The Effect of Forefoot Varus On Postural Stability

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The Effect of Forefoot Varus on Postural

Stephen C. Cobb, MS, ATC, CSCS 1
Laurie L. Tis, PhD, ATC, FACSM 2
Benjamin F. Johnson, EdD 2
Elizabeth J. Higbie, PT, PhD, ATC 3

Study Design: Counterbalanced experimental design study comparing a group of subjects with The effect of chronic ankle in-
greater than or equal to 7° of forefoot varus (MFV) to a group with less than 7° of forefoot varus jury on PS has been researched
(LFV). more extensively than that of
Objectives: To investigate the effect of forefoot varus on single-limb stance postural stability (PS).
acute injury.1,2,19,25,36-38 Most inves-
Background: Impaired PS has been implicated as a potential risk factor for sustaining acute foot
and ankle injuries. The identification of variables that deleteriously affect PS may be important in
tigations have revealed significantly
the prevention of future injuries. impaired PS associated with func-
Methods and Measures: Postural stability of the MFV group (n = 20) and the LFV group (n = 12) tional instability, regardless of the
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was assessed during right and left single-limb stance and eyes-open and eyes-closed conditions. presence or absence of mechanical
Standard deviations of the x-axis and y-axis ground reaction forces measured via a force platform instability. 5,25,37,38 Furthermore,
were used to represent anteroposterior (AP) and mediolateral (ML) PS, respectively. The mean of 3 studies investigating the presence
successful 5-second trials of each testing condition was calculated and used for subsequent data of ankle mechanical instability, in
analysis using 3-way mixed-model ANOVAs with 1 between-subject and 2 within-subject factors.
the absence of functional instabil-
Copyright © 2004 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

Results: The AP PS scores of the MFV group were significantly greater than those of the LFV group
(P⬍.05). ML PS scores, although higher in the MFV group, were not significantly different from ity, have not revealed significantly
those of the LFV group. Both groups had significantly greater AP and ML PS scores during the impaired PS.19
eyes-closed versus the eyes-open condition (P⬍.05). A factor that has not been inves-
Conclusions: The results suggest that the presence of greater than or equal to 7° of forefoot varus tigated extensively is the possibility
may significantly impair AP PS. The decreased stability associated with increased forefoot varus of the presence of impaired PS as
may be due to decreased joint congruity and consequently an increased reliance on soft tissue a precursor to initial injury, rather
structures for stability. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2004;34:79-85.
than the result of injury.3,26,36
Key Words: balance, foot structure, ground reaction force, postural control Tropp et al36 reported that sub-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

jects with impaired preseason

stabilometric values (greater than

he study of postural stability (PS) has gained popularity in 2 SD above the group means),
the sports medicine community in recent years due to the regardless of their history of in-
belief that impaired PS following injury may increase the jury, were at significantly greater
risk of reinjury. A number of studies have been performed risk of suffering ankle-related in-
investigating the effect of acute and chronic ankle joint jury during the upcoming season.
injury on PS.1,2,5,8,9,13,15,19,22,27,35-38 Several studies have revealed im- In a recent cohort study of high
paired PS following acute injury.13,15,21,27 Other investigations, however, school basketball players, athletes
have either not revealed significant impairments associated with acute with increased preseason postural
sprain, or have reported both significant and nonsignificant differences, sway velocity scores sustained a

depending upon the parameter used to compute PS.8,35 significantly greater number of
ankle sprains during the subse-
quent season than those with low
Doctoral Student, Department of Kinesiology and Health, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA. postural sway velocity scores.26
Associate Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Health, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA. Contrary to the results of Tropp et
Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA. al36 and McGuine et al,26 a pro-
Approved by the Georgia State University Institutional Review Board for Protection of Human Subjects.
Send correspondence to Laurie L. Tis, Department of Kinesiology and Health, Georgia State University, spective study of 118 Division I
Atlanta, GA 30303. E-mail: athletes performed by Beynnon et

Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 79

al3 did not reveal anteroposterior (AP) maximum contributed to a lack of significant differences be-
sway angle to be associated with risk of ankle injury. tween the individuals with pes planus foot structure
Although no generalizations can be drawn from and the individuals with other foot structures.
the results of these studies, they do emphasize the The purpose of the current study, therefore, was to
need for further research into the possible influence investigate the effect of what could be considered a
of other anatomic factors on PS. If impaired PS is a large degree of FV on PS. Although there is currently
risk factor for acute injury, identification of variables no universally agreed upon magnitude of FV that
that adversely affect PS may be important for injury constitutes an ‘‘excessive’’ degree, greater than or
prevention. This need is further emphasized by the equal to 7° was chosen for the current study.
findings of a study by Tropp et al37 that not only
revealed pathological stabilometry scores, which were METHODS
associated with an increased risk of suffering acute
injury, in 62% of the subjects tested with functional Participants
instability, but also in 22% of the subjects tested with
Thirty-two apparently healthy participants with no
no history of ankle joint injury or instability.
history of acute or chronic foot/ankle injury or
An area that has not been researched extensively is
functional ankle instability within the last 6 months
the influence of foot structure on PS.17 Root et al31
have suggested that the presence of non–weight- volunteered for the study. The participants with
bearing frontal-plane foot postures, such as forefoot greater than or equal to 7° of bilateral FV (MFV)
varus (FV), rearfoot varus, plantar-flexed fifth ray, or consisted of 11 male and 9 female volunteers (mean
ankle joint equinus result in increased compensatory age ± SD, 29.0 ± 8.4 years; mean height ± SD, 148.1 ±
foot pronation during weight bearing. Increased 6.6 cm; mean weight ± SD, 654.0 ± 97.4 N) (Table 1).
pronation during weight bearing is accomplished Participants with less than 7° of bilateral FV (LFV)
through excessive mobility of the subtalar joint (STJ) consisted of 5 male and 7 female volunteers (mean
and midtarsal joint (MTJ), leading to decreased age ± SD, 25.8 ± 6.0 years; mean height ± SD, 148.3 ±
7.1 cm; mean weight ± SD, 734.9 ± 193.6 N). Prior to
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osseous stability in the foot and an inadequately rigid

foot during weight bearing.31 It may be hypothesized testing, participants provided written informed con-
that the excessive mobility of the foot during weight sent in accordance with the institutional guidelines of
bearing caused by the compensatory hypermobility of Georgia State University and the equipment and
the STJ and MTJ may create an unstable base of procedures of the study were explained.
Copyright © 2004 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

support that may translate to impaired PS. To date,

only 1 study has investigated the potential relation-
Foot Measurements
ship between foot structure and PS.17 In a study Forefoot varus was assessed with the participant in
investigating PS in subjects classified with pes planus, a prone non–weight-bearing position according to the
rectus, or cavus foot structures, Hertel et al17 revealed method established by Root et al30 as modified by
increased center of pressure (COP) sway area in Elveru et al.7 Volunteers with forefoot valgus were not
subjects with pes cavus foot structures compared to included in the study. The same researcher per-
those with pes rectus foot structures. They did not, formed the forefoot measurements 3 times for each
however, reveal any differences in either COP sway foot.29 The average of the 3 measurements for each
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

area or average COP sway velocity between subjects foot was recorded for each participant (Table 1).
with pes planus foot structures compared to those Although not used to classify groups, or for data
with pes rectus foot structures. The study classified analysis, navicular drop24 and standing rearfoot
foot structure based on a combination of non–weight- varus/valgus18 measurements were assessed as repre-
bearing rearfoot and forefoot measures; however, sentative measures of the compensatory increased
there was a large degree of variability in both foot mobility at the MTJ and STJ associated with the
measures within the groups. This variability may have presence of increased FV (Table 1).

TABLE 1. Descriptive data (mean ± SD [range]) of foot measurements for both groups included in the study.
More Forefoot Varus Less Forefoot Varus
Right Left Right Left
Forefoot varus (degrees) 9.0 ± 1.3 8.7 ± 1.5 4.6 ± 1.1 3.7 ± 1.5
(7.0 - 12.0) (7.0 - 12.0) (3.0 - 6.0) (2.0 - 6.0)
Navicular drop (mm) 13.1 ± 4.8 11.9 ± 4.2 9.7 ± 4.1 9.0 ± 3.6
(5.0 - 25.0) (7.0 - 22.0) (4.0 - 16.0) (5.0 - 18.0)
Rearfoot valgus (degrees) 9.8 ± 2.3 9.5 ± 2.2 6.4 ± 1.6 5.4 ± 2.2
(7.0 - 15.0) (7.0 - 14.0) (4.0 - 9.0) (3.0 - 10.0)

80 J Orthop Sports Phys Ther • Volume 34 • Number 2 • February 2004

Instrumentation possible. In the case of non–weight-bearing limb
ground contact, the trial was not used for data
An AMTI biomechanics force platform (SN 3943; analysis. In the case of a missed trial, a second
Advanced Mechanical Technology, Inc., Newton, MA) attempt was given prior to moving on to the next
sampling at 120 Hz was used to measure trial. If the second attempt also failed, no data were
3-dimensional ground reaction forces (GRFs) be- recorded for the trial. Testing was conducted in a
tween the participant’s foot and the force platform. quiet, darkened room to limit auditory and visual
The x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis of the force platform influences.21,32
correspond with the AP, mediolateral (ML), and Both groups performed four 5-second trials for
vertical forces, respectively. An AMTI SGA6-4 ampli- each of the following conditions: (1) eyes-open right-
fier (Advanced Mechanical Technology, Inc., Newton, leg stance, (2) eyes-closed right-leg stance, (3) eyes-
MA) with a 10.5-Hz second-order critically damped open left-leg stance, and (4) eyes-closed left-leg
filter processed the raw force data. The Peak Perfor- stance. The use of 5-second trials has been estab-
mance Motus System software package (Peak Perfor- lished as valid and reliable for the assessment of PS
mance Technologies, Inc., Englewood, CO) was used during single-limb positions and eyes-closed condi-
to compute ground reaction forces in N. A macro was tions.12 The 5-second protocol has also been used
written in Microsoft Excel to normalize the ground recently in studies investigating the effects of acute
reaction force data to body mass20 to allow compari- ankle sprain14 and the effect of rear-foot orthotics16
sons between individuals. The macro also calculated on PS. The order of testing conditions was counter-
average means and standard deviations of the mul- balanced to control for any learned effect and
tiple trials for each condition and position. The fatigue. One practice trial prior to testing was allowed
averaged standard deviations of the forces along the to familiarize participants with the procedure. The
x-axis and y-axis were representative of AP and ML PS standard deviation of the ML and AP GRF from 3
scores, respectively. The use of force measures has successful trials of each condition and position were
been established as valid and reliable for the quantifi- averaged and used for data analysis.12 The average of
cation of PS.8,11,12,20 3 instead of 4 trials had to be used for data analysis
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because all of the participants were not able to

Procedures complete 4 successful trials. For those participants
Prior to testing, participants were weighed on the that did complete 4 successful trials, 1 trial was
force platform. Postural stability was then assessed randomly removed and the remaining 3 were aver-
Copyright © 2004 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

without shoes during right and left single-limb stance

positions under eyes-open and eyes-closed condi-
tions.5,8 Data Analysis
The procedures followed the guidelines established Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC3,1) were cal-
by Goldie et al12 as a reliable means of using force culated to evaluate the intratester reliability for the
measures to assess single-limb stance PS. A longitudi- FV measurements. Prior to combining males and
nal line was placed on the force platform to control females into 1 group, separate 1-way multivariate
foot position.34 The participant aligned the foot to be analysis of variances (MANOVAs) were performed to
tested such that the longitudinal line bisected the investigate gender differences. Two 3-way mixed-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

calcaneus and the first and second metatarsals. The model analysis of variances (ANOVAs), with 1
subjects were then instructed to flex the non–weight- between-subject (group) factor and 2 within-subject
bearing limb at the hip and knee and cross their (foot, eyes) factors, were used to investigate differ-
arms over their chest. During eyes-open conditions, ences in mean AP and ML PS scores. The signifi-
participants focused on a mark placed at eye level cance level for all statistical analysis was set at P⬍.05.
approximately 10 m in front of them. Once balanced, Partial eta squares (␩2) were computed to facilitate
participants provided a verbal signal at which time interpretation of the clinical meaningfulness of the
data collection was initiated. During the eyes-closed results. The partial ␩2s were interpreted based on
condition, participants assumed the test position, Cohen4 recommendations of small (0.01), medium
closed their eyes, and gave a verbal signal of their (0.06), and large (0.14) effects.
readiness when they felt balanced. Following their

verbal acknowledgment of readiness, subjects were RESULTS

instructed to attempt to maintain their position as
motionless as possible while avoiding bringing the
non–weight-bearing limb in contact with either the
Intraclass Correlations
ground or the weight-bearing limb. They were also ICCs for the right and left foot FV measurements
instructed not to use their arms for balancing. If were 0.942 and 0.958, respectively. Both ICCs suggest
balance was lost, the participants were instructed to good intratester reliability between forefoot measure-
resume the initial testing position as quickly as ment trials for each foot.

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther • Volume 34 • Number 2 • February 2004 81

0.065 MFV Anteroposterior Postural Stability
0.060 No significant interactions were revealed (P⬎.05)
(Table 2). A significant within-subject main effect for
Force/Body Mass

0.055 eyes-open versus eyes-closed conditions (F1,30 =

71.317, P⬍.001, partial ␩2 = 0.704) revealed PS scores
0.050 in both the MFV and LFV groups to be significantly
higher during eyes-closed versus eyes-open condi-
0.045 tions. A significant between-subject main effect for
group (F1,30 = 5.956, P = .021, partial ␩2 = 0.166)
0.040 revealed PS scores of the MFV group to be signifi-
cantly higher than those of the LFV group (Figure
0.035 1). No significant within-subject foot main effect was
Right Left revealed (P⬎.05) (Figure 1).

FIGURE 1. Group-by-foot anteroposterior postural stability (mean ±

SE). The more forefoot varus (MFV) group exhibited significantly Mediolateral Postural Stability
greater postural stability scores compared to the less forefoot varus
(LFV) group (P⬍.05). No significant difference was found between No significant interactions were revealed (P⬎.05)
(Table 2). A significant within-subject main effect for
eyes-open versus eyes-closed conditions (F1,30 =
0.085 MFV 92.601, P⬍.001, partial ␩2 = 0.755) revealed PS scores
to be significantly higher in both the MFV and LFV
groups during eyes-closed compared to eyes-open
conditions. Although PS scores were higher in the
Force/Body Mass

MFV group compared to the LFV group, the differ-
Downloaded from at on August 5, 2020. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.

ences were not statistically significant (F1,30 = 3.152 ,

P = .086, partial ␩2 = 0.095) (Figure 2). No significant
within-subject foot main effect (P⬎.05) was revealed
(Figure 2).
Copyright © 2004 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

Right Left
Before discussing the potential role of FV in the
differences between the MFV and LFV groups in the
FIGURE 2. Group-by-foot mediolateral postural stability (mean ±
current study, the differences in the age (mean age ±
SE). Postural stability scores of the more forefoot varus (MFV) group
were greater than those of the less forefoot varus (LFV) group, SD for MFV, 29.0 ± 8.4 years; mean age ± SD for LFV,
however, the differences were not statistically significant (P⬎.05). 25.8 ± 6.0 years) and body weight (mean body weight
No significant difference was found between feet. ± SD for MFV, 654.0 ± 97.4 N; mean body weight ±
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

SD for LFV, 734.0 ± 193.6 N) between groups should

Gender Differences be addressed. Although the ages of the 2 groups were
somewhat different, previous studies have only re-
No significant differences between males and fe-
males were revealed for AP or ML PS during either TABLE 2. More forefoot varus (MFV) group and less forefoot
eyes-open (P = .082) or eyes-closed (P = .130) varus (LFV) group postural stability scores. Data are the average
(±SD) of the standard deviation of the ground reaction forces
conditions. Genders were therefore combined in the (normalized to body mass, F/BM) for 3 trials.
MFV and LFV groups.
Conditions MFV LFV

Foot Measurements Eyes open

Right limb AP 0.038 ± 0.011 0.034 ± 0.008
Means, standard deviations, and ranges of the FV, Right limb ML 0.049 ± 0.016 0.044 ± 0.008
Left limb AP 0.041 ± 0.017 0.033 ± 0.008
navicular drop, and standing rearfoot angle measures
Left limb ML 0.048 ± 0.018 0.042 ± 0.008
are reported in Table 1. In addition to the increased Eyes closed
degree of FV, which was used to classify the MFV and Right limb AP 0.075 ± 0.031 0.059 ± 0.019
LFV groups, the MFV group also exhibited compensa- Right limb ML 0.104 ± 0.048 0.083 ± 0.023
tory STJ and MTJ mobility as evidenced by the Left limb AP 0.072 ± 0.021 0.055 ± 0.012
Left limb ML 0.099 ± 0.031 0.081 ± 0.024
greater navicular drop and standing rearfoot angle
measures compared to the LFV group. Abbreviations: AP, anteroposterior; ML, mediolateral.

82 J Orthop Sports Phys Ther • Volume 34 • Number 2 • February 2004

vealed age-related PS changes on the low (less than A somewhat unexpected finding of the study was
14 years of age) and high (greater than 50 years of the statistically significant difference between the LFV
age) ends of the age spectrum33; therefore, age- and MFV groups in the AP but not ML direction.
related changes in PS would not be expected in the Because FV is primarily a frontal-plane foot posture,
current study. Similarly, the difference in body weight the largest between-group difference was expected in
between groups was accounted for by the normaliza- frontal-plane stability. There are several factors, how-
tion of the GRFs to BM and, therefore, would not be ever, that may have played a role in the statistically
expected to influence the between-group differences significant AP but not ML differences between the
in the current study. MFV and LFV groups. The number of subjects in the
The statistically significant higher AP PS scores in study may have limited the power of the study to
the MFV group compared to the LFV group suggest reveal statistically significant ML differences. A sec-
that an individual with a greater amount of FV may ond factor may be related to the triplanar orientation
have less sagittal-plane stability than those with a of the STJ and MTJ axes, which may result in
lesser amount of FV. The MFV group also demon- compensatory motion and hypermobility in all 3
strated greater ML PS scores, suggesting less frontal- cardinal planes during weight bearing, even in the
plane stability as well; however, the difference was not presence of a primarily frontal-plane foot posture,
statistically significant. Based on the recommenda- such as FV.31 A final factor may be related to the
tions of Cohen4 for interpreting partial ␩2, the effect dimensions of the foot. During single-limb stance, the
sizes for AP and ML PS were large and medium, stability limits are the length and width of the foot in
respectively, suggesting that the differences between the AP and ML directions, respectively. Because the
the groups may be clinically relevant. length of the foot is much greater than the width, it
may be possible for greater instability to exist in the
There are several factors related to increased FV
AP direction before balance is lost. The width of the
that may adversely affect PS. Stability at the STJ is
foot may not offer enough margin of error before
provided by osseous and soft tissue supports. Osseous
balance is lost to distinguish between groups. It is
support is provided by contacts between the talus and
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also possible that individuals compensate with in-

calcaneus, while soft tissue support is provided by creased sagittal-plane motion during single-limb
muscles of the deep posterior compartment of the stance due to the greater length of the foot versus its
shank and the medial ankle/foot ligaments.6 Al- width, and because the muscles controlling AP mo-
though the majority of STJ stability is normally tion are stronger than those controlling ML motion.
Copyright © 2004 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

provided by the osseous supports, if FV is excessive, It should be noted, however, that although signifi-
the increased mobility of the foot joints results in cantly greater PS scores were revealed in the MFV,
decreased joint congruity.6,31 The loss of joint con- there are several questions both with respect to PS
gruity may require increased muscle activity and stress and injury risk, as well as PS and foot structure that
on the medial ligamentous structures to maintain require further investigation. Although Tropp et al36
stability.6,18,23,31 The increased stress placed upon the and Mcguine et al26 have revealed impaired PS as a
muscular and ligamentous structures may provide less risk factor for sustaining acute injury, no threshold
stability and may contribute to the impaired PS for what should be considered ‘‘impaired’’ stability
revealed in the MFV group. In addition to increased has been identified. Furthermore, Beynnon et al3
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

mobility at the STJ, excessive mobility may also occur failed to show a significant relationship between
at the MTJ to compensate for the increased FV.31 maximum AP postural sway angle and risk of ankle
Increased mobility at the MTJ and STJ in the current injury.
study may be evidenced by the greater navicular drop A related question involves the degree of FV
measures and weight-bearing rearfoot valgus angles in necessary to increase the magnitude of PS. Although
the MFV group (Table 1). participants in the current study with at least 7° FV
Hypermobility of the STJ and MTJ may be detri- had significantly poorer PS compared to those with
mental to PS during single-limb stance because even less than 7° of FV, subjects with pes planus foot
static standing requires constant neurological and structures in the Hertel et al17study were not signifi-
muscular adjustments and counter adjustments in an cantly less stable compared with subjects with rectus
attempt to contain the center of gravity (COG) line foot structures. Several reasons may exist for the

within the base of support.38 A lateral shift or inconsistency between the results of the current study
posterior shift in the COG line will result in supina- and the Hertel et al17 study. First, 2 different param-
tion of the foot, while a medial or anterior shift will eters were used to quantify PS. In a study investigat-
result in pronation.31 The presence of excessive ing different COP parameters, Friden et al8 revealed
mobility at the STJ and MTJ and decreased osseous both significant and nonsignificant results using the
stability, therefore, may result in an unstable base, same data depending upon the parameter used to
upon which the muscular corrections to represent stability. Hertel et al17 measured PS using
disequilibrium are made. COP excursion area and average excursion

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther • Volume 34 • Number 2 • February 2004 83

velocity. The current study utilized force measures, structure on PS is needed before any generalizations
which are representative of reactions to accelerations regarding a potential increased risk of sustaining
of the center of mass. Second, it has been suggested acute injury can be made. Other areas of research
that the rate of change of position, or velocity, may that need to be studied further include the effect of
be more representative of stability than changes in shoes or other forms of support on PS in persons
position alone.10,11,28,33 Geurts et al10 and Goldie et with increased amount of FV.
al11 have suggested that the postural control system
may function more to reduce the velocity and accel-
eration of the body mass than absolute displacement.
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