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OGL 482 Pro-Seminar II

Unit 3 Assignment:
Networking Plan Template
Section 1: The Career Decision Matrix

As you move through the data-gathering phase and begin to generate options for potential jobs
and potential employers, this is when you can build and use a Career Decision Matrix. Following
the information from Harrington & Hall text, Career Management & Worklife Integration,
Chapter 4, pages 92-94, you will research, gather, and analyze information from your self-
assessments (i.e. the Kuder assessments in Unit 1, in particular), thematic analysis (themes), career
resources and more to create your Career Decision Matrix.

Career options are broader than jobs. They are paths you can take to get to where you want to be.
Here is a resource that can assist you in determing:

Answer the following:

1) As you have gathered your data take the time to share and fully describe your top
four (4) possible career options. You want to be specific, as this creates a more
meaningful matrix. Describe each career with as much detail as possible. Consider
the following to be used in your 2-3 paragraph response per career option: career
field / organization / job-related responsibilities / opportunities for advancement / future
outlook of the career field. These responses need to demonstrate that you have gathered
your research and analyzed it, so there should be citations referencing where you got your
information, using APA standards. Remember to include why you are choosing each career

1. Human Resources Manager:

In envisioning a career as a Human Resources Manager, I see myself as the backbone of an

organization's HR department, responsible for ensuring that the workforce is supported, engaged,
and operating smoothly. This role would involve diverse responsibilities, from recruiting and
hiring new talent to managing employee benefits and resolving workplace conflicts. I'm drawn to
the idea of being at the forefront of shaping workplace culture and policies, fostering an
environment where employees feel valued and supported. With each decision made and policy

Last Update: May 2021
implemented, I would be contributing to the overall success and well-being of the organization
and its employees. The opportunity for advancement in HR is exciting, with the potential to grow
into higher-level positions such as Director of Human Resources or Vice President of HR. This
career path aligns perfectly with my passion for people and my desire to make a positive impact
within organizations.

2. Sales Representative:

As a Sales Representative, I imagine myself as the face of a company, forging connections with
clients and driving revenue through effective sales strategies. This role would involve a mix of
relationship-building, persuasion, and problem-solving, as I work to understand the needs of
customers and offer solutions that meet their requirements. I'm drawn to the dynamic nature of
sales, where each interaction presents a new opportunity to showcase the value of a product or
service. The potential for advancement in sales is promising, with opportunities to climb the
ladder to roles such as Sales Manager or Sales Director. This career path resonates with me
because of the potential for growth, the opportunity to work with diverse clients and industries,
and the tangible impact on business success.

3. Data Analyst:

In considering a career as a Data Analyst, I envision myself as a detective of sorts, diving deep
into datasets to uncover valuable insights that drive business decisions. This role would involve a
combination of technical skills, critical thinking, and creativity, as I analyze and interpret data to
identify trends, patterns, and opportunities. I'm fascinated by the power of data to inform
strategic decision-making and drive innovation within organizations. The field of data analytics
offers ample opportunities for growth and advancement, with the potential to specialize in areas
such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, or big data technologies. This career path
appeals to me because of the potential for continuous learning, the demand for data-driven
expertise across industries, and the opportunity to make a meaningful impact through actionable

4. Marketing Manager:

As a Marketing Manager, I see myself as a storyteller and strategist, crafting compelling

narratives and campaigns that resonate with target audiences and drive business growth. This
role would involve a blend of creativity, analytical thinking, and strategic planning, as I develop
and execute marketing strategies to promote products or services. I'm drawn to the dynamic and
fast-paced nature of marketing, where each day brings new challenges and opportunities for
innovation. The potential for advancement in marketing is exciting, with opportunities to rise to
leadership roles such as Director of Marketing or Chief Marketing Officer. This career path

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aligns with my passion for creativity, my love for connecting with people, and my desire to drive
meaningful results through strategic marketing initiatives.

Now that you have determined these four options, take a step back and share a fifth
UNTHINKABLE (UT) career option, that you would never do, but are trained for
by what you have learned by earning your degree. Think about skills you have
acquired while earning your degree, which would be transferable to something
completely different.

A completely unthinkable career option for me, despite the skills acquired through my degree,
would be a role in Event Planning and Coordination. It's something I've never considered, but
when I reflect on the skills I've gained during my studies, I can see how they could be
transferable to this field. As an Event Planner, I'd have the opportunity to put my organizational
prowess to work, juggling multiple tasks and ensuring everything runs smoothly for various
events, whether it's a corporate conference or a wedding. My knack for communication, refined
through countless presentations and group projects, would undoubtedly come in handy when
dealing with clients and vendors, ensuring everyone's needs are met. And let's not forget about
the creativity and problem-solving skills I've honed along the way – they'd be invaluable when it
comes to designing event themes and finding innovative solutions to any challenges that arise.
While Event Planning may not have been on my radar before, the idea of leveraging my skills in
a new and unexpected way is certainly intriguing.

2) Using the information you have gathered and shared above it is time to fill in your
Career Decision Matrix. You can find an example in Table 4.2 on page 93 of our text.
When you complete the matrix below, be sure to remove any unnecessary labels.

a. Down the left hand side of the matrix, you will list your ten (10) life themes from
your thematic analysis. You can also add more that were not part of your
presentation as Theme 11 and so on.

b. Across the top of the page, you will list the five (5) career options you are

c. Next, fill in each cell with a high (h), medium (m), or low indication of the match
between that theme and the alternative under consideration.

d. Calculate your Career to Theme Consistency Points (CTCP) aka Summary, by

assigning high = 5, medium = 3, and low = 1, and then adding them up to determine
the ranking of your career choices to your themes. Not all themes can have high
designation (if everything is important, nothing is important). The goal is to identify

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how your career options align with your life themes, so you have better information
to determine which aspects are most important to you in your next career step.

Human Sales Data Analyst Marketing Event Planner

Resources Representative Manager

Personal Growth m m H M l

Creativity l m h h h

Helping Others H m M M l

Leaderhsip h m m h m

Problem-Solving h h h h m

Organization H m h h h

Communication h h m h h

Adaptability m h h h m

Analytical m m h M l

Networking m h M h M

CTCP 32 points 31 points 36 points 34 points 27 points


3) Now that you have determined these career options in relation to your life themes:

a. Reflect to what extent your Career Decision Matrix development process has
helped your career development decisions.

Based on the Career Decision Matrix, the Data Analyst option aligns the most closely
with my life themes, followed closely by Marketing Manager and Human Resources
Manager. Sales Representative is also a strong contender, while Event Planner
appears to have the lowest alignment with my life themes. This analysis helps me
understand how each career option resonates with my personal priorities and
preferences, guiding me towards a more informed decision.

b. Share which career option(s) you feel would be worth researching more and
pursuing as you begin to think about your networking plan.

As I reflect on the Career Decision Matrix, it's clear that the Data Analyst, Marketing
Manager, and Human Resources Manager options stand out as promising avenues for
further exploration. The Data Analyst role received the highest consistency points,
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indicating strong alignment with my life themes. Delving deeper into this field, I plan
to research potential employers, industry trends, and required skills while networking
with professionals already established in the data analytics sphere. Similarly, the
Marketing Manager position shows considerable alignment with my priorities and
interests. I'll be researching companies and industries of interest, attending relevant
events, and connecting with marketing professionals to gain insights into this field's
opportunities and challenges. Lastly, while slightly lower in consistency points, the
Human Resources Manager role still holds appeal. Engaging in targeted research on
organizations with robust HR departments and networking with HR professionals will
offer valuable insights into this field's potential. By focusing my research and
networking efforts on these three career options, I aim to gain clarity and make
informed decisions about my next career steps.

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Section 2: Networking Plan

Now that you have completed your Career Decision Matrix we now need to move forward and
develop a networking plan that you can use to help you reach your career goals. Review
Harrington & Hall text, Career Management & Worklife Integration, Chapter 4, pages 77-83.
Developing and managing your network of people who can help you is an important ongoing
process whether or not you are currently happy in your career.

The purpose of this activity is to:

• Help you assess and enhance (extend or strengthen) your developmental network relative
to major challenges you will face in the next 1-3 years

• Help you develop a networking strategy that will work for you

• Help you develop a specific plan to pursue over the next 6 months to 1 year

• Create an accountability mechanism

Research on leadership development has demonstrated that people benefit from a variety of
developmental relationships, including short-term and long-term alliances with bosses, peers,
senior executives, coaches, subordinates, and family members, the more diversity and depth
there is in your developmental network, the better. Depending on our dominant learning tactics,
we are more or less likely to pay attention to the quality of our developmental network.

This assignment was adapted by Professor Kathy E. Kram from a worksheet developed by
Professor Deborah Kolb, Simmons Graduate School of Management. Adapted by permission.

Answer the following:

1) As you think about the major changes that are likely to take place at your place of
work in the next few years, what major challenges and opportunities do you foresee
that you will need to deal with in the next 1-3 years?

Describe and explain why these are your top three (3) of Challenges here:

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A. Looking ahead, I see three major challenges looming on the horizon for my workplace
in the next 1-3 years. Firstly, there's the rapid pace of technological change. As new
technologies emerge, we'll need to adapt quickly to stay competitive. This means
integrating new tools and systems, providing training to our teams, and ensuring we're
leveraging technology effectively to drive growth and innovation.

B. Secondly, there's the ongoing transition to remote and hybrid work models. While
these setups offer flexibility, they also present challenges in terms of communication,
collaboration, and team cohesion. We'll need to find ways to maintain strong connections
among team members, regardless of where they're located, and rethink our approach to
leadership and management to support remote and hybrid teams effectively.

C. Lastly, there's the broader challenge of navigating uncertainty and change. The
business landscape is constantly evolving, and we'll need to be agile and adaptable in the
face of shifting market dynamics, regulatory changes, and other external factors. This
requires strong leadership, strategic planning, and a willingness to embrace new ideas and
ways of working.

These challenges are top of mind for me because they have the potential to significantly
impact our organization's success and resilience in the years to come. By proactively
addressing these challenges and seizing the opportunities they present, we can position
ourselves for continued growth and success in an ever-changing world.

Describe and explain why these are your top three (3) of Opportunities here:

When I think about the major challenges ahead in my workplace, I also see them as incredible
opportunities for growth and advancement.

a. Firstly, the lightning-fast pace of technological change is daunting, but it's also incredibly
exciting. Embracing new technologies isn't just about keeping up; it's about seizing the
chance to innovate and revolutionize the way we work. By staying ahead of the curve and

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integrating cutting-edge tools and systems into our operations, we have the chance to
transform our processes, enhance our efficiency, and unlock new avenues for success.

b. Secondly, the shift towards remote and hybrid work models isn't just a logistical
challenge – it's a chance to reimagine the way we work and connect with one another.
Embracing these models opens up opportunities for greater flexibility and work-life
balance, allowing us to attract top talent from around the globe and foster a more
inclusive and diverse workplace culture. It's about more than just adapting; it's about
embracing a new way of working that empowers our team to thrive.

c. Lastly, navigating uncertainty and change isn't easy, but it's where some of the most
exciting opportunities lie. In times of upheaval, there's often increased demand for
innovative solutions and forward-thinking leadership. By fostering a culture of creativity,
adaptability, and resilience, we can rise to the challenge and capitalize on new
opportunities for growth and expansion.So yes, the road ahead may be filled with
challenges, but I truly believe that each one presents an opportunity for us to learn, grow,
and ultimately emerge stronger than ever before.

2) Given these challenges and opportunities, what type of help are you most likely to
need? Check one and explain why.

a. Help in getting the job done

In the face of these challenges and opportunities, I believe I'll need the most help in getting
the job done. Navigating technological changes, adapting to remote work, and addressing
uncertainty all require a hands-on approach to executing tasks effectively. Whether it's
learning new technologies, improving remote collaboration skills, or managing projects
amidst uncertainty, having the right support and resources to accomplish these tasks is
crucial. While career advancement and emotional support are undoubtedly important, they
often depend on being able to handle day-to-day responsibilities efficiently. Therefore,
prioritizing assistance in getting the job done lays the groundwork for achieving broader
career goals and maintaining emotional well-being amidst change and uncertainty.

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3) If your major challenge or opportunity is related to your work, how well positioned
are you to get information, advice, and resources about new opportunities and
possibilities? Check one and explain who can help you and why.


While I have some resources and contacts within my current network that can provide
information and advice about new opportunities and possibilities related to my work, I realize
that I need to expand my network further. Right now, I rely on colleagues and professional
development resources provided by my employer for insights and support. However, to truly
stay ahead of the curve and capitalize on emerging opportunities, I need to reach out beyond
my immediate circle. This means actively seeking connections with professionals in my
industry, attending networking events, and seeking mentorship from seasoned experts who can
offer valuable guidance. By broadening my network, I'll have access to a diverse range of
perspectives and expertise, which will better position me to identify and pursue new
opportunities in my field.

4) If your major challenge or opportunity means making a move into a leadership

position, do you have relationships with people who can give you advice and
effectively advocate or champion you for important assignments or other
developmental activities? Check one and explain who can help you and why.

Yes ______

I do have relationships with people who can give me advice and effectively advocate or
champion me for important assignments or other developmental activities. These relationships
include mentors within my organization who have demonstrated a commitment to my growth
and development, as well as colleagues who have expressed confidence in my abilities and
potential for leadership. Additionally, I have built connections with industry leaders through
networking events and professional associations, who may be able to offer valuable insights
and support as I transition into a leadership position. These individuals can provide guidance,
share their experiences, and advocate for me when opportunities for advancement arise. Their

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support and mentorship will be invaluable as I navigate the challenges and opportunities of
moving into a leadership role.

5) If your challenge or opportunity means that you will need emotional support, to
what extent do you have people who can give you support? Check one and explain
who can help you and why.

a. I have a strong support network to help me. _____

I am fortunate to have close friends, family members, and colleagues who I can turn to for
emotional support during times of change and transition. These individuals offer a listening ear,
words of encouragement, and empathy when I need it most. Additionally, I may seek support from
professional counselors or coaches who can provide guidance and perspective as I navigate
challenges and seize opportunities. Their support and understanding are invaluable in helping me
maintain resilience and well-being amidst the ups and downs of life and work.

6) If your challenge or opportunity means that you will need help getting the job done,
advancing your career, or getting emotional support, do you have people in your
network who can fulfill these functions? Check one and explain who can help you
and why.


I am fortunate to have a strong network of individuals who can fulfill these functions and
provide assistance in various aspects of my professional and personal life. Within my network,
I have colleagues and mentors who can offer guidance and support in getting the job done,
whether it's through sharing expertise, providing feedback, or offering assistance with specific
tasks. Additionally, I have connections within my industry who can help me advance my
career by providing insights into job opportunities, connecting me with relevant contacts, and
offering advice on professional development strategies. Finally, I have close friends, family
members, and trusted confidants who can offer emotional support during times of challenge or
transition, providing a listening ear, words of encouragement, and empathy when needed.
Together, these individuals form a strong support system that I can rely on as I navigate the
challenges and opportunities ahead.

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7) What is your approach to building relationships? How are you at initiating
relationships? In what settings are you most comfortable meeting people?

a. Joint or shared work, projects, and committees ______

b. One-on-one appointments, with specific agendas ______

c. Informal “no agenda” social settings ______

d. Going for coffee, lunch, or drinks ______

e. Leisure activities such as golf, tennin, or theater ______

f. Other ______
When it comes to building relationships, I believe in being genuine, empathetic, and genuinely
interested in others. I find that open communication and active listening are key to forming
meaningful connections. In terms of initiating relationships, I'm quite comfortable in one-on-one
settings with specific agendas. I enjoy these structured interactions because they allow me to
really focus on getting to know the other person and finding common ground. While I may not
naturally gravitate towards informal social settings without a clear agenda, I understand their
value in fostering more relaxed and organic connections. I'm open to stepping out of my comfort
zone to engage in these types of interactions when the opportunity arises. I'm also all for grabbing
coffee, lunch, or drinks with someone as a way to connect on a more personal level outside of
work. These casual outings provide a great opportunity to bond and build rapport in a more
relaxed environment. As for leisure activities like golf, tennis, or theater, while I enjoy
participating in them, I see them more as opportunities to deepen existing relationships rather
than as primary settings for initiating new ones. Overall, I approach building relationships with
adaptability and authenticity, always striving to connect with others in meaningful ways while
staying true to myself.

8) What is your preferred style?

a. Occasional phone calls or e-mails just to ask “how are you?” ______

b. Phone calls, e-mails, or visits with specific requests or questions ______

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c. Holiday cards and letters ______

d. Dropping in or calling when you’re in the neighborhood ______

e. Arranging in advance to get together at professional meetings ______

f. Relying on the chance that your paths will cross ______

g. Inviting people to join you for lunch, coffee, golf, and so on ______

h. Contacting people when you find some information, an article, or an opportunity that
might interest them ______

i. Other ______

My preferred style for building and maintaining relationships includes a combination of

occasional phone calls or emails just to ask "how are you?", arranging in advance to get together
at professional meetings, and inviting people to join me for lunch, coffee, or other activities. I
find that reaching out with a simple "how are you?" message shows that I care about the person's
well-being and helps to maintain a connection, even if we don't have a specific agenda to
discuss. Additionally, arranging to meet at professional meetings allows for more meaningful
face-to-face interactions and opportunities to deepen our relationship in a professional context.
Inviting people to join me for lunch, coffee, or other activities provides a more relaxed setting for
conversation and bonding. I believe that sharing a meal or engaging in a leisure activity together
can foster a sense of camaraderie and strengthen our connection. Overall, my preferred style
emphasizes both professional and personal interactions, with a focus on genuine communication
and meaningful engagement.

9) Now turn your attention to the “Action Planning” part of the exercise (top of page 82).
Respond to the following questions:

a. What are your goals in developing a professional network? Be specific.

My main goal in developing a professional network is to forge genuine connections with

people who share my passions and values. I want to surround myself with individuals who
inspire and challenge me, who I can learn from and collaborate with. Building these authentic
relationships isn't just about advancing my career; it's about finding a supportive community that

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uplifts and empowers each other to reach our fullest potential. By nurturing these connections, I
hope to create a network of trusted allies who will accompany me on my professional journey,
offering guidance, encouragement, and camaraderie along the way.How will a well-developed
network of contacts help you achieve your career goals

b. What are some of the characteristics of the people you are looking to include in your network?

In building my professional network, I'm drawn to individuals who embody certain

characteristics that resonate with me on a personal level. Authenticity is at the top of the
list - I appreciate people who are genuine and true to themselves, fostering a sense of
trust and reliability in our interactions. Passion is another trait I admire; I'm inspired by
individuals who approach their work and interests with enthusiasm and dedication, as
their energy can be contagious. Supportiveness is also crucial; I value connections with
people who uplift and encourage others, creating a supportive community where
everyone can thrive. Additionally, diversity of perspectives is essential to me. I seek out
individuals from varied backgrounds and experiences, as I believe that diverse viewpoints
enrich our conversations and broaden our horizons. Overall, I'm looking to build
relationships with people who not only share my professional interests but also embody
these qualities that I hold dear.

c. Where might you come in contact with these people? How will you grow your network / initiate
contact with new potential networking contacts?

I believe I can come into contact with potential networking contacts in various settings
where professionals gather, both online and offline. Professional conferences, seminars, and industry
events are excellent opportunities to meet like-minded individuals and expand my network. Additionally,
online platforms such as LinkedIn provide a valuable avenue for connecting with professionals in my
field and initiating contact with new potential contacts. I plan to leverage these platforms to engage in
meaningful conversations, share insights and resources, and establish connections with individuals whose
values and interests align with mine. Moreover, participating in industry-specific groups and forums
allows me to engage with a broader community of professionals, exchange ideas, and build relationships
over shared interests. By actively seeking out these networking opportunities and initiating contact with
new potential contacts, I aim to grow my network and cultivate meaningful connections that contribute to
my personal and professional growth.

d. Who in your network are you looking to enhance your relationship with? How will you go about
enhancing these relationships?

Last Update: May 2021
In my network, one person I am looking to enhance my relationship with is my district
operations manager at EōS Fitness. To strengthen this relationship, I plan to take proactive steps
to engage with them more frequently and meaningfully. Firstly, I will schedule regular one-on-
one meetings to discuss current projects, challenges, and opportunities within our district. These
meetings will provide a platform for open communication, allowing me to gain insights into their
priorities and concerns while demonstrating my commitment and dedication to our shared goals.
Additionally, I will seek opportunities to collaborate on strategic initiatives or special projects,
offering my support and expertise to contribute to the success of our district. Furthermore, I will
make an effort to attend company events and networking opportunities where I can connect with
them in a more informal setting, fostering a sense of camaraderie and rapport. Overall, by
actively engaging with my district operations manager and demonstrating my value as a team
member, I aim to enhance our relationship and build a strong foundation for future collaboration
and success.

e. How can you leverage your existing network? Might some of your existing networking contacts
know others who you should be in contact with?

I see my existing network as a valuable resource that I can leverage to expand my connections and
opportunities. Building on the relationships I already have, I plan to actively engage with individuals in
my network, fostering meaningful connections and exploring potential collaborations. Moreover, I believe
that some of the people I already know may have connections who could be beneficial for me to connect
with. Whether it's asking for introductions or recommendations, I'm open to leveraging the relationships
and networks of my existing contacts to expand my own circle. Ultimately, I see networking as a
collaborative endeavor, and I'm excited to see where these connections may lead as I continue to nurture
and grow my network.

Last Update: May 2021
Section 3: SMART Career and Networkings

Using a SMART goals-based approach, as well as project planning and management skill best
practices, create a detailed project plan for at least two specific goals. At least one must be
related to your Career Plan, and the other related to your Networking Plan. Both of these goals
need to be things that you are passionate about accomplishing.

Your selected goals and SMART plan (see SMART goal information provided in the Unit)
should be structured based on a one to two-year timeline. It should include specific milestones,
action items, sub-tasks as well as task-related interdependencies as applicable. With respect to
each goal, critically think about what specifically are the things you will do in the next one to
two years to achieve these goals.

Develop a clear and detailed SMART plan, with facilitating goals and steps/actions required
to accomplish your selected goals. It should be evident, by looking at the format and structure
of your plan, that you have developed some significant skills respect to project management.
Include Gantt charts or other visual project representations as you see fit, and be sure to address
your approach to tracking/measuring your progress.

1) What is your Career Goal?

(Insert your Career Goal above and provide short answers below describing your Career
Goal in terms of the SMART model. Finally, provide a Gantt Chart using the tools

a. Specific: Obtain the necessary qualifications and experience required for a Human
Resources Manager position, such as obtaining a relevant HR certification (e.g., SHRM-
CP or PHR), gaining experience in HR roles, and developing leadership skills.

b. Measurable: Progress will be measured by achieving milestones such as completing HR

certification courses, gaining HR-related experience through internships or job roles, and
receiving positive feedback and performance evaluations from supervisors.

c. Attainable: This goal is attainable as I have a background in HR-related studies and

experience in entry-level HR positions. Additionally, there are various opportunities for
professional development and advancement in the HR field.

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d. Relevant: Becoming a Human Resources Manager aligns with my career aspirations and
interests in people management, employee development, and organizational strategy. It
also allows me to make a meaningful impact on organizational culture and employee

e. Time-Based: I aim to achieve this goal within the next three years, allowing sufficient
time to gain the necessary qualifications, skills, and experience required for a Human
Resources Manager position.

2) What is your Networking Goal

Networking Goal:

To expand my professional network within the HR industry by connecting with at least two HR
professionals per month for the next year.

a. Specific: Connect with HR professionals through networking events, HR-related

workshops or seminars, online platforms such as LinkedIn, and professional HR

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b. Measurable: Progress will be measured by the number of HR professionals I
connect with each month, aiming to meet or exceed the target of two connections
per month.

c. Attainable: This goal is attainable as there are numerous opportunities available

for networking within the HR industry, both online and offline. By dedicating
time each month to attend HR events, engage with HR professionals on LinkedIn,
and participate in HR-related discussions, I can easily connect with two new
contacts per month.

d. Relevant: Building a strong professional network within the HR industry is

crucial for career growth and development, providing access to job opportunities,
mentorship, knowledge sharing, and collaboration.

e. Time-Based: I aim to achieve this goal within the next year, allowing me to
steadily expand my network over time while remaining focused and consistent in
my networking efforts.

Month Networking Activities

Month 1 Attend HR networking event
Connect with HR professionals on LinkedIn
Month 2 Participate in HR -Related webinar
Engage in HR discussions on professional forums
Month 3 Join HR Professional association
Schedule informational interviews with HR professionals
Month 4 Attend HR conference or workshop
Follow up with new connections from previous months
Month 5 Organize a networking coffee meetup
Connect with HR professionals through mutual contacts
Month 6 Engage in HR-related LinkedIn groups

Attend HR networking lunch or dinner

Month 7 Participate in HR-focused online forums

Schedule virtual coffee meetings with HR professionals

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Month Networking Activities
Month 8 Join HR mentorship program

Connect with HR professionals at industry events

Month 9 Attend HR panel discussion

Share HR-related articles or resources on LinkedIn

Month 10 Engage in HR-related Twitter chats

Arrange informational interviews with HR leaders

Month 11 Participate in HR-related online courses or workshops

Connect with HR professionals through alumni networks

Month 12 Re ect on networking achievements and set goals for next year

Last Update: May 2021

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