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SOP FB ADS - 19-01-2023

Phase 1: Testing :
We test our products in CBO campaigns. The structure is very simple, we always take 3
interests on €50 adspend:

● Broad | Creative 1 | Creative 2

● Engaged shoppers | Creative 1 | Creative 2
● Online shopping | Creative 1 | Creative 2

Per adset we always put 2 creatives! We limit it to this amount because this works best for

If the campaign is profitable/ break even day 1

We keep it running for another day

If the campaign is profitable/ break even day 2

We keep it running for another day

If the campign is profitable/ break even day 3

Check the profit margins of the product. If it has at least 15% profit margin we can start scaling
this product.

Maintanance of the campaign:

In CBO’s we never turn off adsets or turn off creatives. We try to give FB as much as space as
possible to optimize and we see that whenever we turn off something in the CBO when its
running good already, the optimization goes totally bad.

Phase 2: Scaling
Now the fun part about the media buying! We can start scaling the shit out of the winning

Now it depends how your CBO has been performing in the last few days, because
depending on the profit margin we recommend the following strategies:
The rules for this are:
20%+ Profit margin --> Increase 20% budget every day
30%+ Profit margin --> Double the budget
If you see the day after you scaled the budget that the ROAS is good, keep scaling 20% every
3-4 hours

In this phase, we simply double the budget in the campaign(Scaling vertically) + we duplicate
the campaign with double the budget(Scaling horizontally. And we let it run for 24 hours.
You can decide to kill a campaign if it spent 50% of the budget and its unprofitable. But make
sure to relaunch it for the next day!

After the first day of scaling, you want to see which scaling method works the best.

You will either see:

-Horizontal scaling works better - or
-Vertical scaling.

Make sure to triple down on the method that works the best for you and in specific in your ad
account. Because every single ad accounts reacts differently on scaling methods.

If you have a good winner, you will see that both scaling methods work amazing. Than just keep
on doing both methods while scaling the shit out of the product.

If you see after a few days that the campaign is getting worse results, maybe even getting
unprofitable - I wouldnt recommend to turn off the campaign.

Instead we downscale the budgets with 50% - and let it run for another 24 hours to see how its

Phase 3: Creative Testing

Never waste the potential of a good winner by not testing new creatives & sales angles As
soon as we have a winner, we start testing new creatives immediately. A single creative
doesn't last forever, so we need to make sure we keep building up our momentum by
testing new creatives.
We'll test 2 new creatives every day. The structure we use for this is basically the same
structure as we use for our product testing.
CBO €50 with 3 adsets, which are:

● Broad | Creative 3 | Creative 4

● Engaged shoppers | Creative 3 | Creative 4
● Online shopping - | Creative 3 | Creative 4
The same rules apply as our basic test KPI's to determine of the creatives are winners or not.

Scaling winning creatives:

As soon as we have winning creatives, we scale them on the exact same way as we explained
in"Phase 2: Scaling"

Phase 4: Surfscaling

What would the use of new winning creatives and profitable campaigns are if we couldn’t
scale the shit out of them?

Whenever we have CBO campaigns running with a budget above €300, we can start surf
scaling with them. This means that we basically start scaling these campaigns very aggressively
right before the peak moments of the day. (9AM - 12PM - 4PM - 6PM)

For us right now, surfscaling doesnt work that good during weekdays, but in weekends
its really powerful.

Apply these rules to your scaling:

0.5 Above BER = Scale 20%

1.0 Above BER = Scale 50%
1.5 Above BER = Scale 100%
2+ Above BER = Scale 300%

**BER = Break Even Roas

!! Check the ads every 2 hours in case you surf scaled with higher budgets than the
regular daily budget !!

Make sure that, at the end of the day, you reset your campaign budget again to the
starting budget you had at the beginning of the day.

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