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Subject: Technology and Livelihood Education-ICT

Grade Level: Grade 9

Objective: To assemble functional straight through cabling

Learning across curriculum:

1) Science: The objective of assembling functional straight through cabling can be

related to science by discussing the principles of electricity, conductors, and
insulators. Students can explore the different materials used in cabling and
understand how they affect the transmission of electrical signals.

2) Mathematics: Mathematics can be connected to the objective by introducing the

concept of measuring cable lengths and calculating the resistance and impedance of
the cables. Students can apply mathematical formulas to determine the optimal
cable lengths and ensure proper signal transmission.

3) English: English can be integrated by having students research and present a

report on the history and development of cabling technology. They can also practice
technical writing by creating step-by-step instructions for assembling straight through

Review Motivation:

1) Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials: Cables, connectors, laptops

Activity: Divide the students into groups and assign each group a role (e.g., cable
manufacturer, network installer, customer). Each group will act out a scenario where
they have to explain the benefits and importance of using properly assembled
straight through cabling in a network setup.

2) Teaching Strategy: Visual Aids

Instructional Materials: Diagrams of different network setups, cables, connectors

Activity: Show the students visual representations of various network setups and
discuss the importance of using straight through cabling for proper connectivity.
Engage the students in a discussion about the potential problems that can arise from
using incorrect cabling.

3) Teaching Strategy: Guest Speaker

Instructional Materials: Computer, projector, speaker

Activity: Invite a professional network installer or technician to speak to the

students about the significance of properly assembled straight through cabling in
real-life scenarios. The guest speaker can share their experiences and provide
practical tips for cable assembly.

Activity 1: Cable Assembly Basics

Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning

Materials: Cables, connectors, crimping tool, wire cutter/stripper

Significance: This activity introduces students to the basic components and tools
used in cable assembly.


1) Provide a brief lecture on the different types of cables and connectors used in
network setups.

2) Demonstrate the proper technique for cutting and stripping wires, as well as
crimping connectors onto cables.

3) Divide the students into pairs and provide them with cables, connectors, and tools.

4) Instruct the students to assemble a straight through cable following the

demonstrated technique.

5) Assess the students' cable assembly based on criteria such as proper wire
stripping, correct connector placement, and secure crimping.

- Proper wire stripping: 5 pts

- Correct connector placement: 5 pts

- Secure crimping: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What is the purpose of wire stripping in cable assembly?

2) Why is it important to use the correct connector for a specific cable type?

3) How does a properly crimped connector ensure reliable signal transmission?


Activity 1: Cable Assembly Basics - Students should be able to successfully

assemble a straight through cable, demonstrating their understanding of the proper
techniques and components involved in cable assembly. This activity directly
connects to the main objective of assembling functional straight through cabling.


The main point of the objective, to assemble functional straight through cabling, is to
ensure reliable and efficient signal transmission in network setups. By understanding
the principles of electricity, applying mathematical calculations, and effectively
communicating through technical writing, students can deepen their understanding of
the importance of properly assembled cables.


Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Task 1: Designing a Network Setup

Materials: Paper, pencils, rulers

Task: In groups, students will design a network setup for a given scenario,
considering factors such as cable lengths, cable types, and connectors. They will
create a diagram of the network setup and justify their design choices based on the
objective of assembling functional straight through cabling.

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Task 2: Cable Troubleshooting

Materials: Faulty cables, cable tester, laptop

Task: In pairs, students will be given faulty cables and a cable tester. They will use
their knowledge of cable assembly to identify and repair the issues, ensuring the
cables are properly assembled for functional straight through cabling.


Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Instructional Materials: Whiteboard, markers

Question 1: Explain the significance of using straight through cabling in network


Question 2: How does the length of a cable affect signal transmission?

Question 3: Describe the steps involved in assembling a straight through cable.


1) Teaching Strategy: Flipped Classroom

Guiding Overview: Students will research and create a step-by-step video tutorial
on assembling straight through cabling. They will include explanations of the tools
and materials used, as well as tips for troubleshooting common issues.
Assessment Question: In your video tutorial, explain the importance of using
properly assembled straight through cabling in a network setup.

2) Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Guiding Overview: Students will design a network setup for a specific scenario,
considering cable lengths, cable types, and connectors. They will create a detailed
diagram and provide a written explanation of their design choices.

Assessment Question: Justify your design choices in your network setup,

focusing on the objective of assembling functional straight through cabling.

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