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PHIL 1402-01 - AY2024-T4: Discussion Forum Unit 1 | Home


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The due date for posting to this forum is Thursday, 18 April 2024, 5:55 AM.

This is a question and answer forum. To see other replies, you must �rst post your reply.

by Nathan Whelan-Jackson (Instructor) - Tuesday, 9 April 2024, 3:03 PM

The Discussion Forum is a loosely formatted “round-table” discussion within which you will post your own thoughts and reply to
others’ thoughts and posts. Imagine our virtual classroom arranged in a circle of chairs. You are not being called to the stage to
present your �ndings; you are being asked for the short, college-level initial input and responses from your seat. Philosophy is about
Discourse – the Discussion – the back-and-forth – and challenging of our positions to further understanding. This is not successfully
completed if each student refuses to let go of the microphone.

• Give a personal example of where you’ve seen or experienced of the basic schools of thoughts for Philosophy.
• Which of the three basic schools of Philosophy is most in line with your decision processes on a day-to-day basis? Why?
• Include a bullet or two about the ‘value’ of these schools of thought in everyday

• After posting, you must converse with the class about their (equally valid) opinions versus yours.
• Revisit the discussion forum throughout the week to continue to respond to classmates and post to anyone who has
responded to you
• Be sure to peer assess 3 of your fellow students' initial posts

201 words

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