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Just a Minute! Is the original award-winning BBC Radio 4 game that’s been cracking up
audiences since 1967? According to the BBC website, lots of folks in china have credited JAM
with helping them to learn English. The premise of just minute! Is straightforward.

The objective the game is for panelists to talk “ for just a minute” on a given subject, “without
repetition, hesitation or deviation”. Although this game appears to be simple, it is very hard to
break. To speak for the full minute without being challenged is extremely difficult, and
meritorious when achieved.

The Just a minute (JAM) covers all the four skills in English i.e., LSRW.
The four components of language are






Listening is vital in the language class room because it provides input for the learner without
understanding Input (information) at the right level and comprehending spoken words, no
learning can begin. Listening is thus fundamental to speaking.


Content speaking is the result of listening when we are children we listen to our mothers and
other family members and imitate speech; slowly we build up a vocabulary. In the speaking
module users are tested for tone intonation, pronunciation, stress and proper pauses.

Research has shown that for most part, employees, are good at what they do, their problems
occur when they attempt to communicate their subjects to others. They had extensive training
and experience in performing their jobs, but very little training in effectively presenting their
ideas together.
Reading is a very important skill for anyone to have as It enables the reader to read and
comprehend what he is reading from many angles.
Writing is a very important skill, it is the outcome of reading, speaking and listening. Writing
shows how you can express yourself in good grammatically correct sentences.

Do’s Don’ts
Plan your speech carefully Speak randomly
Think what, when, where, how Try to overload information
Organize your ideas Speak very slowly or very fast.
Make an attractive beginning Repeat words for many times
End clearly and conclusively Deviate from the given topic
Start and end on time Pause for more than two seconds
Speak naturally and cautiously End abruptly
Be confident, smile and make eye contact and Exceed your time
appropriate gestures while speaking

Topics on JAM:
1. If you were the Vice-Chairman of AITS Colleges what changes would you like to bring?
2. If you get three days of eye sight what would you do?
3. If you were the Principal of College what changes would you like to bring?
4. If were fly like a bird what would you do?
5. If you were the warden of college hostel what changes would you like to bring?
6. What are some good ways to learn English?
7. What are qualities of a good teacher?
8. Why do you study English?
9. What are the qualities of a good student?
10. Do you trust all of your friends? Why?
11. About chocolate
12. A time when you were happy.
13. A time when you were excited.
14. About something you’ve achieved?
15. W hat are some things that make you angry?
16. Are your happy with your personality?
17. Describe your best trip./ Describe your worst trip.
18. What behavior of others hurts you most?
19. Do you think public speaking can improve your English?
20. Uses of e-mail.
21. Your childhood.
22. What is your busiest day of the week? Why?
23. What is the relationship between love and friendship?

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