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Hazrati H
Topic 01 What is Gamification?
02 Gamification in education
03 Integrating gamification
04 What can gamification offer
What is
Gamification is defined as the application of
typical elements of game playing into other

Game elements include rules of play, point

scoring, and competition with others.
Gamification in
Gamification in education refers to the
introduction of game design elements
and gameful experiences in the design of
learning processes
Elements of
Understanding Audience and

Defining Learning Objectives

Integrating Structuring the Experience

Identifying Resources

Applying Gamification
1. The flow chart starts with knowing who your students are and where the
course/training/instruction fits into the larger curricular framework.
2. Context also refers to the type of instruction and where it will take place (individuals, groups,
class size, face to face, online).
3. Identification of “pain points” (factors that prevent learning advancement) will help the
instructor define learning objectives and structure the placement of game elements in the
4. Then you can begin to identify resources – pre-existing games or ones that you will develop,
which can range from complex to very simple.
5. Finally, you will implement the gamification strategies.
What can
Gamification offer?
In today’s digital generation gamification has
become a popular tactic to encourage
specific behaviours

Gamification directly affects engagement and


It indirectly leads to acquiring more

knowledge and skills.
The objective is to gamify the process, NOT the outcome
- you are looking to identify a “pain point” and find a way
to help your students learn that material.

There are a number of already developed, sophisticated

games applicable to a variety of disciplines .

Some of the game elements used in teaching and

learning vary, ranging from classroom to online learning.

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