Beyond The Textbook Research Paper Proposal

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Emma Leahy

For my “Beyond the Textbook Research Paper”, I will be researching sexism and the
treatment of Native American Women. This topic really grabbed my attention because I didn't
know there was prejudice against women in tribes until taking this course, and I am also very
interested in gender equality in general. I very recently learned about the murders of Indigenous
women and I immediately wanted to know more and if it was a world-wide issue throughout
tribes. The primary source I have chosen is the documentary titled, “Our Sisters in Spirit (2018).”
I chose this source because the documentary shows indigenous women talking about their first
hand experiences. The documentary also discusses the missing and murdered indigenous
women and girls in Canada. The topic I chose matters because I don’t think any people are
aware of this issue and it is incredibly immoral and actions should be taken to protect the lives
of Indigenous women and girls, and it also ties into the treatment of ALL indigenous people and
the prejudices they face. I anticipate I will be researching different tribes and how the women
within those tribes are treated. I also will do more research on the missing and murdered
indigenous women in Canada and research what the government did to help, if anything. I think
this will be a very eye-opening topic for everyone because it is such a heavy topic. I think it will
be interesting to see the difference between how women are treated in tribes vs. our society.

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