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ABC Commercial

Customer Application Form

Full names of borrower(s) for the purpose of this application

Are you an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident? Yes No

Privacy Statement:
We collect your personal information in order to contact you and to provide important We respect your privacy. Information
provided in this form will only be used and disclosed for the purposes as stated in the section on ‘Privacy’ in the Terms and
Conditions for this account. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy on our website

Valuations: Please be aware that the Bank may need to obtain valuations on security properties. This will be payable by the
applicants of for all non personal (business related borrowings).
Trusts: If a trust is involved in the transaction, you need to supply the original trust deed or a certified copy of the trust deed
and the Bank may need to arrange a trust investigation.
Contracts: If there is a contract involved, please forward us a fully executed copy and ensure that you clearly advise of finance
date, settlement date and your solicitors’ details.

Section 1 – Loan details

Loan purpose
Loan type Loan amount
Loan term years Repayment type Please select one
Security offered
Fee/Repayment account number BSB Account number

Section 2 – Statement of Company/Business Information at    /   /    (if applicable)

Entity type Please select (or free type) Date trading commenced DD/MM/YYYY
Trading as ACN
Trust name ABN
Number of Directors Please select Time managing current business Yrs   Mths
Number of employees Please select (or free type) Time trading in this industry Yrs   Mths
Business activity Please select (or free type) Time as CBA customer (approx) Yrs   Mths
Has the business diversified Yes No Time with other bank Yrs   Mths
Number of registered businesses Name of other bank
Date established DD/MM/YYYY

Section 3 – Security Details

Security Type/s Estimated Total Value of Residential Securities
Residential Commercial Cash
Estimated Total Value of Commercial Securities Total Value of Cash Securities

Security Address/s

Will a first registered mortgage be available to CBA over the security property/s? (If property is mortgaged with another Financial
Institution, select no)
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Name of Financial Institution if existing loan is not with CBA Is any property currently used as security for any other loan/s?
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What are the loan Account No./s for debts being refinanced? If security is held for another loan how much is owing?
Section 4 – Existing Business Financial Commitments
Business commitments (including leasing and credit cards) with Commonwealth Bank and other financial institutions.
Institution Type of Facility Remaining Term Limit ($) Balance Rate (%) Monthly
Owing ($) Repayments ($)

Section 5 – Personal details

Applicant/Director/Guarantor 1
Date of
Title Select Marital status Select birth DD/MM/YYYY
Surname Full given name(s)
Contact number Email address
Residential status Renting Paying off own home Fully owned home Other
Residential address Time at this
(PO Box is not acceptable) address Yrs  Mths
Previous address if < 2 Time at this
years in current address) address Yrs  Mths
Number of people living in Number of seperate
household Adults   Dependants households
Number Non Investment properties
Employment status Select Time in role Yrs   Mths
Occupation Time in Industry Yrs   Mths
Applicant/Director/Guarantor 2
Date of
Title Select Marital status Select birth DD/MM/YYYY
Surname Full given name(s)
Contact number Email address
Residential status Renting Paying off own home Fully owned home Other
Residential address Time at this
(PO Box is not acceptable) address Yrs  Mths
Previous address if < 2 Time at this
years in current address) address Yrs  Mths
Number of people living in Number of seperate
household Adults   Dependants households
Number Non Investment properties
Employment status Select Time in role Yrs   Mths
Occupation Time in Industry Yrs   Mths
Applicant/Director/Guarantor 3
Date of
Title Select Marital status Select birth DD/MM/YYYY
Surname Full given name(s)
Contact number Email address
Residential status Renting Paying off own home Fully owned home Other
Residential address Time at this
(PO Box is not acceptable) address Yrs  Mths
Previous address if < 2 Time at this
years in current address) address Yrs  Mths
Number of people living in Number of seperate
household Adults   Dependants households
Number Non Investment properties
Employment status Select Time in role Yrs   Mths
Occupation Time in Industry Yrs   Mths
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Section 5 – Personal details (continued)

Applicant/Director/Guarantor 4
Date of
Title Select Marital status Select birth DD/MM/YYYY
Surname Full given name(s)
Contact number Email address
Residential status Renting Paying off own home Fully owned home Other
Residential address Time at this
(PO Box is not acceptable) address Yrs  Mths
Previous address if < 2 Time at this
years in current address) address Yrs  Mths
Number of people living in Number of seperate
household Adults   Dependants households
Number Non Investment properties
Employment status Select Time in role Yrs   Mths
Occupation Time in Industry Yrs   Mths

Section 6 – Personal balance sheet of Applicant/Director/Guarantors

• Please print off more copies as needed

• Please include all CBA and other bank commitments
• A joint statement may be completed

Applicant/Director/Guarantor 1 name

Applicant/Director/Guarantor 2 name

Liabilities Monthly Remaining

Limit ($) Balance owing ($) Interest Rate (%)
(Financial Institution) Repayments ($) Loan Term

Existing mortgage(s)

Investment loan(s)

Personal loans/Hire purchase/Lease payments

Credit Cards
(including store cards and interest free facilities)

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Section 6 – Personal balance sheet of Applicant/Director/Guarantors (continued)



Other liabilities

Total Liabilities $0 $0 $0

Assets Monthly income ($) Estimate worth ($)

House property at

Other property at

Motor vehicles

Investment savings account

(insert details of bank and limit where appropriate)

Furniture and personal effects

Cheque accounts

Other income

Total Assets $0 $0

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Section 6 – Personal balance sheet of Applicant/Director/Guarantors (continued)
Details of any personal guarantees

Applicant/Guarantor 1 Applicant/Guarantor 2
Monthly Living Expenses Value Value
Utilities (eg. Water, electricity, gas, council rates, strata fees)
Food and groceries
Communication (eg Internet, phone, pay tv, media streaming subscriptions
– Netflix/Spotify)
Education (eg school/uni fees, materials and books)
Clothing and personal care
Transport and Auto (eg Train and bus fares, petrol and vehicle running costs)
Medical, health and fitness (eg doctor, physio, eye care and gym
Insurance (eg Car, home and contents, life, landlord and private health)
Recreation/Travel and entertainment
Childcare and pets (eg Childcare, sports, tuition and pet expenses)
Other Expenses and Purchases (not covered elsewhere)
Total Amount $0 $0
Applicant/Director/Guarantor 3 name

Applicant/Director/Guarantor 4 name

Liabilities Monthly Remaining

Limit ($) Balance owing ($) Interest Rate (%)
(Financial Institution) Repayments ($) Loan Term

Existing mortgage(s)

Investment loan(s)

Personal loans/Hire purchase/Lease payments

Credit Cards
(including store cards and interest free facilities)

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Section 6 – Personal balance sheet of Applicant/Director/Guarantors (continued)



Other liabilities

Total Liabilities $0 $0 $0

Assets Monthly income ($) Estimate worth ($)

House property at

Other property at

Motor vehicles

Investment savings account

(insert details of bank and limit where appropriate)

Furniture and personal effects

Cheque accounts

Other income

Total Assets $0 $0

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Section 6 – Personal balance sheet of Applicant/Director/Guarantors (continued)
Details of any personal guarantees

Applicant/Guarantor 3 Applicant/Guarantor 4
Monthly Living Expenses Value Value
Utilities (eg. Water, electricity, gas, council rates, strata fees)
Food and groceries
Communication (eg Internet, phone, pay tv, media streaming subscriptions
– Netflix/Spotify)
Education (eg school/uni fees, materials and books)
Clothing and personal care
Transport and Auto (eg Train and bus fares, petrol and vehicle running costs)
Medical, health and fitness (eg doctor, physio, eye care and gym
Insurance (eg Car, home and contents, life, landlord and private health)
Recreation/Travel and entertainment
Childcare and pets (eg Childcare, sports, tuition and pet expenses)
Other Expenses and Purchases (not covered elsewhere)
Total Amount $0 $0

Section 7 – Application Declaration and Qualifying Criteria

I/We confirm that:
1. I/We have operated in our current business for at least 12 months. Yes No
2. Our Business has no history of trading losses in past 24 months. Yes No
3. There has been no material change in our financial position since the last BAS. Yes No
4. I/We lodge PAYG Withholding Monthly. Yes No
5. I/We lodge PAYG Withholding Quarterly. Yes No
6. All our financial commitments are accurately listed in the commitments information provided. Yes No
7. All information provided with this application is complete, accurate and up-to-date in every detail. Yes No
8. We do not have a lending facility in any financial institution’s collection or financial assistance/hardship area. Yes No
9. We are not in arrears with any financial institution. Yes No
10. We have not had any payment written off by a financial institution in the last 24 months. Yes No
11. All statutory payments (BAS, Superannuation, etc.) are up to date. Yes No
12. All entities included in this application have the ability to meet all existing and proposed obligations. Yes No
13. Where the Borrower is a Company I/we are executing this declaration in our capacity as Director/Secretary. Yes No
14. I/We acknowledge that this application is not a legally binding contract to lend and any contractual
obligation in respect of any financial undertaking will be set out in subsequent documentation. Yes No
Full Name of Signatory

Signature of Borrower Date


Full Name of Signatory

Signature of Borrower Date


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For additional Borrowers print and submit additional copy of Section 7 if required.
Section 8 – Attachments
Please check the box to confirm the following has been provided and provide the appropriate documentation as noted.
1. Most current BAS on a 12 month rolling basis ending with the most recent statement held. Yes No
2. Itemised ATO Portal (Integrated Client Account) for the most recent 12 months. Yes No
Where individual guarantors are involved in application:
3. Two consecutive current payslips (within 90 days) from an independent employer; or Yes No
4. Completed Tax Return and Notice of Assessment (no more than 18 months old). Yes No

Return Your Application:

Please ensure all mandatory fields have been accurately completed and all declaration and qualifying criteria questions have
been confirmed prior to returning this form.
Email your completed application, with any required supporting documentation back to your lending specialist.

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