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Grade 10 Group A 16/10/2023

Office Administration
Group Members: Hannalize Porter, Jade Smith and Shanelle Sankey

Channels of Definition Examples


Directional Directional communication is a ● Broadcast News: Television news

one-way flow of information broadcasts provide information to
from a sender to one or more viewers without direct interaction
receivers. It is typically
or feedback from the audience.
characterised by the absence of
immediate feedback. ● Company Announcements:
When a company sends out an
email to all its employees with
important updates or instructions,
it's a form of directional

Electronic Electronic communication ● Email: Sending a work-related

encompasses various forms of message or a personal note to
information exchange using someone through email is a
digital devices and technology, common form of electronic
like email, instant messaging, communication.
and social media. ● Social Media Posts: Sharing
updates, photos, or videos on
platforms like Facebook or
Twitter is another example of
electronic communication.

Oral Oral communication is the ● Examples of oral communication

exchange of information, ideas, include face-to-face
or messages through spoken conversations, telephone
words. It involves the direct discussions, video calls, business
interaction between individuals, meetings, classroom lectures, and
utilising verbal expression for public speeches. Essentially, any
effective and immediate form of communication where
conveyance of thoughts. information is exchanged through
spoken words without written or
textual mediums qualifies as oral

Written Written communication involves ● Business Reports: Writing a

the exchange of information, formal report that outlines a
ideas, or messages through company's financial performance
written words. It provides a or market analysis is a common
permanent record and is often form of written communication
used for formal or detailed in the business world.
information sharing. ● Handwritten Letters: Sending a
letter to a friend or family
member through the postal
service is an example of written

Visual Visual communication is the use Examples of Visual Communication:

of visual elements to convey
ideas and information using ● Advertising Billboards- a large
symbols, graphs, videos, charts outdoor advertising structure,
and images. typically found in areas alongside
the roads which is used to
communicate messages or
produce a large audience visually.

● Infographics- Creating an
infographic to illustrate data or
statistics visually is a form of
visual communication commonly
used in marketing and education.

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