How To Use ChatGPT To Practise Your English

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How to use ChatGPT to practise your

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Are you on the lookout for an extra way to practise your English? Do you wish you had an
expert available at 2 a.m. that could answer a question you forgot to ask in your English
class that day? Are you just hungry for more English? If you’ve answered ‘Yes’ to any of
these, then perhaps ChatGPT, also known as OpenAI, might be up your street. Should
you use ChatGPT to practise your English?
We live in a world that is constantly changing. There is always something new. However,
new technology can sometimes feel confusing and intimidating, especially when we don’t
know exactly how to use it. This blog will tell you how to use ChatGPT to practise your
English, with some tips and our general opinion. Continue reading to find out more!

What is ChatGPT?
‘Siri, Alexa, I’d like to introduce you to my newest friend…this is ChatGPT!’
That’s right. ChatGPT is the newest digital friend who is here to change our lives. This is
how it introduces itself:

So, in simple terms, ChatGPT is an online tool that will answer questions for us and follow
our commands. You can ask it to explain difficult concepts, write a song, give you a recipe
with the ingredients you choose, and that’s just the start! I told ChatGPT I had two potatoes,
one onion, five eggs and some salt. What do you think it told me how to make?
In order to use ChatGPT, you’ll need to create an account. But, before you rush off to do
that, read our tips about how you can use ChatGPT to help you learn English. Then, you
can decide if it is something you can use to your advantage or if it’s just a passing fad.
How can ChatGPT help me learn English?
You can use ChatGPT in a variety of ways. Ask it to translate a text from your language into
English, much like you can with other translation websites. Or have it give you synonyms or
check your spelling, in the same way many online dictionaries and thesauruses do for you.
However, it is incredibly handy to be able to do all of this, plus more, in the same place.
Generating example sentences
We asked ChatGPT to give us two idioms connected to animals, as well as a conversation
so we could see the idioms in context. As you can see, this was extremely useful:

Understanding grammar points

You can use ChatGPT if you’re having problems understanding a grammar point. This is
very useful if you need a reminder of something taught in your English class. If this is the
case, just type ‘Show me examples of (grammar point) in a real conversation’. Don’t stop
here – create your own examples and use them in the next speaking activity in class!
There are also great opportunities for you to play the role of an English teacher. We all learn
well from mistakes, and ChatGPT can help you with this. Type ‘Write a text for me with five
grammar mistakes and I will find them.’ Give yourself some time to find the answers and
then ask ChatGPT to show you the mistakes. What a fantastic way to transform something
negative into something positive!

Ideas for using ChatGPT to practise your English

Have a ‘conversation’
Sometimes it’s hard to find someone who is always as willing to practise English as you.
Don’t let that be a reason not to practise your English – just start a conversation with
ChatGPT. Choose a topic that you want to talk about and tell Chat GPT that you want to
have a conversation. It will ask you various questions and can intelligently move the topic in
a very realistic way. Look at what happened when we wanted a chat about football:
Correct and improve your writing
You can use ChatGPT to correct and even improve your writing. We asked it to figure
out what was wrong with our essay. Then, we asked it to improve an informal letter from an
A2 Level to a B2 level. ChatGPT recognised all of the mistakes, suggested a better
structure and was able to use much more interesting vocabulary. Here is what it gave us:

We must remember that it is a machine, so we have to be extremely accurate with our

instructions. Here are some clear and concise prompts you can use to get the most out of
ChatGPT’s help:
 Check my writing for spelling and grammar mistakes
 Give me some synonyms to make this text B1
 Suggest connectors to use for B1 level writing
ChatGPT can even show you how to use connectors within your own writing. This is very
useful when you are planning out your text. Give the instruction ‘Show me linkers of
contrast used in context’, and it will include possible new linkers to level up your writing. Or
try ‘Show me a writing template for an informal letter’ so you can begin with an appropriate
structure for the task.
You can even ask ChatGPT to write a sample essay/letter/article/report for you. However,
there are obvious questions about how much we should use ChatGPT when we are
creating. Remember, your teacher will know if you haven’t written your homework yourself!

Final thoughts
We have had a lot of fun with ChatGPT. However, it’s important to bear in mind that it is a
machine, and the majority of people are learning a language because they want to
communicate with other people. In our experience, some of the most enjoyable moments in
class are the fun speaking activities! Also, we must remember that a large part of learning is
personal growth. If we can use an analogy about another favourite topic, food, pizza will
taste a lot better if you make it from scratch, than if you order it from Just Eat!
Lastly, technology is a great starting point, but don’t forget that you can continue working
towards your goals by getting personalised instruction from our teachers at Oxford House.
Glossary for Language Learners
Find the following words in the article and then write down any new ones you didn’t know.
to be on the lookout (exp): to be searching for something or someone.
up your street (exp): the type of thing you are interested in, or enjoy doing.
tool (n): a piece of equipment that you use to help you repair something.
rush off (pv): leave quickly.
passing fad (n): a trend or activity that becomes stylish and then unstylish very quickly.
handy (adj): useful.
willing (adj): happy to do something .
figure out (pv): understand.
bear in mind (exp): to remember a piece of information when you are making a decision.
from scratch (exp): from the beginning, without using anything that already exists.

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