisdiction.
 The special course would help a lot in my political journey as it has guided me of the right principles and
strategies to handle challenges and day to day function of our position.
 The course has provided tips and practices that should be copied, while also teaching as legislator ample
knowledge of the technicality of our situations as legislators.
 More special because being a young legislators I’m so blessed that I have a privilege to go in this short term
course. So when I go back to my town is I have a strong mind that I know I give more knowledge to my
colleagues and constituents. And I proud to say that to the people of mu town.
 It will be a good contribution on my part as a legislators (local) to know our role and our limitations especially in
avoiding technicalities on our part which could result to administrative sanctions.
 This specialized course is not merely an academic exercise, it serves as a valuable guide in shaping my approach
to crafting laws at the local level. by considering the diverse aspects of the community including human rights
issues in the digital age, local concerns related to anti-graph measures and value of local taxations I can craft
legislation that is comprehensive and responsive to multifaceted needs of our constituents. This holistic
approach and support contribute positively to the overall well being and development of our local community.
 Special courses can contribute in my life as a legislator by providing me with specialized knowledge and skills
relevant to my role. It also enhance my decision-making, leadership, negotiation and communication skills.
Overall special courses can equip you with the tools and insights necessary to navigate complex legislative issues
and serve your constituents more effectively.
 As a non-lawyer, basic law course we took is this congress gave me an ample knowledge and equipped me to
legislator better.
 To remember that every individual can live a life with dignity and to always protect the right of every person.
 Continuous learning on how to make local law.
 To remember that every individual can live a life with dignity and to always protect the right of every person.
 Enhancement of knowledge especially in applying legalities and principles and techniques in local legislation.
 A lot, I am not into laws or legal thing. But this short course opened my mind about the legal and normal role of
the legislator. (I have spent my own money to be able to attend in this special course for I know it all have a big
impact in my ate as a legislator)
 As legislators this special course contribute a lot in my personal and professional growth. Skills. Learning is a
continues process and we should learn, unlearn and relearn – according to Atty. Agra.
 Gain Ideas and boost self-confidence.
 Confidence, oozing with more confidence.
 As a beginner it gives me more knowledge and idea to apply and shre when it comes to this law and right to use
incase of situations that need it.
 I think this special course is very important for me as a legislator it will help me to draft or propose a policy in my
 This special course highly contribute a lot in my life as a legislators. Not only did and gain more knowledge of the
constitution, the 1991 local government code, tas laws but I also gained new knowledge with regards the PPP
codes. I also learned the essential power of the legislators are the approving hand in giving the executive branch
the actions of the executive.
 As a young legislator, it is a good and inspiring step for me to become a fully equip and knowledgeable public
servant especially in creating and drafting ordinance that will benefit the general welfare of the people of my
LGU. And of course, it is my honor and gratitude to take this special course in a respective and well reowned
school. The benefits of it will implied for our task and duty for the people.
 Joining this short course that has been given to us by the NMYL gave us a lot of learnings most especially in
dealing with legalities. After this course, I know that I have more knowledge that I may share to my co-councilors
so that we can serve our town better and contribute to our growth as legislators.
 As a recently appointed municipality councilor who never imagined to be a legislator or enter into politics, this
special course is vital for me because it gives me vital information that are necessary in serving the people. This
special course gave me a deeper understanding of the local government code and also gave me streetsmart
strategies, thank you Atty. Alberto Agra.
 The special course contributed a lot in my need as a legislators because the topics are relevant to our job.
Because a legislator means we can the brain that decides for the benefit of our locality/municipality, so it was a
good factor that we have a very string generation.
 Special courses like this enhance legislative skills, fostering informed decision making and effective governance
in my role as a legislator.
 I accept the responsibilities of being a legislators. This special legal course made an impact in my life as a local
legislators. It gives relevant and significant information related to our function and under the laws and
Philippines constitution. This will help us to decide, committed and knowledge in our duties as a legislators.
 As a young legislators this special course contribute a valuable knowledge and skills that can enhance my
effectiveness, enable me addressing issues, promote good governance and derve the interests of my
constituents more effectively.
 As a legislator, participating in a special legal course is such a opportunity covering all the important topics
discussed. That will improve our life especially for the constituents. And provides me in depth knowledgeand
understanding relevant to legislative work enabling me to make informed decision and contribute affectively to
policy development and learning process. And also improved my skills to legislator draftimg and advocacy which
area void for effective represents.
 As a contribution to my life it gave me a chance to be a better version of myself and to be more confident in
everything that I do especially as a legislator.
 It can contribute me a lot off learning and most especially I can minggle with my fellow legislators coming from
different places, in different regions.
 As a young legislators special courses like this from Ateneo law not just gives un insights, key takeaways and
knowledge that we can apply in respecting LGU’s I am looking forward and I hope NMYL ot=rganizing more of
these legislative courses.
 As a young legislator this special course contribute a lot my time as a public servant or legislator. A gained a lot
of knowledge and key points that I will surely use in my term and I will inculcate those ideas for future use. And
for being a learned filipino citizen.
 This will help me and our sk federation because a can share my learning to them.
 This special course made me more in guard of same qualities of a young legislator. That we must maintain a very
high standards of personal integrity and always conduct ethical member. One cannot make a claim to make a
claim to take ordinances or resolutions. Our chapter must be reflected in our personal and family life work and
business and in our community as politician.
 This especial course contributed significant on me as a legislator. This give me a better understanding of the
importance of responsibility but I needed to take. It also teaches me different perfective and knowledge on
particularly produce and importance of legislators.
 It affects my direction as councilor/legislator because the courses discussed strengthen my knowledgein laws
and lighten my heart that we as legislator has important role to LGU’s for the development and economical
growth of municipality.
 This special course contributed so much to me as a person and as public officials thus would be very helpful for
me as a legislator to serve my municipality guided by the law.
 This special course is so important in my life as a legislator to become more knowledgeable and be equipped
with necessary information about law and statutes. This also help me to become a better legislator, enlightens
me on certain issues and enrich my ideas on all the topics discussed.
 1. Responsive and fair leg is later. 2. Avoid all conflict interest.
 It gave me wider understanding on what are the real power of a legislator to help my fellow community
 This special course will surely help me a lot to perform my duties and function as a younf legislator in our
 As someone who is not a lawyer and was never a proposal of reading his whole life away, I now have the sense
of urgency to optimize my abilities to become better and to be more equipped in terms of drafting
ordinances/resos so I can serve my people in the best of my abilities.
 It will make me more abreast of the latest law and jurisprudence that will allow me to be a better legislator and
a public servant.
 Od course I learned a lot in this special course and I believe it helps me be a better legislator in crafting
ordinances for the general welfare of my constituents as well as in approving matters reflect to my committee
particular in financial matters of the LGU’s.
 This special course contributes and provide me a foundation, developed a better understanding of the law and it
 The special course import knowledge, ideas and learnings that are essential in performing our mandate. It made
a great impact on our as a local legislator to fine ways for the better meant of the people and guarantee that
they the people are in good hands.

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