Drama Lesson Plan Claire Raison

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Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Template

Name: Claire Raison Lesson Title: Mirrors!

Date: 4/7/2024 Grade Level:Toddler Circle one: ECE PKSN
Domain: Creative Development
Strand: Creativity and Play
Statement: 2.a. Develops ability to express new ideas through imagination and inventive play
Domian: Physical Development and Wellness
Strand: Motor Development
Standard: 1.a. Develops competency in a variety of locomotor and non-locomotor skills.

Pre-assessment of current knowledge: Maybe if some of the students had been talking about seeing plays or puppet shows they would be excited about
theater, also most children have looked in a mirror before and seen how a reflection works which is why I feel I could do the activity with toddlers.

Instructional Objectives (1-2) Assessment of Student Learning Learning Experience

One/Two Assessed Instructional Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or record as data Academic Language:
Objective(s): The student will be to demonstrate students have met your objective(s) and - Mirroring
able to... skill?) - Acting
- Observe and imitate the - I will take a video of each pair of students doing a - Theater
actions of others. short mirroring activity
- Move their whole body in - I will take note of the movements they do and put Procedural steps:
order to achieve the goal whether they are locomotor or non locomotor. Ex. If 1. I will have all the students come to one area and sit
of repeating the other the student wants to stretch their arm I will record it in a circle
student's action as non locomotor. 2. In the circle, I ask if any of the children have been to
a play before. I will then explain that in the theater
where people act, they do warm up activities and one
One Assessed Developmental Program Monitoring: (How will you aggregate or compile of those is called mirroring
Skill: your evidence into a class or group view?) 3. I then will have the students stand up in a line
- Locomotor and non 4. I will bring out a full body mirror and tell them to do
locomotor skills - I will take videos of all the children doing the an action with their body and watch their reflection.
mirroring acting activity and upload them into a class 5. I think will explain do you see how your reflection
Google Slides or doc so that they can look through it copied you? Now you are going to be a mirror of your
Safety Considerations: as a class, as well as parents, can see it. partner
- Make sure students are - On the slide or doc, below their video I will write a 6. I will split the children into pairs
spread out so they don’t hit description of their motor or nonmotor skills 7. I will instruct the students to take turns doing a move
each other such as waving their arm or jumping and their partner
Differentiation: has to try and follow their exact same movements.
- If I had a child who maybe couldn’t stand or was in a 8. I will take videos as this is happening
wheel chair I would have them and their partner sit

Rev. 1/2024
Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Template

and complete the activity rather than stand as it can

be done sitting.
Authentic Materials: (Describe authentic real-life, hands-on
- Full body mirror

Adult Roles:

- Take videos
- Take notes
- Show example
- Hold full body mirror

Resources & References:

Reflection: (What have you learned about your students? How will this inform future instruction?)

Rev. 1/2024

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