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Name & USN of the student NAVEEN KUMAR R S – 1EP20IS062

Semester & Section 8TH - B
Entry to Programme Regular

Activity Points 100 - regular

Title (s) of Activity undertaken 1. GARBAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM

Places of Activities 1. MANDUR POST,BENGALURU
Date (s) of activities 1.05/12/22 TO 19/12/22
2.05/02/24 TO 17/02/24
3.19/02/24 TO 05/03/24
4.06/03/24 TO 20/03/24
Number of Weeks or Hours 10 WEEKS

Name of the Guide PROF. MANJULA

Department of Information Science and Engineering

Approved by AICTE New Delhi| Affiliated to VTU,
Belagavi Virgo Nagar, Bengaluru-560049
(Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi)Bangalore-560049


This is to certify that NAVEEN KUMAR R S, bearing USN 1EP20IS062 is a bonafide

student of EPCET and has actively involved in bringing Awareness /Trained /Implemented/
Demonstrated/Facilitated/ Administrative, and successfully completedthe activities
undertaken as stated above. This assignment is a part of AICTE Activity Points Programme
and for the partial fulfilment for the award of degree of Bachelor of Engineeringin
Information Science and Engineering under Visvesvaraya Technological University,
Belgavi during the year 2023-24.This report has been approved as it satisfies the academic
requirements in respect of AICTE Activity Points Program prescribed for the award of the

Activity Points Earned:


Prof.Manjula Prof.Kemparaju Dr. Mrityunjaya V Latte
Assistant Professor ISE,EPCET EPCET

Executive Summary or Abstract

Activity Title Duration

Garbage Disposal System
Activity -1 2 weeks

Swachh Bharath
Activity -2 2 weeks

Activity -3 Facilitating 100% digital transaction 2 weeks

Activity -4 Helping govt school to enhace and 2 weeks

achive good result
Activity -5
Executive Summary or Abstract

AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education), Every regular student who is admitted
to a 4 year degree program is required to earn 100 points in addition to academic grades for
the completion of their degree program and to attain their certificate of completion.

AICTE advocates 300-450 hours of activity program for each degree student towards
community service and allied activities. A student can opt for any activity within the
stipulated list of activities as prescribed by the AICTE to earn their activity points.

Every student is supposed to earn 20 points in each semester, serving for duration of at least
two weeks. These activities can spread over duration 4 years as per convenience.

1. Introduction

2. Description of activity with photographs

3. Conclusions

4. Outcome or Takeaways from the activity

5. Certificate

The objectives of AICTE student activity are to expose students to real time life challenges to
provide the opportunity to gather data, analyse data propose solutions and implement
solutions. Also, it paves the way for personal development and creative engineers who are
proud volunteers with a sense of achievement and ready to take up projects having a social
impact and creating digital awareness. Besides, it helps the students to strengthen their soft
skills, leadership qualities and team spirit. Moreover, these activities inculcate entrepreneurial
mindset and social commitment.

Following are the various activities conducted by the institution to enable AICTE
activity points.
 Career guidance and awareness program on the importance of
Education and enhance their enrollment in higher education.
 Spreading public awareness.
 Donation of books written by kannada poets and writers to promote
Karnataka Heritage and Culture.
Description of Activity with Photographs

About Garbage Disposal System:

The garbage disposal is mounted to the underside of a sink and is designed to collect solid
food waste in a grinding chamber. When you turn on the disposal, a spinning disc, or impeller
plate, turns rapidly, forcing the food waste against the outer wall of the grinding chamber.
This pulverizes the food into tiny bits, which then get washed by water through holes in the
chamber wall. While disposals do have two blunt metal "teeth," called impellers, on the
impeller plate, they do not have sharp blades, as is commonly believed.


We planned and executed AICTE activity in Mandur Village and Post Bangalore with the
help of all our social ambassadors.

Our main objective was to explain disposal of garbage. The garbage disposal is mounted to
the underside of a sink and is designed to collect solid food waste in a grinding chamber.
When you turn on the disposal, a spinning disc, or impeller plate, turns rapidly, forcing the
food waste against the outer wall of the grinding chamber.

On behalf we thank Government, our social ambassadors and volunteers for coordinating and
helping us in making this event a grand success.
Outcome or Take a Ways from Activity

By this activity, I was able to convey the importance of Garbage disposal. The garbage disposalis
mounted to the underside of a sink and is designed to collect solid food waste in a grinding
chamber. When you turn on the disposal, a spinning disc, or impeller plate, turns rapidly, forcing
the food waste against the outer wall of the grinding chamber.

The objectives of AICTE student activity are to expose students to real time life challenges to
provide the opportunity to gather data, analyse data propose solutions and implement
solutions. Also, it paves the way for personal development and creative engineers who are
proud volunteers with a sense of achievement and ready to take up projects having a social
impact and creating digital awareness. Besides, it helps the students to strengthen their soft
skills, leadership qualities and team spirit. Moreover, these activities inculcate entrepreneurial
mindset and social commitment.

Following are the various activities conducted by the institution to enable AICTE
activity points.
 Career guidance and awareness program on the importance of
Education and enhance their enrollment in higher education.
 Spreading public awareness.
 Donation of books written by kannada poets and writers to promote
Karnataka Heritage and Culture.
Description of Activity with Photographs

About the Swachh Bharat:

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is one of the most significant and popular missions to have taken place
in India. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan translates to Clean India Mission. This drive was formulated to
cover all the cities and towns of India to make the clean. This campaign was administered by the
Indian government and was introduced by the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi.


We planned and executed AICTE activity in Government Primary School

Hirandahalli with the help ofall our social ambassadors.

Our main objective was a swacch bharat is lot of objectives to achieve so that
India could become cleaner and better. In addition, it not only appealed the
sweepers and workers but all thecitizens of the country.

On behalf we thank Government primary school teachers, our social

ambassadors and volunteers for coordinating and helping us in making this event
a grand success.
Outcome or Take a Ways from Activity

By this activity, I was able to convey the importance of understanding the significance of the
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Ability to analyse and predict the sanitation challenges of India.
Determine the link between sanitation and development. Contribute to the Swachh Bharat
Abhiyan through real time projects.

The objectives of AICTE student activity are to expose students to real time life challenges to
provide the opportunity to gather data, analyse data propose solutions and implement
solutions. Also, it paves the way for personal development and creative engineers who are
proud volunteers with a sense of achievement and ready to take up projects having a social
impact and creating digital awareness. Besides, it helps the students to strengthen their soft
skills, leadership qualities and team spirit. Moreover, these activities inculcate entrepreneurial
mindset and social commitment.

Following are the various activities conducted by the institution to enable AICTE
activity points.
 Career guidance and awareness program on the importance of
Education and enhance their enrollment in higher education.
 Spreading public awareness.
 Donation of books written by kannada poets and writers to promote
Karnataka Heritage and Culture.
Description of Activity with Photographs

About 100% Digitized Transactions:

Digital transactions are defined as transactions in which the customer authorizes the transfer
of money through electronic means, and the funds flow directly from one account to another.
These accounts could be held in banks, or with entities/ providers. These transfers could be
done through means of cards mobile wallets, mobile apps, net banking, Electronic Clearing
Service, National Electronic Fund Transfer, Immediate Payment Service, pre-paid
instruments or other similar means


We planned and executed AICTE activity in Government Primary School Hirandahalli with
the help of all our social ambassadors.

Our main objective was explain 100% Digitized Money Transactions. Improve the ease of
conducting digital transactions for an individual. Reduce the risks and costs of handling cash
at the individual level. Reduce costs of managing cash in the economy. Build a transactions
history to enable improved credit access and financial inclusion.

On behalf we thank Government primary school teachers, our social ambassadors and
volunteers for coordinating and helping us in making this event a grand success.
Outcome or Take a Ways from Activity

By this activity, , I was able to convey the importance of 100% Digitized Transaction above was
made to show how the benefits of technology adaptation outweigh the costs for businesses,
financial institutions, and end-users. Still, there are digital initiatives that come up to disrupt the
previous digital transaction setups. Just as credit cards are disrupting the use of cash.

The objectives of AICTE student activity are to expose students to real time life challenges to
provide the opportunity to gather data, analyse data propose solutions and implement
solutions. Also, it paves the way for personal development and creative engineers who are
proud volunteers with a sense of achievement and ready to take up projects having a social
impact and creating digital awareness. Besides, it helps the students to strengthen their soft
skills, leadership qualities and team spirit. Moreover, these activities inculcate entrepreneurial
mindset and social commitment.

Following are the various activities conducted by the institution to enable AICTE
activity points.
 Career guidance and awareness program on the importance of
Education and enhance their enrollment in higher education.
 Spreading public awareness.
 Donation of books written by kannada poets and writers to promote
Karnataka Heritage and Culture.
Description of Activity with Photographs

About Stationary Distribution:

Stationary is the basic requirement for learning, without it, students are incapable writing down
the notes, drawing as well as taking tests. It is the basic need of any student learning art and
crafts, without it, students’ creativity will be restricted. Thus, Stationary is a part of inseparable
and essential part of students’ life


We planned and executed AICTE activity in Government Primary School Hirandahalli with
the help of all our social ambassadors.

Our main objective was to distribute stationary among students, and we successfully achieved
that by survey and educating students and local about the importance of it. We also worked on
the cleaning the school to build up the infrastructure and shared a brief knowledge about
importance of education.

On behalf we thank Government primary school teachers, our social ambassadors and
volunteers for coordinating and helping us in making this event a grand success.
Outcome or Take a Ways from Activity

By this activity, I was able to convey the importance of we provided the required stationary
materials to the young students and encouraged them to regularly attend classes as they were
provided with all the required stationary materials. We also worked on the cleaning the school to
build up the infrastructure and shared a brief knowledge about importance of education.

The objectives of AICTE student activity are to expose students to real time life challenges to
provide the opportunity to gather data, analyse data propose solutions and implement
solutions. Also, it paves the way for personal development and creative engineers who are
proud volunteers with a sense of achievement and ready to take up projects having a social
impact and creating digital awareness. Besides, it helps the students to strengthen their soft
skills, leadership qualities and team spirit. Moreover, these activities inculcate entrepreneurial
mindset and social commitment.

Following are the various activities conducted by the institution to enable AICTE
activity points.
 Career guidance and awareness program on the importance of
Education and enhance their enrollment in higher education.
 Spreading public awareness.
 Donation of books written by kannada poets and writers to promote
Karnataka Heritage and Culture.

Description of Activity with Photographs

About Stationary Distribution:


Outcome or Take a Ways from Activity


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