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Department of Electronic Engineering


Project Context: A piezoelectric crystal transducer is used to detect earth vibrations which
are monitored on an oscilloscope by a seismic activity monitoring section of a mining
organisation. In order to have an assurance that the sensor circuit is not offline a 0.2V DC
voltage source is connected in series with the sensor. The surface mounted integrated circuit
amplifier module that conditions the analogue signal from the sensor before it is applied to
the oscilloscope has become defective and the matching replacement cannot be found
locally. You, as a group of consultant engineers, are tasked to design a temporary replacement
circuit while awaiting the purchase and shipping of the replacement module from Belarus.
Activity 1
1. Design a BJT differential amplifier with an unbalanced differential gain of 10 to operate
from a +/-12V dual rail supply. Show your AC design calculations.
2. Comment on how the series 0.2V voltage achieves its purpose.
3. Explain why the differential amplifier is the best amplifier for this application.
Test conditions
4. Apply a 0.1Vpp sinusoidal signal to V1 with V2 grounded. Screenshot results.
5. Apply a 0.1Vpp sinusoidal signal riding on a 0.2V DC offset voltage to V1 with V2
grounded. Screenshot results.
6. Apply a 0.1Vpp sinusoidal signal riding on a 0.2V DC offset voltage to V1 and a constant
0.2V reference voltage to V2. Screenshot results.
7. State the purpose of the reference voltage applied to V2 and explain its failure to
achieve the intended purpose, if any.

Activity 2
During operation, it is discovered that the amplifier is unstable. Design a stabilising circuit and
test the redesigned amplifier for conditions 4-6 in Activity 1.

Write-up Structure
Title Page and Table of Contents: Student and university name, purpose of submission, tables
of content and figures, acronyms.
Abstract: Summary of report contents from Chapter 1 to 5.
1. Introduction: Background, statement of problem, aim, objectives, justification/motivation,
structure of the rest of the report.
2. Literature review: What has been done, observed short comings, proposed solutions and
strengths, justification of chosen solution.
3. System Design: Calculations, circuits, software, test procedures, results.
4. Results and Discussion: Screenshots, table of results, observations, were they as expected?
Any deviation with explanation of possible causes?
5. Challenges, Recommendations and Conclusions: Constraints/limitations/hindrances
encountered, how best can they be circumvented? overall comment on the project indicating
the extent to which objectives were achieved.


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