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Directions (1-5): Each item in this section consists of a sentence with an underlined word

followed by four words/group of words. Select the option that is nearest in meaning to
the underlined word and mark your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly.

Q1. The team decided to apportion the resources equitably among all its members.
(a) Allocate
(b) Hoard
(c) Withhold
(d) Concentrate

S1. Ans.(a)
Sol. "Apportion" means to distribute or assign, and its synonym "allocate" refers to the same
action of distributing resources or assigning tasks.

Q2. The motivational speaker aimed to impel the audience towards positive change.
(a) Deter
(b) Encourage
(c) Restrain
(d) Dupe

S2. Ans.(b)
Sol. "Impel" means to urge or drive forward, and its synonym "encourage" means to inspire or
give support, especially towards positive action.

Q3. The gymnast performed with lissome grace, captivating the audience with every move.
(a) Perpetual
(b) Rigid
(c) Nimble
(d) Uncoordinated

S3. Ans.(c)
Sol. "Lissome" describes someone who is agile and graceful. Its synonym "nimble" also refers
to someone who is quick and light in movement.

Q4. Unexpected challenges may supervene during the implementation of any plan.
(a) Precede
(b) Elude
(c) Forbid
(d) Occur

S4. Ans.(d)
Sol. “Supervene" means to happen unexpectedly or follow as a consequence. Its synonym
"occur" also means to happen or take place.

Q5. The air was redolent with the aroma of freshly baked bread from the nearby bakery.
(a) Murky
(b) Fragrant
(c) Odorless
(d) Repugnant
S5. Ans.(b)
Sol. “Redolent" describes something having a pleasant smell. Its synonym "fragrant" also
describes something having a sweet or pleasing aroma.

Directions (6-10): Each item in this section consists of a sentence with an underlined word
followed by four words/group of words. Select the option that is opposite in meaning to
the underlined word and mark your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly.

Q6. The manager's attempt to denigrate the reputation of his competitor only served to
highlight his own lack of professionalism.
(a) Belittle
(b) Praise
(c) Regenerate
(d) Ignore

S6. Ans.(b)
Sol. "Denigrate" means to criticize or defame, and "praise" is its antonym, indicating the
expression of approval or admiration.

Q7. His morbid fascination with death often led him to explore dark and unsettling topics.
(a) Cheerful
(b) Transitory
(c) Grim
(d) Eerie

S7. Ans.(a)
Sol. "Morbid" refers to an unhealthy fascination with unpleasant subjects, and "cheerful" is its
antonym, suggesting a positive and happy disposition.

Q8. He managed to wile his opponent into revealing their strategy during the intense chess
(a) Ensnare
(b) Beguile
(c) Draw
(d) Displease

S8. Ans.(d)
Sol. "Wile" means to fool, trap, or lure another and “displease” is its antonym meaning to cause
dissatisfaction, unhappiness, or annoyance.

Q9. The professor took umbrage at the student's critique of his research paper, leading to a
tense classroom atmosphere.
(a) Huff
(b) Ire
(c) Pleasure
(d) Indignation

S9. Ans.(c)
Sol. "Umbrage" means offense or resentment and "pleasure” which means a feeling of
happiness or enjoyment is its correct antonym.

Q10. The author's writing style was anything but pellucid, often leaving readers confused and
(a) Elongated
(b) Assailing
(c) Grave
(d) Obscure

S10. Ans.(d)
Sol. "Pellucid" means clear and easy to understand, and "obscure" is its antonym, suggesting
unclear and difficult to understand.

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