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Renewable Energy Today and Tomorrow


Invited Paper

Energy is essential to our society to ensure our quality of life U.S. grid-connected electricity from renewable resources is
and to underpin all other elements of our economy. Renewable en- available electronically [4].
ergy technologies offer the promise of clean, abundant energy gath- Renewable energy technologies offer important benefits
ered from self-renewing resources such as the sun, wind, earth,
and plants. Virtually all regions of the United States and the world compared to those of conventional energy sources [5].
have renewable resources of one type or another. Renewable re- Renewable energy resources are abundant; worldwide, 1000
sources currently account for about 10% of the energy consumed times more energy reaches the surface of the earth from
in the United States; most of this is from hydropower and tradi- the sun than is released today by all fossil fuels consumed.
tional biomass sources. Wind, solar, biomass, and geothermal tech- Table 1 gives the energy delivered per square meter of land
nologies are cost-effective today in an increasing number of mar-
kets, and are making important steps to broader commercialization. for four renewable resources [6]. Similar to fossil fuels,
Each of the renewable energy technologies is in a different stage of renewable energy resources are not uniformly distributed
research, development, and commercialization, and all have differ- throughout the world. However, every region has some re-
ences in current and future expected costs, current industrial base, newable energy resource. And, because different renewable
resource availability, and potential impact on greenhouse gas emis- energy resources complement each other, taken together
sions. The technical status, cost, and applications of major renew-
able energy technologies and implications for increased adoption they can contribute appreciably to energy security and
of renewables will be reviewed. regional development in every nation of the world, without
dependence on foreign energy sources that are subject to
Keywords—Earth, plants, sun, wind.
political instability or manipulation.
Most renewable energy systems are modular, allowing
I. PROGRESS IN RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES flexibility in matching load growth. Today’s markets for
The term “renewable energy” is energy derived from renewable energy technologies range from specialized niche
markets to centralized energy production. For centralized
a broad spectrum of resources, all of which are based on
self-renewing energy sources such as sunlight, wind, flowing energy production, renewable energy systems are relatively
water, the earth’s internal heat, and biomass such as energy capital intensive compared to competing conventional tech-
crops, agricultural and industrial waste, and municipal nologies such as natural gas combined cycle power plants.
waste. These resources can be used to produce electricity However, after the initial investments have been made,
for all economic sectors, fuels for transportation, and heat the economics of renewable energy technologies improve
for buildings and industrial processes. in comparison with conventional technologies because
Renewable energy contributes as much today to U.S. en- operating and maintenance costs are low compared with
ergy production as nuclear power (10%) [1]. Each renewable those incurred using conventional fuels. This is especially
energy technology is in a different stage of development and true in the regions of the world where world fuel prices are
commercialization. Some technologies are already commer- relatively high, and will be especially true in the future as
cial, at least for some situations and applications [2]. Of the fuel prices increase. For both solar and wind systems, the
renewable energy consumed in the United States in 1998, fuel cost is not only constant, it is zero, for the life of the
hydropower comprised 55%; biomass, including municipal system.
solid waste, 38%; geothermal, 5%; solar, 1%; and wind, 0.5% Renewable energy systems generate little if any waste
[3]. Detailed information on over 7000 facilities that generate or pollutants that contribute to acid rain, urban smog, and
health problems, and do not require environmental cleanup
costs or waste disposal fees. Potential global climate change,
Manuscript received September 28, 2000; revised April 1, 2001. caused by excess carbon dioxide and other gases in the
The author is with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden,
CO 80401 USA. atmosphere, is the latest environmental concern; systems
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9219(01)07247-4. using solar, wind, and geothermal sources do not contribute

0018–9219/01$10.00 ©2001 IEEE


Table 1
Comparison of Renewable Energy Delivery per Unit Land Area

while expanding production capacity, increasing production

rates, and improving product quality [19]–[22].
Capital costs for photovoltaic panels have decreased
from more than $50/W in the early 1980s to about $5/W
today; energy costs have declined from about $0.90/kW h
in 1980 to about $0.20/kW h. Although this is still higher
than the cost of conventional baseload electricity, com-
mercial markets are flourishing in developed countries for
remote telecommunications, remote lighting and signs,
remote homes and recreational vehicles, and in developing
countries for remote power for village homes, clinics, and
other uses (see Fig. 2). Incorporating photovoltaic systems
Fig. 1 Renewable electricity cost trends and projections.
into roofing materials for generating power on buildings is
another rapidly growing area [23].
any carbon dioxide to the atmosphere [7]. In fact, today Photovoltaic markets, which passed the $1 billion level in
renewable sources of electricity help the United States avoid 1998, have been growing steadily and experienced a large
about 70 million metric tons of carbon emissions per year boost over the last two years. Sales grew by 30% in 1999
that would have been produced had that electricity been and by 43% in 2000. Worldwide shipments of photovoltaic
generated by fossil fuels [8]. Biomass does release carbon systems in 2000 were 288 MW; of this, 75 MW was pro-
dioxide when it is converted to energy, but because biomass duced in the United States, for a 26% share; Japan captured
absorbs carbon dioxide as it grows, the entire process of 45%, and Europe (mostly Germany), 21% [24]. The surge
growing, using, and regrowing biomass results in very low in sales in 1999 and 2000 came primarily from government
to zero carbon dioxide emissions. programs in Japan and Germany that subsidize purchase of
Although the energy of the sun and wind has been used by photovoltaics for residential use.
mankind for millennia, modern applications of renewable en- A new type of photovoltaics is now emerging, with
ergy technologies have been under serious development for the first commercial products now in development. Con-
only about 20 years. In that period of research and develop- ventional solar photovoltaics, as discussed above, use the
ment investment by industry and government [primarily the energy of light to generate electricity. Thermophotovoltaics
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)], dramatic improvements uses the energy of heat, or infrared radiation, to generate
have occurred in the cost, performance, and reliability of re- electricity, with the advantage that a generator can operate
newable energy systems (see Fig. 1). A summary of these at night or when the sky is overcast, eliminating the need for
improvements is given below; many excellent reviews of the batteries. Though it does need a fuel, such as natural gas,
past two decades of progress in renewable energy technolo- to provide the heat, using semiconductors for conversion
gies are available [9]–[18]. rather than conventional diesel generators results in higher
fuel-to-electricity conversion efficiencies, modularity,
A. Photovoltaic Energy minimal pollutants, quiet operation, and high reliability.
Applications under development include small power units
Photovoltaic devices use semiconductor materials such to supply electricity in remote areas or for military troops;
as silicon to convert sunlight to electricity. They contain a U.S. company is also planning to market a thermophoto-
no moving parts and produce no emissions while in op- voltaic generator to run electrical equipment on sailboats.
eration. Extremely modular, photovoltaic devices can be Ultimately, thermophotovoltaics could generate electricity
used in small cells, panels, and arrays. Photovoltaic systems from excess heat in hybrid electric vehicles or industrial
require little servicing or maintenance and have typical processes [25], [26].
lifetimes of about 20 years. Through the National Center
for Photovoltaics at NREL, researchers in government,
B. Wind Energy
universities, and industry are working together to lower
production costs. Their efforts are focused on developing Wind power systems convert the kinetic energy of the wind
more efficient semiconductor materials and device designs, into other forms of energy such as electricity. Although wind


Fig. 2 World PV module shipments: 1988–2000 (in megawatts).

energy conversion is relatively simple in concept, turbine The U.S. wind industry is thinly capitalized, except for the
design can be quite complex. Most commercially available acquisition of one major wind company by Enron; there have
wind turbines use a horizontal-axis configuration with two been two bankruptcy filings recently. Europe has twice as
or three blades, a drivetrain including a gearbox and gener- many wind manufacturing and developing companies; some
ator, and a tower to support the rotor. Typical sizes for a wind have already established North American manufacturing fa-
turbine range from 200–750 kW, with electricity produced cilities and are penetrating the U.S. market [31].
within a specific range of wind speeds.
Rapid progress in this technology has reduced costs until C. Biopower
they are competitive with those of conventional power [27].
Capital costs have declined from about $2.2/W in the early Biomass power plants generate electricity from biomass
1980s to less than $1/W today. Energy costs have decreased resources ranging from agricultural and forest product
from about $0.40/kW h to as low as $0.04–$0.06/kW h today residues to crops grown specifically for energy production.
in areas with good wind resources. In the United States, coop- Direct-combustion systems burn biomass in a boiler to
erative research between DOE and manufacturing companies produce steam that is expanded through a turbine/generator
is aimed at increasing the aerodynamic efficiency and struc- to produce power; cofiring substitutes biomass for coal in
tural strength of wind turbine blades, developing variable- existing coal-fired boilers; gasification converts biomass to a
speed generators and electronic power controls, and using fuel gas that can be substituted for natural gas in combustion
taller towers that allow access to the stronger winds found turbines. Today’s U.S. biopower industry—approximately
at greater heights. Projected energy costs for these advanced 1000 plants—consists of direct-combustion plants with
machines are $0.02–$0.04/kW h [28], [29]. a small amount of cofiring. Plant size averages 20 MW
Wind resources are abundant throughout the world. In with efficiencies of about 20% and electricity costs of
the United States, good resources can be found in 34 of the $0.08–$0.12/kW h. Grid-connected capacity has increased
50 states. For example, the wind resources in North Dakota from less than 200 MW in 1978 to more than 7500 MW
alone could supply as much as 36% of all the electricity in 1998. About 70% of this is in the forest products and
consumed by the lower 48 states. sugarcane industries; municipal solid waste plants provide
More than 3900 MW of additional wind capacity, totaling additional capacity of 3300 MW [32]. Biopower capacity
$3.9 billion in sales, was installed worldwide in 2000 [30]. in the rest of the world is about 20 000–25 000 MW, and
This reflects a 35% annual growth rate in total installations in international markets are strong with at least six major
2000; international markets have been growing much more multinational companies actively involved in the industry.
rapidly than U.S. markets (see Fig. 3). Installed capacity in Research focuses on doubling or tripling the conversion
Europe, dominated by Germany and Denmark, has surpassed efficiency of commercial plants, reducing costs further, and
installations in the United States, and is rapidly increasing; resolving issues related to biomass residual ash [33], [34].
the United States installed only 30 MW in 2000. China al-
ready has more than 100 000 wind turbines generating elec- D. Biofuels
tricity and pumping water in rural areas far from existing
power lines. According to the American Wind Energy As- Ethanol is frequently used as a gasoline additive, or con-
sociation, as much as 13 500 additional megawatts of wind verted to another additive called ethyl tertiary-butyl ether,
capacity may be installed worldwide in the next decade. to raise the octane level of gasoline and promote cleaner


Fig. 3 Worldwide wind energy installations.

combustion. According to the U.S. Environmental Protec-

tion Agency, the use of ethanol blended with gasoline can
reduce motor vehicle emissions of carbon monoxide by 25%
to 30% and also reduce ozone levels that contribute to urban
smog. In addition, the combustion of ethanol produces 90%
less carbon dioxide than gasoline.
A blend of 10% ethanol and 90% gasoline has been
widely used throughout the nation for many years. Higher
level blends of 85% and 95% ethanol are being tested in
government fleet vehicles, flexible-fuel passenger vehicles,
and urban transit buses. Although there are nearly 50 000
such vehicles in operation, their use is expected to grow as Fig. 4 Bioethanol costs will continue to decrease.
federal, state, municipal, and private fleet operators seek to
comply with the alternative fuel requirements of the Energy and demonstrate ethanol production from a variety of
Policy Act of 1992 and the Clean Air Act Amendments of biomass feedstocks [37], [38].
1990. Ethanol is not the only fuel that can be produced from
Ethanol sold today is produced from corn kernels using biomass. About 1.2 billion gallons of methanol, currently
traditional fermentation technology to meet a market de- made from natural gas, are sold in the United States annu-
mand of more than a billion gallons of fuel a year. Because ally, with about 38% of this used in the transportation sector.
corn requires high amounts of energy (as fertilizer and farm (The rest is used to make solvents and chemicals.) Methanol
equipment fuel) to grow, renewable energy research has can also be produced from biomass through thermochem-
focused on producing ethanol—termed bioethanol—from ical gasification. Diesel fuel, currently produced from petro-
corn waste, waste newspaper, rice straw, forest thinnings to leum, is also being produced in limited quantities from soy-
prevent wildfires, and grasses and trees cultivated as energy beans, but research has shown that diesel fuel can also be pro-
crops [35]. Biological production of ethanol involves hy- duced from less costly and more abundant sources, such as
drolysis of fibrous biomass, using enzymes or acid catalysts, the natural oils occurring in algae and pyrolysis of biomass.
to form soluble sugars, followed by microbial conversion Dimethyl ether is another fuel that can be produced from
of sugars to ethanol. The cost of bioethanol production biomass as a diesel substitute. Federal support for research
has decreased from $3.60/gallon in 1980 to about $1.20 on biomass-derived methanol and diesel fuels has not been
today (see Fig. 4) due to technical breakthroughs, including emphasized recently to focus funding resources on ethanol.
genetic engineering of specialized enzymes and microbes. The Biomass Research and Development Initiative in-
Ultimately, the goal is for bioethanol to become competitive volving multiple federal agencies has given incentive to seek
with gasoline in price [36]. Research focuses on low-cost ways to accelerate the growth of bioenergy and biobased
production of enzymes to break down cellulose, improve products. One key element of the strategy is to develop
microorganism performance, produce suitable energy crops, pathways with a multiproduct focus, sometimes referred to


as a biorefinery. Just like petroleum has transitioned from erate large amounts of electricity using a tall, fluid-filled
a single product to a multiproduct industry, biomass can tower located at the focal point of a large field of mirrors.
benefit from such a strategy. The concept is to derive a slate This technology has been demonstrated by DOE’s Solar
of products such as fuels, chemicals, plastics, electricity, One and Solar Two projects near Barstow, CA. Dish-Stirling
and heat from the biorefinery to provide maximum use of units use a small array of mirrors to focus sunlight on a
the biomass feedstock and to derive the greatest economic Stirling engine, which produces 5–50 kW of electricity for
value from the products and lead to greater viability for this grid consumption or standalone applications. Dish-Stir-
renewable resource. ling systems are currently being tested by several electric
utilities in the southwestern United States as a way to add
E. Geothermal Energy incremental capacity without constructing expensive new
conventional power plants [43], [44].
Geothermal resources include dry steam, hot water, hot
One of the most widespread uses of solar buildings tech-
dry rock, magma, and ambient ground heat. Steam and water
nology is solar water heating. Significant progress has been
resources have been developed commercially for power
made in improving the reliability and durability of these
generation and ambient ground heat is used commercially
systems since the 1970s. According to the Solar Energy
in geothermal heat pumps; methods of tapping the other
Industries Association, more than 200 000 businesses and
resources are being studied. Research centers on lowering
100 000 pools in the United States now use solar thermal
costs, improving methods for finding and characterizing
systems to reduce their utility bills. Flat-plate collectors
reservoirs, and tapping broader resources [39], [40].
are used on residences, while more costly parabolic-trough
The Geysers steam power plant in California is the
systems make this technology suitable for moving the large
oldest and largest geothermal power plant in the world,
volumes of water used by hospital laundries, institutional
with a capacity of 2000 MW. Hot-water plants have been
kitchens, swimming pools, or industrial processes [45]–[47].
developed more recently and are now the major source of
The sun’s heat can also be used to preheat building venti-
geothermal power in the world. Total U.S. capacity is about
lation air using transpired solar collectors mounted on south-
2800 MW, enough electricity for 3 million people, at a cost
facing exterior walls. Commercial systems are being sold and
of $0.05–$0.08/kW h. Hot water from geothermal resources
installed today at a cost equivalent of $0.02/kW h.
is also used directly to provide heat for industrial processes,
dry crops, or heat buildings, for a total U.S. capacity of G. Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
about 500 thermal MW. Many developing countries have
geothermal resources, and continue to be an attractive Hydrogen today is produced from natural gas for limited
market [41]. markets but it can be produced from renewable sources and
Geothermal heat pumps do not generate electricity, but promises substantial contributions to global energy supplies
they reduce the consumption of electricity by using heat ex- in the long term. Hydrogen is the most abundant element
changers and the constant temperature of the earth several in the universe, the simplest chemical fuel (essentially a hy-
feet under the ground to heat or cool indoor air. The market drocarbon without the carbon) that makes a highly efficient,
for geothermal heat pumps has been growing rapidly and ex- clean-burning energy carrier. It has the potential to fuel trans-
pectations are that they will soon reach the level of installa- portation vehicles with zero emissions, provide process heat
tion on more than 400 000 homes and commercial buildings for industrial processes, supply domestic heat through co-
per year [42]. generation, help produce electricity for centralized or dis-
tributed power systems, and provide a storage medium for
electricity from renewable energy sources. Some envision an
F. Concentrating Solar Power and Solar Buildings
entire economy based on hydrogen in the future [48]–[50].
Concentrating solar power, sometimes referred to as Research challenges include cost-effective, energy-effi-
solar thermal, systems use the sun’s heat to meet a variety cient production technologies and safe, economical storage
of needs, such as generating electricity; heating water for and transportation technologies. Major breakthroughs have
industrial processes, domestic water supplies, or community occurred recently in both production and storage technolo-
swimming pools; preheating building ventilation air; and gies for hydrogen. Researchers have doubled the previous
direct heating of building interiors. efficiency of producing hydrogen from water and have made
In California, nine commercial concentrating solar power major advances in carbon nanotube storage technology [51],
plants with a total generating capacity of 354 MW have [52].
been operating since the mid-1980s. These systems con- Fuel cells promise to be a safe and effective way to use
sist of rows of highly reflective parabolic troughs. Each hydrogen for both vehicles and electricity generation. Fuel
trough focuses and concentrates sunlight on a central tube cells convert hydrogen—as hydrogen gas or reformed within
filled with heat-absorbing fluid, which is used to generate the fuel cell from natural gas, alcohol fuels, or some other
electricity. When combined with natural-gas-fired turbines, source—directly into electrical energy with no combustion.
parabolic-trough systems can produce electricity for about Phosphoric acid fuel cells are already commercially avail-
$0.09/kW h. able to generate electricity in 200-kW capacities selling for
Two other options for concentrating solar power include $3/W, using natural gas as the source of hydrogen; molten
“power towers” and dish-Stirling units. Power towers gen- carbonate has been demonstrated at large (2-MW) capacities.


Table 2
Economic Potential of Renewable Electric Systems in the U.S.

Solid-oxide fuel cells are being demonstrated by major man- can serve as a standby generator or serve as an uninterrupt-
ufacturers for potential cogenerators in commercial and mul- ible power supply. More and more consumers are in need of
tifamily residential buildings. Proton exchange membrane electric service 24/7 without interruption. Distributed power
cells using hydrogen (currently reformed from methanol) are offers an approach to this need.
being developed for both transportation and electricity appli- There are barriers to robust implementation of distributed
cations [53], [54]. power. The key barrier today is interconnection with the grid.
Although hydrogen fuel cells are used routinely by NASA The IEEE is leading the development of a consensus stan-
for space missions, terrestrial applications are still in their in- dard for interconnection. This standard, when completed, is
fancy. The lack of an economical process for hydrogen pro- intended to ensure that distributed systems operate safely and
duction and suitable storage methods are two of the greatest reliably and are applied in a uniform way across the U.S.
obstacles to commercialization, especially in the transporta- power system. With this standard and associated testing in
tion sector. Research goals include developing technologies place, the installation and operation of distributed systems
to produce hydrogen from sunlight and water and biomass; will be streamlined.
developing low-cost and low-weight hydrogen storage tech-
nologies for both stationary and vehicle-based applications, II. TODAY’S TRENDS AND ISSUES AFFECTING RENEWABLES
such as carbon nanotubes and metal hydrides; and devel-
oping codes and standards to enable the widespread use of As is evident from the preceding discussion, scientific
hydrogen technologies. and engineering advances continue to strongly influence
the progress of renewable energy technology development,
as do advances in information technology. Easily accessed
H. Distributed Power
web sites relating to renewable energy technologies provide
Distributed power is modular electric generation from rel- valuable and accurate information that is easily accessible
atively small generating systems ranging from less than a by everyone. Real-time metering is opening up innovative
kilowatt to tens of megawatts and located at or near consumer electricity pricing [55]; sophisticated equipment and controls
sites. Distributed systems can either be grid connected or op- are improving the use of energy in buildings; and complex
erate independent of the grid. The goal of proponents of dis- systems are being modeled in the laboratory, accelerating
tributed power is to reinvent the power grid so that instead of technology development.
producing electricity only at large, central plants and trans- But despite the excellent technical progress of the last
mitting it in one direction, consumers would have some de- 20 years, electricity and fuels from renewable energy are
gree of energy independence and open the system to millions still generally more expensive than electricity and fuels
of small suppliers. from conventional fossil-fuel sources, with some excep-
With distributed power, homes and businesses could tions. Table 2 summarizes the economic potential of major
produce power using technologies such as fuel cells, pho- renewable energy electric systems. Although it is difficult to
tovoltaic systems, wind turbines, biomass based generators, compare costs of electricity from renewable technologies to
microturbines, engine/generator sets, and electric storage those of conventional grid electricity, it should be noted that
systems. Excess power could be sold to the grid adding to the average retail price of electricity in the United States is
grid capacity and consumers could obtain power from the $0.07/kW h, which is less than most renewables. The cost
grid when needed or desired. of electricity and fuels from renewable energy would easily
The benefits of distributed power systems are seen to be be less expensive than fossil fuels if the true, hidden costs of
reliability of service and power quality. In addition, greater fossil fuels—environmental costs, health costs, and energy
efficiency of energy use is realized by using the heat loss security costs—were considered. But our society has not
from the power generation system. One of the biggest drivers yet found acceptable ways to incorporate these hidden costs
today with rolling blackouts in some parts of the country is it into the cost of our energy.


Although we have not yet incorporated hidden costs into
our pricing structures, the support of the American public for
renewable energy continues unabated. In surveys over the
past 18 years, majorities of the public have chosen renew-
able energy and energy efficiency over other energy alterna-
tives and expressed a desire for a national agenda of clean
energy development with increasingly large portions of the
nation’s energy mix from renewables [58]. In addition, more
than a dozen utilities in the United States and more in Europe
are offering renewables as part of a “green” marketing cam-
paign to attract consumers, with very positive results to date
[59]–[62]. Renewable energy is also getting more attention as
a valuable response to natural disasters to mitigate loss, aid Fig. 5 New electrical capacity presents opportunities for
in immediate relief, and promote rapid recovery [63]. Even
the insurance community is paying greater attention to re-
newables as they take higher and higher losses from natural renewable electric systems (wind, photovoltaics, and solar
disasters that scientists suggest may be increasing due to the thermal) should be helped by recent advances in battery and
cumulative impact on the environment of mankind’s use of other storage technologies.
energy. The electricity sector is not alone in its challenges; the
The industrialized world, and particularly the United transportation sector also faces major challenges in meeting
States, is currently undergoing rapid change in the funda- the ever-growing demand for transportation goods and ser-
mental structure of the electricity sector of our economies vices while minimizing adverse energy security and envi-
[64]–[66]. Following the experience of the airline, telecom- ronmental impacts. The total U.S. transportation sector re-
munications, and other industries, regulated utility monop- mains over 97% dependent on petroleum fuels and consumes
olies are giving way to a market-driven electricity industry. about two-thirds of the nation’s oil demand. Reliable energy
The challenges and opportunities of this restructuring affect supplies are essential to national security and economic well
utilities, independent developers, power marketers, energy being, yet America now depends on other nations for 55%
users, investors—and the renewable energy community. of its oil. According to DOE, that figure will likely rise to
The immediate effect has been to make it more difficult 70% in little more than 20 years [72]. Oil imports repre-
for renewable energy electric technologies to penetrate sent a major transfer of wealth—over $50 billion in 1998
large U.S. markets, because of the newness and uncertainty [73]—from the United States to oil exporting countries. And
surrounding investments in relatively new technologies, the while the world rests comfortably, with many energy fore-
expectation of stiff price competition, and the higher initial casters predicting 50 years or more worth of petroleum left
cost of renewable energy technologies. to find and produce, a Scientific American article suggests
To encourage the use of renewable energy electricity in the that the end of cheap oil may come much sooner [74]. How-
United States, policy measures will be needed [67], [68]. The ever, despite the predictions of rapidly rising oil prices in the
most prominent measure under consideration is the renew- next decade or two, until recently petroleum prices (espe-
ables portfolio standard, a market-based mechanism for en- cially in the United States) have remained low—presenting
suring a minimum level of renewable energy development in difficult challenges for bioethanol, biodiesel, hydrogen, re-
the electricity portfolios of power suppliers as determined by newable-powered fuel cells, and other alternative transporta-
a state or other implementing entity. Electricity sellers could tion fuels.
meet their obligation through direct ownership of renewable Most renewable fuels, as well as biomass power, depend
generation, contracts for power from renewable generating on various forms of biomass as feedstocks [75], [76].
facilities, or purchase of credits for sufficient renewable elec- Therefore, the availability and price of biomass become
tricity from another power supplier. key factors in the economic viability of both technologies.
Because of the changing U.S. electricity marketplace, Agricultural, industrial, and municipal wastes are attractive
remote or distributed markets for renewable electricity, as near-term sources of biomass for these end uses; they
noted in the individual technology discussions above, appear have zero or low value today. But it will not take much
to be more promising today than centralized electricity market penetration of these new technologies to deplete
markets [69]. Although central-station fossil and nuclear economically attractive waste products. The longer-term
plants—which are, on average, 30 years old—supply 87% solution is energy crops—plants such as fast-maturing
of the electricity used in the United States today, the Electric species of trees and grasses that are grown on farms [77]
Power Research Institute predicted that distributed markets to be harvested specifically for burning, gasifying, or
will begin to emerge as early as 2000 [70]. Fig. 5 indicates fermenting into electricity or fuel. Although energy crops
the large requirements for capacity replacement expected can bring many advantages to the American farmer and
during the next 20 years [71]. Renewable energy electricity rural development, the emergence of farms growing energy
technologies will be competing with gas and diesel engines, crops will require some changes to the traditional policies
gas turbines, microturbines, and fuel cells. Intermittent affecting the American agricultural community.


Fig. 6 Shell sustained growth scenario.

Demand for energy in developing nations has been in- • emergence of a new economic structure in the elec-
creasing more rapidly than in the industrialized nations for tricity sector;
the past 20 years or more, and is projected to increase even • trends toward decentralization and modularity;
more rapidly, especially in China, India, and other growing • explosive advances in computers, information, and
economies in Asia [78]–[81]. Nations seeking to maintain telecommunications;
independence are looking to develop indigenous sources of • globalization of markets;
energy and their own energy infrastructure, in contrast to • persistent, pervasive support for a clean environment;
fossil-fuel-based energy systems ultimately controlled by a • limited future availability of inexpensive fossil fuels.
very few nations [82]. Developing countries are also looking Do these converging trends mean that we are on the brink
to avoid the environmental problems created by conventional of a new energy transition from fossil fuels to renewables?
energy systems. In response, international lending institu- Several independent entities have recently developed sce-
tions such as the World Bank have begun to target programs narios indicating that renewable energy will play a major role
to environmentally friendly energy technologies such as re- in the energy mix for the world, with increasing impacts be-
newables. All of these trends are quickly opening up strong ginning as early as 2000–2010 and major impacts by 2050
international markets for renewables. [84]–[89]. In both of the Shell International scenarios, en-
ergy contributions from conventional energy resources begin
III. TOMORROW’S IMPACT OF RENEWABLE ENERGY ON to level off in 20–30 years, with petroleum consumption ac-
tually decreasing (see Fig. 6) [90]. According to these sce-
narios, the increases in world energy demand will be sup-
From the dawn of human civilization to about 100 years plied by renewable energy technologies, which will provide
ago, the sources of energy used by mankind were predom- 30%–50% of world energy by 2050.
inantly human and animal muscle and wood, with lesser Although these scenarios are important, and should be
amounts of solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal. With the studied and debated, it may be even more significant that
discovery of oil, the development of natural gas fields, and four international companies have recently made major
the widespread distribution of electricity from coal-powered investments in renewables. In October 1997, the Royal
central power plants, fossil fuels became the predominant Dutch/Shell Group created Shell International Renewables
sources of energy in the United States and the world. Is with a $500 million investment, focusing on solar, biomass,
there another major transition ahead for energy? Can the and forestry [91]. In January 1998, British Petroleum (BP),
renewable resources that sustained early civilization be through its BP Solar subsidiary, opened a 10–15 MW photo-
harnessed with enough efficiency and availability and at a voltaics facility (its sixth in the world) in California. Enron
cost to meet a significant portion of the much higher energy Corporation, one of the world’s largest natural gas compa-
needs of today’s society? nies, entered into a joint venture with Amoco Corporation
Although there are always risks in predictions, the conver- in 1995 to form the largest U.S.-owned producer of PV cells
gence of some of today’s trends suggests interesting possibil- and the second largest in the world. Enron then acquired the
ities [83]. In summary, today’s converging trends related to largest U.S. wind energy company in 1997 and formed a new
renewable energy include: business unit, Enron Renewable Energy Corporation [92].
• relevant scientific discoveries and engineering Most recently, Amoco and British Petroleum announced
progress; a merger. And Bechtel, the international engineering and


project development giant, recently formed a joint venture pricing. The convergence of advances in information tech-
with another U.S. firm to develop small, renewable energy nology, energy-efficient building equipment, and renewable
systems including solar, wind, and hybrids. energy technologies will result in “smart” buildings with so-
Leaving aside the controversial question of when we might phisticated control systems that will optimize the use of en-
transition to an energy mix with significant proportions of ergy while providing telecommunications, information ser-
renewable energy, but accepting the inevitability of the tran- vices, and entertainment.
sition, what could be the impact on American and global so- New generations of vehicles will increase fuel economy
ciety? [93], [94] Although the topic is worthy of many pages to three or four times today’s levels—and dramatically lower
of discussion, we will focus here on four areas relating most or eliminate air pollution emissions—by taking advantage of
closely to the direct impact on human beings: lighter materials; new fuels; advances in gas turbines, fuel
• U.S. rural economy; cells, and flywheels; and sophisticated computer technology
• community planning and lifestyles; for integration and control. Information and telecommunica-
• international socioeconomic equity; tions technology will help reduce the miles traveled per day
• environment. by controlling and directing traffic to avoid congestion, al-
lowing people to work and shop from home, decreasing busi-
A. U.S. Rural Economy ness travel, and suggesting the most efficient route and trans-
portation mode for people when they do travel.
The rural economy in the United States continues in a
state of change and uncertainty. The typical modern farm
C. International Socioeconomic Equity
concentrates on the production of one or two major com-
mercial products such as corn, soybeans, milk, or beef; the Changes in communities and lifestyles arising from
net income is vulnerable to fluctuations in market demand, widespread use of renewable energy will be even more
the weather, and other factors. The addition of crops grown profound in the developing world. Two billion people today
specifically for energy—such as poplar trees or native are without access to electricity and efficient cooking fuels,
switchgrass—will expand the horizons of the American contributing to a lack of medical services, lack of education,
farmer, providing flexibility with a greater diversity of crops hunger, thirst, and environmental degradation. Women
to improve the economic potential and stability of the farm. suffer more from the current energy system than men [96].
Because it is most economical to build the power plant or Women and children spend long hours in energy-related
fuel facility near the source of biomass, the energy facilities activities—cooking, collecting fuelwood, carrying water,
themselves will add nonfarm jobs in rural areas. These processing food—and expend more energy in work than
businesses will bring other businesses, encouraging rural men. Home by home and village by village, renewable
development and redirecting money spent on oil imports energy technologies such as wind turbines, photovoltaic
into local economies [95]. panels, and modular biomass gasifiers will bring the benefits
of electricity to disadvantaged people. The small, modular
B. Community Planning and Lifestyles nature of these systems will also open up opportunities
for individual entrepreneurs—including women—to man-
Rural communities are only one type of community that ufacture, sell, and service the renewable energy systems,
will be radically affected by the advent of significant re- giving them valuable experience in business and economics.
newable energy usage. Urban and suburban communities are Lastly, by choosing renewable energy systems rather than
likely to be affected by two major changes: the restructuring
centralized fossil-fuel systems, developing nations have
of the electric industry and changes in the way people move the opportunity to avoid the environmental problems and
about. The apparent move to distributed energy resources costs that have plagued the industrialized world and take
along with the restructuring of the electric industry means advantage of the window of economic opportunity as these
that people will have more choices than in the past about
technologies begin to expand rapidly throughout the world.
how they provide electricity, heating, and cooling for their
homes. Consumers will be able to generate electricity on
their own property and buildings using wind, photovoltaic, D. Environment
or micro-fuel-cell technology, or purchase electricity from Energy production and use already does more envi-
a local network of small, interconnected generators. Local ronmental damage in the world than any other economic
businesses will be able to use microturbine, fuel cell, or gasi- activity. Although the United States has made substantial
fier technologies. Heating and cooling options will increase progress in improving the environment since the mid-1970s,
as geothermal heat pumps and preheating solar collectors be- power plants are still responsible for 72% of all sulfur
come commonplace among major builders. Energy require- dioxide emissions and 33% of all nitrogen oxide emissions
ments will decrease as the majority of builders respond to [97]. The public health implications of energy-related
consumer awareness of energy’s financial and other costs pollution present a serious challenge; recent studies link
and incorporate widespread whole-building approaches to health problems with particulate matter, sulfur dioxide,
reduce energy requirements. Meanwhile, computers and in- nitrogen oxides, ozone, and carbon monoxide [98]. And,
formation technology will allow customers to pay the lowest with respect to global warming, the burning of fossil fuels
possible prices for electricity as suppliers institute real-time contributes three-fourths of the carbon dioxide emissions


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[73] “Annual energy review 1999,” U.S. Dept. of Energy, DOE/EIA, He is currently the Associate Director for
2000. Science and Technology for the National Re-
[74] C. Campbell and J. Laherrere, “The end of cheap oil,” Sci. Amer., newable Energy Laboratory and Vice President
vol. 278, pp. 78–83, Mar. 1998. of the Midwest Research Institute. He has more
[75] R. P. Overend and E. Chornet, Eds., Making a Business from than 30 years of experience in energy and related
Biomass in Energy, Environment, Chemicals, Fibers, and Mate- applications including renewable energy, energy
rials. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier, 1997. efficiency, transportation systems, bioenergy,
[76] R. P. Overend, C. M. Kinoshita, and M. J. Antal, Jr., “Bioenergy in medical systems, and nondestructive testing. He
transition,” J. Energ. Eng., pp. 78–92, 1996. has experience in leading energy research and development, managing and
[77] [Online]. Available: developing programs, and planning and evaluating technical programs. He
[78] F. Sissine, “Renewable energy: Key to sustainable energy supply,” leads NREL’s RD&D, which emphasizes renewable energy and energy
in Congr. Res. Service Issue Brief for Congress #97 031, Sept. 26, efficiency technologies in support of DOE programs. During 20 years at
1997, NREL, he has held positions of increasing responsibility including: Senior
[79] G. Williams and C. Bloyd, “Institutional solutions for renewable en- Engineer, Director of Planning and Evaluation, Director of the Fuels and
ergy,” Renew. Energ., vol. 2/3, pp. 309–314, 1997. Chemicals Research and Engineering Division, Technical Director for
[80] J. Sheffield, “The role of energy efficiency and renewable energies Transportation Programs, Director of the Technology Management Center,
in the future world energy market,” Renew. Energ., vol. 2/3, pp. and the Associate Director for Science and Technology. He has also held
315–318, 1997. university faculty and private sector responsibilities. He has authored
[81] “International energy outlook 1997,” U.S. Dept. of Energy, approximately 75 publications in diverse fields and technical journals, and
DOE/EIA-0484(97), 1997. presented about 75 papers at international, national, and other meetings. He
[82] K. Kozloff, “Electricity sector reform in developing countries: Im- has also made numerous public presentations on a variety of energy-related
plications for renewable energy,” Renewable Energy Policy Project topics.
Res. Rep., [Online]. Available:, 1998. Dr. Bull’s professional recognition and honors include a Senior Ful-
[83] A. A. M. Sayigh, Ed., Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy bright-Hays Professorship in Grenoble, France, the Faculty-Alumni Award
Congress IV Pergamon, U.K., June 1996. from the University of Missouri–Columbia, and the Secretary of Energy
[84] Renewable Energy Resources: Opportunities and Constraints Outstanding Program Manager Award. He is listed in Who’s Who in
1990–2020. London, U.K.: World Energy Council, 1993. Engineering, American Men and Women of Science, Who’s Who in the
[85] Energy for Tomorrow’s World. New York: World Energy Council, West, Who’s Who in Frontiers of Science and Technology, Who’s Who in
St. Martin’s Press, 1993. Technology, and Who’s Who of Emerging Leaders in America.


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