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� � O©illb

Fomily Who is he / she? / Whol is il? lts o ... / Whal Review Top secrel l
Animo Is are 1hey? They're... / Whot does it /he/ she
Adiectives look like'2 / l've got... / 1 hoven't got. .. / Hove
Everb!�{ objects you got o ... ?/ Yes, 1 hove. / No, 1 hoven't, /
The y He / She has gol o. . . / Has he / she gol
o ... ?/ Yes, he/ she has. No, he/ she hosn't.

ooots, socks, lrocksuit, ;umper, lrousers, What is this / that? / - This / Thot is o ... ldentify sorne winter dothes.
ccot, hol, shirt, ttoinets, ieoas, gloves, Whot ore these / those? / - These / Those Soy whot l'm weoring.
shoes ore ... / Whot ore you weori]? / Ask ond soy whot something is.
l'm wearing ... / Possessive o jectives

Jonuory, Februory, Morch, Apri/, Moy. Whot month is it? Soy the nomes of the rnonths ond
)une, JutAugusl, Seplember. October, When is ... (festivity)? the seosons.
Novem t. December When is your birthdoy? Ask / tell when o feslivity is.
sprin�, summer, oulumn, winler Whot time is it? Tell when my birthdoy is.
My ovourile month is...

gel dressed, comb my hcit, 90 lo school, l ... íverb). / I don't, .. (verb). Tolk obout my typicol morning.
w1ile, reod, gel up, brush my leeth, pul on I go to school by... Ask obout o tyhicol morning. / Tell
mi shoes, wosh my loce, hove breokfosl Do you ... (verb)? / Yes, 1 do. / No, 1 don't. how I go lo se ool. Tell how ohen
o woys, never. somelimes 1 ... (odverb) [verb]. / Plural lorm / o, on, the Ido things.

toke off my clothes, do my homework, 90 Presenl simple: clllrmoüve, inlerrogotive & Tolk obout my typicol doy.
lo bed, hove dinnet, listen lo music, hove negorive / S�lling ol 3rd person / Whot time Ask obout o typicol doy.
lunch, pul on my pyiomos, woleh N. ploy do you ... (vero)?/ l ... (verb) ot... (ttme). /He/ Tolk obout whot other people do.
wilh my ltiends, go home she... (verb). / He / she doesn't... [verb]. / Does Ask obout whot other people do.
he / she... (verb)? / Yes, he / she does. /
No, he/ she doesn't. / Vvhors your relephone
number? / Possessive: his / her

hom, /;sh, soup, bread, chicken, chips, f-fove / Has got & / Whot food do you like? ldentify sorne food. / Tell whor l
meot, rice, cheese, vegetobles, solod, -1 líke ... /Whot do you usuolly hove lor... like ond don't like. / Tell whot I
sandwich (meol)? - 1 hove ... (food). / usuolly eot ond drink... / Ask whot
lunch, dinner Would you like ... ? / Yes, pleose. / No, you usuolly eot ond drink. / Offer
thonk you. something.

ldentify summer clothes.

dress, sunglosses, skirl, shorls, T-shirl, cap, Whot ore you weoring?
Tell whot someone is weoring.
cordigon, sondols, blouse, swimsuil Whot is he / she weoring?
Whose ... (object) is thot / lhis? Tell to whom something belongs to.
Whose ... [objecíl ore those / these? Ask lo whom something belongs lo.

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