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HISTORY OF MUSICAL THEATRE PROJECTS Name(s) ______________________

Decade: _________________________________

The students will research the history of musical theatre for the decade listed above. Areas
to cover in the research will include:

 Significant historical events

 Social Values (religion, family values, what’s happening in society)
 Fashion/styles of the decade
 Music of the decade
 Art of the decade
 Dance in the decade
 Technical advances in theatre
 Prominent producers & directors & actors
 Musicals of the decade (include mention of dramatic plays as well)
 Innovations in musical theatre

BE SURE to relate the research to the development of musicals in that decade. How are
these areas reflected in the subjects/style of the musicals of that decade?

Research will be completed in the next couple of weeks. You will also work with your
partner to prepare a PowerPoint or Prezi presentation of your research.

Wed, 2/26: Choose your decade & partner (via Google link sent out that day)

Fri, 2/28: Journal due

Thu, 3/5: Outline Due - This is your Quarter Assessment grade! (it must include a
bibliography with at least 2 primary and 2-3 secondary sources)

Fri, 3/13: Journal due

Tue, 3/17 (& 3/19 if needed): Research Presentations

Web sites must be either .org or .edu. Any quoted or paraphrased information must be
documented as well. We have DVDs, etc. so see me if you are having difficulty locating
recordings of performances. Check out the website called Musicals, and

Presentations should include the following:

 10-15 minute time limit

 Power point or Prezzi (but slides should have minimal wording and should include
more pictures and audio/visuals!)
 Sample music/videos from musicals of the era (if possible)
 OUTLINE/study guide for classmates
 5 Questions/answers of most important details from your decade. Be prepared
to take more questions from the class.
TA III ~ Musical Theatre History Outline

Exemplary (5) Accomplished (4) Developing (2) Beginning (1)

Organization Information Information in logical Difficult to follow Cannot understand

presented in sequence presentation-- presentation--no
logical, interesting student jumps sequence of
sequence around information

Thoroughness of Detailed and General coverage of Covers some Contains few, if

Information thorough coverage major information information points; any, major
of information points major details are information points;
missing Contains little detail

Research Uses a variety of Uses a variety of Presents only Does not justify
sources in reaching sources in reaching evidence that conclusions with
accurate conclusions supports a research evidence
conclusions preconceived point
of view

TA III ~ Musical Theatre PPT Presentations
Assessment Rubric
Exemplary (4) Accomplished (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1)

Organization Information Information in Difficult to follow Cannot

presented in logical sequence presentation-- understand
logical, interesting student jumps presentation--no
sequence around sequence of

Subject Knowledge Demonstrates full At ease with Uncomfortable Does not have a
knowledge by expected answers to with information grasp of the
answering all class questions but does and is able to information.
questions with not elaborate answer only Cannot answer
explanations and rudimentary questions about
elaborations questions subject

Graphics Explain and Relate to text and Occasionally uses Uses superfluous
reinforce screen presentation graphics that graphics or no
text and rarely support text graphics
presentation and presentation

Research Uses a variety of Uses a variety of Presents only Does not justify
sources in reaching sources in reaching evidence that conclusions with
accurate conclusions supports a research evidence
conclusions preconceived
point of view

Screen Design Includes a variety Includes a variety of Includes Either confusing

of graphics, text, graphics, text, and combinations of or cluttered,
and animation that animation. graphics and text, barren or stark.
exhibits a sense of Adequate but buttons are Buttons or
wholeness. navigational tools difficult to navigational tools
Creative use of and buttons navigate. Some are absent or
navigational tools buttons and confusing
and buttons navigational tools

Oral Presentation Maintains eye Maintains eye Occasionally uses Reads with no eye
contact and contact most of the eye contact, contact and
Elocution/Eye pronounces all time and mostly reading incorrectly
Contact terms precisely. All pronounces most presentation, and pronounces
audience members words correctly. incorrectly terms. Speaks too
can hear Most audience pronounces quietly
members can hear terms. Audience
presentation members have
difficulty hearing

Musical Theatre History Observations
Complete one section for *each* presentation. You should end up with observations for 6 presentations (3
pages of observations). You do not have to complete this for your own presentation.

Decade: __________________ Presenter(s): _________________________________________

1. (5 pts) Favorite/Most Interesting Fact. Why?

2. (5 pts) Most interesting sounding show. Why?

3. (5 pts) Weirdest fact. Why?

4. (10 pts) Something the presenter(s) left out that you’d like to know:

Decade: __________________ Presenter(s): _________________________________________

1. (5 pts) Favorite/Most Interesting Fact. Why?

2. (5 pts) Most interesting sounding show. Why?

3. (5 pts) Weirdest fact. Why?

4. (10 pts) Something the presenter(s) left out that you’d like to know:

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