Luh Eka Liana Dewi - 2111171110 - Microteaching

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Nama Mhs. : Luh Eka Liana Dewi NIM : 2111171110
Hari, tgl : Kamis, 14 Maret 2024

VIDEO UKIN (Uji Kinerja) PPG DALJAB Kategori 2 Tahun 2022 || Bahasa Inggris || UNS

Penilaian : (4) sangat baik, (3) baik, (2) cukup baik (1) kurang baik, (0) tidak terobservasi
No Komponen Indikator *) Skor Sko Catatan
Keterampilan 0 1 2 3 4 r **)
1 Keterampilan a) mengaitkan topik yang akan dibahas dengan √ Generally, the teacher demonstrated excellent proficiency in the components of opening and closing skills.
topik- topik lain He achieved 6 indicators with 4 points each and 1 indicator with 3 points. He effectively connects the topic at
membuka dan b) mengkomunikasikan tujuan pembelajaran √ hand with other relevant subjects, communicates clear learning objectives, ignites students' enthusiasm for
menutup pelajaran c) membangkitkan keinginan belajar siswa √ learning, captivates students' attention with engaging problems relevant to the topic, offers reinforcement,
d) mengarahkan perhatian siswa dengan √ 27 conducts reflective exercises at the conclusion of lessons, and ensures follow-up activities are provided.
permasalahan menarik yg sesuai topik
e) memberikan penguatan √
f) melakukan refleksi pada akhir pelajaran
g) memberikan tindak lanjut √

a) menguasai materi pelajaran √ Overall, the teacher demonstrated excellent proficiency in the aspect of explaining concepts, principles, and
2 Keterampilan b) menguasai perbendaharaan istilah-istilah √ procedures in English. He attained 4 indicators, each scoring 4 points. He exhibits mastery over the subject
menjelaskan Bahasa Inggris matter, adeptness in utilizing English terminology, proficiency in English problem-solving, and delivers
konsep, prinsip, c) menguasai pemecahan masalah Bahasa Inggris √ content in a systematic, logical, and well-structured manner.
d) menyampaikan materi secara hirarkhis dan logis √ 16
dan prosedur serta terstruktur
dalam Bahasa
a) melaksanakan pembelajaran sesuai rencana di RPP √ Overall, the teacher demonstrated outstanding performance in implementing learning based on the prepared
3 Keterampilan b) mengarahkan pembelajaran pada √ plan. He achieved 8 indicators, each scoring 4 points. He effectively executes lessons according to the
melaksanakan pencapaian indikator & tujuan pembelajaran outlined plan, aligns learning activities with specified indicators and objectives, adheres to allocated time
pembelajaran c) melaksanakan pembelajaran sesuai dengan √ frames, contextualizes learning realistically, cultivates positive habits such as cooperation, tolerance, critical,
alokasi waktu creative, and analytical thinking, actively engages students in the learning process, fosters a comfortable and
sesuai rancangan d) melaksanakan pembelajaran sesuai konteks √ enjoyable learning atmosphere, and enhances students' problem-solving abilities.
yang telah disusun dan realistik
e) menumbuhkan kebiasaan positif (kerja √ 32
sama, toleransi, berfikir kritis, kreatif, dan
analitis) √
f) melibatkan siswa belajar secara aktif √
g) menimbulkan suasana nyaman dan senang
dalam belajar √
h) menumbuhkan kemampuan siswa
dalam memecahkan masalah
4 Keterampilan a) menggunakan media yang mendukung √ Overall, the teacher demonstrated excellent proficiency in utilizing tools, media, and learning resources in
proses pembelajaran English. He achieved 5 indicators, each scoring 4 points. He effectively integrates media supportive of the
menggunakan alat, b) melibatkan siswa dalam penggunaan √ learning process, actively involves students in utilizing learning tools and media, selects media capable of
media, dan sumber alat/media pembelajaran engaging students in learning activities, employs learning tools, media, and resources effectively, and
c) menggunakan media yang dapat mengaktifkan incorporates a diverse range of learning tools and media to enhance the learning experience.

belajar Bahasa siswa dalam belajar 20
Inggris d) menggunakan √
alat/media/sumber pembelajaran
secara efektif √
e) menggunakan alat/media pembelajaran yang

a) mampu mengajukan pertanyaan Bahasa √ Overall, the teacher demonstrated exceptional proficiency in the component of questioning (communication)
5 Keterampilan
Inggris secara tepat sesuai permasalahan skills, achieving 8 indicators with 4 points each. He adeptly formulates English questions that are pertinent to
bertanya b) mampu mengajukan pertanyaan secara variatif, √ the problem at hand, employing a diverse range of questioning techniques using both verbal and symbolic
(berkomunikasi) baik dengan bahasa verbal maupun simbol language. Furthermore, he successfully stimulates critical thinking among students, guides them towards
c) membangkitkan sikap kritis pada siswa √ effective problem-solving, and cultivates an environment conducive to verbal and symbolic English
d) mengarahkan siswa pada pemecahan masalah √ communication. The teacher also exhibits positive responsiveness to student participation, assists them in
e) menumbuhkan komunikasi Bahasa Inggris √ 32 uncovering English concepts, principles, and formulas, and fosters a constructive attitude towards English
secara verbal dan simbolik within the classroom.
f) merespon positif pada partisipasi siswa √
g) membantu siswa menemukan konsep, prinsip, √
dan rumus Bahasa Inggris
h) menumbuhkan sikap positif terhadap Bahasa Inggris √
a) mampu mengatasi kemacetan dalam belajar √ Overall, the teacher demonstrates satisfactory results in the skill component of organizing variations in
6 Keterampilan b) mampu menciptakan suasana pembelajaran √ learning. He achieves 2 indicators with 3 points each. He effectively addresses learning obstacles and fosters
mengadakan yang produktif dan efektif
6 a conducive and productive learning environment.
variasi dalam
a) memantau kemajuan belajar √ Overall, the teacher demonstrates proficiency in the classroom management skills component, achieving 3
7 Keterampilan c) mampu mengatasi gangguan belajar yang terjadi √ indicators with 3 points each. He effectively monitors learning progress, adeptly addresses and resolves
mengelola di kelas 9 disruptions that may arise in the classroom, and establishes a conducive learning environment.
b) mengkondisikan lingkungan belajar yang kondusif √
a) melakukan evaluasi secara kontinu baik √ Overall, the teacher demonstrated excellent results in the evaluation skills component, achieving 2 indicators
8 Keterampilan
tertulis maupun lisan with 4 points each. He proficiently conducts continuous evaluations, encompassing both written and oral
mengevaluasi b) mengajukan pertanyaan/soal-soal yang sesuai √ 8 assessments, and formulates questions that align closely with the learning objectives.
dengan tujuan pembelajaran

Jumlah Skor 150

Nilai = (Jumlah Skor)/32 x 100 468,75

*) Digunakan untuk melihat penampilan mahasiswa, untuk setiap nomor tidak harus semuanya muncul,namun jika tidak satupun terdeteksi, perlu ada catatan khusus
**) Gunakan halaman sebaliknya untuk menuliskan catatan-catatn khusus

Penilaian : (4) sangat baik, (3) baik, (2) cukup baik (1) kurang baik, (0) tidak terobservasi
No Komponen Indikator *) Skor Sko Catatan
Keterampilan 0 1 2 3 4 r **)
1 Keterampilan a) mengaitkan topik yang akan dibahas dengan √ Overall, the teacher demonstrated solid results in the opening and closing skills component. With 3 indicators
topik- topik lain scoring 4 points and 4 indicators scoring 3 points, the teacher effectively connected the topic with related
membuka dan b) mengkomunikasikan tujuan pembelajaran √ subjects, communicated clear learning objectives to stimulate students' interest in learning, directed students'
menutup pelajaran c) membangkitkan keinginan belajar siswa √ attention through engaging problems relevant to the topic, reinforced key concepts, facilitated reflection at
d) mengarahkan perhatian siswa dengan √ 24 the end of lessons, and ensured follow-up activities were provided.
permasalahan menarik yg sesuai topik
e) memberikan penguatan
f) melakukan refleksi pada akhir pelajaran √
g) memberikan tindak lanjut √

a) menguasai materi pelajaran √ Overall, the teacher demonstrated outstanding results in the component of Skills to explain concepts,
2 Keterampilan √
b) menguasai perbendaharaan istilah-istilah principles, and procedures in English. With 4 indicators scoring 4 points each, the teacher exhibited mastery
menjelaskan Bahasa Inggris over the subject matter, command of English terminology, proficiency in English problem-solving, and
konsep, prinsip, c) menguasai pemecahan masalah Bahasa Inggris √ delivered material in a hierarchical, logical, and structured manner.
d) menyampaikan materi secara hirarkhis dan logis √ 16
dan prosedur serta terstruktur
dalam Bahasa
a) melaksanakan pembelajaran sesuai rencana di RPP √ Overall, the teacher demonstrated satisfactory results in the skill component of implementing learning
3 Keterampilan √
b) mengarahkan pembelajaran pada according to the prepared plan. With 3 indicators scoring 4 points, 3 indicators scoring 3 points, 1 indicator
melaksanakan pencapaian indikator & tujuan pembelajaran scoring 2 points, and 1 indicator scoring 1 point, the teacher effectively executed learning activities as
pembelajaran c) melaksanakan pembelajaran sesuai dengan √ outlined in the lesson plan, directed learning towards achieving indicators and learning objectives, adhered to
alokasi waktu time allocations, and contextualized learning realistically. Furthermore, the teacher successfully fostered
sesuai rancangan d) melaksanakan pembelajaran sesuai konteks √ positive habits such as cooperation, tolerance, critical thinking, creativity, and analytical skills, while actively
yang telah disusun dan realistik engaging students in learning and nurturing their problem-solving abilities.
e) menumbuhkan kebiasaan positif (kerja √ 24
sama, toleransi, berfikir kritis, kreatif, dan However, it's noted that students appeared pressured and unhappy during learning sessions, resulting in a
analitis) lower score for indicator G (creating a comfortable and happy atmosphere in learning).
f) melibatkan siswa belajar secara aktif
g) menimbulkan suasana nyaman dan senang √
dalam belajar √
h) menumbuhkan kemampuan siswa
dalam memecahkan masalah √

a) menggunakan media yang mendukung √ Overall, the teacher demonstrated satisfactory results in the component of Skills in using tools, media, and
4 Keterampilan
proses pembelajaran learning resources in English. With 5 indicators scoring 3 points each, the teacher effectively utilized media
menggunakan alat, b) melibatkan siswa dalam penggunaan √ supportive of the learning process, engaged students in utilizing learning tools and media, employed media
media, dan alat/media pembelajaran capable of activating students in learning activities, used learning tools, media, and resources effectively, and
c) menggunakan media yang dapat mengaktifkan √ incorporated varied learning tools and media. Notably, the whiteboard and teaching aid in the form of a clock
sumber 15 paper were among the resources utilized during lessons.
belajar Bahasa siswa dalam belajar
d) menggunakan
Inggris alat/media/sumber pembelajaran √
secara efektif
e) menggunakan alat/media pembelajaran yang √

a) mampu mengajukan pertanyaan Bahasa √ Overall, the teacher demonstrated commendable results in the component of questioning (communication)
5 Keterampilan
Inggris secara tepat sesuai permasalahan skills. With 3 indicators scoring 4 points and 5 indicators scoring 3 points, the teacher effectively posed
bertanya b) mampu mengajukan pertanyaan secara variatif, √ English questions relevant to the problem at hand, employed diverse questioning techniques utilizing both
(berkomunikasi) baik dengan bahasa verbal maupun simbol verbal and symbolic language, stimulated critical thinking among students, guided them towards
c) membangkitkan sikap kritis pada siswa √ problem-solving, fostered verbal and symbolic English communication, assisted students in uncovering
d) mengarahkan siswa pada pemecahan masalah √ English concepts, principles, and formulas, positively responded to student participation, and cultivated
e) menumbuhkan komunikasi Bahasa Inggris √ 27 positive attitudes towards English.
secara verbal dan simbolik
f) merespon positif pada partisipasi siswa √
g) membantu siswa menemukan konsep, prinsip, √
dan rumus Bahasa Inggris
h) menumbuhkan sikap positif terhadap Bahasa Inggris √
a) mampu mengatasi kemacetan dalam belajar √ Overall, the teacher demonstrated satisfactory results in the skill component of organizing variations in
6 Keterampilan b) mampu menciptakan suasana pembelajaran √ learning. With 2 indicators scoring 3 points each, the teacher effectively addressed learning obstacles and
mengadakan yang produktif dan efektif
6 created a productive and effective learning atmosphere.
variasi dalam
a) memantau kemajuan belajar √ Overall, the teacher exhibited satisfactory results in the classroom management skills component. With 1
7 Keterampilan c) mampu mengatasi gangguan belajar yang terjadi √ indicator scoring 4 points and 2 indicators scoring 3 points each, the teacher adeptly monitored learning
mengelola di kelas 10 progress, effectively addressed learning disruptions that arose in the classroom, and established a conducive
b) mengkondisikan lingkungan belajar yang kondusif √ learning environment.
a) melakukan evaluasi secara kontinu baik √ Overall, the teachers demonstrated excellent results in the component of evaluation skills. With 2 indicators
8 Keterampilan
tertulis maupun lisan scoring 4 points each, the teachers proficiently conducted continuous evaluations, encompassing both written
mengevaluasi b) mengajukan pertanyaan/soal-soal yang sesuai √ 8 and oral assessments, and formulated questions that closely aligned with the learning objectives.
dengan tujuan pembelajaran

Jumlah Skor 130

Nilai = (Jumlah Skor)/32 x 100 406,25

*) Digunakan untuk melihat penampilan mahasiswa, untuk setiap nomor tidak harus semuanya muncul,namun jika tidak satupun terdeteksi, perlu ada catatan khusus
**) Gunakan halaman sebaliknya untuk menuliskan catatan-catatn khusus
ESL/EFL Open Class Demonstration - (E.P.I.K.) English Program in Korea

Penilaian : (4) sangat baik, (3) baik, (2) cukup baik (1) kurang baik, (0) tidak terobservasi
No Komponen Indikator *) Skor Sko Catatan
Keterampilan 0 1 2 3 4 r **)
1 Keterampilan a) mengaitkan topik yang akan dibahas dengan √ Overall, the teachers demonstrated strong proficiency in the opening and closing skills component. With 4
topik- topik lain indicators scoring 4 points each, they effectively related the topic to be discussed with other topics,
membuka dan b) mengkomunikasikan tujuan pembelajaran √ communicated clear learning objectives, stimulated students' desire to learn, and directed students' attention
c) membangkitkan keinginan belajar siswa √ with relevant and engaging problems. Additionally, they provided reinforcement during the lesson. However,
menutup pelajaran d) mengarahkan perhatian siswa dengan √ 20 indicators F (reflect at the end of the lesson) and G (provide follow-up) were not observed in the video.
permasalahan menarik yg sesuai topik
e) memberikan penguatan
f) melakukan refleksi pada akhir pelajaran √ √
g) memberikan tindak lanjut √
a) menguasai materi pelajaran √ Overall, the teachers demonstrated excellent results in the component of Skills to explain concepts,
2 Keterampilan √
b) menguasai perbendaharaan istilah-istilah principles, and procedures in English. With 4 indicators scoring 4 points each, they exhibited mastery over
menjelaskan Bahasa Inggris the subject matter, command of English terminology, proficiency in English problem-solving, and delivered
konsep, prinsip, c) menguasai pemecahan masalah Bahasa Inggris √ material in a hierarchical, logical, and structured manner.
d) menyampaikan materi secara hirarkhis dan logis √ 16
dan prosedur serta terstruktur
dalam Bahasa
a) melaksanakan pembelajaran sesuai rencana di RPP √ Overall, the teachers demonstrated strong results in the component of implementing learning according to the
3 Keterampilan b) mengarahkan pembelajaran pada √ prepared plan. With 4 indicators scoring 4 points and 4 indicators scoring 3 points, they effectively carried
melaksanakan pencapaian indikator & tujuan pembelajaran out learning activities within context and realistically, fostered positive habits among students, facilitated
c) melaksanakan pembelajaran sesuai √ active student engagement, and promoted problem-solving skills. However, due to cuts in certain parts of the
pembelajaran dengan alokasi waktu video, indicators A (carry out learning according to the plan in the lesson plan), B (direct learning to the
sesuai rancangan d) melaksanakan pembelajaran sesuai konteks √
achievement of indicators & learning objectives), and C (implementing learning in accordance with the time
dan realistik allocation) couldn't be fully assessed. Additionally, indicator G (create a comfortable and happy atmosphere
yang telah disusun 28 in learning) wasn't perfect, as some students appeared tired and uninterested at times.
e) menumbuhkan kebiasaan positif (kerja √
sama, toleransi, berfikir kritis, kreatif, dan
analitis) √
f) melibatkan siswa belajar secara aktif √
g) menimbulkan suasana nyaman dan senang
dalam belajar

h) menumbuhkan kemampuan siswa
dalam memecahkan masalah
4 Keterampilan a) menggunakan media yang mendukung √ Overall, the teacher demonstrated excellent results in the component of Skills in using tools, media, and
proses pembelajaran learning resources in English. With 5 indicators scoring 4 points each, the teacher effectively utilized media
menggunakan alat, b) melibatkan siswa dalam penggunaan √ supportive of the learning process, actively engaged students in utilizing learning tools and media, employed
media, dan sumber alat/media pembelajaran media capable of activating students in learning activities, used learning tools, media, and resources
c) menggunakan media yang dapat mengaktifkan effectively, and incorporated a variety of learning tools and media. Notably, the learning
belajar Bahasa 20 tools/media/resources used included TV, PowerPoint presentations, videos, a timer, and blank paper.
siswa dalam belajar √
Inggris d) menggunakan
alat/media/sumber pembelajaran √
secara efektif √
e) menggunakan alat/media pembelajaran yang
a) mampu mengajukan pertanyaan Bahasa √ Overall, the teachers demonstrated outstanding proficiency in the component of questioning (communication)
5 Keterampilan √
Inggris secara tepat sesuai permasalahan skills, achieving 8 indicators with 4 points each. They adeptly posed English questions relevant to the
bertanya b) mampu mengajukan pertanyaan secara variatif, problem at hand, employed diverse questioning techniques utilizing both verbal and symbolic language,
(berkomunikasi) baik dengan bahasa verbal maupun simbol √ stimulated critical attitudes among students, guided them towards problem-solving, fostered verbal and
c) membangkitkan sikap kritis pada siswa √ symbolic English communication, positively responded to student participation, assisted students in
d) mengarahkan siswa pada pemecahan masalah √ uncovering English concepts, principles, and formulas, and cultivated positive attitudes towards English.
e) menumbuhkan komunikasi Bahasa Inggris 32
secara verbal dan simbolik √
f) merespon positif pada partisipasi siswa
g) membantu siswa menemukan konsep, prinsip, √
dan rumus Bahasa Inggris
h) menumbuhkan sikap positif terhadap Bahasa Inggris √
a) mampu mengatasi kemacetan dalam belajar √ Overall, the teachers demonstrated excellent results in the skill component of organizing variations in
6 Keterampilan b) mampu menciptakan suasana pembelajaran √ learning. With 2 indicators scoring 4 points each, they effectively addressed learning obstacles and created a
mengadakan yang produktif dan efektif
8 productive and effective learning atmosphere.
variasi dalam
a) memantau kemajuan belajar √ Overall, the teachers demonstrated outstanding results in the classroom management skills component. With
7 Keterampilan c) mampu mengatasi gangguan belajar yang terjadi √ 3 indicators scoring 4 points each, they proficiently monitored learning progress, effectively addressed
mengelola di kelas 12 learning disruptions that arose in the classroom, and established a conducive learning environment.
b) mengkondisikan lingkungan belajar yang kondusif √
a) melakukan evaluasi secara kontinu baik √ Overall, the teachers exhibited excellent results in the component of evaluation skills. With 2 indicators
8 Keterampilan
tertulis maupun lisan scoring 4 points each, they skillfully conducted continuous evaluation through both written and oral
mengevaluasi b) mengajukan pertanyaan/soal-soal yang sesuai √ 8 assessments, and formulated questions that closely aligned with the learning objectives.
dengan tujuan pembelajaran

Jumlah Skor 144

Nilai = (Jumlah Skor)/32 x 100 450

*) Digunakan untuk melihat penampilan mahasiswa, untuk setiap nomor tidak harus semuanya muncul,namun jika tidak satupun terdeteksi, perlu ada catatan khusus
**) Gunakan halaman sebaliknya untuk menuliskan catatan-catatn khusus

1. General overview for the performances

Overall, the teachers displayed proficiency in their instructional practices. They successfully commenced and concluded lessons, provided clear explanations in English,
followed lesson plans diligently, utilized teaching aids effectively in English, engaged students through questioning, explored diverse teaching approaches, maintained
classroom discipline, and evaluated student understanding. Although each teacher demonstrated strengths and areas for growth, their collaborative efforts highlighted their
capability to deliver effective instruction and foster student learning.

2. Strengths
Together, all teachers demonstrated exceptional proficiency in utilizing English learning tools, media, and resources. They employed a wide array of materials, including
plain paper, worksheets, PowerPoint slides, videos, whiteboards, and props. Moreover, they exhibited a thorough grasp of their subjects and effectively communicated
concepts in a clear and concise manner, thereby enhancing student comprehension. Across the videos, the teachers made concerted efforts to ensure student understanding
and engagement, contributing to an enriching learning experience.

3. Weaknesses
Overall, teachers encountered challenges in maintaining classroom order. There were instances where students appeared disinterested, inattentive, or hesitant to participate
in lessons. However, managing a class inherently presents difficulties, especially when contending with factors beyond the teacher's control, such as student emotions or
health issues. Despite these obstacles, teachers exerted their best efforts to make lessons engaging for all students.

4. Innovation and creativity

Each teacher exhibited innovative teaching methods. They incorporated technology, including screens, projectors, and TVs, to deliver engaging slideshows and videos.
Moreover, they crafted handmade props, such as paper clocks, to enhance visual learning. Additionally, teachers developed interactive games aligned with the lesson
content, igniting student enthusiasm and deepening comprehension. These creative strategies significantly enriched the learning process, making it more appealing and

5. How the videos will help you in designing a lesson

In each video, all essential components of a lesson plan were consistently addressed. First, the opening segment involved greeting students, reviewing previous lessons,
outlining learning objectives, engaging in reflective activities, or commencing with a prayer. Second, during the main part, teachers delivered the core lesson content,
effectively facilitating improved understanding of the subject matter. Finally, the videos concluded with a segment where teachers prompted student reflection, offered
guidance, or bid farewell appropriately, ensuring comprehensive student learning throughout the lesson.

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