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Egyptian Honey

1. Product: Egyptian Honey

2. HS Code: 0409.00.00
3. Package:
I. 250g N.W per carton
II. 450gN.W per carton
III. As per client requirements.
4. Availability: Year around
5. Shipping: Reefer Container

Nutritional composition of honey

Description Per 100 g Per 20 g serving

Energy 288 kcal/1229 kJ 58 kcal/246 kJ
Fat (g) 0 0
Carbohydrate (g) 76.4 15.3
- fructose (g) 41.8 8.4
- glucose (g) 34.6 6.9
Protein (g) 0.4 0.08
Other constituents
Water (g) 17.5 3.5

Please be aware that these numbers are approximations and may change depending on the type
and location of the honey. Besides, Honey should be consumed in moderation as part of a
balanced diet because it is a concentrated source of calories and sugars.
Health Benefits of Eating Honey

1. Nutritional Value: Honey is not just sweet; it's also packed with essential nutrients that
our bodies need to function properly. It contains vitamins like vitamin C, which supports
our immune system and promotes collagen production for healthy skin. The B complex
vitamins found in honey play a crucial role in energy production and maintaining a
healthy nervous system. Additionally, honey contains minerals such as calcium, which is
essential for strong bones and teeth, potassium for regulating blood pressure and heart
health, and iron, which is important for oxygen transport in the body.

2. Antioxidant Power: Honey is rich in antioxidants, which are compounds that help
protect our cells from damage caused by harmful free radicals. Interestingly, these free
radicals can contribute to the development of chronic diseases such as heart disease,
certain types of cancer, and neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's disease. The
antioxidants in honey, including flavonoids and phenolic acids, have been shown to
neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress in the body, thereby lowering the risk
of these diseases.

3. Wound Healing: Honey has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for wounds and
burns Because its natural antibacterial properties help prevent infections by inhibiting the
growth of bacteria. Luckily, Honey also creates a protective barrier over the wound,
keeping it moist and promoting faster healing. Finally, honey contains enzymes that
stimulate tissue regeneration and reduce inflammation, leading to improved wound
healing outcomes.
4. Cough and Sore Throat Relief: When it comes to soothing a cough or relieving a sore
throat, honey has proven to be a time-tested remedy. Its thick and viscous texture
provides a coating effect, reducing irritation in the throat and alleviating coughing. Honey
also has antimicrobial properties that can help fight off bacteria causing throat infections.
Mixing honey with warm water, lemon, or herbal teas can further enhance its
effectiveness in providing relief.
5. Digestive Aid: Honey, like a magic elixir, assumes the role of a probiotic, fostering the
proliferation and vitality of advantageous bacteria within our gastrointestinal tract. The
probiotic attributes of honey provide sustenance to these beneficial microorganisms,
aiding in the preservation of a harmonious equilibrium in our digestive system. A
properly balanced gut microbiota holds great significance in facilitating optimal
digestion, efficient nutrient absorption, and the overall well-being of our gut.

6. Energy Boost: Need a quick energy boost? Honey can come to the rescue. Its natural
sugars, such as fructose and glucose, are easily absorbed by our bodies, providing a rapid
source of energy. Unlike refined sugars, which can cause energy crashes, honey releases
its energy more steadily, helping sustain energy levels over a longer period of time. This
makes honey a great natural source of energy, especially for athletes or those engaging in
physical activities.

7. Allergy Relief: Some individuals believe that consuming locally produced honey can
help alleviate symptoms of seasonal allergies. The theory is that by ingesting small
amounts of local pollen through honey, the body becomes less sensitive to allergens over
time. While anecdotal evidence supports this claim, scientific research on the topic is
limited and inconclusive. It's important to note that honey should not be used as a
substitute for proven allergy treatments, and individuals with severe allergies should
consult with a healthcare professional.

8. Skin Care: Honey offers several benefits for the skin when used topically. Its
antimicrobial properties can help combat acne-causing bacteria, reducing breakouts and
promoting clearer skin. Honey's moisturizing properties help retain moisture in the skin,
making it smoother and more supple. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can
soothe skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, providing relief from itching and
redness. Due to these potential benefits, honey is often incorporated into natural skincare
products, such as facial masks and moisturizers.
9. Sleep Aid: Struggling to get a good night's sleep? Consuming honey before bedtime may
help. Honey contains natural sugars that can slightly increase insulin levels in the body.
This, in turn, promotes the release of tryptophan, an amino acid that serves as a precursor
to serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter associated with mood
regulation, while melatonin is a hormone that regulates sleep. By promoting the
production of these sleep-regulating compounds, honey can potentially enhance sleep
quality and help you drift off more easily.

In conclusion, consuming honey offers a range of health benefits. It serves as a natural

sweetener, aiding in managing blood sugar levels and reducing the risk of obesity. Honey's
antioxidants support the immune system, while its antibacterial properties assist in fighting
infections and promoting wound healing. It also contributes to a balanced gut microbiota, aids in
digestion, and provides relief from coughs and sore throats. With its rich nutrients, honey is a
valuable addition to a healthy diet, but moderation is key due to its high sugar content. Overall,
honey enhances overall health and well-being.

Types of Honey Produced in Egypt

1. Egyptian Sidr Honey: Sidr honey is widely loved for its exceptional flavor and
incredible healing properties. It originates from the sweet nectar of the sidr tree (Ziziphus
spina-christi), which calls Egypt its home. This marvelous honey boasts a deep hue, a
robust aroma, and a delightfully nuanced, slightly smoky taste. People eagerly seek out
Sidr honey not only for its potential health benefits, such as its antibacterial and
antioxidant properties, but also for the way it brings a touch of magic to their lives.
Additionally, its lusciously thick texture and gradual crystallization add to its allure,
making it a truly remarkable natural treasure.

2. Egyptian Acacia Blossom Honey: Acacia blossom honey, sourced from the nectar of
acacia blossoms abundant in a specific region, boasts a pale hue, gentle taste, and
remarkable ability to remain liquid for extended periods without crystallization.
Esteemed for its clarity and sweetness, this honey serves as a natural sweetener,
gracefully enhancing the flavors of other ingredients without overpowering them. Its
delicate charm and capacity to elevate culinary creations make acacia blossom honey a
cherished gem, adored for its elegance and the subtle transformation it brings to dishes
and beverages.

3. Egyptian Citrus Blossom Honey: Citrus blossom honey is a distinct variety of honey
derived from the nectar of orange, lemon, and mandarin blossoms. It has a charming light
to medium amber color and a captivating citrus fragrance. The flavor is a delightful
medley, influenced by the unique characteristics of citrus fruits and surrounding plant
life. It's described as light, invigorating, and tangy, perfect for enhancing various dishes.
Spread it on bread, add it to tea, or use it as a sweetener in dressings and marinades for a
refreshing touch

4. Egyptian Clover Blossom Honey: Egyptian clover, scientifically known as Trifolium

alexandrinum, is a legume plant native to Egypt and other Mediterranean regions.Clover
blossom honey is a delightful and versatile honey variety derived from the nectar of
clover plants. With its light golden hue, this honey captivates both the eyes and taste
buds. besides, Its flavor is mild and sweet, offering a delightful balance of sweetness
without overpowering the palate. The beautiful aroma of clover blossom honey is
inviting, evoking a sense of freshness and nature. One of its distinguishing features is its
smooth and creamy texture, which adds a luxurious touch to any culinary creation.
Whether used in baking, cooking, or simply as a natural sweetener, clover blossom honey
elevates the taste of various dishes. It complements a wide range of foods, from a spread
on warm toast to a drizzle over a bowl of yogurt or a sweetener for a soothing cup of tea.
Clover blossom honey is a true culinary delight, adding a touch of natural sweetness to
enhance any culinary experience.

5. Egyptian Desert Blossom Honey: The process by which bees collect and convert nectar
into delicious desert blossom honey is awe-inspiring. Flying thousands-of-miles through
arid landscapes, these determined insects navigate harsh conditions, uncovering hidden
pockets loaded with sweet treasure; each one contributing unique floral properties that
help shape the final product's flavor profile. Desert blossom honey boasts incredibly
nuanced notes: bold and earthy with delicately scented flowers percolating beneath each
bite; perfect as a delicacy sought after by many avid consumers who cherish robustness in
their diets.

6. Egyptian Cotton Blossom Honey: Cotton blossom honey is derived from the nectar of
cotton plants. It possesses a unique taste characterized by floral notes and a slight
tanginess. Typically, cotton blossom honey displays a light color and a smooth texture. It
is employed as a sweetener in various culinary applications, such as drizzling over
desserts, adding flavor to beverages, or incorporating into salad dressings and marinades.

7. Egyptian Lychee Blossom Honey: Lychee blossom honey is produced when bees
collect nectar from lychee blossoms. It offers a rich, floral flavor with subtle hints of the
tropical lychee fruit. This honey variety usually showcases a light amber color and a
smooth consistency. It is cherished for its distinctive taste and aroma and can be enjoyed
on its own, drizzled over pancakes or waffles, or incorporated into recipes that benefit
from its unique flavor.

8. Egyptian Wildflower Honey: Wildflower honey is a blend of nectars collected from

various wildflowers that grow in a specific area's diverse ecosystems. It exhibits a wide
range of flavors, colors, and aromas, influenced by the specific flowers found in the
region. Wildflower honey captures the essence of the local flora and is renowned for its
complexity. It can feature floral, herbal, or even slightly fruity notes, making it a versatile
and flavorsome honey variety used in cooking, baking, and as a natural sweetener.

9. Egyptian Sainfoin Blossom Honey: The origins of sainfoin blossom honey lie in the
nectar of the beautiful sainfoin plant. With its delightful light to medium amber shade and
mellifluous taste - enriched with subtle floral undertones - this ingredient is sure to take
your culinary experiences up a notch! Moreover. The smoothness of this exquisite honey
will ensure each bite is savored thoroughly.

10. Egyptian Eucalyptus Blossom Honey: Eucalyptus blossom honey is sourced from the
nectar of eucalyptus trees. It carries a characteristic strong, menthol-like aroma and a
bold, slightly medicinal flavor. Eucalyptus honey is highly valued for its potential health
benefits, particularly its soothing properties for the respiratory system. It showcases a
dark amber color and a thick consistency.

11. Egyptian Palm Blossom Honey: Palm blossom honey is produced from the nectar of
palm trees, such as date palms. Besides, It displays a dark amber color, a rich, caramel-
like flavor, and a thick, sticky texture. Palm blossom honey is widely used in Middle
Eastern cuisine and is often enjoyed as a sweetener in desserts and beverages.

12. Egyptian Black Seed Honey: Obtained from collecting nectar from the Nigella sativa
plant, Black Seed honey is commonly referred to as black cumin or black seed. It has a
bold flavor profile coupled with darker coloring and distinctive aroma. With soaring
popularity comes praise for this particular variety of honey's exceptional health benefits
such as antioxidant properties and potential immune system enhancement.

13. Egyptian Carob Blossom Honey: Elevating the art of producing fine artisanal honeys to
new heights carob blossom honey stands out as one of natures most delightful
gastronomic discoveries. Velvety smooth in texture with an opulent deep brown color
reminiscent of golds richness - this liquid treasure entices with its sumptuous flavour
profile that tantalizes the taste buds. Carob blossom honeys' lavish notes of caramelized
goodness are sure to astound every palate while its thickness offers an elevated culinary
experience consistent with exquisite honey profiles. Revered globally for its unparalleled
sweetness sourced purely from nature carob blossom honey is a revered natural sweetener
adding delicate nuanced flavours that elevate a wide range of dishes.

14. Egyptian Sunflower Blossom Honey: Sunflower blossom honey is obtained from the
nectar of sunflower blossoms. It showcases a light amber color and a mild, floral taste
with subtle hints of the sunflower plant. Sunflower blossom honey is versatile and can be
used in cooking, baking, and as a sweetener for beverages.

15. Egyptian Alfalfa Blossom Honey: Alfalfa blossom honey is derived from the nectar of
alfalfa flowers. Also, It displays a light to medium amber color and a mild, delicate
flavor. Alfalfa blossom honey is often appreciated for its light floral notes and is
commonly used as a table honey or as an ingredient in dressings, sauces, and marinades.

16. Egyptian Date Palm Blossom Honey: Date palm blossom honey is produced from the
nectar of date palm flowers. It exhibits a dark amber color, a rich, sweet taste, and a thick
consistency. Date palm blossom honey is highly valued for its unique flavor, often
described as caramel-like or molasses-like. It is a popular sweetener in Middle Eastern
and North African cuisines.

17. Egyptian Mountain Blossom Honey: Mountain blossom honey is sourced from bees
that forage in mountainous regions. Its flavor and color can vary depending on the local
flora. Mountain blossom honey often offers a complex taste profile, reflecting the diverse
plant life found in mountain ecosystems.

18. Egyptian Royal Jelly-Infused Honey: Royal jelly-infused honey is a blend of honey and
royal jelly, a nutritious substance produced by worker bees. Besides, It possesses a
creamy texture, a sweet taste with tangy undertones, and is highly regarded for its
potential health benefits. Royal jelly-infused honey is often consumed for its supposed
rejuvenating and immune-boosting properties.

19. Egyptian Honeydew Honey: Honeydew honey is produced from the sweet secretions of
plant-feeding insects, such as aphids. Usually, Bees collect the sticky honeydew droplets
and transform them into honey. Honeydew honey has an amazing dark color, a amazingly
rich and robust flavor, and a slightly woody or molasses-like taste

20. Egyptian Coriander Blossom Honey: Coriander blossom honey is derived from the
nectar of coriander flowers. It displays a light to medium amber color and a distinctive,
floral and herbaceous flavor. Coriander blossom honey is appreciated for its unique taste
and is often used in culinary applications that benefit from its aromatic profile.

21. Egyptian Fenugreek Blossom Honey: Fenugreek blossom honey is a unique variety of
honey derived from the nectar of fenugreek plant blossoms. It has a distinct taste with
floral, caramel, and mildly bitter notes. Fenugreek honey is valued for its potential health
benefits, including aiding digestion and supporting respiratory health. Its versatile flavor
makes it a sought-after ingredient for culinary use.

22. Egyptian Mustard Blossom Honey: Mustard blossom honey is produced from the
nectar of mustard plants. It exhibits a light to medium amber color and a bold, pungent,
and slightly spicy flavor. Mustard blossom honey adds a distinct kick to dishes and is
often used in savory recipes or as a glaze for meats.

23. Egyptian Moringa Blossom Honey: Moringa blossom honey is derived from the nectar
of Moringa oleifera flowers. It showcases a light to medium amber color and a mild,
floral flavor. Moringa blossom honey is appreciated for its delicate taste and potential
nutritional benefits attributed to the Moringa plant.
24. Egyptian Thyme Blossom Honey: Thyme blossom honey comes from the nectar of
thyme flowers. It carries a golden color and a distinct, aromatic flavor with herbal and
floral undertones. Thyme blossom honey is often prized for its unique taste and is used in
both sweet and savory dishes, as well as in herbal remedies.

25. Egyptian Sage Blossom Honey: Sage blossom honey is derived from the nectar of sage
plants. It exhibits a light to medium amber color and a robust, herbal flavor with hints of
mint and eucalyptus. Sage blossom honey is valued for its distinct taste and potential
medicinal properties associated with sage.

26. Egyptian Rosemary Blossom Honey: Rosemary blossom honey comes from the nectar
of rosemary flowers. It showcases a light to medium amber color and a distinctive,
aromatic flavor with hints of pine and woody undertones. Rosemary blossom honey is
often appreciated for its unique taste and is used in culinary creations, such as marinades,
dressings, and baked goods.

27. Egyptian Anise Blossom Honey: Anise blossom honey is produced from the nectar of
anise plants. Consequently, It displays an amazing light to medium amber color and a
distinct, sweet, and licorice-like flavor. Anise blossom honey is used as a natural
sweetener and is often interestingly enjoyed in teas, desserts, and confections.

28. Egyptian Cumin Blossom Honey: Cumin blossom honey is derived from the nectar of
cumin flowers. Consequently, It features a light to medium amber color and a mildly
spicy and aromatic flavor. Cumin blossom honey is known for its unique taste profile and
is used as a culinary ingredient and flavor enhancer.

29. Egyptian Basil Blossom Honey: Basil blossom honey comes from the nectar of basil
flowers. It exhibits a light to medium amber color and a delicate, herbal flavor with hints
of sweetness. Basil blossom honey is prized for its distinct taste and is often used in
herbal remedies and as a natural sweetener.

30. Egyptian Sesame Blossom Honey: Sesame blossom honey is produced from the nectar
of sesame flowers. It carries a light color and a mild, nutty flavor with hints of the sesame
seed's characteristic taste. Sesame blossom honey is used as a natural sweetener and is
appreciated for its unique flavor and potential health benefits associated with sesame.

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