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Primary Longman Elect Grammar Assessment Bank 6

Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words. You can use some of the
words more than once.

be rain have stay

see go take

Simon : Hi, Martin! What will you do during the coming holiday?

Martin : If the weather ______________ fine, I ____________________

to Ocean Park with my family. What about you?

Simon : My mum ____________________ me to the book fair if she

______________ time. So what will you do if the weather

______________ bad?

Martin : We ____________________ at home and watch DVDs if it

______________ . And what will you do at the book fair?

Simon : I’ll look for my favourite books. Also, if I ______________ my

favourite writer, I ____________________ a photo with her.

© Pearson Education Asia Limited 2016

Primary Longman Elect Grammar Assessment Bank 6

Answer Key

1 is 2 ’ll go / will go 3 will take 4 has

5 is 6 ’ll stay / will stay 7 rains 8 see

9 ’ll take / will take

© Pearson Education Asia Limited 2016

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