Enteral Feeding

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Nursing guidelines
Enteral feeding and medication administration
Note: This guideline in currently under review.

Definition of Terms
Adverse Effects
Companion Documents
Evidence Table
Enteral feeding is a method of supplying nutrients directly into the gastrointestinal
tract. This guideline will use this term describe Orogastric, Nasogastric and
Gastrostomy tube feeding. A wide range of children may require enteral feeding
either for a short or long period of time for a variety of reasons including:
Unable to consume adequate nutrients
Impaired swallowing/sucking
Facial or oesophageal structural abnormalities
Anorexia related to a chronic illness
Eating disorders
Increased nutritional requirements,
Congenital anomalies
Primary disease management.
Enteral feeding tubes can be used to:

Administer bolus, intermittent feeds and continuous feeds

Medication administration
Facilitate free drainage and aspiration of the stomach contents
Facilitate venting/decompression of the stomach
Stent the oesophagus
It is imperative that nursing staff caring for children who have enteral tubes in
understand why it is in-situ.
For information regarding the Jejunal feeding and medication administration please
see the Jejunal Feeding Guideline.
This guideline aims to support nurses in administering feeds and medications via a
nasogastric, orogastric or gastrostomy tube in a safe and appropriate manner.
Please note this guideline does not refer to the management of Jejunal tubes, for
information regarding care of these please see the Jejunal Feeding Guideline.
Please note this guideline does not refer to the care of trans-anastomotic tube (TAT),
these remain in-situ post-operatively and should not be removed or replaced. If the
TAT is dislodged inadvertently, immediately notify the neonatal and surgical teams.
Feeds and medications should only be administered via a TAT tube at the direction of
the treating medical team.

Definition of terms
Orogastric Tube (OGT) - Thin soft tube passed through a child’s mouth, through the
oropharynx, through the oesophagus and into the stomach
Nasogastric Tube (NGT) – Thin soft tube passed through a child’s nose, down the
back of the throat, through the oesophagus and into the stomach.
Gastrostomy tube - a feeding tube which is inserted endoscopically or surgically
through the abdominal wall and directly into the stomach.
Temporary balloon device (G-Tube) – a gastrostomy tube
Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube (PEG) – a gastrostomy tube which is held
in place with an internal fixator
Gastrostomy-Button (Mickey-Button™) - skin level button gastrostomy tube inserted
into a pre-formed stoma.
Gastric Residual Volume (GRV’s) – the amount of fluid aspirated from the stomach
via an enteral tube to monitor gastric emptying, tolerance to enteral feeding and
abdominal decompression. Once removed it may be returned to the patient or
Trans-Anastomotic Tube (TAT tube) - Utilised after surgery to repair oesophageal
atresia inserted by surgeons in the Neonatal patient population.
Link for insertion of Nasogastric and Orogastric Tube Insertion policy, Nutrition on
PICU Guidelines and Jejunal Feeding Guideline.
Nasogastric Tube/Orogastric Tube- Checking the Position
Prior to accessing a NGT/OGT for any reason nursing staff members must ensure that
the tube is located in the stomach. Coughing, vomiting and movement can move the
tube out of the correct position.The position of the tube must be checked:

Prior to each feed

Before each medication
Before putting anything down the tube
If the child has vomited
4 hourly if receiving continuous feeds
Nursing staff should perform the following observations and obtain a gastric aspirate
to establish tube position.

Ensure taping is secure

Observe and document the position marker on NGT/OGT – compare to initial
Observe child for any signs of respiratory distress
Please note: patients who have a history of Liver Failure and known/or suspected
oesophageal varices should not have a gastric aspirate removed from the NGT.
Instead tube position should be initially confirmed via x-ray with clear documentation
of NGT position marker. The medical team should document rationale for not
obtaining gastric aspirate in the patient’s progress note as well as an alternative plan
to confirm NGT placement.

Obtain gastric aspirate

To check the position of the tube nursing staff members need to have prepared the
following equipment:

pH test indicators;
Enteral/oral syringe – 5ml – 20ml for aspiration;
Gloves ( P&P: Standard Precautions Infection Control, RCH only)

Attach a 10-20ml oral/enteral syringe to the enteral tube in the infant/child

Attach a 5-10ml oral/enteral syringe to the enteral tube in a neonate
Aspirate minimum 0.5 - 1ml of gastric content (or sufficient amount to enable pH
testing). Consider the “dead space” in the tubing.
Utilising pH indicator strips a reading of between 0-5 should be obtained and

Some medications and formulas may affect the pH reading. Refer to Nasogastric and
Orogastric Tube Insertion procedure (RCH only.) If the patient is receiving a
medication which is known to alter pH readings notify medical team, pharmacy and
senior nursing staff, a clear plan for confirming the tubes position should be
documented in the progress notes.
If a reading greater than 5 is obtained, placement of the tube is questionable and it
should not be used until the position of the tube is confirmed.
If a reading greater than 5 is obtained leave for up to 1 hour and try aspirating again.
Small-bore tubes can be difficult to aspirate therefore the following are suggested
techniques to try enhance the ability to obtain aspirate:
Turn the patient onto their side. This will allow the tip of the tube to move to a
position where fluid has accumulate
Using a 10-20ml oral/enteral syringe (5-10 ml in neonates) insufflate 1-5ml of air (1-2
ml in neonates) into the tube. This may move the tube away from the wall of the
stomach. It will also clear the tube of any residual fluid. If a child belches
immediately following air insufflation, the tip of the tube may be in the oesophagus
Wait for 15-30 minutes. This will allow fluid to accumulate in the stomach and try
aspirating again.
If it is safe to do so and the child is able to tolerate oral intake consider providing
them with a drink and attempt aspirate in 15-30minutes
If no aspirate obtained, advance the tube by 1-2 cm and try aspirating again
If aspirate not obtained discuss with senior nursing staff or medical staff and consider
removing the tube or checking position by x-ray.
Gastrostomy tube
Correct placement of the tube should be confirmed prior to administration of an
enteral feed by checking insertion site at the abdominal wall and observing the child
for abdominal pain or discomfort. If the nurse is unsure regarding the position of the
gastrostomy or jejunostomy tube contact the medical team immediately.
Ongoing Assessment
During Continuous feeds – Nasogastric/Orogastric Tube:

1. The position of the tube needs to be checked 4 hourly with change of feeds

It is recommended that the feed be ceased, withdraw aspirate and test pH.
If reading greater than 5, cease the feed for 30 minutes, aspirate and test pH
Should there be any dispute as to the position of the tube, do not recommence feeds.
Discuss with senior nursing staff or medical staff.
2. The following needs to be checked 2 hourly during the feed:

Marker on NGT
Observe child for signs of respiratory distress.
Check infusion hourly and document intake.
Feeds should hang for no longer than 4 hours to reduce the risk of bacterial growth.
Other assessment considerations for the child receiving enteral feeds

Regular Weights (at least twice weekly or as clinically indicated)

Blood tests
Referral to dietitian to review feeding plan
Referrals to speech therapy and/or occupational therapy.
Flushing enteral tubes
The purpose of flushing is to check for tube patency and prevent clogging of enteral

Flushing is not routine on the Neonatal unit and flushing with air is the preferred

Enteral feeding tubes should be flushed regularly with water (or sterile water if

Prior to and after feeding

Prior to, in-between and after medications
Regularly in between tube use
Modify flush volumes throughout as needed for infants and children with fluid
restrictions – these patients may require minimal volume (0.5mL) flushing and/or
flushing with air to push feed or medication to the end of the tube
Nurses should prepare an enteral/oral syringe, enteral tube connector and water for a

Tap water is suitable for most children with OGT or NGT

Boiled/sterile water may be necessary for children under 6 months of age or as
clinically indicated e.g. immunocompromised patients
Enteral tubes should be flushed with between 5 – 20mls of water depending on the
viscosity of the feed/medication, the child’s fluid status balance and the child’s size
(The minimum volume required to clear the tube is 2mls. However in shorter tubes
1.5mls would be sufficient).
Feeding tubes may be used to facilitate venting or decompression of the stomach from
the accumulation of air during such interventions as High Flow Nasal Prongs, Non-
Invasive or Invasive Ventilation.
Enteral feeding or administration of medication may proceed in this case dependent
on the individual child’s condition
The tube may be clamped for 30 minutes to an hour post administration to prevent
loss of feed or medication
Continuous venting may be facilitated following administration by securing the distal
end of the tube above the head of the child. This may be attached to the end of a 5 or
10mL enteral/oral syringe with the plunger removed to create a reservoir should
gastric contents reflux
Link to High Flow Nasal Prong (HFNP) therapy clinical guideline.

Feeds can be administered via syringe, gravity feeding set or feeding pump. The
method selected is dependent of the nature of the feed and clinical status of the child.
There is limited evidence available to support one method of feeding over the other.

For children who have a newly established enteral tube feeding regime:

Feeds should be recommended and ordered by the medical team and/or dietitian,
taking in to account the nutritional needs and clinical condition of the child.
For further information regarding nutrition in PICU please see the PICU nutrition
guideline (RCH only).
For further information regarding Preterm Infants please see the Enteral Nutrition for
Preterm Infants guideline.
For children who have enteral feeding regimes at home:
Speak with the family and child to establish normal feeding regimes and where
possible, considering the reason for admission and clinical condition of the child,
continue this regime in hospital
Ensure the medical team/dietitian have ordered the child’s home feeding regime
Formula can be ordered from the Formula Room
Discuss feeding options with the family if the infant is usually breast fed, but cannot
continue whilst hospitalised. Consider providing education regarding expressed breast
milk ( Breastfeeding support and promotion clinical guideline.)

Do not administer feeds through enteral tubes that are being used for aspiration or are
on free drainage.

Administration of Feeds
When preparing to administer feeds nursing staff must confirm the position of the
enteral tube.

Prior to and after feeds nurses should adequately flush the enteral tube.

Lying prone/supine during feeding increases the risk of aspiration and therefore where
clinically possible the child should be placed in an upright position.
If unable to sit up for a bolus feed or if receiving continuous feeding, the head of the
bed should be elevated 30-45 degrees during feeding and for at least 30 minutes after
the feed to reduce the risk of aspiration.
Using a syringe for a bolus feed

Remove the plunger from the syringe and place the tip of the syringe into the enteral
tube connector at end of the enteral tube.
Holding the syringe and enteral tube straight, pour the prescribed amount of feed into
the syringe. Let it flow slowly through the tube e.g. 250ml over 20 minutes.
Pour the prescribed amount of water into the syringe and allow to flow through to
flush the feeding tube appropriately.
Using gravity feeding for bolus, intermittent feeds and continuous feeds.

Using a gravity feeding set with the roller clamp closed, attach the set to the feeding
container with the correct prescribed amount of feed and hang the container on the
Squeeze the drip chamber until it is one third full of the feeding solution.
Remove the protective cap from the end of the giving set and open the roller clamp,
allowing the feed to run down to the end of the giving set (to prime the line), then
close the roller clamp.
Connect the giving set to the enteral tube connector at the end of the enteral tube.
Open the roller clamp and set the flow rate by counting the drops per minute. As a
guide, 20 drops of standard feed is approximately 1ml. Use the following equation or
the table below to calculate the drip rate: (ml/hour) /3 = drops/minute
Open and close the roller clamp until the desired drip rate is set correctly. Check the
drip rate regularly to ensure the feed is still running at the required rate.
Using an enteral feeding pump for bolus or intermittent enteral feeding
An enteral feeding pump can be used intermittent, bolus or continuous administration
of feeds, but is best suited for continuous feeding when tolerance to rate of feeding is
an issue.

Enteral feeding pumps can be obtained via CARPS if the ward area does not have its
own supply. Infinity pumps are now in use throughout RCH and the giving set can be
primed by pushing the fill set button. For further information regarding the use of the
infinity pump please see the manufactures instructions.

Please note: in most situations an IV syringe pump is not recommended for

administration of enteral feeds and should not be used on the ward. If very small rates
are required, consider using frequent syringe bolus feeding techniques as an

Temperature of the feed

Bolus feeds

For older children feeds given as a bolus should be removed from the fridge 15-20
minutes before administration to bring them to room temperature. Feeds given as a
bolus may be warmed in an approved bottle warmer. This would be appropriate for all
infants and older children who experience discomfort with cooler feeds.
Continuous feeds

Continuous feeds should NOT be warmed. They may be removed from the fridge 15-
20 minutes prior to administration to bring it to room temperature and should not
hung for longer than 4 hours – use the dose limit function on the feed pump to ensure
this occurs.
Please Note: Feeds should NOT be warmed in a microwave or in jugs of boiling

Completion of feed
The tube must be flushed with water (air in neonates) to prevent tube from blocking
(see above).

Giving sets:

Rinsed out with warm water (tap or sterile).

Ensure tip of giving set is covered between uses.
Only prime the giving set with formula immediately prior to feeding time.
The set should be changed every 24 hours or as per manufactures instructions.
Titrating feeds

Nursing staff may need to titrate the rate/volume of an enteral feed up or down
depending on the clinical status, nutritional needs, size and ability to tolerate feeds of
the child.
When titrating feeds up nurses should have a goal rate/volume of feed ordered by
dietician or the medical team. Feeds should be titrated up in a slow but steady manner,
which may need to be adjusted if the child is not able to tolerate the rate/volume of
feed. Caution should be taken if titrating feeds up and down in patients with a
metabolic condition.
When titrating a feed down nursing staff should document why the feed was titrated
down, notify dietician and/or medical team to inform them that the child is not
tolerating feeds and make a plan to ensure the child is still receiving adequate
nutrition and hydration.
Types of feeds

The decision for which type of enteral feed a child should receive should be made in
consultation with the dietician, medical team, nursing staff and family, taking into
account the nutritional needs, clinical status and tolerance of feeds of the child.

If a child who receives regular enteral feeds at home is admitted to RCH, nursing staff
can order and commence their regular feeding regime as the child’s clinical status
allows. Enteral feeds can be ordered from the RCH formula room. The family should
be offered a dietician review while they are an inpatient to ensure the current feeding
regime meets the ongoing nutritional needs of the child.

For further information regarding nutrition in PICU please see the PICU nutrition
guideline (RCH only).
For further information regarding Preterm Infants please see the Enteral Nutrition for
Preterm Infants guideline.
Medication administration
Nurses who are preparing and administrating medication via an enteral tube must
adhere to the Medication Management Procedure.

Do not administer drugs through tubes used for aspiration or on free drainage unless
specifically directed by medical staff.
Confirm that the enteral feeding tube is the intended route for a medication before
Confirm the position of the enteral tube prior to medication administration (see
Adequately flush the enteral tube before, in-between and after medication
administration (see above).
Choice of drug preparation

Consult your ward pharmacist or call Medicines Information (ext: 55208) for advice
on how to prepare a drug for enteral administration.

Liquid formulations are usually preferred for enteral tube administration, unless the
formulation contains other ingredients that could cause unwanted side-effects (e.g.
sorbitol can cause diarrhoea). Liquid formulations may inappropriate in some patients
(e.g. the carbohydrate content may be too high for patients on a ketogenic diet).
Viscous liquid medications may require dilution to prevent clogging of the enteral
If a liquid formulation is not available consult a pharmacist to confirm if the tablet
form can be crushed to a fine powder and then dispersed in water, or whether a
capsules can be opened to disperse the contents in water.
Do not mix medications with feeds.
Do not crush enteric coated or sustained/controlled release medications.
See Appendix 1 for examples of medications not recommended for enteral
administration and/or may cause interactions.
Adverse effects
Unblocking tubes

Blocking of tubes can occur due to:

Interaction between gastric acid, formula and medications

Interactions between medications if tube is not flushed between medications
Inappropriately prepared medications e.g. inadequately crushed tablets
Small internal diameter of the tubes and longer tubes
Binding of medication to the tube
Viscosity of some liquid preparation
Poor flushing technique
Bacterial colonization of the nasogastric tube
Flushing is the single most effective action that prolongs the life of nasogastric tubes.
It is recommended that flushing occur BEFORE, DURING and AFTER
administration of enteral medications and feeds.

To unblock enteral tubes, flush the tube in a pulsating manner (push/pull) with 10-
20ml with warm water, if it is safe to do so taking into account the child’s age, size
and clinical status. It may be appropriate to allow the warm water to soak, by
clamping/capping the tube, in the tube to assist with unblocking.

Please note there is no evidence to support the practice of using carbonated drinks
such as Coca Cola™ to unblock enteral tubes.
Feed Intolerance
Nurses should monitor and observe the patient to assess if the patient is tolerating
enteral feeds.
Signs the child is not tolerating feeds include:
Nurses should consider titrating feeds down or ceasing feeds for a short period of time
depending on the clinical status and nutritional needs of the child.
When titrating a feed down nursing staff should document why the feed was titrated
down, notify dietician and/or medical team to inform them that the child is not
tolerating feeds and make a plan to ensure the child is still receiving adequate
nutrition and hydration.
High acuity and intensive care patients may require management of Gastric Residual
Volumes (GRV) to assist in management of gastric emptying delays, feeding
intolerance, electrolyte balance and patient comfort. Further guidance regarding the
management and return of GRV’s can be located under Nutrition in PICU (RCH
Patients who have a non-functioning GIT (i.e. Ileus post abdominal surgery) may
require GRV’s to be discarded post measurement as per the surgical/medical team
Tubes falling out
Nasogastric tube dislodgment or accidental removal consider ongoing nutritional
needs and clinical status of the child and in consultation with senior nursing staff,
medical team and/or dietician decide if tube should be replaced. If re-inserting tube
please refer to Nasogastric and Orogastric Tube Insertion Procedure.
Dislodgement of a Gastrostomy tube - Stop the feed/medication administration
immediately. Contact the medical team and/or Gastroenterology Clinical Nurse
Consultant to review. Keep the tube in place by taping it to the skin until a plan for re-
insertion can be made.
Accidental removal of a Gastrostomy tube – tube needs to be reinserted as soon as
possible to prevent stoma closure. Gastrostomy tubes should be reinserted and taped
into position if the balloon has burst. If the tube cannot be reinserted consider using a
foley catheter to keep stoma patent until an appropriate tube can be found. Contact the
medical team and/or Gastroenterology Clinical Nurse Consultant to review.
Companion documents
Appendix 1
ENFit Education Presentation (current as of Sept 2018)
Clinical Nutrition Manual, Enteral Nutrition Administration tube feeds, Nutricia
Advanced Medical Nutrition, June 2008
Datford and Gravesham, ' Paediatric enteral feeding guidelines & operational policy
(infants & children)', Jan 2007, NHS Trust.
Durai, R et al 2009,' Naogastric tubes 1: insertion technique and confirming position',
Nursing Times, vol. 105 issue16, pp.12-13
Gilbertson, H., Rogers, E., & Ukoumunne, O., 2011. Determination of a practical pH
cutoff level for reliable confirmation of nasogastric tube placement, 35(4), pg 540-
Gilbertson, H.R et al 2007,' To determine a practical pH cutoff level for safer
confirmation of nasogastic tube placement', Unpublished study, Royal Children's
Hospital, Melbourne
Horn, D., Chaboyer W., & Schluter, P., 2004. Gastric residual volumes in critically ill
paediatric patients: A comparison of feeding regimens, Australian Critical Care,
17(3),pg 98-103.
Juve-Udina, M. Valls-Miro, C., Carreno-Granero, A., Martinez-Estralella, G.,
Monterde-Prat, D., Domingo-Felici, C., & Llusa-Finestres, G., 2009. To return or to
discard? Randomised trial on gastric residual volume management. Intensive and
Critical Care Nursing, 25, pg 258-267
Macqueen. E., Bruce. E., & Gibson. F. (2012). The Great Ormond Street Hospital,
Manual of Children’s Nursing Practices. Wiley-Blackwell : West Sussex, United
Metropolitan working party: 2007,' Enteral tubes: Enteral feeding management best
practice'. Department of health, Western Australia
Nijs, E., & Cahill, A., 2010. Pediatric enteric feeding techniques: insertion,
maintenance, and management of problems, Cardiovascular Intervention Radiology,
33, pg 1101-1110.
Peter, S Gill, F 2009,' Development of a clinical practice guideline for testing
nasogastric tube placement'. Paediatric Nursing,vol.14 issue 1, pp. 3 – 11
Phillips, N M., & Endacott, R., 2011. Medication administration via enteral tubes: a
survey of nurses’ practices, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 67(12), 2586-2592.
Sutherland, A 2009, 'Guidelines on administration of medication via enteral feeding
tubes', NHS
Taylor, S., 2013, Confirming nasogastric feeding tube position versus the need to
feed, Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 29, pg 59-69.
Turgay, A S., & Khorshid, L. 2010. Effectiveness of the auscultatory and pH methods
in predicting feeding tube placement, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19, pg 1553-1559.
White R., Bradnam V., Handbook of Drug Administration via Enteral Feeding Tubes,
Pharmaceutical Press 2007
Wilkes-Holmes, C 2006,' Safe placement of nasogastric tubes in children', Paediatric
Nursing , vol.18 issue 9, pp. 14-17
Williams, T., & Leslie, G., 2010. Should gastric aspirate be discarded or retained
when gastric residual volume is removed from gastric tubes? Australian College of
Critical Care Nurses, 23, pg 215-217.
Evidence table
Evidence Table - Enteral Feeding and Medication Administration

Please remember to read the disclaimer.

The development of this nursing guideline was coordinated by Stacey Richards, Nurse
Consultant, Nursing Research, and approved by the Nursing Clinical Effectiveness
Committee. Published December 2017.
The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) acknowledges the traditional owners of the
land on which the RCH is situated, the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation, and
we pay our respects to their Elders past and present.

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