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1. Who controls a country’s economy?

2. Relying on the public’s confidence int the established forms of monetary exchange
3. Printed or minted by the NATIONAL GOVERNMENT
4. Is any item or commodity that is generally accepted as a means of payment or exchange
5. Coins weight in gold or silver
7. Money can facilitate exchange at a _______ by providing a medium of exchange and unit of

8. Must be possible to exchange money freely and widely for goods, and its value should be stable
as possible
9. Money acts as a means by which people can store their wealth for future use
10. Money is also useful because of its ability to serve as a standard of deferred payment
11. Most money originally has an intrinsic value, such as that of the precious metal that was used to
make the coin
12. Money can be used to record wealth possessed, traded or spent personally and nationally
13. Defined weights of precious metals used by some merchants
14. The author of “The wealth nation”
15. States began to use bank notes, issuing paper IOUs that were traded as currency
16. Pictures of items were used to record trade exchanges
17. Money can now exist virtually on computers
18. Formed the basis of trade for thousands of years
19. Identified barter as a precursor to money
20. Advantages of barter
21. Disadvantages of barter
22. The direct exchange of goods
23. Used silver from LAURION to mint
24. Scribes recorded transactions on clay tablets
25. Early trade involved directly exchanged items
26. Early Chinese coins
27. Many silver coins from the Islamic empire were carried to Scandinavia by Vikings
28. Used as currency across India and the South Pacific
29. Early byzantine coins were PURE GOLD
30. Circulate throughout the roman empire
31. Greek world
32. A mixture of gold and silver was formed into disks, or coins
33. Bearing the HEAD OF THE EMPEROR
34. This 10th century penny has an inscription stating that OFFA (Korean hehe) is king of mercia

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