Module LESSON 7

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Name:______________________________________ DEADLINE: April 23/26, 2024



I. Activating Prior Knowledge

• Are you ready for your next topic? I’m sure you are! As a start, let’s do this preparatory activity
especially prepared for you.
• List down some technology you see, or you use at home, at school or in your community, and in
social media.
• Categorize them according to their purpose (transportation, communication, education, etc.).
• Describe briefly how you use these technologies you mention.


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II. Discussion: When technology and humanity cross… will it be a convergence or a clash between man

Television sets, Mobile phones, Computers, and Humanity

Television sets, mobile phones, and computers are ubiquitous in homes worldwide, serving as essential
tools for various purposes. Television, a cornerstone of entertainment and information dissemination, remains a top
choice for advertising globally. It's not just a source of leisure but also a platform for advocacy and family bonding,
particularly in cultures like the Philippines.

Mobile phones, initially designed for communication, have evolved into multifunctional devices with
features catering to diverse needs. Their portability and versatility make them preferred over traditional models,
appealing to a broad audience. Additionally, their compact size ensures convenience, fitting seamlessly into pockets
or bags.

Computers and laptops offer extensive capabilities, from internet browsing to communication. Many
individuals prefer them for work due to their ergonomic design and enhanced functionality compared to mobile
phones. With spacious keyboards and screens, coupled with mouse or touchpad navigation, they facilitate efficient
multitasking. Moreover, they provide optimal gaming experiences for enthusiasts, offering comfort and convenience.

These technological advancements have revolutionized daily life, providing tools for communication,
entertainment, and productivity. Their widespread use underscores their importance in modern society, shaping
how individuals interact and engage with the world around them.
Ethical Dilemma Faced by This Technological Advancements

The widespread use of technological devices brings forth ethical dilemmas that warrant consideration. One
primary concern is the potential negative impact on individuals, particularly children, regarding their health and
social well-being. Excessive use of devices such as television, computers, and mobile phones can lead to sedentary
lifestyles, contributing to laziness and various health issues.

Moreover, prolonged engagement with technology may result in social alienation, as individuals become
increasingly absorbed in virtual interactions rather than engaging with others face-to-face. This isolation can lead to
a sense of disconnection from society, potentially exacerbating mental health issues.

Furthermore, there's a moral dilemma surrounding the exposure of children to inappropriate content through
these devices. Despite efforts to implement safeguards, children often encounter unsuitable material online due to
unrestricted access. This exposure can significantly impact their development and worldview, making them
vulnerable to negative influences.

While children bear limited responsibility in navigating these challenges, adults play a crucial role in
supervising and guiding their usage of technological devices. It's essential for parents and caregivers to monitor and
regulate children's access to technology, ensuring they're exposed to age-appropriate content and fostering
responsible usage habits.

Ultimately, addressing these ethical dilemmas requires a collective effort from both technological
innovators and society. By promoting awareness, implementing effective safeguards, and fostering responsible
usage, we can mitigate the adverse effects of technology and promote its positive impact on individuals and society.

Robotics and Their Impact on Society

Robotics has emerged as a remarkable innovation, with service robots becoming increasingly prevalent in
various aspects of daily life. These robots, designed to assist with specific tasks, aim to alleviate the burden on
humans and enhance efficiency. One notable initiative in this realm is Germany's DESIRE project, which seeks to
advance service robotics through innovation and collaboration. Tasks such as tidying up spaces and performing
household chores are among the expected contributions of these robots.

The roles played by robotics extend beyond mere assistance, encompassing entertainment and
companionship as well. Robots can entertain people in amusement parks or serve as child-friendly toys, offering joy
and amusement to users.However, the integration of robotics into society brings forth ethical dilemmas that warrant
careful consideration. Safety concerns arise regarding the accountability for accidents involving robots. Moreover,
the prospect of robots developing emotions raises questions about their rights and ethical treatment by humans.

In broader discussions of advanced technology, moral and ethical issues abound. Genetic engineering and
biotechnology present dilemmas surrounding the manipulation of living organisms and the potential consequences
for future generations. Similarly, the use of technology can lead to environmental degradation and health concerns,
highlighting the need for responsible innovation and stewardship.

Furthermore, advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) raise concerns about the implications of
superintelligence surpassing human capabilities. Questions about the ethical implications of AI development,
surveillance technology, and the ethical boundaries of scientific exploration underscore the complex and
philosophical nature of these discussions.

Ultimately, as technology continues to evolve, it's essential to maintain a balanced approach, prioritizing
ethical considerations alongside technological progress. Embracing technology as a tool rather than allowing it to
define us is crucial in navigating the ethical challenges of the digital age. Striving for a harmonious integration of
technology and humanity, while upholding ethical principles, is key to shaping a sustainable and equitable future.
III. Application
1. From the graphic organizer you completed at the very start of this section, choose one technology in
each category and give their risks and benefits as regards to their purpose. Explain briefly each point
you included.

2. “My Ideal Technology”. Think of an issue (be it environmental, economical, transportation, etc.), and
come up with a technology that would somehow address the issue. Give a description of the features
of your technology. What are its benefits and drawbacks to society?

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