Impact of Social Media Influencers To The Young Generations

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Impact of Social Media Influencers to the Young Generation

A term paper on Relevant Socio-Cultural Issue

presented to the faculty of

St. James Catholic High School

Maasin, Iloilo

In partial fulfillment of the requirements

for Performance task - Fourth Vhapter


Ava Marie B. Guzman


This study examines the profound impact of social media influencers on the young

generation, focusing on their role as both a socio-cultural issue and agents of significant

influence and social change. Through a critical lens, it explores how influencers shape societal

norms, values, and behaviors, often perpetuating materialism, and instant gratification, which can

contribute to social disparities and psychological distress among youth. Moreover, the paper

analyzes the ways in which influencers leverage their platforms to advocate for social causes,

promote inclusivity, and inspire positive change, highlighting their potential as catalysts for

social transformation and empowerment among young people.

By dissecting the complex interplay between social media influencers, youth culture, and societal

dynamics, this paper sheds light on the nuanced relationship between online influence and offline

realities, urging for a more nuanced understanding of the role of influencers in shaping the values

and aspirations of the younger generation. Through a synthesis of scholarly research and

real-world examples, it offers insights into the opportunities and challenges posed by influencers

in navigating the digital landscape, fostering critical thinking skills, and harnessing social media

as a force for positive social change among the youth.


Concern and scrutiny about the increasing influence of social media influencers on the minds of

youth today is a rising topic in modern society. According to Al-Ansi et al. (2023), Social Media

Influencers (SMIs) can act as both a deterrent and a catalyst for adolescents’ behavior, depending

on the kind of content and use. This has led to social media turning into an essential hub for

communication, businesses, marketing, promotions and entertainment. Social media overcomes

multiple challenges surrounding traditional interaction (face-to-face interaction) in

communication, relationships, sharing experiences, visibility, self-education and real-time


The 2021 “State of Digital” global survey shows that approximately 4.20 billion people are now

using social media worldwide, which is about 53% of the world’s population. This number has

gone up by roughly 13% in comparison with last year (2020). As at January 2021, through social

media alone, Tunisia had a total of around 8.20 million users which represents about 69% of the

country’s population. Out of them, about 97% were accessing it via mobile devices. According to

ALEXA’s study for the year 2021, Facebook and are the most popular social media

platforms among Tunisians. For this reason, more than one-eighth or rather exactly eighteen

percent of Facebook users are under thirteen years old. Influencers on social media, particularly

those targeting youth and teenagers, have an influence and control over consumer behavior.

The role of influencers in adolescents’ lives does not limit itself to just being in the context of

following social content but also in terms of relationship formation and consumption behaviours
(Lou & Kim, 2019). While all of this could be blamed for the current way that the digital world

and how captivating it is to the point where influencers are mode of information and comfort,

one needs to be reminded that this stems from how digital communications and mobile media are

an integral part of all our lives (Leaver, 2015).

SMIs as a Socio-Cultural Issue

Social media influencers represent a significant socio-cultural phenomenon, blurring the lines

between traditional celebrity culture and everyday life. Their impact extends beyond mere

entertainment, shaping societal norms, values, and aspirations among impressionable audiences.

However, concerns arise regarding the authenticity and ethical responsibilities of influencers,

highlighting the complex interplay between commercial interests, personal branding, and societal

influence in the digital age.

According to Rusmanica (2024), Influencers have a significant impact on society because they

have the power to sway opinions and change people's viewpoints. By use of their platforms, they

possess an exceptional ability to promote goods, services, and causes, exerting a strong influence

over consumer behavior. Influencers can also be very important in bringing important topics to

the public's attention and in acting as messengers of ideas and messages, whether they be

positive or negative.

Furthermore, In today’s society influencers are used by businesses in a multitude of ways to

further their marketing objectives. Another approach is influencer marketing, where companies
pay influencers to create and share material that promotes their products. Influencer culture is

generally being used by businesses as a way to attract new audiences and capitalize on the power

of social media. By collaborating with influencers, they may be able to more naturally and

organically reach their target audience, boosting brand recognition and loyalty in the process

(Singh, 2023). It has also led to inequality amongst enterprises, which is another problem.

Brands that have a huge marketing budget might work with larger social media influencers to

promote their products.

According to Chugh (2023), In an attempt to obtain more business partnerships and make money,

certain social media influencers are also frequently observed publishing reviews that are not

genuine. Their audience then buys things based on their recommendations, which causes

needless product hoarding and fierce competition among youngsters.

Significant Influences of SMIs

Social media influencers have the power to inspire and motivate young people to pursue their

passions and goals. Through their authentic storytelling and relatable content, influencers can

serve as positive role models, encouraging self-expression and confidence among the younger

generation. Influencers on social media are not just about fun; a large number of them also offer

informative content that improves the lives of their followers.

According to a University of Pennsylvania study, social media influencers can be a useful

resource for educating young people on difficult subjects like mental health and climate change.
Influencers also educate their followers about social issues by putting them in the spotlight and

promoting conversations about them. Examples of these concerns include equality, mental

health, and climate change (Tresa, 2023). Furthermore, social influencers have the power to

affect how the younger generations relate to one another. Social media influencers might, for

instance, exhort their followers to participate in constructive social activities like volunteering or

donating to charitable organizations.

On the other hand, social media influencers could also incite their followers to participate in

harmful social interactions, such trolling or cyberbullying. Without a question, adolescents are

influenced by social media influencers in both positive and negative ways, so it's critical to

consider the possible outcomes of your interactions with others on social media (Miller, 2022).

It's critical to understand that influencers are not always negative or destructive. Many use their

platforms to spread uplifting ideas about social justice, mental health awareness, and body

positivity. But it's crucial to evaluate the information we take in critically and consider the

reasons behind it. Influencers not only encourage bad habits but can also harm the emotional

health of young people. Because social networking sites are made to be addicting, a lot of young

people spend hours reading through their feeds, feeling inadequate and comparing themselves to

others. Young individuals may believe that they are falling short of their peers or the perfect

image of themselves that they see online due to influencers' carefully chosen and edited

information, which can distort their perception of reality (The Impact of Social Media Influencers

on Young Minds: Navigating the Positive and Negative Effects, 2023).

SMIs for Social Change

Influencers wield considerable power to drive social change by leveraging their platforms to

amplify important causes and advocate for positive societal shifts.

According to Influencio (2023), Since the young generation are the catalyst for change, it is

important to give them a voice and make sure that the leaders of tomorrow are prepared to lead

the world toward a better future. There is no denying the role that influencers play in promoting

social change. They are powerful catalysts for a better society because of their reach,

genuineness, and capacity to inspire large numbers of people.

Social media will keep evolving into a quicker, smarter, and sleeker form of communication as

more people come to understand that one person's voice may reach billions. This will help

societies overcome obstacles in fresh, more collaborative ways (Schaffer, 2024).


In conclusion, the impact of social media influencers on the young generation is undeniably

profound and multifaceted. These influencers hold immense power to shape the attitudes,

behaviors, and aspirations of today's youth through their carefully curated content and influential

presence. While they can serve as sources of inspiration and motivation, providing a sense of

connection and community, they also raise concerns regarding authenticity, ethical responsibility,

and the perpetuation of unrealistic standards.

Moreover, the pervasive influence of influencers has transformed the landscape of youth culture,

blurring the lines between entertainment, advertising, and genuine connection. As we navigate

this complex terrain, it is crucial to critically evaluate the role of influencers and empower young

people to discern between aspirational content and genuine self-expression. Ultimately, fostering

media literacy and promoting a balanced approach to social media consumption are vital in

mitigating the potential negative impacts and harnessing the positive potential of social media

influencers on the young generation.

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