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Klasifikasi Sistem

Causality Time Variance Stability

Time Stable Unstable

Causal Noncausal Constant

Invertibility Time Continuity

Invertible Noninvertible Discrete Continue

Linearity Range value Memory

linear nonlinear Analog Digital Memory Memoryless

Classification of Systems
A system may be viewed as an interconnection of operations that
transforms an input signal into an output signal with properties different
from those of the input signal.

› Continuous-Time Systems y (t ) = H {x(t )}

› Discrete-Time Systems y[n] = H {x[n]}

Block diagram representation of operator H for (a)

continuous time and (b) discrete time.
Properties of Systems
› Stability
– A system is said to be bounded-input, bounded-output (BIBO)
stable if and only if every bounded input results in a bounded
– The operator H is BIBO stable if the output signal y(t) satisfies
the condition
y (t )  M y   for all t
whenever the input signals x(t) satisfy the condition

x(t )  M x   for all t

Properties of Systems
› Memory
– A system is said to possess memory if its output signal depends
on past or future values of the input signal.
– A system is said to possess memoryless if its output signal
depends only on the present values of the input signal.
1. Ex.: Resistor
i(t ) = v(t ) Memoryless !

Ex.: Inductor

1 t
i (t ) =  v( )d Memory !
L −
Check Yourself
› Consider a moving average system defined as
y[n] = ( x[n] + x[n − 1] + x[n − 2])
› Show that the system is BIBO stable
Check Yourself
› Consider a moving average system defined as
y[n] = ( x[n] + x[n − 1] + x[n − 2])
› Show that the system is BIBO stable
› Assume x[n]  M x   for all n

y[n] = x[n] + x[n − 1] + x[n − 2]
 ( x[n] + x[n − 1] + x[n − 2] )
 (M x + M x + M x )
3 The moving-average
= Mx system is stable.
› A system is said to be causal if its present value of the output
signal depends only on the present or past values of the input
› A system is said to be noncausal if its output signal depends on
one or more future values of the input signal.

Ex.: Moving-average system

y[n] = ( x[n] + x[n − 1] + x[n − 2]) Causal !

Ex.: Moving-average system

y[n] = ( x[n + 1] + x[n] + x[n − 1]) Noncausal !

 A causal system must be capable of operating in real time.

› A system is said to be invertible if the input of the
system can be recovered from the output.
The notion of system invertibility.
The second operator H inv is the
inverse of the first operator H.
Hence, the input x(t) is passed
through the cascade correction
of H and H inv completely
› Inverse operator: unchanged.

H inv  y (t ) = H inv H  x(t ) = H inv H  x(t )

H inv = inverse operator

› Condition for invertible systems:

H inv H = I I = identity operator

› A system is said to be linear in terms of the system
input (excitation) x(t) and the system output (response)
y(t) if it satisfies the following two properties of
superposition and homogeneity.
› Superposition
x(t ) = x1 (t ) y (t ) = y1 (t ) x(t ) = x1 (t ) + x2 (t )
x ( t ) = x2 ( t ) y ( t ) = y2 ( t ) y(t ) = y1 (t ) + y2 (t )

› Homogeneity
x(t ) y (t ) ax (t ) ay (t )
Linearity of CT Systems
› Operator H represent the CT systems
x1(t), x2(t), …, xN(t)  input signal; a1, a2, …,
› Input: x(t ) =  ai xi (t )
i =1 aN  Corresponding weighted factor
y (t ) =  ai yi (t )
› Output y (t ) = H {x(t )} = H { ai xi (t )}
i =1
i =1

where yi (t ) = H {xi (t )}, i = 1, 2, ..., N . Superposition and

› Commutation and linearity
y (t ) = H { ai xi (t )}
i =1
=  ai H {xi (t )}
i =1
=  ai yi (t )
i =1
Check Yourself
› Consider CT system described by input-output relation
y(t ) = x(t ) x(t − 1)
› Show that the system is non-linear.
Check Yourself
› Consider CT system described by input-output relation
y(t ) = x(t ) x(t − 1)
› Show that the system is non-linear.

› Input: x(t ) =  ai xi (t )
i =1

› Output: y (t ) =  ai xi (t ) a j x j (t − 1) = ai a j xi (t ) x j (t − 1)
i =1 j =1 i =1 j =1

› Here we cannot write

y (t ) =  i =1 ai yi (t )
Nonlinear system!
Time Invariance
› A system is said to be time invariance if a time delay or
time advance of the input signal leads to an identical
time shift in the output signal.

The notion of time invariance. (a) Time-shift operator St0 preceding operator
H. (b) Time-shift operator St0 following operator H. These two situations are
equivalent, provided that H is time invariant.
› Describes classification of signals and
› Decomposes even-odd signals
› Manipulates signals through basic
› Describes complex exponential signals
› Analyzes properties of systems
Problem 01
Tentukan komponen genap dan ganjil dari
masing sinyal berikut ini:
Problem 02
Tentukan apa sinyal berikut ini periodik, jika
iya, tentukan periode dasarnya
(fundamental period) dari sinyal tersebut:

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