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1) All living things need _________ to breath.

a) water b) air c) soil d) food

2) Air help to fly ___________

a) Bird b) kite c) aeroplane d) all of this

3) Air is___________.
a) In the bottle b) river
c) at home d) everywhere

4) Air is a mixture of many _________.

a) Gases b) water c) wind d) garbage

5) Moving air is called ___________.

a) Breeze b) storm c) wind d) rain

6) Air becomes dirty due to _________.

a) dust b) smoke c) germs d) all of these

7) The chimneys in the factories release ___________.

a) smoke b) wind c) rain d) heat

8) On festivals wish you avoid ____________.

a) wearing new clothes b) eating sweets
c) decorating house d) bursting crackers

9) When the wind blows gently it is called __________.

a) rain b) wind c) breeze d) storm
10) The vehicles which give out smoke are _____________.
a) Scooter b) car c) trucks d) all of these

11) We breath in ____________.

a) Oxygen b) carbon dioxide c) nitrogen d) dust

12) When there is strong wind along with the rain it is

a) Breeze b) storm c) wind d) heat

13) Air is very important for _______________.

a) Plants b) birds & animals
c) human beings d) all of these

14) To get fresh air one should go to ______________.

a) hospital b) market c) park d) bus stop

15) While sleeping do not cover your ____________.

a) foot b) face c) hands d) body

1) B
2) D
3) D
4) A
5) C
6) D
7) A
8) D
9) C
10) D
11) A
12) B
13) D
14) C
15) B

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