Interchange Level 1B WB

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What does she look like? Write the opposites. Use the words in the box. a te El seeighe El young El shore Ey tat 4. dark /___light. 3. short / 5. elderly / 2. curly/ 4, long / I ra Descriptions © A Match the words in columns A and B. Write the descriptions. medium Dlagea 1 medium height. Ditainy Dbrown 2 Dgood height 2 Dimiddle Dlong 4 Daark DOlooking 5 © B Answer the questions using the descriptions from part A, 1. A: How tall is he? B: He's medium height. 2. A: What does he look like? B: 3. A: What color is his hair? A. As How long is his hair? B: 5. A: How old is he? B: [EJ complete this conversation with questions. Let's find Arturo. | need to talk to him. i: _What-does he look like? He's very handsome, with curly brown hair And It’s medium length. 2 He's fairy tall Allis And Marta: He's in his early twenties. Marta: Well, he usually wears jeans. Alli: | think | see him over there. Is that him? y yourself. How old are you? What de you lock like? What are you wearing today? EDD Unit 9 two things in each description that do not match the picture. Then correct the information. 1. Wille is aGung)man. He's pretty tall. He has a mustache and curly hair. He's wearing a jacket, jeans, and boots. He isn’t young. He's. a Willie 2. Sandy is about 25. She's very pretty. She's medium height. Her hair is long and blond. She's wearing a black sweater, a skirt, and sneakers. 3. Anita is in her early thirties She's pretty serious-looking. She has glasses. She's fairly tall, and has curly dark hair. She's wearing a nice-looking scarf and a skirt. Ty What does she look like? of these clothing Complete the chart. boots cap ma felesrsieieenet - los (Bleescics 2 Denes stand next to Angele 2 i short man LD talk to the man 4 young woman — [[] wear a suit and tie 5. dress the picture. Use the words 0 high heels, the box ie the man standing next to An, (ones / playing chess) 2. (one / behind the couch) 3. (ones / eating pizza) 4 (woman / on the couch) 5. (man / short black hair) which] who [1] who near C] sicing [J wearing 4. As Who's Lucas? Which one's Lucas? B: He's the guy next to the window. He's the guynear the window 2. A: Which ones are the servers? B: They're the ones in the red polo shirts. 3. A: Which one is Naomi? B: She's the one on the couch next to Lisa. What does she look like? f 0) Which one is Jeff? Complete Bill and Ruby's conversation at a party. Use the present continuous or the participle of the verbs in the box. Llecok leat took play Elst Elta luce LD] wear Ruby: I'm glad you brought me to this party, Bill.'m__looking __ for someone here named Jeff Bill: Yeah, | don’t know too many people here. But lets try to find him. Ishe one of those guys football? What about the guy with black hair and _the dark Tshirt? Ruby: Hmm, no. That's not Jeff Bill: How about the one the music system over there, in the white Tshirt. Ruby: No, | know him. That's Ken. Bill: Hmm. Oh, is that Jeff at the table and to the two women? It looks lke they're already Ruby: No, not him, either. Gee, | wonder if Jeff even came to the party? Bill: Well, he can't be the chef, right? The guy vegetables at the gril? Ruby: That's him! Hey, Jeff! Choose the correct responses. 41. As Who's Shawn? 3. A: Is Avery the one wearing glasses? B: The middle-aged man on the couch, B * The middle-aged man on the couch. * That's right + That's right. + She's running late. 2. A: Where's Samantha? 4. A: How tall is she? B: B: * She couldn't make it. * Fairly long, *1'd like to meet her. + Pretty short. Unit 9 © 10 Have you ever been there? ra Match the verb forms in columns A and B. A | ig 1. make_g a. tried 2. ride b. eaten Bedo seen 4, eat d. had 5. go fe. ridden 6. have f. heard 7. be ¥ 9. made & hear done 9. see gone 10.try j- been 2 | Complete the questions in these conversations. Use the present perfect of the verbs in Exercise 1. 1. A:___Haveyouseen __Al's new dog? B: Yes, it's so cute! 2. A: How many times to B: Actually, not at all Let's go later today! ‘A: How many phone calls today? B: | made two calls - both to you! 3. aA B: Yes 5. A: restaurant? B: Yes little expensive. ‘A: How long those boots? 6 B: | bought them on Monday. the gym this month? your homework yet? s, Ihave. | did it after class. at the new Italian s, we already have. It’s very good but a a Ey Already and yet ‘A. Check (/) the things you've already done. Put an X next to the things you haven't done yet. 41. ___ graduated from high school 4. ___been in an airplane gotten married learned to drive ridden a horse . traveled abroad B Write sentences about each activity in part A. Use already and yet eee ee ed Already is used in positive statements with the present perfect. Wve already graduated from high school. Yet is used in negative statements with the present perfect. haven't gotten married yet. _ ry ‘Complete these sentences with for or since. 4, Jillhas driven the same cari 2004. 2. Ihave been a teacher several years. 3. I haven't had this much fun. Twas a kid! 4, I'm so sleepy. I've been awake 4:00 this morning. 5. Kyoko was an exchange student in Peru a whole semester. 6. Marcus has lived in Dubai 2010. 7. How are you? I haven't seen you high school 8. Where have you been? I've been here over an hour! 9. Mr. and Mrs. Lopez have been married nearly 50 years. Unit 10 I Look at these pictures. How often have you done these things? Write sentences Using the expressions in the box. We... many times. Ive... once or twice. I've...three or four times. I haven't... lately. We... several times. Wve never... ge skiing | play an instrument hr Have you ever been there? G Lost tales A Read the two blog posts. Where did each blogger go? What activity did each one want to do? ——NO WAY OUT!__ Hive you ever visited Mexico? Ifso, then you know it is Famous for its Aztec ruin. Last summer my Spanish class visited Mexico City. We went on arour of Aztec ruins that are found under the city’s main square. We walked for two hours underground in the dark halls, Tewas like being in a cave. There are many interesting things to see. I wanted to geca better look ata statu s0 | went around some ropes that are supposed to keep tourists out. Several minutes later, I came out on the other side, bue my group disappeared! I couldnt hear any voices, and I didn’ know which way to go [was too embarrased to shout, so I wandered around the halls trying to find my group. [started to get nervous Teseemed like I was alone for hours. I walked around in the darkness uni finally heaed the professor ealling my name. He was very worried, and I was relieved For the rest of our trip in Mexico, he made sure I never left his sight. My fiends sil call me "Cave Woman.” B In which story or stories did the writer(s) do these 4 went to ruins went to a foreign country got lost got help from someone ——NO WAY IN!___. have been to Europe many times but never to Greece tani lst summer Iewas an unforgetable experience! | was saying aa small hotel in Athens. Ie-was ina par of town where most tourists dont stay, but it was cheaper there, and I wanted to practice speaking Greck with people. Onc ening I went fora walk before dinner Soom i started wo get dark. [didnt want vo get lost, and [remembered I hada small map of Athens in my wallet. My wallet Ie wasnt in my pocket. though, Tye leftitin the hotel room ... and my hotel key isin my walle!” Ie ook mea long time vo get back to the hotel, but {made it.The door was locked, of course. Sometimes I alk to myself when Tim upset. Well, I muse have sid ou loud, “Te loo my walls, Tye locked myself out, and I've missed dinner!” Just then, the hotel manager appeared, I guess he heard me talking, He sid something in Greek and pointed to his house. | followed him. He and his family were having abig Greek dinner. They wanted me to join them. The manager eventually let me into my room. But fist, ate ine ofthe best meals I've ever had. And forgeting my sree wes ce Bae mirk Tow aver ce things? Write 1, 2, or 1 and 2. stayed at a hotel went underground made a mistake went on the trip alone C Write about an adventure you have had. What happened? What went wrong? MED Unit 10 1. At _Have you ever sent a vext message durin B: No, I've never sent a text message during class. 2A B: Actually, | saw a rugby match last week on TV. It was awesome! 3A: B: Yes, | love sushi ak B: No, | haven't. But my uncle lives in Houston. 5. A: B: Yes, | visited an amusement park last month. 6A B: No, | haven't. I don’t think | would like camping, 7A B: Yes, | have. | once rode my aunt's motorcycle. 8 Write your own answers to the questions (speaker A) in Exercise 7. Use expressions the ones from the list. Yes, Ihave. 1... yesterday. No, Ihaven't. I've never 1. .en Monday. 1. .yet 1... last year. 1. im August. 1 2. 3. 4, 5. 6 7. Have you ever been there? Xi of the words given. A:___Have you ever___lost___ (lose) anything valuable? B: Yes, (lose) my cell phone last month. A you (find) it yet? B: No. Actually, already (buy) a new one. Look! ‘A: Oh, that’s nice. Where you (buy) it? ' (get) it at the mall last weekend. What about you? you ever (lose) © anything valuable? ‘A: Well, (leave) my leather jacket in a coffee shop a couple of months ago. B: Oh, no! you (go) back and look for it? A: Well, | (call) them, but it was gone. © Complete the conversation. Use the simple past or the present perfect Pry © [Tel Choose the correct responses. 1. A: Has John visited his brother lately? B: No.he hasn't, ‘+ How many times? ‘= No, he hasn't ‘A: Are you having a good time? B * Yes, in a long time. * Yes, really good. 3. A: How long did Theresa stay at the party? B z * For two hours. * Since midnight 4, Az Have you had breakfast? B Yes, in a few minutes. Yes, I've already eaten. MTD Unit 10 5. A: How many times has Tony lost his keys? B: + Twice, * Not yet. 6. As Do you want to see that new movie? B: * Inever have. What about you? * Sure. | hear it's great 7. : Have you been here long? B * No, not yet. *# No, just a few minutes. 8. A: Have you seen Sara today? B: + Yes, | saw her this morning. # Yes, tomorrow. ui It's a really nice city. © i Choose the correct words to complete the sentence: | Singapore 1. Prices are high in Singapore. Everything is very __expensive _ there. (cheap / expensive / noisy) 2. Chicago has amazing skyscrapers right next to a gorgeous lake. it's a really city. (beautiful / cheap / quiet) 3, My hometown is not an exciting place. The nightlife there is pretty (boring / nice / interesting) 4. Some parts of our city are fairly dangerous. I's not very late at night. (hot / interesting / safe) 8. The streets in this city are always fll of people, cars, and buses. It's a very city (spacious / crowded / relaxing) F 2] Choose the correct questions to complete this conversation. [1 what's the weather ike? Dniteige Lethe nightie exciting? era etter ‘A: What's your hometown lke? B: My hometown? It's a pretty nice place, and the people are very friendly. A B: No, it's fairly small, but it’s not too small. A B: The winter is wet and really cold. I's very nice in the summer, though A B: Not It's really boring. There are no good restaurants or nightclubs. Ei Choose the correct conjunctions and rewrite the sentences. Grammar note: And, but, though, and however Use and for additional information. It's an exciting city, and the weather is great. Use but, though, and however for contr Iv’s very safe during the day, but its pretty dangerous at night. ‘The summers are hot. The evenings are fairly cold, though, leis a faicly large city. I's not too interesting, however. 41. Colorado is beautiful in the summer. I's a great place to go hiking, (and / but) Colorado is beautifulin-the summer. and it's a great place to go hiking, 2. Dubai isa very nice place. The summers are terribly hot. (and / though) 3. Hong Kong is an exciting city. It’s a fun place to sightsee. (and / however) 4, My hometown has some great restaurants. It's not a good place for shopping, (and / but) 5. Our hometown is somewhat ugly. It has some beautiful old homes. (and / however) ESB Unit 11 Jecheck (V) if these sentences need a or an. Then write a or an in the correct places. eee Use a or an with (adverb +) adjective + singular noun. Ithas a fairly new park. I's an old city Don’t use a or an with (adverb +) adjective. Ie's fairly new. It's old a London has very famous Ferris wheel. 2. Ll Restaurants are very cheap in Ecuador. 3. [1 Brisbane is clean city 4. [1 The buildings in Florence are really beautiful 5. [1] Apartments are very expensive in Hong Kong. & LE] Sapporo is very cold city in the winter 7. [Beijing's museums are really excellent. 8. [] Mumbai is exciting place to visit. g ‘Complete the description of Paris with Is or has. VAN @s lg Brats Paris France's biggest city It a very lively city with an interesting history. It acity of interesting buildings and churches, and it many beautiful parks. It also some of the best museums in the world. Paris most of the year, but it nice weather pretty cold in the winter. It a popular city with foreign tourists and millions of visitors a year. The city famous for its fashion and many excellent stores. Paris convenient trains and buses that cross the city, so it easy for tourists to get around. It’s a really nice city. G From city to city © A Scan the webpage. Where is each city? Ss SEOUL RABAT ‘Seoul was founded in 18 BCE. Rabat is located on the Itis South Korea's capital Atlantic Ocean, twas and today has a population founded in 1146. Although of 10.5 millon people. Seoul Rabat isthe capital of is famous for producing Morocce, its population is popular music and films that only about 580,000 people. are very well known in Asia, The weather is cool at night Latin America, and the Middle with hot days in the summer East. The city is surrounded by ‘and mild days in the winter. mountains and located on the |) Quito sits 2,850 meters Mawazine, a famous world Han River Ithas an excellent |) above sea level and is the music festival, takes place transportation system that highest capital city in the in Rabat in the spring. You can take you to 115 museums, || world. Its population is 2.6 can visit the Kasbah, an monuments, parks, and music |} million people. The city is ld fortress, and enjoy the festivals throughout the city. located near the equator in architecture, gardens, and The best time to visit Seoul) the country of Ecuador (which || the view of the ocean. Rabat’s isin the fall and the spring means “equator” in Spanish), || outdoor markets sell beautiful Winters can be quite cold and Quito’s downtown center, one handmade goods. Explore summers very hot ofthe most beautifulin the |) the city and enjoy a delicious ‘Americas, has not changed || Moroccan meal! much since the Spanish founded the city in 1534, On a day trip from Quito, you can go walking in the mountains and visit a volcano there. Because of the citys elevation and location on the equator, the weather there is pleasant all yor B Read the webpage and complete the chart. City tn Attractions Seoul Quite Rabat C Complete the sentences. 1 and have music festivals. 2 is the capital city with the smallest population. 3. is the oldest capital city 4, has the capital city with the highest altitude. Unit 11 — A ‘Complete the sentences. Use phrases from the box. LA shouldn't miss] can take D1 shouldn't stay fel LD shouldn't walk 4. You should see the new 200. It's very interesting, 2. You near the airport. Its too noisy. 3. You the museum. It has some new exhibits. 4, You a bus tour of the city f you like. 5. You alone at night. It’s too dangerous. You ataxl if you're out late. = 3 ‘Complete the conversation with should or shouldn't and | or you. ‘A: I'm taking my vacation in Japan. What should! __do there? B: miss Kyoto, the old capital city. There are a lot of beautiful old buildings. For example, see the Ryoanji Temple, ‘A: Sounds great. Hakone is very popular, too. go there? Ws very interesting, and the hot springs are fantastic. take a lot of money You can use the go there? B: In the spring or the fall. You can see the cherry blossoms or the fall colors. Ws a really nice city. 9 | ‘Ask questions about a place you want to visit. Use can, should, or shouldn’. 41. the time to visit What: time of year should |visit? 2. things to see and do there 3. things not to do 4, special foods to try 5. fun things to buy 6. other interesting things to do { 7 Rewrite the sentences. Think of another way to express each sentence using the words given. 1. Its polluted city Ieisn't a clean city. (not clean) 2. You really should visit the new aquarium. (not miss) 3. Apartments are not cheap in my country. (extremely expensive) 4, This neighborhood is not noisy at all. (very quiet) 5. When should we visit the city? (a good time) ET Unit 11 1 ‘s important to get rest. Qa = a Any suggestions? © A Check (/) the best advice for each health problem. use a heating pad Disee a dentist Di take a multivitamin Diget some exercise (igo to bed and rest Ci put it under cold water Hatink herbal tea g0 swimming T ecreeennn te Li take some vitamin C apply anti-itch cream Di drink lots of hot water Ditake some pain use eyedrops Litake some cold iorsalae Larink tots of tiquids medicine Ditake a cough drop. use some ointment B Write a question about each problem in part A. Then write answers using the words from the box. Use the advice in part A or your own ideas. Is important... t's sometimes helpful... t's a good idea 4. A: What: should you do for a backache? B: It's sometimes helpful to use a heating pad. © Rewrite these sentences. Give advice using it’s important it's a good idea... , or it’s sometimes helpful... . mo Problem Advice Negative infinitive Forthe flu, don't exercise alot. For the flu, t's a good idea not to exercise a lot 4. Fora toothache, don't eat cold foods. For a toothache. it's important: not: tio eat: cold foods. 2. For a sore throat, don’t talk too much 3. For a bum, don’t put ice on it. 4, For insomnia, don’t drink coffee at night. 5. Fora fever, don't get out of bed. ©] Check (/) three health problems you have had. Write what you did for each one. Use the remedies below or your own remedies. Health problems Da cough Da backache la headache Lite hiccups insomnia Ls sunbum Dlacold Distress Some remedies take some pain medicine get some medicine from the drugstore use some lotion = put some ointment on it take some cough drops see my doctor/dentist goto bed do nothing . Example: Yesterday, |had a bad headache, so |took some pain medicine. a 2: 3 MTD Unit 12 A Scan the article. Check (¥) the sentence that is the better summary of the article. 1 Peopte whe laugh at least once a day live longer than people whe don’t. L Laughter has important health benefits for your body. LAUGH IT OFF B Check (¥) True or False. oe 1. Laughter can help the body fight disease. oOo a 2. The mare you laugh, the mare other people like you oOo ad 3. Laughter is healthier for you if itis real oOo ia 4. Psychologists believe it is healthy to laugh at all situations. oO ao 5. Dr. Goodheart helped patients focus only on funny things. oOo gd Describe a time you laughed hard at something. How did you feel afterward? It’s important to get rest. 5 | What do you suggest? A Complete the word map with medicines from the list. [1 ont tch cream herbal toa felpennetene L bandages Linsect spray] shaving cream Deyedrops Li muscle ointment B. What should these people buy? Give advice. Use the containers and medicine from part A. 41. Danielle is having trouble sleeping She should buy a box of herbalttea 2. Simon has a bad headache. 3. Maria's shoulders are sore after her workout. 4, There may be mosquitoes where Brenda's camping. 5. Sam has 9 cut on his hand. 6. Graciela has dry, itchy skin on her feet. 7. Nathan cut his chin when he shaved with soap and water. 8. Sally's eyes are red and itchy. Unit 12 G Check (/) the correct sentences to make conversations. Lishould t help you? 7: []Yes. Can | have a bottle of pain medi ves. | suggest a bottle of pain medicine. Pharmacist: Here you are. 7 [1] And what do you need for a sunburn? [And what do you have for a sunburn? Custom Pharmacist: [-] Do you suggest this lotion? LI suggest this lotion. Customer: Thanks. 2, Pharmacist: Hi. Can | help you? Customer: [[] Yes. Can | suggest something for sore muscles? Lives. Could | have something for sore muscles? Pharmacist: [7] Sure. Try this ointment. Di Sure. Could | try this ointment? Customer: [[] Thanks. And what should you get for the flu? Li Thanks. And what do you suggest for the flu? Pharmacist: [7] Can | have some of these tablets? They really work. ‘Try some of these tablets. They really work. ry y really + 110K, thonks. I'l take them. And you should get a box of tissues. (10k, thanks. I'll take them. And could I have a box of tissues? Pharmacist: Sure. Here you are. It’s important to get rest. © [7 complete this conversation with the correct words. ‘A: Wow, you don't look very good! Do you feel OK? B: No, | think I'm getting a cold. What should I do it? (for / to / with) A: You should stay home and go bed. (at/in/ off (in of /t0) B: You're probably right. 've got a really bad cough, too. ‘A: Try drinking some hot tea honey. It really helps. (for / of / with) B: Anything else? ‘A: Yeah, I suggest you get a big box tissues! (at / in / of [Eil[ ive suggestions for these problems. Use words from the box. Try... Isuggest... You should... 4. I can't stop sneezing, Try some allergy medic 2. Ihave a stomachaché I don't have any energy. 4, | think I'm getting a cold. 5. I'm stressed aut! 6. Ihave a very sore throat. Unit 12 13 What would you like? i a ‘Show that you agree. Write sentences with the words given. 41. A: | don’t want fast food tonight. B: _Idont't either. (either) | really like Mexican food. (0) 3. A: I'm in the mood for Italian food. B: (too) B (neither) 5. A: | don't ike greasy food very much 6 Az | want to eat healthy food for lunch, B: (either) B: (too) 2 | What do you think? A Look at the pictures. Write sentences about the food. Use the expressions in the box and the given words. Useful expressions Hove... 1'm crazy about lean‘t stand ... I'm not crazy about... Wa little too. 41. Its little too greasy. 2 4. B What are three of your favorite kinds of food? Write what you like about them. Unit 13 To your taste A Skim the restaurant reviews. Match the reviewer with the number of stars. 4. Carlota * 2. Adam the 3. Luka kkk Wircolnmx Carlota Awful Pretty good. Fantastic! QUINOA CORNER Quinoa Corner Is my latest discovery! This international food restaurant has everything: delicious ‘steak, hamburgers, Mexican enchiladas, Mediterranean ‘salads, and vegetarian and vegan dishes, too. When | was there last Saturday, | ordered grilled saimon with baby ‘asparagus and a baked potato. Delicious! And the atmosphere is wonderful. The servers are dressed as cowboys and cowgirls. Every hour they do a ‘square dance and sing a song for the diners. | love this place! Last Sunday | took my wite to Quinoa Comer. | had sushi with rice and a cucumber salad. My wife had lamb curry with spicy vegetables and garic bread. For dessert we both had chocolate cake. The sushi ‘was quite good, although the salad was not as fresh as I'd ike. My wife said that her curry was delicious, but that the vegetables were a little too salty. And I thought the servers were kind of sly, Despite those problems, we stil recommend this restaurant, B Read the reviews and complete the chart. Ordered Problems: | Eyes L]no Recommends: | Cres Eno Dives Dre Lyes Dre Lives no ves Dro For dinner last Thursday, Visited Quinoa Comer for the fist time. | ordered the quinoa burger and an almond mikshake. They served me a real hamburger! Wile was tying to explain the mistake to my serve, she stepped away and began to dance and sing with the other "cowboys"! It took another hatt hour before my quinoa burger got tothe table. When it id, ‘was cold, band, and greasy! | do not recommend this restaurant. Dives Dre ves Dro What would you like? 1em that does not belong in each group. Check (/) 4. Dlapples 3. Dice cream 5. []beef broccoli Diced coffee Dibread strawberries Diced tea Di chicken 2. Dsushi 4, Dcorn 6. [Ja cookie Dpasta Dgreen beans Da turkey sandwich Dibread Dpork Da hamburger Use one or more words to complete this conversation between a server and a customer. Server: May | take your order? Customer: _Yes, | have_ the salmon, Server: What kind of dressing on your salad - French, blue cheese, or vinaigrette? Customer: like French, please. Server: And would you like to drink? Customer: Yes, have iced coffee. Server: With milk and sugar? Custom res, Server: Anything else? Customer: No, That'll all. Unit 13 = a Choose the correct responses. 41. A: What would you like? B: _ilhave a beef burrito. Would you like anything to drink? * Ill be your server today. + No, thanks. # Yes, I'd like to. * Yes, a hamburger, please. ll have a beef burrito. + Ill have some noodles, please 2. A: Would you like soup or salad? 5. A What flavor ice cream would you like? B: #1 guess | will, thanks. + Fresh, please. *1'd lke soup, please, * Vanilla, please. * Yes, please. * Ice cream, please. 3. A: What would you like on your pizza? 6. A: Would you like anything else? B: B ll have pepperoni + Yes, thank you very much + 'd like a soda, please 4 Not at all, thanks. * Small, please. * That'll be all, thanks. © [i choose the correct words. 1. Baked potatoes are less __greasy __ than french fries. (greasy / healthy / spicy) 2. Ina restaurant, the server takes your (table / order / service) 3. Many people like on their salad. (dessert / dressing / soda) 4, Some people rarely cook with spices. They prefer food to be (blend / hot / rich) 5. Strawberry is @ popular ice cream . (drink / flavor / meal) What would you like? 8 | Complete the conversati Ise the words and expressions in the box. sie Ltevorite kind offood — [E] too Bien Like a ot On can't stand them felere| De Maria: | feel tired tonight. | really don’t want to cook. Courtney: Neither do |. Let's order out. Do you like Chinese food? Maria: I's delicious! | ! Courtney: 1do,_ tts my Let's call Beijing Express for home delivery. Great idea! Their food is always good. | eat there a lot. Courtney: do. Well, what you like tonight? Maria: I'm in the mood for some soup. Courtney: So |. And I think have orange chicken and fried rice. Maria: OK, let's order. Oh, wait. They don't take credit cards, and | don’t have any cash on me. Courtney: Neither |. Too bad! What should we do? Maria: Well, let's look in the refrigerator. Hmm. Do you like boiled eggs? Courtney: | ! Maria: Actually, neither 1 Unit 13 oe t's the coldest city! El cecararty A Circle the correct word. 1. This is a mountain with a hole on top. Smoke and lava sometimes come out, and it can be dangerous. . hill 2. This is a dry, sandy place. It doesn’t rain much here, and there aren't many plants. a. waterfall desert b. sea volcano 3. This isa low area of land between mountains or hills a. island b. valley ©. beach 4, This isan area of water with land all around it b. island © lake 5. This is a flow of water that happens when a river falls from a high place, a. hill b. canyon waterfall 6. This isa large area of land that has lots of trees on it. a. desert b. forest river B Complete the names. Use words from the box. [canyon Ey Fats EL] ocean Lvecert EF] Mount EJ River 1. ___Lake _ Superior 2. Amazon 3. Grand 4, Atlantic 5. Mojave 6. Niagara 7. Mediterranean 8. Everest ey 2 | Write the comperative and superlative forms of the words given. Poe es Adjective Comparative Superlative Add -er or -est to most words. long longer the longest. Add -ror -st to words ending in -e. large larger the largest Drop the y and add -ier or -iest. dry drier the driest Double the final consonant and add -er or-est. big bigger the biggest 41. busy busier ‘the busiest. 6 noisy 2. wol 7. old 3. friendly 8. safe 4, heavy 9. small 5. nice 10. wet — © GJ] Complete this conversation. Use the superlative form of the words given. Keegar Kathy: Keegan: Kathy: Kathy: MET Unit 14 $0 where did you go for your vacation, Kathy? Japan. How exciting! Did you have a good time? It was terrific! | think Japan is the most: exciting (exciting) country in Asia, Well it certainly has some of (interesting) cities in the world ~ Takya, Osaka, and Kyoto Yeah. | had (good) time in Kyoto. It's (beautifu city I've ever seen. OF course, it’s also one of (popular) tourist attractions. It was (crowded) city | visited this summer. 've always wanted to visit Japan. What's it lke in the winter? Actually, | think that’s (bad) time to visit because | don’t like cold weather. However, | think the Sapporo Snow Festival is. (fascinating) festival in the world. Complete these sentences. Use the comparative or the superlative form of the words given. Badwater Basin 4, Badwater Basin in California's Death Valley is _ _ (low) point in North America 2. The Suez Canal joins the Mediterranean and Red Seas. It is 190 kilometers (118 miles) long. itis longer than (long) the Panama Canal 3. Mount Waialeale in Hawaii gets 1,170 centimeters (460 inches) of rain a year. It is we place on Earth! 4. Canada and Russia are (large) countries in the world 5. Russias (largo) Canada 6 (high) waterfall in the world is in Venezuela, 7. The Atacama Desert in Chile is (dry) place in the world. 8. (hot capital city in the world is Muscat, Oman. 9. The continent of Antarctica is (cold) any other place in the world. 10. The Himalayas are some of (dangerous) mountains to climb. 14. Mont Blanc in the French Alps is (high) the Matterhorn in the Swiss Alps. 412. The Pacific Ocean is (deep) the Atlantic Ocean. At one place, the Pacific Ocean is 11,033 meters (36,198 feet) deep. It’s the coldest city! Li G The coldest the windiest! A Scan the article about Antarctica. In what ways is it different from other places on Earth? ‘Why do scientists work there? B Read about Antarctica. Check (V) True or False. 1. Antarctica is bigger than Europe. 2. The North Pole is the coldest place in the world. FA & 3. The coasts in Antarctica get a lot of snow. 4. In Antarctica, it never gets dark in the summer. 5. Captain Cook discovered a few people living in Antarctica. 6. The Antarctic Peninsula is the closest part of Antarctica to South America. ooooo0oo00 ooooo0oo00 7. Ice in Antarctica is melting throughout the continent. Unit 14 [J cceography quiz Use the words in the box. Write questions about the pictures. Then circle the correct answers. Ltewbig EE] How deop E] How long LD ttow cold [F] How far How high 1. _How high is Angel Falls? t's 979 meters (3,212 feet) tall. I's 979 meters high. ‘Angel Falls a It’s 6,300 kilometers (3,917 miles) long, b. It’s 6,300 kilometers high. the Yangtze River a. It gets up to -88.3 degrees Celsius (-126.9 degrees Fahrenheit b. It gets down to -88.3 degrees Celsius. ‘Australia to New Zealand, a. I's about 2,000 kilometers (1,200 miles) b. It’s about 2,000 square kilometers. Reet ” ~ a It's 6 million square kilometers (2.5 million square miles). b. It's 4 million kilometers lang, the Amazon Rain Forest 6 a. It's about 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) big. b. It’s about 1.6 kilometers deep. It’s the coldest city! — [J] Answer these questions about your country. 41. How big is the largest city? 2. What’s the wettest month? 3. What's the driest month? 4, How hot does it get in the summer? 5. How cold does it get in the winter? 6. How high is the highest mountain? 7. What's the most beautiful town to visit? © FJ] maten the words with their opposites. 41. biggest _f a. better 2. bad b. wettest 3. shorter «colder 4. worse d. drier 5. worst e. hottest 6. near f smallest 7. lowest g. far 8 driest h. bigger Bho good 10. shortest ie best 11. hotter k. low 12, smaller highest 13, coldest im. longest 14, wetter n. wet 15. dry o. taller 46 high p. cold METS Unit 14

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