Visual Time Schedule

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Visual timeschedule Lambda's work Ödåkra_rev06

Centrumkoppling / Activity park

6/3 - 13/5
Bridge 17 east side 14/12 - 10/3

Stairs week 12-14

(not Lambda)
Walls over
Northeast walls northern Björkavägen East
ramp 1/3-4/4 Northeast walls 21/11-24/03
Avtäckning 17/04 - 15/05 25/04-16/05
Southeast walls 27/2 - 5/5
Avtäckning 14/6 - 9/8

Small stair (not Lambda)

dates to be confirmed

Southwest walls 11/4 28/3 - 9/6

Walls over Avtäckning 7/8 - 11/9
Northwest walls 10/10-23/12 Björkavägen West
Avtäckning 13/02 - 10/03 25/04 17/3 -16/5

Curved ret. wall 11/01 - 30/01 Curved ret. walls 07/11-23/12

dismantling form 11,01.2023

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