Lesson Plan

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Subject: Technology and Livelihood Education-ICT

Grade Level: Grade 10

Objective: To plan and prepare for installation

Learning across curriculum:

1) Mathematics - Calculating the dimensions and measurements of the installation


2) Science - Understanding the principles of electricity and how it relates to the

installation process.

3) English - Communicating effectively through written instructions and diagrams for

the installation process.


Teaching Strategy: Brainstorming

Instructional Materials: Whiteboard, markers

Anecdote 1: Share a personal experience of a challenging installation process and

how planning and preparation helped overcome the difficulties.

Anecdote 2: Discuss a famous installation project in the Philippines and highlight

the importance of proper planning and preparation.


Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials: Props related to installation (e.g., tools, equipment)

1) Idea: Divide the class into groups and assign each group a specific installation
scenario. They will act out the planning and preparation process, including identifying
the materials needed and creating a timeline.

2) Idea: Conduct a class discussion on the importance of planning and preparation

for successful installation. Show visual aids such as pictures or videos of poorly
planned installations and discuss the consequences.


Activity 1: Creating an Installation Checklist

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Worksheets, pens

Significance: Students will learn how to create a comprehensive checklist for an

installation project, ensuring that all necessary steps and materials are accounted


1) In groups, students will brainstorm and list down all the necessary steps and
materials needed for a specific installation project.

2) Each group will create a checklist based on their brainstorming session.

3) The checklist will be evaluated using the following rubric:

- Completeness of steps and materials (5 pts)

- Organization and clarity (5 pts)

- Overall presentation (5 pts)

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the purpose of creating an installation checklist?

2) Why is it important to include all necessary steps and materials in the checklist?

3) How does a well-organized checklist contribute to the success of an installation


Activity 2: Installation Simulation

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Materials: Simulated installation area, tools, equipment

Significance: Students will apply their knowledge of planning and preparation by

executing a simulated installation project.


1) Students will be divided into groups and assigned a specific installation project.

2) Each group will create a detailed installation plan, including measurements,

materials needed, and a timeline.

3) Using the provided simulated installation area, groups will execute their
installation project.

4) The installation will be evaluated using the following rubric:

- Accuracy and precision of measurements (5 pts)

- Proper use of tools and equipment (5 pts)

- Overall quality of the installation (5 pts)

Assessment Questions:

1) What are the key elements to consider when executing an installation project?

2) How does proper planning and preparation contribute to the success of an

installation project?

3) What are some common challenges that may arise during the installation process,
and how can they be overcome?


Teaching Strategy: Lecture and Discussion

The teacher will explain the concept of planning and preparation for installation,
highlighting key steps and considerations. Students will actively participate in the
discussion, asking questions and sharing their insights.


Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning

Task 1: Students will visit an actual installation site and observe the planning and
preparation process conducted by professionals.

Task 2: Students will create a step-by-step guide for a specific installation project,
including detailed instructions and diagrams.


Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Instructional Materials: Assessment sheets

Question 1: What are the essential components of a well-executed installation

Question 2: How can proper planning and preparation lead to cost and time savings
in an installation project?

Question 3: Discuss the potential risks and challenges that may arise during the
installation process and how they can be mitigated.


Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning

Instructional Materials: Case studies related to installation projects

Students will analyze and solve complex installation problems presented in the case
studies, applying their knowledge of planning and preparation.


Assignment 1: Research and write a report on the latest trends and innovations in
installation technology, including their impact on the planning and preparation

Assignment 2: Create a video tutorial demonstrating the planning and preparation

process for a specific installation project, explaining the key steps and

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