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-------------------------INTRODUCCIÓN ------------------------

Ok, everything is ready and we can start your training.

PTS (Permission To Speak) is now in effect.

Welcome to Basic Combat Training. I am ColdenFreddy, your Drill Sergeant.

Throughout the remainder of this training, you are to refer to me as “Drill

Sergeant” and “Drill Sergeant” only.

Is that understood?

You are expected to listen to my every order, request, and expectation.

You shall not speak unless I permit you to.

You shall remain disciplined and respect those around you.

Throughout this training, you will work as a team.

You must remain alert. I am expecting you to respond in a timely manner.

To prove that you are the better soldier, you must complete this Basic Combat

You must show respect, dedication, and firmness throughout the course. Failure will
result in punishment or dropout.

You will be required to take notes throughout this training as there will be a
final examination at the end to test what you have been taught.

To take notes you can use the !notepad command you can also use your computer's

------------------------DRILL COMMANDS---------------------

Alright, now I'll introduce you to the drill commands.

STS (Shoulder To Shoulder) - On the command of “STS”, the soldiers are expected to
form a straight horizontal line in front of me. Arms should not be touching and
there should be 5 per line.

S-F-L (Single File Line) - On the command of “SFL”, all individuals are expected to
form an orderly line behind the host and be prepared to march from that position.

Attention - On the command of “Attention”, all soldiers in the formation must

fixate into a proper posture. Arms are fixed at the sides while the head and eyes
are locked ahead. [Prefix - Z+ H]

Present Arms - On the command of “Present Arms”, all soldiers in the formation must
render a hand salute. [Prefix - Z + J]

Order Arms - On the command of “Order Arms”, all soldiers in the formation must
drop their salute and return to Attention. [Prefix - Z + H]

Any questions about drill commands?

-------------------------OBSTACLE COURSE-----------------------------------

Welcome to the obstacle course portion of your training.

During this portion, you will be required to complete this course as a team within
4 minutes.

Failure to do so could result in your dismissal from the training, or extra jumping
jacks during the next portion of this training.

The point in doing this is to implement the idea of teamwork and comradery amongst
all personnel as you pass your training.

Remember, you must complete this as a team within 4 minutes.

Any questions about obstacle course?

Begin on my command,


---------------------------PHYSICAL TRAINING------------------------------

Welcome to the physical training portion of your training.

While here, you will be expected to perform 20 jumping jacks as demonstrated.

Even if you know how jumping jacks are done, I will still demonstrate how we do
them here.


Do you understand how these are done?

Give me just one JJ's, to be completely sure that you have understood it.

On my command, begin 20 jumping jacks.



Welcome to the classroom, here we have certain rules to follow, these are.

Prior or after entering an indoor area, you are to take off your patrol covers
unless said otherwise.

No saluting indoors.

Do not yell nor use !. (If it’s for administrative commands such as !notepad, it is

If an officer walks into the room and he or she is the highest-ranking officer
there, then everyone must stand up and go into attention as long as it is their
first time entering the room.

Any question about the classroom rules?

Great, now enter the classroom, take a seat and stand behind him.
Remember to be attentive and take notes, let's start with the class.



Private [name],

You have displayed competence, dedication, and respect to your superiors in


Therefore, I am awarding you with full graduation from basic combat training, and
enlistment into the Army as Private Second Class.

Congratulations, Private [name].

Now that you have graduated, you will be promoted to Private Second Class within
the next 24 hours.

If you are not promoted within that time frame, you will need to contact your Drill
Sergeant or someone within TRADOC staff.

Once you have been promoted, you’ll have the possibility to join 1 out of 4
possible other commands within the United States Army.

You will be able to walk around the base once you have been promoted. You are
expected to stay around the pavilion, which is the spot you spawn.

You are not allowed to walk back and enter into this area following your promotion
to Private Second Class.

Doing so will result in you either getting arrested or punished in some sort of

Is that understood?

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