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Market Forms of Vegetables

1. Fresh
- Fresh vegetables available in wet markets and supermarkets

a. Leaves – like alugbati, kamote, tops, kangkong, etc.

b. Flower – cauliflower, squash, katuray, broccoli, etc
c. Stem or short – stalk supporting leaves, flowers – celery,
bamboo shoots, ubod, asparagus, etc.
d. Root { underground parts of plants }.
e. Bulbs – underground bulbs, very short stems covered with layers
{ chives, onions, garlic}.
f. Fruits – bitter melon or ampalaya, eggplant, okra, etc.
g. Seeds – part from which a new plant will grow, referred to as
legumes like mung beans…
h. Tubers – short thickened fleshly part of an underground stem,
including potatoes and …
2. Canned
- Examples include tomatoes, peas, corn, etc.
3. Frozen
- Includes legumes, mung beans, etc.
4. Dried
- Include legumes such as mung beans, kidney beans, cowpeas.
5. Processed
- Pre-cut vegetables that are ready to be cooked according to
Factors in the proper selection of vegetables
1. Weight
a. Buy vegetables by weight, not by size.
b. Heavy for its size
2. Appearance and freshness
a. Buy vegetables early in the morning.
b. Select vegetables that are crisp and bright – colored, not dry or
3. Seasonability
- Vegetables that are in season are cheaper and have better taste or
4. No sign of decay or insect infestation – choose vegetable that are free
from insect infestation.
5. No sign of molds, bruises or blemishes-choose vegetable which are
free from bruises, blemishes, and molds, the finished product taste
6. Right degree of maturity-choose the vegetable of the right degree of
maturity. They taste better.
7. Variety- choose the variety that is needed/appropriate for the dish or
Standard Quality of Cooked Vegetable
1. Color- bright, natural color.
2. Appearance on plate- cut neatly and uniformly, attractively arrange
with appropriate combinations and garnishes.
3. Texture- cooked to the right degree of doneness crisp- tender, not
overcooked and mushy.
4. Flavor- natural flavor and sweetness, strong flavored vegetable should
be pleasantly mild, with no off flavors or bitterness.
5. Seasonings- seasonings should not mask the natural flavors.

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