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TALABUTAB SUR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL >», Acadenie Excatlence Huard 8 hereby given to LANCE BRYAIE. ARELLANO With HONORS of Grade FOUR- RIZAL for dis outstanding academic performance attaining an average of 95% and passing all earning arcas during the Fd. Quarter of School Year 2023-2024. Awarded this (7 day of Herd, 2084 during the Quarterly Recoguition Day at Talabutal Sur Elementary School, Talabutal Sur, General UM. Uatividad, Mucwa Ecija. ™~ ft i Repu ofthe Bhiigines Bepartnent of Education REGIONIII-CENTRAL LUZON ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF NUEVA ECUA TALABUTAB SUR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL >», Acadenie Excatlence Huard 8 hereby given to HARLEY BR. CASTILLO With HIGH HONORS of Grade FOUR - RIZAL for his outstanding academic performance attaining an average of 96% and passing all learning arcas during the Ind. Quarter of School Year 2023-2024. Awarded this (7 day of Herd, 2084 during the Quarterly Recoguition Day at Talabutal Sur Elementary School, Talabutal Sur, General UM. Uatividad, Mucwa Ecija. ™~ ft i Revelic of he Boies Bepartment of Education REGION Il-CENTRALLUZON ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF NUEVA ECLA we Republic of the Bhilippines Department of Education REGION II-CENTRALLUZON ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF NUEVA ECUA ee TALABUTAD SUR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL a Sars ‘SCHOOL Academie Eucelle NOAH L. CASTILLO With HIGH HONORS of Grade FOUR - RIZAL for is outstanding acadamée performance attaining an avcrage of 96% aud passing all learning arcas ding the Fd, Quarter of, School Year 2023-2088, Auarded this (7 day of Apré, 2024 during the Quarterly Recoguition Day at Py Tatabutel Sun Elementary School, Talabutal Sun, General Ut, Matividad, Tucwa Ecifa. alo. 0 a fein -Adviser \ / Republic ofthe Whiligpines Department of Education REGION l-CENTRALLUZON ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICEOF NUEVA ECUA TALABUTAB SUR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL >, Excellence Amand Tristan Niug6 vb. Garcia, With HONORS of Grade FOUR- RIZAL for his outstanding academic performance attaining an average of Ui and passing alt learuing areas daring the Srd Quarter of, School Year 2028-2024. Awarded this (7 day of April, 2084 during the Quarterly Recognition Day at Y Talabutal Sur Elementary School. Talabutal Sur, General Mt. atividad, Macwa Exija. ™~ Republic of the ae Department of Education REGION Il-CENTRAL LUZON SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF NUEVA ECUA, __TALABUTABSURELEMENTARYSCHOOL Acadewie Encalle BRENIAN T. WANE With HONORS of Grade FOUR - RIZAL for hs outstanding academie performance attaining an average of W% and passing all earning areas during the Prd Quarter of, School Year 2025-2024. Awarded this (74 day of HAprd, 2084 during the Quarterly Recoguttion Day at a Talabutal Sen Elemeatary School, Talabutal Sur. Geacral U, Uatividad, Mucoa Ecija. \ Republic of the Ibilippines Bepariment of Education REGION I-CENTRALLUZON ScHioo1S DIVISION OFFICE OF NUEVA ECUA SAC rran sure cesta Any scc Academic Excdlle CHARLES JOEL €. ROMERO With HIGH HONORS of Grade FOUR - RIZAL for his outstanding academe performance attaning an average of 96% and passing all learning arcas daning the Bad Quarter of, School Year 2083-2084, rtwarded this (7 day of rbprdt, 2084 during the Quarterly Recognition Day at y Talabutal Sur Elementary School, Talabutal Sur, General Ut, Matividad, Mucoa Ecija. Republic af he — Bepartment of Education REGIONII-CENTRALLUZON SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICEOF NUEVA ECUA _tatapuras sur etementaryscHoot Academie Excelle WURT ALBCRT S. SACRAMEUO- With HONORS of Grade FOUR- RIZAL for his outstanding academe performance attaining an average of 92% and passing all learuing arcas during the Sed. Quarter of Sehsol Year 2028-2024. Awarded this (7 day of Afri, 2084 during the Quarterly Recoguttion Day at DN flny Talabutal Sun Elementary School, Talabutal Sur. Gencral UM. Matividad, Maeva Ecija. fu FOpmz | Bring / Republic ofthe Wbiliapines Department of Education REGION l-CENTRALLUZON ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICEOF NUEVA ECUA TALABUTAB SUR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL >, Excellence Amand WICWAEL OC. aLvVakaDe With HONORS of Grade FOUR- RIZAL for her outstanding academie performance attaining an average of 90% and passing all learning ancas daring the Sad Quarter of School Year 2023-2024, Awarded this (7* day of Abril, 2084 during the Quarterly Reeogaition Day at WY Talabutal Sur Elementary School. Talabutal Sur. General Mt. Uatiuidad, Mucoa Extja. ™~ TALABUTAB SUR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL >. Academie Excellence Amand 6s hereby given to XMLCIVE QIU F. BARCELONA With HONORS of Grade FOUR- RIZAL for her outstanding academe performance attaining an average o IF % and passing all learwing arcas during the Bnd. Quarter of, School Year 20E3- 2084, Awarded this 1(7* day of Aird, 2084 daring the Quarterly Recognition Day at Talabutel Ser Elementary Sebocl, Talabutel Sun, Gewcral Mt. Natividad, Macon Ecija. 4 3 wa Dd. 1ANO | A ena ‘eo! Me fees i g 2 Republic of the Whilippines: Department of Education scnoots DSIONOFEE OF MUEVAECIA sat, wae, ww Republic ofthe Bbilipines Department of Education ‘REGION IL-CENTRALLUZON, SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICEOF NUEVA ECA __TALABUTABSURELEMENTARYSCHOOL Academie Excelle APPLE (AOC C. BUCNAVENTURA With HONORS of Grade FOUR- RIZAL for her outstanding academe performance attaining an aucrage of Nk and passing all learning areas daring the Bad. Quarter off School Yar 2023-2024, Haarded this (7 day of rhpndl, 208M duniug the Quarterly Recogaittion Day at Ny Talabutal Sur Elementary School, Talabutal Sur. Geacral Ut. Wattuidad, Maeua Ecija. 5 owas slam nibobion i eee eal Pn TALABUTAB SUR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL > Regullie ofthe Byilgpines Bepartment of Education REGION|I-CENTRALLUZON SCHOO1S DIVISION OFFICEOF NUEVA ECUA \ Academie Exedlonce Amand 6 hereby given to DAIMCA A. DOMINGS With HONORS of Grade FOUR - RIZAL for her outstanding academic performance attaining an avcrage of N% and passing all learning arcas during the Sed Quarter of, School Year 2023-2024. Haarded this 7 day of April, 2084 during the Quarterly Recogattion Day at Talabutal Sen Elementary School, Talabutal Sur. General UM, Uatividad, Tucoa Eeija. N TALABUTAB SUR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL > Academie Excellence Heard 4 hereby given to KATHERINE B. TEMES With HIGH HONORS of Grade FOUR - RIZAL for her outetanding academe performance attaining an average of 96% and passing alt learwing arcas during the Sed. Quarter of Sehool'Year 2028-2024. Awarded. this (7 day of riprdl, 2084 during the Quarterly Recoguition Day at Tatabutal Sur Elementary School, Talabutal Sur, General UM. Natividad, TMucwa Eetja. ~ Republic ofthe Bnpnes Department of Education REGIONII-CENTRALLUZON SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICEOF NUEVA ECUA y Republic of the Whuliwprnes: Bepartment of Education REGIONI-CENTRALLUZON SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICEOF NUEVA ECUA DARAENTA SR SETA SOmOC > Acadente Exectlone Amand & hereby given to DANEA 304 R. GARD With HONORS of Grade FOUR - RIZAL for her outstanding academic performance attaining an aucrage of 92% and. passing all earning areas daring the Sed Quarter of, School Year 2023-2084. Awarded. this (7 day of rips, 2084 dunieg the Quarterly Recogaition Day at Talabutal Sur Elementary School, Talabutal Sur. Gencrat Ut. Natividad, Tucoa Ecija Republic of the Bhilippines: Bepartment of Education REGIONI-ENTRALLUZON SCHOOLS DIMSION OFFICE OF NUEVA ECUA _tatasurapsuRELEMENTARYScHooL a SCHOOL Academie Excelle SAMANTHA WHAMIVE A. WAU With HIGH HONORS of Grade FOUR- RIZAL Gor her outstanding academe performance attaining an average of 95% and passing all learning arcas daring the Bed Quarter of School Year 2023 - 2024. HHaarded this 17 day of Hrd, 2004 during the Quarterly Recoguttion Day at WY Talabutal Sun Elementary School, Talabutal Sur. General Ut. Matividad, Tucua Eeija. ™~ Regie othe eines Bepartment of Education REGION I-CENTRALLUZON SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF NUEVA ECLA ‘TALABUTAB SUR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL >», Academie Excellence Award & hereby given fo QNGELO V. VALDEZ With HONORS of Grade FOUR- RIZAL for her outstanding academic performance attaining an avrage of 93% and. passing all earning arcas caning the Sed Quarter of, School Year 2023-2024, Awarded this (7* day of Afni, 2084 daring the Quarterly Recogattion Day at Talabutel Sur Elementary School, Talabutal Sur, General Me, Mattuidad, Mucwa Ecija. zal -Advicer ool Princ

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