Module 2 and 3 QB

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MODULE-2 and 3 Question Bank


1. Which of the following devices is suitable for the removal of

gaseous pollutants?

a. Cyclone separator b. Fabric filter c. Electrostatic precipitator d.

Wet collector (scrubber)

2 Air pollution from automobiles can be controlled by fitting

a. Electrostatic precipitator b. Wet collector c. Catalytic converter d.

All the above

3 The major automobile pollutants include

a. CO, NOx, Hydrocarbons & SPM b. CO, NOx, Hydrocarbons
& CH4

c. CO2, NOx, Hydrocarbons & SPM d. CO, NOx, Freons &


4 CNG came to effect in

a Dec 2002 b. Dec 2004 c. Jan 2000 d. 2013 july

5. Alternative eco-friendly fuel for automobiles is

a. Petrol b. Diesel c. CNG d. Kerosene

6. Increase of asthma attacks has been linked to high levels of

a. N2 b. O2 c. Airborne dust particles d. All the above

7. Which of the following is not a solution for global warming?

a. Reducing fossil fuel consumption b. planting more trees

c. Deforestation d. None of these

8. Global warming could affect

a. Climate b. Food production c. Melting of glaciers d. All the


9. Global warming may bring about the following change in climate of earth.

a. Increase in rainfall b. Desertification c. Drought d.

All the above

10. Which of the following is air pollutant?

a. CO2 b. O2 c. N2 d. particulate matter

11. Smog is
a A natural phenomenon b. Combination of smoke and fog c.
Colorless d. All the above
12. Which of the following are natural sources of air pollution?
a Volcanic eruption b. Solar flair c. Earth quake d. All

13. Which among the following is a Secondary air pollutant?

a PAN b. Smog c.HCHO d.All of these

14. Greenhouse gases are

a. Nitrous oxide b. CH4 c.CO2 d.All
15. ‘OTEC’ is an energy technology that converts

a) energy in large tides of ocean to generate electricity b) energy in ocean

waves to generate electricity
c) energy in ocean due to thermal gradient to generate electricity d) None of

16. Which greenhouse gas is known as colorless, non-flammable, sweetish

odour & laughing gas?
a) Methane b) Nitrous oxide c) Carbon monoxide d) sulphur
a) 5.7 b) 7.0 c) 8.5 d) 7.5
18 Which of the following is the remedial measure for acid rain?
a) Reducing the release of oxides of nitrogen and sulphur into the
b) Use of coal free from sulphur
c) Use of electrostatic precipitator and catalytic converters
d) All the above
19. Acid rain can be controlled by
a) Reducing SO2 and NO2 emissions b) Increasing
number of lakes
c) Reducing oxygen emission d) increasing the forest cover
20 Acid Rain effects
a. Soil b. Pants c. Monuments d. All
21 The primary cause of the acid rain around the world is
a) CFC b) SO2 c) CO d) O3
22 International protocols to protect ozone layer is
a Kyoto protocol b Montreal c.Vienna d. Delhi
23.The effect of Acid rain
a) Reduces soil fertility b) All of these
c) Causing respiratory problems d) Skin cancer
24 Major compound responsible for the destruction of stratospheric ozone
layer is
a) Oxygen b) CFC c) Carbon dioxide d) Methane
25 Ozone layer thickness is measured in
a) PPM b) PPB c) Decibels (Db) d) Dobson units
26. Ozone layer absorbs
a) UV rays b) Infrared rays
c) Cosmic rays d) CO
27. Each chlorine free radical can destroy the following number of ozone
a) 1000 b) 10,000 c) 1, 00,000 d) 10000000
28. Ozone hole was first discovered over
a) Arctic b) Antarctica c) Tropical region d) Africa
29.CFC’s have been used as
a) Solvent b) Refrigerants
c) Blowing agents for polymer forms d) All of these
30.World ozone day is being celebrated on
a) September 5th b) October 15th
c) September 16th d) September 11th
31. The leader of Chipko movement is
a) Sunderlal Bahuguna b) Medha Patkar
c) Shantamma d) Suresh Heblikar
32. Ozone layer is present in
a) Stratosphere b) Mesosphere c) Thermosphere d)
33 The air prevention and control of pollution act was enacted in the year
a. 1987 b. 1974 c 1981 d 1986
34. Bhopal gas tragedy 1984 Dec 3 was caused due to leakage of
a. MIC (methyl isocyanide) b CH4 c SO2 d. CO
35 Freons are also called
a Ozone b Hydrocarbons c Methane d Solvents
36. Which of the following is not a green house gas?
a) Hydrochlorofluorocarbons b) Methane c) CO2 d) SO2
37. Formation of ozone layer is explained by
a. Rosenmund reaction b. Henderson’s reaction
c. Chapman’s reaction. d. Perkin’s reaction
38.The protocol that reduces greenhouse gas emissions are
a) Kyoto protocol b) Cartagena protocol
c) Montreal protocol d) Vienna protocol


1. Environmental pollution is due to

c. Rapid urbanization b. Deforestation c. Afforestation d. a
and b
2. Mining practices lead to
a. Population growth b. Rapid urbanization c. Loss of grazing and
fertile land d. None of these
3. Temporary hardness of water is due to
a. Chloride b. calcium c. Carbonate d None
4. The liquid waste from baths and kitchens is called
a. Sullage b. Domestic sewage c. Storm waste d. Run off
5. BOD means
a. Biological oxygen demand b. Biochemical oxygen demand c.
Biophysical oxygen demand d. All
6. Physical pollution of water is due to
a. Dissolved oxygen b. Turbidity c. pH d. None of these

7. Sound beyond which of the following level can be regarded as a pollutant?

a. 40dB b. 80dB c. 120dB d. 150dB
8. Definition of noise is
a. Loud sound b. Unwanted sound
c. Constant sound d. Sound of high frequency
9. Noise pollution limits at residential area
a. 45dB b. 80dB c. 55dB d. 90dB
10. Noise pollution limits in industrial area
a. 45dB b. 80dB c.65dB d. 90dB
11. The noise is measured in
a. Decibels b. Joule c. ppm d. cm
12. Population explosion will cause
a. Biodiversity b. Stress on ecosystem c. More employment d. None of
13. Which of the following is having high population density?
a. India b. China c. USA d. Western Europe
14. Urbanization is
a. Local environmental issue b. National environmental issue c. Both
a and b d. not at all an issue
15. Which of the following is the ill effect of urbanization?
a. Decrease in agricultural land b. Loss of greenery c. Loss of water
bodies d. All the above
16. The major objective of family welfare programme in India is
a. Disease control b. Population growth rate
c. Employment generation d. None of these
17. Demography is the study of ----------------------.
a. Animal growth b. Human population c. Child growth d none
18. Global warming could affect
a. Climate b. Food production
c. Melting of glaciers d. All the above
19 Which of the following is biodegradable pollutant
a DDT b Sewage c CFC d Freons
20 DDT was discovered by
a Paul muller b Charles Elton c Ernst haekel d Charnole
21 Pesticide which caused physical deformities in infants of kasargod and
mangalore areas
a DDT b Endosulphan c Amitraz d None
22 Liquid waste from bathroom & Kitchen is
a Sullage b Storm off c Run off d None
23 Which as highest women literacy
a Kerala b Karnataka c west Bengal d Goa

SET 3: Extra Questions

1. Blue baby syndrome (methaemoglobinemia) is caused by the contamination

of water due
a. Cadmium b. Sulphur c. Arsenic d. Nitrates
2. India has the largest share of which of the following?
a. Manganese b. Mica c. Copper d. Diamond
3. What is the permissible range of pH of drinking water as per Indian
a. 6 – 9 b. 6.5 - 7.5 c. 6 - 8.5 d. 6.5 - 8.5
4. What is the maximum allowable concentration of fluorides in drinking
a. 1.0 mg/L b. 1.25 mg/L c.1.5 mg/L d. 1.75 mg/L
5. Excess of fluorides in drinking water is likely to cause --------------------.
a. malaria b . Hepatitis c. Fluorosis d. None
6. Nitrogen fixing bacteria exists in ------------------- of plants.
a. Roots b stem c leaf d. Bark
7. Identify the non renewable source of energy from the following?
a. Coal b. Fuel cells
c. Wind power d. Wave power
8. Which of the following is most environmentally friendly agriculture?
a. Use of chemical fertilizers & insecticides.
b. Use of insecticides & organic fertilizers.
c. Use of organic fertilizers & alternate methods of insect control.
d. Use of chemical fertilizers & alternate methods of insect control.
9. Forest rich area in Karnataka is found in -------------------------------.
a. Western ghats b. Banerghatta c. mysore d. Kodagu
10.Among the fresh water available in earth, the percentage of surface water is
about ----
a. 0.01 b. 0.05 c 0.5 d. None
11.Cholera & typhoid are caused by
a. Worms b. Virus c. Bacteria d. Fungus
12.Which of the following is not a natural mineral?
a. Asbestos b. Feldspar c. Phosphate d. Nitrogen

13.In India, ------------------ % of its geological area is covered by forests?

a. 19 b. 43% c. 13% d. 33%
14.Fixation of Nitrogen is done by
a. Lightening b. Nitrogen fixing bacteria
c. Fertilizers d. All the above
15. Maximun allowed iron content in drinking water according to BIS std is
a. 1.5 mg/ltr b. 2 mg/ltr. c. 1 mg/ltr d 6mg/ltr
16. SO2 is used in
b. Paper manufacture
c. Textile manufacture
d. Processing of fossil fuels
e. Both a & b
17.Cholera , Typhoid, Hepatitis-A and E are the diseases caused due to
f. Contaminated water b. Solar radiation
c. Radioactivity d. Electromagnetic radiation
18. Filaria is a/ an ---------- disease
g. Epidemicb.Endemic c. Sporadic d. None
19. Nekton refers to
h. Swimming marine animals
i. Plant with fresh leaves to store water
j. Microscopic organism that float and drift in water k none
20. Dental caries in children may be caused due to water supplies deficient in
k. Calcium b. Iron c. Fluorides d. None of these
21. Chernobyl nuclear disaster occurred in the year
a. 1984 b. 1952 c. 1986 d. 1987
22. Which of the following is not a renewable source of energy?
a. Fossil fuels b. solar energy c. Tidal wave energy d. Wind energy

23. Which resources are inexhaustible?

a. Renewable b. Fossil fuel c. Non-Renewable d. Mineral
24. Identify the non-renewable source of energy?
a. Coal b. Fuel cells c. wind power d. Wave power
25Which of the following is considered as an alternative fuel?
a. CNG b. Kerosene c. Coal d. Petrol
26. Electromagnetic radiation can cause
a. Plague b. Dengue fever c. Cancer d. Malaria
27. Harnessing the wind energy is done by
a. Wind mill b. Ball mill c. Flour mill d. None
28. LPG is mixture of
a. Butane & Heptane b. Propane & Hexane
c Decane & Octane d. Propane & Butane
29. Nuclear waste is active for
a. 5years b. 10years c. 50years d. Centuries
30. Nuclear power plant in Karnataka is located at ----------------.
a Bellary b Kaiga c Bijapur d Gundya
31. Fossil fuels are converted into energy by
a. Burning b. Cooling c. Sublimation d. Melting
32 Which of the following is used as a moderator in a nuclear reactor?
a. Graphite b. Be c. Heavy water d. All the above
33. Natural gas contains
a. CO2 b. H2 c. CH4 d. N2
34. Cow dung can be used
a. As manure b. For production of biogas c. As fuel d. All
the above
35 Maximum allowed iron content in drinking water is
a. 1 mg/l b. 0.3 mg/l c. 0.4 mg/l d. 0.5 mg/l
36. Mathemoglobinemia is caused by contamination of water due to
a. mercury b Nitrate c Arsenic d Nitrates
37 HIV can be transmitted to humans through which media
a Air b Blood c Virus d Hereditory
38 Mineral resources are
a Renewable b Nonrenewable c Fossil fuels d Sedimentary rocks
39 Control of water borne disease can be attained by
a Defloridation b Disinfection c Sterilization d Vaccination
40 Eutrophication means
a Quality of water in lakes b Enrichment of plant nutrients in water
c Water purification metod d None
41 Effect of carbon monoxide on blood causes
a H2CO3 b COHb c CO2Hb d HbCO2
42 World aids day is on
a Dec 1 b Dec 6 c 15 Nov d 18 June
43 water contaminated with cadmium causes
a Itai Itai b Ouch Ouch c Both a &b d None
44 Water borne diseases can spread rapidly by
a Proper sanitation b Improper sanitation c Improve sanitation d
45 About …………% of the earth’s surface is covered by water
a) 53% b) 19% c) 71% d) 90%
46 What percentage of its geographical area of a country should be under
forest cover?
a) 23% b) 43% c) 13% d) 33
47 Out of the following nutrients in fertilizer, which one causes minimum
a) Nitrogen b) Phosphorous c) Potassium d) Organic matter
48 Conversion of ammonium to NO3 by chemical oxidation is termed as
a Mineralisation b. Leaching c. Nitrification d none
49 Sulphur occurs in soil and rocks in the form of ______
a. Oxides of Zn & Fe b Sulphates of Zn c. Nitrates of Zn d.
Sulphides Zn & Fe
50 Which of the following is not a natural mineral?
a) Asbestos b) feldspar c) Phosphate d) Nitrogen
51The most important fuel used by nuclear power plant is
a) U – 235 b) U- 238 c) U – 245 d) U – 248
52 Biogas is produced by
a) Microbial activity b) Harvesting crop c) Both a) & b) d) None of the
above 53 Which of the following is less Ecofriendly
a Biogas b wind c Solar d nuclear
54 Hydrogen can be tapped through
a Heat pumps b Solar cells c None d Fuel cells
56 Nuclear power is being produced from
a Carbon-14 b) nuclear fission c) petroleum combustion d) natural gas
57 Biomass consists of
a Lignin b) Hemi cellulose c) Cellulose d) All of the above
SET 4: Extra Questions

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