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Reviewer NSTP

1.What do you consider to be the main goal of national security?

B. To ensure the safety and well-being of a nation and its citizens
2.what threats is a concern for national security?
B. Cybersecurity breaches
3.terrorist group poses a significant threat to national security in the Philippines?
C. Abu Sayaf in other country icic
4. Swindling, Estafa, Scam or other form of computer fraud, counterfeiting and
forgery, In what type of National Threat in Philippines?
B. Cybercrime
5.Which territorial dispute poses a significant challenge to the Philippines?
C. South China Sea disputes
6. How does inadequate healthcare infrastructure contribute to national threats?
C. Vulnerability to Pandemics
7. What role does the illegal drug trade play as a national threat?
C. Crime & Corruption
8. In this emerging technology what poses ethical and security concerns globally?
B. Artificial Intelligence or AI
9.Which global health crisis has recently impacted countries worldwide?
C. covid19 pandemic
10.A kind of threats that composed of organized crimes, kidnapping and
C. internal threats
Notes: internal threats-(poor, poverty, inequality, corruption ) External threats-
(terrorist) seasonal threats-(climate change)
Security threats-(a malicious act that aims to corrupt or steal data or disrupt an
organization's systems or the entire organization)
11. Magna Carta of Women is also known as?
B.RA 9710
12. What is the most significant challenge or issue related to gender equality and
inclusivity in contemporary society?
D. Gender stereotypes and societal expectations
13. What key area does the Magna Carta of Women aim to address to promote
gender equality and women's rights?
C. Eliminating discrimination against women and promoting their rights in various
aspects of life
14. What is the primary goal of Gender and Development (GAD) initiatives?
B. To achieve gender equality and empower all individuals, regardless of their
15. What is the primary objective of efforts to combat Violence Against Women
B. To raise awareness about the issue and work towards its prevention and
16. What is the primary purpose of Republic Act 9262 or VAWC in the Philippines?
B. To protect the rights and welfare of women and children by preventing
violence and providing legal
17. Who is eligible to report violent actions against women and their children
under RA 9262?
D. The victim or any concerned citizen or private individual
18. What kind of protection orders are permitted by RA 9262?
A. Temporary Protection Order (TPO) and Permanent Protection Order (PPO)
19. What is the consequence of breaking RA 9262?
D. Imprisonment of up to 20 years and a fine of up to 500,000 pesos
20. Mr. Dela Cruz serves rather than controls his people. He also shares power
and helps his people develop and reach their highest potential. What types of
leadership. Mr. Dela Cruz showed us?
C. Servant Leader
21. Which of the following statements is not TRUE?
D. Leadership is achieving goals by the leader alone.
22. It is regarded as society's most fundamental example of civic engagement and
B. Volunteerism
23. Sabel fearlessly embraces challenges and inspire her team to conquer
adversity and reach new heights, it only shows that she is a courageous leader.
Which of the following concepts best describes a courageous leader?
B. Values people more than the position
24. Angelina is a leader who always shows a magnetic personality and the ability
to inspire and captivate her subordinates and others through her charm,
confidence, and persuasive communication. She has a unique ability to rally
people around a shared vision and build strong connections that foster loyalty
and followership. Based on the description, what kind of a leader is Angelina?
B. Charismatic
25. Kulasa and Boyong are two individual whose gender identity aligns with their
sex they were assigned at birth. Both are an example, of what type of gender
B. Cisgender
26. This quote is attributed to ______________. He has often emphasized the
importance of presenting both the problems and the solutions to inspire action
and change.
B.To ensure the safety and well-being of a nation and its citizens
27. Professor Lamo in their community always guides, influences, and inspires the
group and other community organization toward the achievement of common
goals and objectives, fostering growth and progress. What kind of a superior or
head is Prof. Lamo?
B. Leader
28. Everyone is born equally, but a person who shows ____________ is someone
who demonstrates a high level of skill, proficiency, or competence in a particular
area or task. This type of person stands out due to their exceptional proficiency,
competence, and capacity to make a positive impact in their chosen area of
expertise. And this is one of prerequisite of leading a people.
A. Abilities
29. John C. Maxwell, a well-known author and leadership expert. Maxwell has
written extensively on the subject of leadership and is recognized for his insights
into leadership development. For him Leadership is ____________, nothing more,
nothing less.”
B. Influence
30. As a leader Miss Ching closely monitor processes, and make decisions
independently. She tend to provide clear instructions, set strict expectations, and
prioritize efficiency and productivity in her organization. Actions like this clearly
manifest what type of a leader is Ms. Ching?
C. Task-Oriented Leadership.
31. The following best described Laissez-Faire Leadership, except:
C. it does not promote creativity and self-sufficiency
32. The quote: “The unexamined life is not worth living” is authored by:
B. Socrates
33. It is an act of freely giving up one's time and/or abilities for desirable causes,
whether they are cultural, educational, environmental, social, moral, or political,
without consideration for a monetary reward or any other kind of gain.
A. Volunteerism
34. People who volunteer frequently claim that they receive more ______ than
they do.
B. Benefit
35. What is the primary aim of the Volunteer Act of 2007 (RA 9418)?
C. To promote, facilitate, and recognize volunteerism as a strategy for socio-
economic development
36. A natural or synthetic substance that (when taken into a living body) affects its
functioning or structure, when being used in the diagnosis, mitigation, treatment,
or prevention of a disease or relief of discomfort
A. Medicinal Drug
37. What best describes drug dependence?
B. The situation where an individual's body has adapted to a drug, and they
experience withdrawal symptoms when not using it
50. A condition characterized by using drugs continually and become a habit
through repeated consumption.
C. Drug Addiction
38. A semi-synthetic drug made from lysergic acid, which is found in a fungus that
grows on rye and other grains.
A. LSD - D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide
39. Which among the given statements are true about HIV-AIDS?
C. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS
40. The stage where it is possible to increase the risk of developing other life-
limiting conditions like cancer and brain illness, without treatment, people will
survive about three years.
41. It is considered the mode of transmission for HIV-AIDS.
Breastfeeding by HIV infected mother, Breastfeeding by HIV infected mother,
Transfusion of HIV infected blood
42. The act in which the government shall pursue an intensive and unrelenting
campaign against the trafficking and use of dangerous drugs and other similar
substances through an integrated system of planning, implementation and
enforcement of anti-drug abuse policies, programs, and projects
B. RA 9165 Act of 2002
43. According to the research, in which age group is most affected by HIV in the
C. Adults (20-39)
44. The government agency in the Philippines that is primarily responsible for
addressing drug-related issue?
C. Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency(PDEA)
45. How does the stigma associated with drug use and HIV/AIDS impact
prevention and treatment efforts in the Philippines?
B. Discourages individuals from seeking treatment
46. Which Philippine region has the highest prevalence of HIV/AIDS cases?
B. National Capital Region
47. What is the Philippines' principal strategy for addressing the drug problem and
lowering HIV transmission rates?
C. Strict Law Enforcement and Rehabilitation programs
48.How HIV infected quickly to a person?
A. Sexual Intercourse
49.How do college students be protected against HIV and Aids
C. Abstinence

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