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Republic of the Philippines

Mandaue City Cultural and Sports Complex
Don Andres Soriano Ave., Centro, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines, 6014
Tel. Nos.: (032) 236-5520, (032) 420-9228 | E-mail:

Name: Quenie May B. Rebuyas Course & Year Level: BEED – Fourth Year
Course Code: Field Study 2 Schedule: Saturday 7:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Reflection: Written Case Study 2

Ms. Hernandez is assigned to deliver a literacy lesson to a diverse group of Grade 3 learners in a
local primary school. The class includes learners with varying reading levels, language backgrounds,
and learning preferences. The school is in a community with limited access to books and resources.

Through the scenario of Ms. Hernandez's Grade 3 class, I came to realize that teaching is
not as simple as treating every student like an egg, where they are all the same. Each student in
the class is like a unique ingredient in a recipe, bringing their own flavor and texture to the learning

In the past, I might have thought that teaching could follow a one-size-fits-all approach,
much like how you treat all eggs the same way when cooking. However, the diversity in Ms.
Hernandez's class highlights the importance of recognizing and celebrating each student's
individuality. It's not about making them all the same; it's about understanding and appreciating
their differences.

Teaching is more like being a chef who carefully selects the right ingredients, adjusts the
recipe to suit different tastes, and creates a dish that everyone can enjoy. Ms. Hernandez's
approach of using different languages, involving the community, and adapting lessons to various
reading levels is like adding the perfect mix of spices to make the learning experience flavorful for
everyone. It's a reminder that education is a dynamic process, where embracing diversity and
tailoring our methods to the students’ diverse needs can turn the classroom into a vibrant and
inclusive learning kitchen.
Republic of the Philippines
Mandaue City Cultural and Sports Complex
Don Andres Soriano Ave., Centro, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines, 6014
Tel. Nos.: (032) 236-5520, (032) 420-9228 | E-mail:

Name: Quenie May B. Rebuyas Course & Year Level: BEED – Fourth Year
Course Code: Field Study 2 Schedule: Saturday 7:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Reflection: Written Case Study 3


Mr. Gomez, a high school science teacher, is exploring the use of educational applications to
enhance the teaching and learning experience in his classroom. The school recently introduced a
1:1 device program, providing each student with a tablet. Mr. Gomez aims to leverage technology
to engage students, personalize learning, and foster collaboration.

Mr. Gomez's decision to integrate educational applications in his high school science class
shows a positive embrace of technology's potential in education. It's not just about having tablets
for the students; it's about using them as tools to make learning more engaging and effective. This
shift highlights a recognition that technology can be a valuable asset in the teaching and learning

In the world today, I realized that technology is not just for fun or games, it can be a helpful
friend in education. Mr. Gomez understands this and sees the tablets as more than just devices,
they are resources to enhance the learning experience. It can make things more interesting and
help students understand science in a way that's not just from books, it's also in the gadgets and
applications that bring lessons to life. This perspective aligns with the idea that technology, when
used purposefully, can open new doors for students, making science more accessible and

In summary, Mr. Gomez's use of educational applications highlights that technology is

indeed a valuable asset for learning. This realization emphasizes the transformative role
technology can play in enhancing the educational experience, making subjects more engaging and
accessible for students. As we move forward, integrating technology in education proves to be a
key component in shaping a more dynamic and effective learning environment.

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