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Discussion Activity:

The past, present and future

Step 1: Group formation
Divide the class/lab into groups of 3-5 students, depending on the class
size. You can assign the groups randomly or ask the students to choose
their own groups.
Step 2: Topic selection
Choose a topic from the following topics and provide the topic to the
groups and give them some time to research and prepare.

“The Communication Systems: The past, present and

Topic# 1: Students will study how communication systems have
changed over time, from the beginning to the latest
technologies used today. Students will think about how
communication systems have changed society and what
the future of communication might look like.
“The Transportation Systems: The past, present and
Topic# 2: Students will examine how transportation has evolved
over time, from the earliest modes of transportation to the
most advanced systems of the present day. Students will
think about how transportation has changed society and
what the future of transportation might look like.
“The Fashion in Bangladesh: The Past, Present, and
Topic# 3: Future”
Students will explore the history of fashion, how it has
evolved over time in Bangladesh, and what trends we can
expect to see in the future.
"Medicine and Healthcare: The Past, Present, and
Topic# 4: Future"
Students will discuss about the changes that have occurred
in medicine and healthcare over time, and speculate about
their future development.
“The Education Systems: The Past, Present, and
Topic# 5: Future”
How teaching and learning have changed and will continue
to evolve
Topic# 6: “The Role of women in society: The Past, Present, and
The evolution of women's rights over time
Topic# 7: “The Agriculture: The Past, Present, and Future”
From traditional farming to modern agricultural practices
and the future of food sustainability
Topic# 8: “Technologies: The Past, Present, and Future”
A discussion of the past, present and future of
technological advancements and their impact on society

Step 3: Group discussion

Ask the groups to discuss the topic among them for a set amount of time
(e.g. 20-30 minutes). Encourage them to share their ideas and opinions,
and to listen to each other.

Step 4: Presentation preparation

After the group discussion, ask the groups to prepare a short presentation
on the topic. They should include some key points, examples, and
supporting evidence. You can also provide a template or a set of guidelines
to help them structure their presentations.

Step 5: Presentation delivery

Finally, ask each group to deliver their presentation in front of the class.
Sample presentations
Topic# 1:
“The communication systems: The past, present and future”

Hello everyone,
I would like to discuss the fascinating subject of communication systems
with you today. Every day, we all rely on communication, whether sending
a text message to a friend or attending a virtual meeting with colleagues.
But have you ever thought about how communication systems have
evolved over time? And where might they be headed in the future? That's
what we'll be exploring today.
Let's start by talking about the current state of communication systems.
Today, we have access to a wide variety of technologies that allow us to
connect and communicate with each other in real-time. We can send
emails, instant messages, and even use social media to stay in touch with
friends and family. Video conferencing tools like Zoom and Skype have
become essential for remote work and virtual learning. These technologies
have made it easier than ever to communicate with anyone, anywhere in
the world.
But communication systems have come a long way from the early days of
smoke signals and carrier pigeons. The invention of the telegraph in the
19th century revolutionized communication, allowing people to send
messages across long distances at remarkable speeds. The telephone made
it possible to have real-time conversations, connecting people across
countries and continents. Later, radio and television brought mass
communication to the world, letting people receive news and
entertainment from afar.
So, where is communication systems headed in the future? There are a few
exciting possibilities. Virtual and augmented reality could change how we
connect with each other by making it feel like we are in the same room
together. Artificial intelligence and machine learning could help to improve
communication systems, making them faster and more accurate. We may
also see new technologies emerge that we haven't even imagined yet.
In conclusion, communication systems have evolved significantly over
time, and they will continue to do so in the future. We've come a long way
from smoke signals and carrier pigeons, and today we have access to an
incredible range of technologies that allow us to communicate in real-time
with anyone, anywhere in the world. As we look to the future, it's exciting
to think about the possibilities that new technologies could bring to the
world of communication.
Thank you for listening.

Topic# 2:
“The Transportation Systems: The past, present and future”

Hello everyone. I will be discussing the topic of transportation systems

today. Transportation has been an essential part of human life for
thousands of years. It has evolved over time and continues to do so. My
presentation will cover the history, current state, and future possibilities of
transportation systems.

In the past, people used to travel on foot or by using animals for

transportation. Carts and chariots became possible with the invention of
the wheel. The steam engine brought about a transportation revolution
and led to the creation of steam locomotives and steamships.
The invention of cars in the 1800s gave people more options for personal
transportation, making it easier for them to travel.

Today, we have many different types of transportation systems. Cars,

buses, trains, and airplanes are just a few examples. Each of these modes of
transportation has its benefits and drawbacks. Cars are convenient but
contribute to pollution. Public transportation is cheaper but crowded. Air
travel is quick but expensive. Electric and hybrid cars, fast trains, and
renewable fuel sources are making transportation systems more
environmentally friendly and efficient.

In the future, transportation systems will continue to develop. We will see

the development of self-driving cars and the expansion of electric cars.
New transportation technologies, such as hyperloop and personal air
vehicles, could change the way we travel. The use of drone delivery
systems and autonomous delivery vehicles could change the way we
receive goods and services.

In conclusion, transportation systems have come a long way from walking

and riding animals. Today, we use many different types of transportation
that make travel faster and more convenient. In the future, transportation
technology will continue to advance, making travel more efficient,
sustainable, and enjoyable.

Thank you for listening.

Topic# 3:
“The Fashion in Bangladesh: The Past, Present, and Future”

Hello everyone, Today I will be discussing the topic of fashion in

Bangladesh. Fashion has been a significant part of Bangladeshi culture for a
long time. In my presentation, I will discuss the history, current status, and
future of fashion in Bangladesh.

In earlier times, the cultural influences of the Mughal Empire, British

colonialism, and traditional clothing styles, greatly influenced fashion in
Bangladesh. Cotton and silk were commonly used, and handloom weaving
was a popular practice. Fashion was regarded as a way to demonstrate
one's social status and cultural identity. Traditional clothing items such as
Sarees, Lungis, and Shalwar Kameez were widely worn by both men and
Bangladesh now has a thriving fashion industry that contributes
significantly to the country's economy. The industry employs thousands of
people and has gained recognition on the international stage. Bangladeshi
fashion designers have made a name for themselves by fusing traditional
and modern elements. The industry has also moved towards employing
more sustainable and ethical production methods.

In the future, Bangladeshi fashion will continue to evolve. We will see a

greater focus on sustainable fashion with eco-friendly materials and
production methods. The industry will continue to incorporate traditional
elements and designs into modern fashion. We may also see the rise of
digital fashion, allowing consumers to try on clothes virtually.

To sum up, fashion has always been an important aspect of Bangladeshi

culture. Today, the fashion industry has gained global recognition and is
more environmentally friendly and ethical. In the future, we can expect
more emphasis on sustainable fashion and blending traditional elements
with modern designs.

Thank you for listening.

Topic# 4:
"Medicine and Healthcare: The Past, Present, and Future"

Good morning/afternoon to everyone. Today, I will be talking to you about

the past, present, and future of medicine and healthcare.

First, let's look back at the past. Medicine and healthcare have come a long
way over the centuries. Ancient people relied on natural remedies and
herbs to treat ailments. However, with the progress of science and
technology, medical care is becoming more and more difficult. With the
advent of modern medicine in the 19th century, doctors began using drugs
and surgery to treat illnesses. This has greatly improved public health and
made many once-fatal diseases curable.

Now let's talk about the present. In today's world, we have access to
modern medicine and healthcare that has greatly improved our quality of
life. With the development of new technologies and advances in medicine,
it is now possible to cure diseases that were once thought to be incurable.
We are also seeing a shift towards preventive medicine, where doctors
focus on keeping patients healthy rather than just treating illness.
Additionally, the use of telemedicine has become more common, allowing
patients to access medical services from the comfort of their own homes.

Finally, let's look at the future of medicine and healthcare. Advances in

technology promise more individualized and precise treatment of disease.
Gene editing and regenerative medicine are just a few examples of how
technology can be used to cure once-incurable diseases. In addition,
artificial intelligence and machine learning will play an important role in
diagnosing and treating diseases, enabling doctors to make more accurate
diagnoses and provide more effective treatments.

In summary, medicine and healthcare have come a long way through

history, and we can expect more to come in the coming days. As new
technologies and medical advances develop, public health will greatly
improve, and diseases once thought to be incurable will become curable.
Thank you for listening to my presentation.

Topic# 5:
“The Education Systems: The Past, Present, and Future”

Ladies and gentlemen, today I'm going to talk about the history and
development of the education system. We will look at how education has
changed over time, what it looks like now, and what we can expect in the
In the past, education was confined to the elite and privileged classes. Only
wealthy families could send their children to school, while the poor had to
work to survive. Education often used to focus on religious or vocational
training with little emphasis on critical thinking or creativity. Over time,
the government realized the importance of education for all, and public
schools were established. This has expanded educational opportunities and
improved literacy.

Education is widespread today, and most people have access to public

schools and colleges. Technology has transformed the way we learn, and
online courses and digital resources have made education more accessible
than ever. However, the education system still faces challenges such as lack
of funding, unequal access, and outdated teaching methods. In response,
educators and policymakers are looking for new ways to improve the
quality and accessibility of education.

In the future, education systems will evolve in response to technological

advances and social changes. Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and
other new technologies will revolutionize the way we learn and teach. We
may see a shift towards individualized learning, where students can learn
at their own pace and in their own style. The emphasis may shift to
developing skills relevant to the modern workforce, such as digital literacy,
critical thinking, and problem solving.

In summary, the education system has come a long way since its inception.
Although challenges remain, we have made great strides in making
education more accessible and effective. Looking to the future, we can
expect constant innovation and development in education, paving the way
for a brighter and fairer future.

Thank you for listening.

Topic# 6:
“The Role of women in society: The Past, Present, and Future”

Good morning/ good afternoon/and good evening to everyone.

Today, I would like to talk about the role of women in society, both in the
past, present, and future.

First, let's take a look at the past. Historically, women were seen as
homemakers and were not given many opportunities outside the home.
They were not allowed to vote or participate in politics, and many careers
were closed off to them. However, women have always played important
roles in their families and communities, even if their contributions were
not always recognized.

Now, let's move on to the present. Women today have more opportunities
than ever before. They can vote, work in almost any profession, and even
hold political office. Many laws and policies have been put in place to
protect women's rights and ensure equal treatment. However, there is still
progress to be made, as women continue to face discrimination and
inequality in many areas of society.

Finally, let's look to the future. We can hope to see even more progress for
women's rights and equality. As more women become leaders and role
models in various fields, we can inspire the next generation of girls to
pursue their dreams and reach their full potential. We can also work
towards breaking down gender stereotypes and promoting gender equality
in all areas of society.

In conclusion, women have come a long way in terms of their roles and
opportunities in society. However, there is still much work to be done to
ensure equal treatment and opportunities for all women. Let's continue to
work towards a brighter future for women and for society as a whole.

Thank you for listening.

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