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Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No.

of Printed Pages : 10

Course Code
BHI – 03

Term End Examination – June, 2023

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History (BAHI)

Time : 3 hours Full Marks : 100
The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks

Answer all Groups as directed


1. Answer all the questions, each in

1 word : 1×10=10
(a) The ——— stories have frequent
references of caravan traders
carrying large quantities of goods to
different parts of the country.
{’ÿÉÀÿ ¯ÿçµÿçŸ ×æœÿLÿë ¯ÿÜÿë ¨Àÿçþæ~Àÿ
ÓæþS÷ê ¨Àÿç¯ÿÜÿœÿ LÿÀÿë$#¯ÿæ LÿæÀÿµÿæœÿ
¯ÿ¿¯ÿÓæßêþæœÿZÿ ¯ÿçÌß{Àÿ ———
SÅÿSëÝçLÿ{Àÿ ¯ÿæÀÿºæÀÿ D{àÿâQ ÀÿÜÿçdç >
(b) The salt caravans were called
àÿë~ LÿæÀÿæµÿæœÿZÿë ——— LÿëÜÿæ¾æD$#àÿæ >
I/23(110)—2000 (Turn Over)

(c) The Mauryan Empire was founded

by ——— in 322 BCE.
Q÷êΨí¯ÿö 322{Àÿ {þò¾ö¿ Óæþ÷æf¿
———Zÿ ’ÿ´æÀÿæ ¨÷†ÿçÏç†ÿ {ÜÿæB$#àÿæ >

(d) Who wrote the Arthashastra ?

"A$öÉæÚ'Àÿ Àÿ`ÿßç†ÿæ LÿçF?
(e) The Ancient Indian text ———
compiled the teachings and
philosophy of the Sage Patanjali.
¨÷æ`ÿêœÿ µÿæÀÿ†ÿêß S÷¡ÿ ———{Àÿ
¨†ÿqÁÿçZÿ Éçäæ F¯ÿó ’ÿÉöœÿ ÓóLÿÁÿœÿ
LÿÀÿæ¾æBdç >
(f) The Ancient Indian Philosopher
——— is known for developing the
concept of Advaita Vedanta.
¨÷æ`ÿêœÿ µÿæÀÿ†ÿêß ’ÿæÉöœÿçLÿ ——— A{’ÿð́†ÿ
{¯ÿ’ÿæ;ÿÀÿ ÓóLÿÅÿ ¯ÿçLÿæÉ ¨æBô f~æÉë~æ >
(g) The Ancient Indian treatise ———
is considered the foundational text
of Indian Classical Music.
¨÷æ`ÿêœÿ µÿæÀÿ†ÿêß ¨ëÖLÿ ———Lÿë µÿæÀÿ†ÿêß
ÉæÚêß ÓóSê†ÿÀÿ þíÁÿ ¨ævÿ¿ µÿæ¯ÿ{Àÿ
¯ÿç{¯ÿ`ÿœÿæ LÿÀÿæ¾æF >
I/23(110) (Continued)

(h) The Ancient Indian Mathematician

——— made significant
contributions to the field of
Mathematics, including the concept
of zero.
¨÷æ`ÿêœÿ µÿæÀÿ†ÿêß S~ç†ÿj ——— Éíœÿ¿Àÿ
™æÀÿ~æ ÓÜÿç†ÿ S~ç†ÿ {ä†ÿ÷{Àÿ D{àÿâQœÿêß
A¯ÿ’ÿæœÿ {’ÿB$#{àÿ >
(i) The ——— period in Ancient India
witnessed the rise of regional
kingdoms and the spread of
religious and cultural ideas.
¨÷æ`ÿêœÿ µÿæÀÿ†ÿ{Àÿ ——— A¯ÿ™#{Àÿ
AæoÁÿçLÿ Àÿæf¿SëÝçLÿÀÿ ¯ÿõ•ç F¯ÿó ™æþ}Lÿ H
ÓæóÔÿõ†ÿçLÿ `ÿç;ÿæ™æÀÿæÀÿ ¯ÿçÖæÀÿ {ÜÿæB$#àÿæ >
(j) The early scriptures of Hinduism,
known as the ———, were
composed during Ancient India.
¨÷æ`ÿêœÿ µÿæÀÿ†ÿ{Àÿ Üÿç¢ÿë ™þöÀÿ ¨÷æÀÿ»çLÿ ÉæÚ
———Àÿ Àÿ`ÿœÿæ LÿÀÿæ¾æB$#àÿæ >
2. Answer any ten questions each should
be within 2 sentences : 2×10=20
(a) Who was the prominent emperor
whose efforts led to the spread of
Buddhism outside India?
I/23(110) (Turn Over)

¨÷æ`ÿêœÿ µÿæÀÿ†ÿÀÿ {LÿDô ¨÷þëQ Óþ÷æsZÿ

D’ÿ¿þ{Àÿ {¯ÿò•™þö µÿæÀÿ†ÿ ¯ÿæÜÿæ{Àÿ
¨÷ÓæÀÿç†ÿ {ÜÿæB$#àÿæ?
(b) What were the types of land
mentioned in the ‘Paharpur’ copper
plate inscription of Buddhagupta?
¯ÿë•Së©Zÿ "¨æÜÿæÀÿ¨ëÀÿ' †ÿæþ÷üÿÁÿLÿ
Aœÿë¾æßê fþçÀÿ ¨÷LÿæÀÿSëÝçLÿ Lÿ'~ $#àÿæ?
(c) What were the two types of village
residence according to Gupta
Së© Aµÿç{àÿQ Aœÿë¾æßê ’ÿëB ¨÷LÿæÀÿÀÿ
S÷æþê~ ¯ÿÓ†ÿç Lÿ'~ $#àÿæ?
(d) Write two types of religious land
grants during the Guptas.
Së© A¯ÿ™#{Àÿ ¨÷`ÿÁÿç†ÿ $#¯ÿæ ’ÿëB ¨÷LÿæÀÿÀÿ
™æþ}Lÿ µÿí’ÿæœÿ D{àÿâQ LÿÀÿ >
(e) What is the ‘Chaturvarna’ system?
"`ÿ†ÿë¯ÿö‚ÿö' ¯ÿ¿¯ÿ×æ LÿÜÿç{àÿ Lÿ'~ ¯ÿël?
(f) What were the main sources of
revenue for Ancient Indian Rulers?
¨÷æ`ÿêœÿ µÿæÀÿ†ÿêß ÉæÓLÿþæœÿZÿë ¨æBô
ÀÿæfÓ´Àÿ þëQ¿ DûSëÝçLÿ Lÿ'~ $#àÿæ?
I/23(110) (Continued)

(g) Who was ‘Akaradhyaksha’

according to the Arthashastra?
"A$öÉæÚ' Aœÿë¾æßê LÿæÜÿæLÿë 'AæLÿæÀÿšä'
(h) What political changes were
marked by the emergence of
regional kingdoms?
AæoÁÿçLÿ Àÿæf¿SëÝçLÿÀÿ DŒˆÿç ’ÿ´æÀÿæ {LÿDô
Àÿæf{œÿð†ÿçLÿ ¨Àÿç¯ÿˆÿöœÿSëÝçLÿ `ÿçÜÿ§ç†ÿ {Üÿàÿæ?
(i) What were the four stages of
‘Ashrama’ System in Ancient India?
¨÷æ`ÿêœÿ µÿæÀÿ†ÿ{Àÿ "AæÉ÷þ' ¯ÿ¿¯ÿ×æÀÿ
`ÿæÀÿç{Sæsç ÖÀÿ Lÿ'~ $#àÿæ?
(j) What were the major trade routes
that connected India with the rest
of Asia?
{LÿDô ¨÷þëQ ¯ÿæ~çf¿ þæSöSëÝçLÿ ¨÷æ`ÿêœÿ
µÿæÀÿ†ÿLÿë Aœÿ¿ FÓêß ÀÿæÎ÷ ÓÜÿç†ÿ
(k) What was the minting process of
‘Punch-Marked’ coin?
"¨o-þæLÿö' þë’ÿ÷æÀÿ þë’ÿ÷~ ¨÷Lÿ÷çßæ Lÿ'~
I/23(110)—2000 (Turn Over)

(l) What was NBPW ? Write its one key

NBPW Lÿ'~? FÜÿæÀÿ FLÿ {¯ÿðÉçο
D{àÿâQ LÿÀÿ >

3. Answer any ten questions each should

be within 75 words : 3×10=30

(a) What were the major literary and

artistic achievements of the Early
Medieval Period in India?
þš ¾ëSêß µÿæÀÿ†ÿÀÿ ¨÷æÀÿ»{Àÿ AæÀÿ»
{ÜÿæB$#¯ÿæ ÓæÜÿç†ÿç¿Lÿ F¯ÿó LÿÁÿæŠLÿ
D‡õΆÿæÀÿ Lÿõ†ÿç Lÿ'~?
(b) Throw light on the origin on the
Mauryan Rule.
{þò¾ö¿ ÉæÓœÿÀÿ DŒˆÿç D¨{Àÿ
Aæ{àÿæLÿ¨æ†ÿ LÿÀÿ >
(c) What were the major political
contributions of the Kushana
LÿëÉæ~ Óæþ÷æf¿Àÿ Àÿæf{œÿð†ÿçLÿ A¯ÿ’ÿæœÿ Lÿ'~
I/23(110) (Continued)

(d) What is the ‘Dhamma’ policy of

A{ÉæLÿZÿ "™¼' œÿê†ÿç Lÿ'~?
(e) What was the contribution of the
Cholas in the development of art
and architecture in Ancient India?
¨÷æ`ÿêœÿ µÿæÀÿ†ÿ{Àÿ LÿÁÿæ F¯ÿó ×樆ÿ¿Àÿ
¯ÿçLÿæÉ {ä†ÿ÷{Àÿ {`ÿæàÿþæœÿZÿÀÿ A¯ÿ’ÿæœÿ
Lÿ'~ $#àÿæ?
(f) How did the Gupta Empire
contribute to the political and
cultural golden age of India?
Së© Óæþ÷æf¿ Lÿç¨Àÿç µÿæ¯ÿ{Àÿ µÿæÀÿ†ÿ{Àÿ
ÓæþæfçLÿ F¯ÿó ÓóæÔÿõ†ÿçLÿ Óë¯ÿ‚ÿö ¾ëS ¨æBô
A¯ÿ’ÿæœÿ {’ÿàÿæ?
(g) What was the impact of Buddhism
on Indian Society?
µÿæÀÿ†ÿêß Óþæf D¨{Àÿ {¯ÿò•™þöÀÿ
¨÷µÿæ¯ÿ Lÿ'~ $#àÿæ?
(h) How did the administrative
weaknesses become a reason for
the disintegration of the Gupta

I/23(110) (Turn Over)


¨÷ÉæÓœÿçLÿ ’ÿë¯ÿöÁÿ†ÿæ Lÿç¨Àÿç Së© Óæþ÷æf¿Àÿ

¯ÿç{Lÿ¢ÿ÷çLÿÀÿ~Àÿ FLÿ LÿæÀÿ~ {ÜÿæB$#àÿæ?
(i) What were the roles of Guilds and
Trade Associations in Ancient
Indian Society?
¨÷æ`ÿêœÿ µÿæÀÿ†ÿêß Óþæf{Àÿ Sçàÿï F¯ÿó
¯ÿæ~çf¿ ÓóSvÿœÿÀÿ µÿíþçLÿæ Lÿ'~ $#àÿæ?
(j) What were the ecological factors
that influenced the expansion of
agrarian economy in Ancient India?
¨÷æ`ÿêœÿ µÿæÀÿ†ÿ{Àÿ LÿõÌçµÿçˆÿçLÿ A$öœÿê†ÿçÀÿ
¯ÿçÖæÀÿLÿë ¨÷µÿæ¯ÿç†ÿ LÿÀÿç$#¯ÿæ ¨Àÿç{¯ÿÉÀÿ
LÿæÀÿLÿSëÝçLÿ Lÿ'~ $#àÿæ?
(k) How did the establishment of
regional kingdoms influenced the
land ownership patterns?
AæoÁÿçLÿ Àÿæf¿SëÝçLÿÀÿ ¨÷†ÿçÏæ, fþç
þæàÿçLÿæœÿæ |ÿæoæLÿë Lÿç¨Àÿç ¨÷µÿæ¯ÿç†ÿ Lÿàÿæ?
(l) What was the role of Gender in
social stratification of Ancient
Indian Society?
¨÷æ`ÿêœÿ µÿæÀÿ†ÿêß Óþæf{Àÿ ÓæþæfçLÿ
ÖÀÿêLÿÀÿ~{Àÿ àÿçèÿÀÿ µÿíþçLÿæ Lÿ'~ $#àÿæ?

I/23(110) (Continued)


4. Answer any four questions each should

be within 500 words : 10×4=40
(a) Discuss the significance of urban
centers in Ancient India during
300 BCE to circa 300 CE.
Q÷ê.¨í. 300Àÿë Q÷êÎæ±ÿ 300 þš{Àÿ
¨÷æ`ÿêœÿ µÿæÀÿ†ÿÀÿ œÿSÀÿ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷SëÝçLÿÀÿ
þÜÿˆÿ´Lÿë Aæ{àÿæ`ÿœÿæ LÿÀÿ >
(b) Examine the impact of the decline
of the Mauryan Empire on the
political structure of Ancient India.
¨÷æ`ÿêœÿ µÿæÀÿ†ÿÀÿ Àÿæf{œÿð†ÿçLÿ ¯ÿ¿¯ÿ×æ
D¨{Àÿ {þò¾ö¿ Óæþ÷æf¿Àÿ ¨†ÿœÿÀÿ ¨÷µÿæ¯ÿLÿë
†ÿföþæ LÿÀÿ >
(c) Throw light on the salient features
of Chola Administration in India.
{`ÿæÁÿ ÉæÓœÿ ¯ÿ¿¯ÿ×æÀÿ þëQ¿ {¯ÿðÉçοSëÝçLÿ
D¨{Àÿ Aæ{àÿæLÿ¨æ†ÿ LÿÀÿ >
(d) Explore the causes of the downfall
of Pallavas, Chalukyas and
Vardhanas in India.
¨÷æ`ÿêœÿ µÿæÀÿ†ÿ{Àÿ ¨àÿâ¯ÿ, `ÿæàÿëLÿ¿ F¯ÿó
¯ÿ•öœÿþæœÿZÿ ¨†ÿœÿ Lÿç¨Àÿç {ÜÿæB$#àÿæ >
I/23(110) (Turn Over)
( 10 )

(e) Throw light on the Agrarian

expansion during the Gupta age.
Së© Óæþ÷æf¿ A¯ÿ™#{Àÿ Lÿõ̵ç ÿçˆÿçLÿ
¨÷ÓæÀÿ~Lÿë Aæ{àÿæLÿ¨æ†ÿ LÿÀÿ >
(f) Discuss the contribution of the
Guptas in the field of Art and
Architecture in India.
¨÷æ`ÿêœÿ µÿæÀÿ†ÿÀÿ LÿÁÿæ H ×樆ÿ¿ {ä†ÿ÷{Àÿ
Së©þæœÿZÿ µÿíþçLÿæLÿë Aæ{àÿæ`ÿœÿæ LÿÀÿ >

I/23(110)—2000 BHI – 03

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