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Slice of Sydney Design Task : Materials Properties and

Driving Question or Challenge: How can we design and create
a model of a significant Sydney or Blue Mountains natural or
man-made landmark or symbol that showcases its importance?
How do the properties of materials determine their use in my
Using the design process, design and make a significant NSW
landmark or symbol. Use and manipulate a range of materials
suitable for the purpose of your model. Design and make the
model, then showcase it to the class/hub. Evaluate and provide
feedback on different models and design.

1) Identify and define the problem?

2) What is your model of NSW landmark or symbol going
to be?
3) What materials will you use to make your model and
how will the materials’ properties be suitable for their
purposes in your design.
4) Plan and draw your design ideas. Label the materials you
will use.
5) List the steps you plan to take to make your model.
6) Construct a model of your design.
7) Show and share model with class/hub members. Explain
how the materials you used helped you construct your
6) Evaluate the effectiveness of the materials’ used for their
purposes in the construction of your model.
Design Evaluation Questions
How could the model be improved?
What worked? What didn’t?
Are you happy with your model?
Does it look like your design?

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