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The Story So Far

Richie Laureano

OGL 482

Mar 29, 2024


Once upon a time, in the vibrant city of San Diego, California, a young boy was born into a

family of hardworking individuals. This boy, named Richie, was destined for great things,

although he didn't know it yet. His childhood was filled with laughter, sunshine, and the salty

breeze of the Pacific Ocean.

Richie was born into a family that valued discipline, perseverance, and the importance of

education. His parents, Lisa and Richard, were both immigrants who came to the United States in

search of a better life from the Philippines. They instilled in Richie and his siblings the values of

hard work, dedication, and the pursuit of one's dreams.

As a child, Richie was curious and full of energy. He loved spending time outdoors, playing

sports with his friends, and exploring the beautiful beaches of San Diego. Despite his young age,

Richie showed signs of leadership early on. He was always organizing games and activities for

his friends, taking on the role of a natural leader without even realizing it.

At the age of five, Richie's family made a significant move from San Diego to San Juan

Capistrano. Although it was a big change, Richie adapted quickly and embraced his new

surroundings. He attended a local school named Ambuehl Elementary school where he excelled

academically and socially. His teachers often praised him for his ability to work well with others

and make friends with everyone.

During his adolescent years, Richie continued to thrive both academically and socially. He was

actively involved in sports teams, student clubs, and community service projects. He enjoyed

being part of a team and often took on leadership roles within his school and extracurricular


One particular high point in Richie's adolescence was when he was elected as the captain of his

high school soccer team. It was a moment of great pride and accomplishment for him. Leading

his teammates on the field taught Richie valuable lessons about teamwork, communication, and

motivation. He learned how to inspire others, make strategic decisions under pressure, and foster

a sense of camaraderie among his peers.

Another memorable experience during Richie's teenage years was a community service project

he led to help local families in need. He organized a fundraising event, rallied volunteers, and

coordinated efforts to provide food and clothing to those less fortunate. This experience ignited

Richie's passion for making a positive impact on his community and instilled in him a sense of

social responsibility.

As Richie transitioned into emerging adulthood, he faced new challenges and opportunities. He

enrolled, at first, in college with a major in Business Administration turned to Organizational

Leadership, knowing that he wanted to pursue a career that allowed him to lead and make a

difference. College life brought its own set of highs and lows for Richie. He excelled in his

studies, and took on internships to gain real-world experience.

During Richie’s sophomore year at Saddleback College, one of the high points occurred when he

collaborated with a team of classmates on a challenging project for their Business 101 course.

The project involved creating a business plan for a new tech startup idea. Richie Took the lead in

organizing the team, assigning tasks, and ensuring everyone contributed their expertise

effectively. His strategic thinking and ability to delegate tasks based on each team member's

strengths were instrumental in the project's success.

As they worked on the business plan, Richie's leadership shone through in various ways. He

facilitated brainstorming sessions, encouraged open communication, and motivated team

members to think outside the box. His positive attitude and enthusiasm inspired the team to push

beyond their limits and come up with innovative solutions.

The high point came when their team presented the business plan at a university-wide

competition. Richie's presentation skills, combined with his team's thorough research and

cohesive strategy, impressed the judges and earned them the first-place prize which was none

other than extra credit. This achievement not only showcased Richie's leadership capabilities but

also demonstrated his ability to collaborate effectively with diverse talents to achieve a common

goal. It was a moment of pride and validation for Richie, affirming his passion for

entrepreneurship and leadership.

However, college wasn't without its challenges for Richie. He faced moments of self-doubt,

uncertainty about his future, and the pressure to excel in a competitive environment. There were

times when he questioned his abilities and wondered if he was on the right path. Despite these

challenges, he persevered, sought mentorship from professors and industry professionals, and

honed his leadership skills through various projects and initiatives.


A turning point in Richie's leadership journey came during his junior year of college when he

interned at a fitness center. This internship opened his eyes to the world of operations

management and the critical role it plays in running a successful business. Richie discovered a

passion for operations, logistics, and organizational efficiency.

After many hours and experience through internships, Richie landed his first job as an assistant

operations manager at a fitness center in San Juan Capistrano, called EōS Fitness. This

opportunity allowed him to apply his academic knowledge, leadership skills, and passion for

fitness in a professional setting. Richie thrived in his role, overseeing daily operations,

managing staff, and ensuring a positive experience for members.

One of the high points in Richie's early career was when he successfully implemented a new

scheduling system for staff at the fitness center. This system improved efficiency, reduced

scheduling conflicts, and enhanced overall productivity. Richie received recognition from senior

management for his innovative approach and dedication to improving operational processes.

However, Richie also faced challenges during his early career as an operations manager. He

encountered situations where staff morale was low, customer complaints were high, and

operational inefficiencies needed to be addressed. These challenges tested Richie's leadership

skills and forced him to think creatively, communicate effectively, and collaborate with his team

to find solutions.

As Richie gained more experience and confidence in his role, he developed his own unique

leadership style. He was known for being approachable, empathetic, and solution-oriented.

Richie believed in leading by example, empowering his team members, and fostering a positive

work culture based on trust, respect, and collaboration.

Another turning point in Richie's leadership journey came when he was promoted to the position

of operations manager at EōS Fitness, a well-known fitness chain with multiple locations. This

new role brought increased responsibilities, challenges, and opportunities for growth. Richie was

now managing and assisting multiple fitness centers, and leading a larger team.

One of the most rewarding experiences for Richie as an operations manager at EōS Fitness so

far, was when he led a team initiative to improve customer satisfaction scores across all

locations. He implemented training programs for staff, introduced new customer feedback

mechanisms, and focused on enhancing the overall member experience. As a result of these

efforts, customer satisfaction scores increased significantly, and member retention rates


Despite his successes, he faced moments of doubt and uncertainty as he navigated the

complexities of leading a regional operations team. He encountered setbacks, learned from

failures, and continuously sought opportunities for growth and development. Richie understood

that leadership is a journey of continuous learning, adaptation,and growth. He remained open to

feedback, actively sought mentorship from seasoned leaders within the company, and invested

time in personal and professional development.


One of the high points in Richie's career at EōS Fitness was when he was recognized as "Most

Improved" for his region. This accolade was a testament to his dedication, hard work, and

commitment to excellence. It was a proud moment for him and reaffirmed his passion for

operations management and leadership.

However, Richie also faced significant challenges during his tenure as an operations manager.

One particular low point was when the company underwent a major rebranding and restructuring

process. The changes brought uncertainty, job redundancies, and shifts in responsibilities. Richie

had to navigate through these changes while maintaining team morale, ensuring operational

efficiency, and meeting business objectives.

During this challenging period, Richie's leadership skills were put to the test. He had to

communicate transparently with his team, address concerns and anxieties, and provide guidance

and support during the transition. It was a time of uncertainty and ambiguity, but he remained

resilient and focused on leading his team through the changes.

A turning point in Richie's leadership journey came when he realized the importance of

adaptability and agility in the face of change. He embraced the company's new direction, aligned

his team with the organizational goals, and implemented strategies to optimize operations and

drive performance.

One of the strategies Richie implemented was a focus on employee engagement and

development. He introduced training programs, coaching sessions, and recognition initiatives to

empower his team members, boost morale, and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

These efforts led to increased productivity, reduced turnover, and a more cohesive and motivated


As his career progressed, so did his leadership style. He became known for his strategic thinking,

data-driven decision-making, and ability to inspire and motivate others. Richie believed in

leading with empathy, integrity, and authenticity, earning him the respect and admiration of his

colleagues and team members.

Another high point in Richie's career was when he successfully led the expansion of EōS Fitness

into new markets. He assisted the opening of several new fitness centers in the likes of Santa

Ana, San Diego, and coming up in 2025, San Clemente.. The expansion efforts were a testament

to his vision, leadership, and ability to drive growth and success.

Throughout his leadership journey, Richie experienced moments of pride, excitement, challenge,

and growth. He learned valuable lessons about resilience, adaptability, and the importance of

leading with integrity and empathy. His journey as an operations manager at EōS Fitness

continues to evolve, and he remains committed to driving innovation, delivering exceptional

customer experiences, and inspiring his team to achieve their full potential.

In conclusion, Richie's journey from growing up in San Diego to becoming an accomplished

operations manager at EōS Fitness is a testament to the transformative power of leadership,

resilience, and continuous learning. Throughout his career, he encountered numerous challenges,

high points, and turning points that shaped his leadership style and approach.

One of the key takeaways from Richie's journey is the importance of adaptability and agility in

leadership. He learned to navigate through complex situations, embrace change, and lead his

team effectively even during times of uncertainty and ambiguity. By remaining open to feedback,

seeking mentorship, and investing in personal and professional development, he continuously

honed his skills and expanded his leadership capabilities.

Richie's leadership style evolved over time, from focusing on operational efficiency and team

management to adopting a more strategic and visionary approach. He realized the significance of

data-driven decision-making, employee engagement, and fostering a culture of innovation and

collaboration within his team. His ability to inspire and motivate others, coupled with his

integrity, empathy, and authenticity, earned him the respect and admiration of his colleagues and

team members.

One of the defining moments in Richie’s career was when he successfully led the expansion of

EōS Fitness into new cities. His strategic thinking, vision, and collaborative approach were

instrumental in driving growth, establishing partnerships, and delivering exceptional customer

experiences. Richie's leadership played a pivotal role in the company's success and reputation as

a leading fitness brand.


As Richie's journey as an operations manager continues, he remains committed to driving

excellence, fostering a positive work culture, and empowering his team to reach their full

potential. In essence, MY narrative is not just a story of personal growth and achievement but

also a testament to the principles of effective leadership, resilience, and the pursuit of excellence.

My journey exemplifies the qualities of a great leader – someone who leads with passion,

integrity, and a relentless drive to create positive change and inspire others along the way.

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