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AGBULOS, Zhybelle
ARENAS, Janina

Memory and Sleep: How Sleep Cognition Can Change the Waking Mind for the Better
Ken A. Paller, Jessica D. Creery, and Eitan Schechtman


Sleep is a complex biological process that assists people in processing new information, staying healthy, and re-energizing
themselves. Sleep and wakefulness cycles are necessary for our bodies to function. That is, sleep is an important activity that the
physiological body requires and is necessary for humans in their daily physical and mental activities.

Memory consolidation is the process by which new memories become stable over time through changes in the brain,
Diekelmann and Born (2010). This occurs not just during initial encoding but also through subsequent processing, including
during periods of sleep. Studies in rodents have shown that neural circuits involved in new learning are reactivated during sleep
through a process called memory replay. This helps strengthen and integrate memories by reinstating the learning-related brain

In humans, certain neural oscillations seen on EEG have been linked to memory consolidation during sleep, including slow
oscillations, sleep spindles, and sharp wave ripple complexes in the hippocampus. These oscillations are thought to help
coordinate memory replay between the hippocampus and neocortex (Rasch & Born, 2013). A technique called targeted memory
reactivation uses sounds or other cues presented during sleep to selectively reactivate specific memories. This improves later recall
of the cued memories compared to uncued memories, supporting the role of replay in consolidation.

Sleep is classically divided into stages characterized by distinct neural and bodily functions (Paller, Creery, & Schechtman,
2021). While future advances may lead to refinements, contemporary schemes distinguish rapid eye movement (REM) sleep from
three stages of non-REM (NREM) sleep. Each stage has characteristic electrophysiological features in the electroencephalogram,
electrooculogram, and electromyogram. NREM includes stages 1 (N1), 2 (N2), and 3 (N3). Sleep progresses from lighter to
deeper across these stages as arousability decreases. N3, also termed slow-wave sleep, has high-amplitude slow waves (0.5–4 Hz)
in the EEG. Nocturnal sleep consists of multiple 90-minute cycles including light sleep, slow-wave sleep, REM, and return to
NREM. Most sleep is usually spent in N2 and slow-wave sleep, stages most implicated in memory consolidation to date (Paller et
al., 2021).

Sleep has also been linked to benefits for problem solving, creativity, and emotional regulation. Reprocessing recent
experiences during sleep may help integrate new information and find solutions. Emotional memories seem particularly likely to
be reactivated and strengthened. Targeted memory reactivation methods provide a way to investigate the neural mechanisms of
consolidation. Applying these methods outside the lab also has potential to shape sleep processing and thereby improve outcomes
like memory and psychological well-being (Walker & Stickgold, 2004).


Paller, Creery, and Schechtman (2021) argue that sleep cognition plays a vital role in memory consolidation, integration,
problem solving, creativity, and emotional regulation. During sleep, our brains reactivate and strengthen memories, allowing them
to be stored and retrieved more efficiently. Sleep also facilitates creative problem solving by restructuring information and
promoting the combination of ideas. Additionally, sleep helps regulate emotions by downregulating negative feelings and
integrating emotional experiences into memory networks. By understanding these processes and implementing strategies to
improve sleep quality, we can enhance cognitive performance, leading to improved learning, increased productivity, and better
mental health. Their research has helped us to better understand the connection between sleep and memory and how it can be
improved to enhance cognitive performance and memory and also demonstrate the ways in which sleep can be used to improve
memory and learning


The authors begin by defining memory consolidation as the process of transforming newly acquired memories into stable and
long-lasting representations. They then review the evidence that sleep plays a critical role in consolidation. For example, studies
have shown that people who sleep after learning new information are better able to recall it the next day than those who do not

The authors also discuss the role of sleep cognition in memory integration. Sleep cognition refers to the mental processes that
occur during sleep, such as replaying memories and making associations between different memories. The authors argue that sleep
cognition helps to integrate new memories into our existing knowledge base, and that this integration is essential for long-term
In addition to its role in memory consolidation and integration, Paller, Creery, and Schechtman (2021) argue that sleep
cognition also supports problem solving, creativity, and emotional regulation. For example, studies have shown that people who
sleep after working on a difficult problem are more likely to solve it the next day. Sleep cognition has also been linked to
creativity, as it can help us to make new associations between seemingly unrelated ideas. Finally, sleep cognition can help us to
regulate our emotions by allowing us to process and integrate emotional experiences.

The authors conclude by discussing the implications of their findings for the development of new strategies to improve sleep
and waking performance. For example, they suggest that targeted memory reactivation during sleep may be a promising way to
improve memory consolidation. They also suggest that sleep hygiene interventions, such as establishing a regular sleep schedule
and creating a relaxing bedtime routine, may be beneficial for both sleep and cognitive function.


Lesson 7 on Physiological Psychology, "WAKEFULNESS AND SLEEP," it highlighted at the last part the connection
between energy conservation and sleep, as well as the relationship between memory and sleep, which is related to the study
Memory and Sleep: How Sleep Cognition Can Change the Waking Mind for the Better. Although energy conservation and sleep
have some relationship, energy conservation and sleep have some relationship as well, and this relationship is very relevant to both
humans and animals.

Sleep and Energy Conservation

a. While sleep was likely important for survival in our distant past, serving functions like energy conservation, its purposes
have undoubtedly evolved over time. For many species, sleep remains a strategy to reduce energy expenditure during periods
where activity would be inefficient or food is scarce.

b. Most animals sleep more when food is limited, such as during winter months or droughts. Entering a state of dormancy
helps sustain life through times when waking exertion could burn precious calories better conserved. Some extreme examples
include hibernation - where body temperature and metabolic rate plunge.

c. However, the specific sleep-wake patterns of each species also reflect their unique ecological demands. Creatures devoting
daylight hours to foraging likely sleep at night for shelter. Yet predators hunting after dark may sleep intermittently. Also key are
vulnerabilities like risk of predation while immobilized. Thus natural selection has diversified sleep across the animal kingdom.

d. A select few species have even dispensed with sleep altogether, finding 24/7 activity more advantageous. Some fish
continuously swim, feeding or evading threats. Dolphins sleep one brain hemisphere at a time to survive ocean dangers. Nocturnal
birds also remain perpetually alert, patrolling skies for rivals or prey.

Sleep and Memory

a. In contrast to sleep-deprived students cramming for exams, a good night's rest actually boosts recollection. The learning
consolidation functions of sleep grow clearer with each study.

b. Indeed, brain imaging reveals reactivation of neural patterns underlying recent memories during slumber. This
neurological “replay” is thought to gradually strengthen synaptic connections, better embedding recollections. The process appears
faster in sleep than wake.

c. Precisely how sleep selectively strengthens some memories while seeming to weaken others remains intriguing. One
hypothesis is that it prunes less important details to prevent neuronal overload.

d. Researchers also observe elevated sleep spindles after new information acquisition. These distinctive EEG signatures may
underlie memory processing in sleep's earlier stages. Much remains to unfold in sleep and learning's intertwined relationship.

Furthermore, the sleep and memory lesson emphasized that a proper sleeping routine has a positive impact on someone's
daily activities, whether mental or physical. Furthermore, these findings indicate that sleep deprivation clearly has a negative
impact on an individual's overall performance. Future researchers should investigate the impact of sleep deprivation on medical
and mental health outcomes. Finally, future researchers should address this issue and develop interventions to help individuals in
developing proper time management skills and developing a better sleep routine.


National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (2023). Understanding sleep. [PDF document].
National Sleep Foundation. (n.d.). Sleep Foundation.
American Academy of Sleep Medicine. (n.d.). AASM - American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

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