Writing Pre9 Feb 8th

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The city I want to visit in the future is Đa Nang city, which is one of the
popular tourist attractions in my nation Vietnam. I want to *go* there to see
beautiful scenery such us the Golden Bridge, the beach and many places . I
plan to go there this summer with my sister.
=> where is Da Nang
=> 1 more reason

chi Xuan:
I would like to visit the Copenhagen city with my family in the future. Which is
located in the heart of North Europe. Copenhagen is a captipal and activity
city in Denmark. The landscape here is amazing. It is known as the greenest
and happiest city *in the world*. Copenhagen is the one of the most liable
citites in the world.
=> It is known as the greenest, happiest and also the most livable city in the
world/ on our planet.
=> 1 more reason

When I have lots of money and time, I want to travel around the world. One of
my favorite city is Paris. The Eiffel Tower is on top of my wish list. It is the
symbol of Paris for a good reason. Next up, I want to walk on the streets of
Paris, *which* have French food and go shopping for clothes. Paris is such a
romantic city so I would like to take as many photos as I could there. Starting
from now, I will try to save up money and go to France in the near future.

In the future, I would like to visit to Nha Trang,which is the largest city in
Khanh Hoa province, Viet Nam. I want to go there with my family, because
Nha Trang has many beautiful beaches and a lot of fresh seafood. In addition,
the locals are known to be kind and hospitable.
=> visit (v) + places ~ pay a visit (n) to + places

chi Thuy Anh:

In the future, I want to visit Nha Trang City. Which í in the south and *is* one
of the most famous tourist attractions in my nation VN. There is beaches ang
clean air, special is my best friend living there. I plan to go *to Nha Trang*
with my family, visit my friend and travel at the same time.

i will go *to* Changmai city if the occasion arises. which is located in *the*
North of ThaiLan. Because i *have* seen some review about unique festival
and cuisine. beside that, Changmai have more beautiful place, I hope *to* go
there to travel with my friend in the near future.
=> Noun so it/so nhieu

One of the most famous place I want to visit is Da Nang, which is situated in
the central of my country. I really want to come here with my friends. It takes
me about two hours by plane from HN to ĐN City. Da Nang is the *most*
popular tourists attractions in my nation Viet Nam. We can take a photo with
everything beautiful at there. People are kind and friendly, foods is very good

=> cum danh tu = N1 (phu) + N2 (chinh)

ex: tourist attractions
=> food (UCN): do an chung chung
=> food ( C ): nhung loai do an khac nhau
=> N so it/so nhieu

One city that I would like to visit one day is Dalat, which is also known as the
city of flowers. This is a famous city located in a mountainous area. I wanted
to go there to see the beautiful scenery and enjoy the chilly atmosphere. I also
want to go to the flower festival in Dalat. My friends said that after going back
to Dalat, we will have boyfriends. I was planning to come here later this year
with my family.

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