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The National Engineering University

JPLPC Malvar
College of Arts and Sciences

Physical Fitness Gaps of Criminology Students at Batangas State University

Malvar for Awareness in Future Training and Professions

A Thesis Presented to
the Faculty of College of Arts and Sciences
Malvar, Batangas

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Criminology



Month, Year
The National Engineering University
JPLPC Malvar
College of Arts and Sciences




Batangas State University (BSU) TNEU Malvar campus, is one of the

educational institutions that prepare students for careers in criminology. It is

imperative for Batangas State University (BSU) TNEU Malvar campus, like other

academic institutions offering criminology programs, to ensure that its graduates

are not only well-versed in criminological theories and practices but also

physically capable of meeting the demands of the profession.

Criminology is a dynamic field that encompasses various disciplines,

including law enforcement, criminal justice, and forensic science. Professionals in

this field are responsible for upholding the law, investigating crimes, and

maintaining public safety. Given the nature of their work, criminologists often

encounter physically demanding situations that require agility, strength, and

endurance. As such, physical fitness is not just a personal choice for individuals

pursuing careers in criminology; it is a fundamental requirement.

In recent years, the field of criminology has evolved to place a greater

emphasis on physical fitness as a critical component of professional readiness.

Law enforcement agencies and criminal justice organizations worldwide recognize

The National Engineering University
JPLPC Malvar
College of Arts and Sciences

the importance of having physically fit personnel who can perform their duties

effectively and safely. Physical fitness not only enhances an individual's ability to

respond to emergencies but also contributes to overall well-being, mental

resilience, and job satisfaction.

Criminology is a multifaceted field that encompasses a wide range of

duties and responsibilities. From law enforcement officers responsible for

maintaining public safety to criminal investigators who work tirelessly to solve

complex cases, physical fitness is integral to their effectiveness. The physical

demands associated with these roles are diverse, and they include tasks such as

foot pursuits, self-defense, crisis response, and the ability to remain vigilant during

extended shifts.

Criminology programs, including the one at Batangas State University (BSU)

TNEU Malvar campus, are entrusted with molding future professionals who will

engage with various aspects of crime prevention, investigation, and security. These

students will soon find themselves facing the physical demands and challenges

inherent to the field, whether it's pursuing criminals on foot, maintaining public

safety in high-pressure situations, or conducting rigorous investigations. Hence,

assessing and addressing their physical fitness gaps is not only a proactive

measure but also a matter of public safety.

The National Engineering University
JPLPC Malvar
College of Arts and Sciences

Moreover, criminologists are often required to maintain control and

authority in high-stress situations. For these reasons, maintaining a high level of

physical fitness is imperative.

Physical fitness is an important part of a law enforcement officer's training

and vocation. To accomplish their tasks efficiently, criminology students who

want to become law enforcement officials must be physically fit. Many

criminology students, however, lack adequate physical fitness, which can

jeopardize their suitability for future training and occupations.

Several studies have identified physical fitness gaps in criminology

students. For instance, a study conducted by Pau et al. (2015) found that a

significant proportion of criminology students had poor aerobic fitness, muscular

endurance, and strength. Similarly, Zemková et al. (2019) noted that many

criminology students had low levels of physical activity and fitness, which could

negatively impact their future work as law enforcement officers.

To address these gaps, various strategies have been proposed. For instance,

some researchers have suggested incorporating physical fitness programs into the

criminology curriculum to improve the physical fitness of students (Pau et al.,

2015). Such programs may include exercises that target specific fitness

parameters, such as aerobic endurance, muscular strength, and flexibility.

The National Engineering University
JPLPC Malvar
College of Arts and Sciences

Additionally, regular physical fitness assessments may be conducted to identify

students who require more support and to track progress.

Other academics have recommended using technology to encourage

physical activity and fitness among criminology students. Smartphone apps and

wearable gadgets, for example, might be used to track physical activity and

encourage students to exercise on a regular basis. Incorporating physical activity

breaks during class sessions may also encourage physical exercise.

Identifying physical fitness gaps in criminology students is crucial for their

future training and careers. Addressing these gaps through physical fitness

programs and technology-based treatments may improve criminology students'

physical fitness and preparation as law enforcement agents.

The physical fitness of law enforcement officers has long been a source of

concern in the profession. A law enforcement officer's profession necessitates a

high level of fitness as well as the capacity to perform under physical duress. As a

result, future criminology experts must physically prepare themselves in order to

fulfill their tasks properly. The purpose of this study is to detect physical fitness

gaps in criminology students at Batangas State University (BSU) TNEU Malvar

campus and to recommend strategies to close these gaps in order to increase

preparation for future training and professions. According to Wirth et al. (2017)'s
The National Engineering University
JPLPC Malvar
College of Arts and Sciences

research, there is a substantial association between physical fitness and job

performance among law enforcement employees.

Furthermore, Jones et al. (2014) discovered that the physical fitness levels of

law enforcement employees varied significantly by gender, age, and rank.

According to the study, physical fitness requirements should be adapted to

individual needs and requirements. Furthermore, stress the significance of physical

fitness testing for law enforcement employees. According to the study, physical

fitness testing should be intended to assess critical job-specific skills such as

strength, endurance, and mobility. Knapik et al. (2012)

Physical fitness is an important part of the growth of a criminology student

because their future profession requires them to be physically strong and capable

of enduring physically hard duties. However, research has found that criminology

students frequently fall short of the minimum physical fitness levels required for

their specialty. The goal of this study is to detect physical fitness deficiencies in

Batangas State University (BSU) TNEU Malvar campus criminology students and

propose treatments to improve their readiness for future training and professions.

As a result, this study will reveal important information about the physical

fitness levels of Batangas State University (BSU) TNEU Malvar campus

criminology students, point out any gaps that need to be filled, and offer
The National Engineering University
JPLPC Malvar
College of Arts and Sciences

suggestions for raising physical fitness levels. To be able to carry out their job

responsibilities successfully and to protect both their own safety and the safety of

the people they serve, future criminology professionals must be physically


Without doubt, a physically fit individual is better equipped to handle the

challenges inherent to a career in criminology. They are more capable of managing

stress, responding swiftly to emergencies, and ensuring the safety of both

themselves and the public they serve. Therefore, the physical fitness of

criminology students should not be seen as a personal choice, but rather as an

integral part of their professional development.

Physical fitness is an indispensable aspect of an individual's overall health

and well-being. It is not only a determinant of one's physical prowess but also an

influential factor in mental and emotional stability. In the context of careers in

criminology, physical fitness holds a special significance, as it plays a vital role in

ensuring the readiness and effectiveness of law enforcement officers and

criminologists. These professionals are frequently faced with physically

demanding situations that necessitate agility, endurance, and strength. As such, the

ability to respond swiftly and efficiently to these challenges is a requisite skill for

those entering the field of criminology.

The National Engineering University
JPLPC Malvar
College of Arts and Sciences

The research will employ a mixed-methods approach that will include

questionnaires, physical fitness exams, and interviews. The study's findings will

provide significant insights into the physical fitness gaps of Batangas State

University (BSU) TNEU Malvar campus criminology students and may serve as a

foundation for the establishment of fitness programs customized to their needs.

Finally, the study hopes to help to the physical preparedness of criminology

students for their future training and occupations.

The focus of this research is on criminology students at Batangas State

University (BSU) TNEU Malvar campus. These students are part of a unique

cohort, as they are not only scholars preparing for academic success but also

individuals training for future careers in criminology, where physical fitness takes

on an even more significant role. The study, titled Physical Fitness Gaps of

Criminology Students at Batangas State University Malvar for Awareness in

Future Training and Professions, aims to uncover and understand the physical

fitness levels of these students, with the goal of enhancing their preparedness for

the rigors of future training and the demands of their chosen professions.

In today's ever-evolving landscape of criminal justice and law

enforcement, the role of criminology students goes beyond theoretical knowledge.

It extends to practical application in real-world situations, often requiring physical

The National Engineering University
JPLPC Malvar
College of Arts and Sciences

stamina, agility, and resilience. The title, Physical Fitness Gaps of Criminology

Students at Batangas State University (BSU) TNEU Malvar campus for

Awareness in Future Training and Professions, signifies the recognition of this

change in basic assumptions.

By embarking on this endeavor, Batangas State University (BSU) TNEU

Malvar campus enriches the educational experience of its criminology students,

fostering an integrated approach that encompasses intellectual rigor and physical

readiness. The outcomes of this research will not only benefit the students

themselves but also contribute to the broader field of criminology education,

ensuring that future graduates are better equipped to safeguard the well-being of

society and uphold the principles of justice and security. This research project

signifies a commitment to producing well-rounded criminology professionals who

are truly prepared for the multifaceted challenges of their chosen careers.

This research project aims to go beyond the academic realm, delving into

the practical aspects of criminology education. It seeks to answer vital questions

such as: Are criminology students physically fit to meet the demands of their

future careers? Where do potential weaknesses lie in their physical preparedness?

And how can these deficiencies be rectified to ensure that they are not only
The National Engineering University
JPLPC Malvar
College of Arts and Sciences

academically qualified but also physically capable of effectively serving their


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to, Physical Fitness Gaps of Criminology Students at

Batangas State University (BSU) TNEU Malvar campus for Awareness in Future

Training and Professions.

Specifically, this study aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 age;

1.2 weight;

1.3 height;

1.4 year level; and

1.5 sex?

2. What is the current level of physical fitness among Criminology students at

Malvar University, and how can this level be objectively measured using

standardized fitness assessments in terms of:

2.1. body composition;

2.2. flexibility;
The National Engineering University
JPLPC Malvar
College of Arts and Sciences

2.3. muscular strength;

2.4. muscular endurance; and

2.5. cardiorespiratory endurance?

3. Is there a significant difference between the respondent’s profile and their

physical fitness gaps?

4. How does addressing physical fitness gaps of criminology students at Batangas

State University (BSU) TNEU Malvar campus for their future careers in


Scope, Limitation, and Delimitation of the Study

This section presents the inclusions and exclusions of the study. The

researcher formulated the scope, delimitation, and limitations of this project to

identify the boundaries of this study.

This study focuses on, Physical Fitness Gaps of Criminology Students at

Batangas State University (BSU) TNEU Malvar campus for Awareness in Future

Training and Professions. The respondents involved 194 Criminology Students at

Batangas State University (BSU) TNEU Malvar campus for awareness in future

training and professions. This study will assess, physical fitness gaps of

criminology Students at Batangas State University (BSU) TNEU Malvar campus

The National Engineering University
JPLPC Malvar
College of Arts and Sciences

for awareness in future training and professions. Furthermore, this study will

determine how the respondents address their physical fitness gaps. It will directly

involve the students of criminology program. This study will be conducted at the

Batangas State University Malvar campus.

A descriptive method and questionnaires were used in the study as the main

tools in gathering data and information. The data needed to satisfy the study's

presented objectives will be limited to the Criminology Students at Batangas State

University TNEU Malvar campus. The study's respondents will be composed of

the criminology student at Batangas State University TNEU Malvar campus.

Further, they were rest assured that all data gathered was treated with the utmost

confidentiality and was used for academic purposes only.

This study has potential limitations. We will not be able to conduct research

on other criminology students of Batangas State University (BSU) TNEU Malvar

campus for improved readiness in future training and professions due to time limit

and financial worries. Secondary, we will not be able to conduct research on other

campuses since we are only focusing on the Criminology Students at Batangas

State University TNEU Malvar campus. Lastly, there is a lack of available and

reliable data since we do not have access to their medical records.

Significance of the Study

The National Engineering University
JPLPC Malvar
College of Arts and Sciences

The study focused on physical fitness gaps of criminology Students at

Batangas State University (BSU) TNEU Malvar campus for awareness in future

training and professions. Moreover, this study may be beneficial to the following


To Batangas State University (BSU) TNEU for awareness in future training

and professions, this study will be a great contribution to the school's library and

serve as a good reference for the institution. This will also make valuable

information assets regarding the important matters concerning the physical fitness

of the students.

To Criminology Students, the study result provides insights into the

importance of physical fitness as a fundamental aspect of professional

development. It underscores the notion that criminologists should not only be

knowledgeable in the theories and practices of their field but should also possess

the physical acumen required to navigate real-world challenges effectively.

To Present Researchers, as the one who will likewise benefit from this

study, the data and output generated can serve as important contributions to the

research holdings of the College of Arts and Sciences and of the University.

To The Future Researchers, this study can be great use as a reference to

future researchers who are attempting to conduct a related study. It will be a good
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JPLPC Malvar
College of Arts and Sciences

help to them, especially to the future BS Criminology students who will likewise

conduct research which is related to this study.

The National Engineering University
JPLPC Malvar
College of Arts and Sciences



This chapter covers the nature of research design, respondents of the

study and the instrument necessary for the collection of data. It also describes the

statistical treatment of data that helps the researchers to come up with definite


Research Design

The present study made use of descriptive-correlational method to answer

the questions posed in this endeavor. Rishad (2021) defines descriptive

correlational study as a study in which the researcher is primarily interested in

describing relationships among variables, without seeking to establish a causal


The researchers believe that the descriptive correlational method is the most

employable method in the present study since the purpose of the research is to

identify the physical fitness gaps of Criminology students in Batangas State

University-TNEU JPLPC-Malvar Campus. Through this method, findings of the

study would benefit the educational institution as well as the people involved in

the research.
The National Engineering University
JPLPC Malvar
College of Arts and Sciences

Subject of the Study

The respondents of the study are consisting of 194 criminology Batangas

State University JPLPC-Malvar are officially enrolled during this academic year

2023-2024. These criminology students serve as the respondents of the study

because they are the group of students who needs to be physically fit for their

readiness in their future trainings.

Table 1

Distribution of the Respondents

Criminology Students
Year Level
Population Sample
First Year 60 34
Second Year 143 68
Third Year 119 50
Fourth Year 68 42
TOTAL 390 194

In order to get a valid and reliable result, an adequate number of

respondents and an appropriate sampling technique is used. Batangas State

University JPLPC-Malvar has 390 criminology students. The Raosoft Digital

Calculator was used to determine the sample size of respondents, which resulted in

a total of 194 respondents with a 5% margin of error.

The National Engineering University
JPLPC Malvar
College of Arts and Sciences

Simple random sampling is used to pick respondents in order to achieve a

proportional distribution of the sample size. For proper representation, the

respondents are divided into groups based on their year level.

Data Gathering Instruments

The researchers create a self-constructed questionnaire to acquire the

essential information about the physical fitness gaps of criminology students in

Batangas State University - The National Engineering University JPLPC Malvar.

This questionnaire that is created by the researchers and it is divided into six parts.

A Google form is used to create a questionnaire.

After consultation with the adviser, validation and revisions to the

formulated questionnaires will be considered. The opinions and ideas of panel

members will be considered in order to ensure the validity and reliability of the

items. Proven, valid and reliable, the researchers will gather data from the


The researchers seek permission from the chairperson of the Bachelor of

Science in Criminology under the College of Arts and Sciences at Batangas State

University-JPLPC Malvar to conduct a survey on identifying the physical fitness

gaps of Criminology students. The researchers ask the instructors of the chosen

respondents for permission and assistance in administering the questionnaire. The

researchers email the link of the google form personally and retrieve the
The National Engineering University
JPLPC Malvar
College of Arts and Sciences

information from the website. The researchers tally, tabulate, evaluate, and

interpret the responses, after the retrieval.

To determine the respondents’ physical fitness gaps, the following mean

ranges with their respective interpretations will be utilized.

Scale Mean Ranges Interpretation

4 3.51 – 4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.51 – 3.50 Agree

2 1.51 – 2.50 Disagree

1 1.00 – 1.50 Strongly Disagree

Data Gathering Procedure

After the approval of the research title, the researchers gather related

information as means to conceptualize and formulate ideas essential to this study.

A letter asking authorization to conduct and administer a researcher-created

questionnaire to the target respondents presented to the Dean of the College of

Arts and Sciences for approval.

In coordination with faculty of College of Arts and Sciences at Batangas

State University JPLPC-Malvar, the researchers use the self-constructed

questionnaire accomplished by the respondents to obtain information. The

research instrument received by the respondents through e-mail and social media.

After the distribution, gathered data retrieved by the researchers.

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JPLPC Malvar
College of Arts and Sciences

Immediate tabulation of data will follow afterwards. The researchers

analyzed and interpret them in order to arrive at definite result of this study.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To satisfy the requirements of the research, the researchers use the

appropriate statistical treatment. These are presented as follows:

Frequency and percentage. This was used to determine the frequency of

occurrence of each category in the respondents’ personal variables.

Mean. This is used to determine the respondents’ physical fitness gaps.

Standard Deviation. This is utilized to determine the homogeneity and

heterogeneity of the respondents’ physical fitness gaps.

Chi-square. This is used to determine if significant relationship exists

between the respondents’ profile and their physical fitness gaps.

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